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Home Times & Seasons The 62nd Birthday/Anniversary and the 63rd Year

The 62nd Birthday/Anniversary and the 63rd Year


So, you have gone through and marked the 62nd year? Congratulations! Welcome to the 63rd year. The 63rd year is the 12-month season following the 62nd birthday or anniversary. Year 63 is the seventh and last year of the 9th seven years or 9th prophetic week. It is also the fourteenth year in the second 49 years. It is the year of the redeemed when Heaven goes to war on behalf of the anointed. The Bible patterns for understanding the 63rd year are 1) the seventh day of creation narrative; 2) the 63rd book of the Bible; 3) the 63rd chapters of the Bible; 4) the seventh section, or last seven chapters (25-31) of First Samuel – the 9th book of the Bible.

Year 63 is a seventh-day-of-creation year in the 9th prophetic week. God did not create anything on the seventh day. He rested on that day; and so, blessed and sanctified the seventh day. It was a no-work, and no-worries, day. God did not rest because of tiredness; but because He had made all things ready. Nothing was left undone. The seventh season is when it ends. From the seventh day of creation we learn that Year 63 is a time to believe and declare that the battle is over. The rest of the seventh season is a rest of faith. It is a rest we enter into by believing God’s word that it is done. The seventh season is for release from struggles. This year, you must enter into the rest of God. You must rest in the grace of the finished work. Live in the consciousness that all is done and that the prayers are answered. This year is for standing on the Word of God and seeing it manifest.

Year 63 is a First-Samuel 25-31 year in the 9th seven years. The last seven chapters of the 9th book of the Bible is applicable to the last year of the 9th prophetic week. In this seventh section of First Samuel, David no longer needed to fight for himself. In the 25th chapter Abigail saved him from killing Nabal; an Israelite. Samuel died in this chapter. Nabal died of himself in this chapter also. David married Abigail the wife of Nabal and Ahinoam of Jezreel. Saul had given his daughter, Michal, David’s wife to someone else. In the 26th chapter, David spared Saul’s life at the wilderness of Ziph. That was the second time he was saved from shedding blood. In the 27th chapter, he returned to Achish seeking asylum. He was given a place at Ziklag to live with his men and their families. There, he was killing Philistines but pretended to be working for their king. In the 28th chapter, Saul went to consult the witch at Endor and there received his death sentence. He went to a witch instead of turning to God in repentance. Can you imagine the contradiction of looking for (the spirit of) Samuel in the house of a witch? In the 29th chapter, David went to fight for Achish in a battle against Israel. The lords of the Philistines recognized him and objected. The king discharged him and he returned to his base at Ziklag. He did not have to go to war where he would be expected to fight Saul and all Israel. In the 30th chapter, Amalekites raided Ziklag where David and his men lived; burnt their camp and took away their wives and children, David and his men pursued and recovered all. In the 31st chapter, Saul and his sons died in the battle against the Philistines. This season must have been very tough for David. He lived hypocritically among Philistines until the death of Saul. Living a double life is not God’s intention for the season. God delivered him from double dealing. This year, may the Lord deliver you from battles you shouldn’t fight. May the Lord bring down your adversaries by Himself. This is a year to stand still and see the salvation of God.

Year 63 is a book-of-Second-John year. Second John is the 63rd book of the Bible; and is addressed to “the Elect Lady”. The 63rd book of the Bible is applicable to the 63rd year. This book is about walking in the ‘truth’, keeping ‘commandments’, and holding to the ‘doctrine’. The seventh season is not a time to do your pleasure but a time to do God’s pleasure. It is a season of devotion to God. The 63rd season is a time to watch out against error and deception.

Year 63 is a Psalm 63 year. It is a year to cling to the Lord, pursue fellowship with Him, and be wrapped up in His love. The 63rd season is the Lord’s sabbath and is about Him, His power, glory, loving kindness, name, wings, and right hand. It is a season to desire and seek the manifestation of the saving power and majesty of God. Psalm 63:1-2 says, “O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water. [2] So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory”. Psalm 63:9-10 says, “But those who seek my life, to destroy it, Shall go into the lower parts of the earth. [10] They shall fall by the sword; They shall be a portion for jackals”. This declaration of the psalmist agrees with what happened to Saul in First Samuel 31. 

Year 63 is an Isaiah 63 year. In Isaiah 63, the Lord is Redeemer, Avenger, and Savior. Year 63 is for celebrating the loving kindness of the Lord expressed in His salvation and deliverance. Isaiah 63 is a revelation that the battle had been fought and won. Isaiah 63:3-6 says, “I have trodden the winepress alone, And from the peoples no one was with Me. For I have trodden them in My anger, And trampled them in My fury; Their blood is sprinkled upon My garments, And I have stained all My robes. [4] For the day of vengeance is in My heart, And the year of My redeemed has come. [5] I looked, but there was no one to help, And I wondered That there was no one to uphold; Therefore My own arm brought salvation for Me; And My own fury, it sustained Me. [6] I have trodden down the peoples in My anger, Made them drunk in My fury, And brought down their strength to the earth.” This 63rd year, the Lord will tread down your adversaries in His anger.

Year 63 is a Book of Second Chronicles year. The 63rd year is the 14th year in the Second 49 years of of life. This season has its guiding light in the 14th book of the Bible (2 Chronicles) and in the 14th chapters of the Bible. The 63rd year is a season of Intervention. The enemy comes all out to devour and swallow in this season but God always shows Himself a great deliverer in this season (Genesis 14; Exodus 14; Judges 14; 1 Samuel 14; 2 Chronicles 14; John 14; Acts 14); It was in the 14th year of the reign of Hezekiah that both Sennacherib and death came after him but God intervened in both cases (Isaiah 36-38). Although Judah went to captivity in the 14th book of the Bible, the book closed with the proclamation of Cyrus to free the captives. This 63rd is a year of divine intervention. Pray for it and expect it.

Year 63 is Hebrews – Revelation year in the 9th seven years. Every seven-year season has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The last three years of the seven-year season belongs to the New Testament side of the prophetic week. It is the ‘good news’ part of the 7-year season. The last year of the prophetic week has its guiding light in the last nine books of the Bible (or the last 9 books of the New Testament. They are books of recovery and restoration. Year 63 is a year of recovery and restoration. May this year be a year of fulfillment for you. 

Year 63 is a 14th Book and chapters of the Bible year (in the Second 49 years). As the 14th year in the Second 49 years, Year 63 has its guiding light in the 14th book and 14th chapters of the day. The 14th book and 14th chapters of the Bible reveal that the 14th season is the Lord’s season of intervention and vengeance. Abraham rescued Lot in Genesis 14. God drowned Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea in Exodus 14. Samson began to subdue the Philistines in Judges 14. Jonathan and his armor-bearer defeated Philistines in First Samuel 14. God lengthened Hezekiah’s life and destroyed Sennacherib in the 14th year of Hezekiah’s reign. Year 63 is a year of intervention and vengeance. Look up!

In this year of faith-rest, pour out your heart to God in worship and celebration of His goodness. He is the One that fights your battles. He has fought and won the battles of the 9th prophetic week! The deliverance of God’s elect is costly on the enemies of the Lord. On one hand, the 63rd year is a year of light and gladness (for the redeemed); but on the other hand, it is a year of sorrow and grief (for the adversaries of the Lord). May this last year of the 9th prophetic week end for you as the 9th book of the Bible ended for David; as the 9th chapter of the 9th book ended for Saul; as the 9th chapter of Esther ended for the Jews; as the 9th chapter of Daniel ended for the prophet; as the ninth chapter of Acts ended for the Believers at Damascus, for Brother Aeneas, and for Sister Dorcas. Happy 63rd year!



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