Friday, February 14, 2025
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On April 25, 2023 (5 Iyar 5783), Israel celebrated the 75th anniversary of her rebirth and statehood. The founding of the State of Israel is worth celebrating. Israel is a wonder on earth. “He who keeps Israel does not sleep or slumber”. Her Maker is strong. I am glad to belong to the God of Israel.

Every new year is a new season and comes with its own things. An anniversary celebration is the end of one season and the beginning of another. Israel has ended her 75th year and has moved into her 76th year. Any year celebrated gives way to another year and becomes history. When a child celebrates first birthday, it means the child has completed one year and is stepping into the second year of life.  Israel’s 75th year ended the day before the 75th anniversary and opened the door to the 76th year. As we give thanks for the 75 years that is now history, we must begin to pray into the 76th year that is now running.

How can we pray for Israel in this new season?


There are people in Israel who are seeing, daily, what needs to be prayed about and are sharing them. They are analyzing situations with discernment. We must pay attention to what they are saying because they are in the battle field. They are reporting from the field.


There are also people whom the Lord had given revelations about Israel and they are sharing what they received from the Lord. It is also important that we honor the Spirit of revelation and truth speaking through them.


There is nothing new. Every season of man had been captured in the word of God. That is the reason the Bible never expires. What I want to do is to share what I perceive the Lord is saying through the Biblical patterns for the season. It is important to consider the Biblical patterns for the 76th year – to see if the Lord is pointing to anything that can also guide us to pray.


Biblical patterns for seasons reveal what the season ought to be, what it could become and how to get the best out of the season.

There are five patterns in the Bible for understanding the 76th year:


The 76th year of the State of Israel is the sixth year in the 11th seven years (71-77) of Israel’s rebirth. As a sixth season year, the 76th year has its basic patterns in the sixth day of creation narrative, the sixth book of the Bible and the sixth chapters of the Bible. God made man and land animals on the sixth day. He made man in His image and likeness and gave man dominion over the other living creatures.. So, the animals were not in His image. As in the 6th book and chapters of the Bible, the 76th year is a season of conflict between godly and the ungodly. In this conflict, the Lord gives victory and dominion to those who bear His image and express His mind. Israel overthrew the Canaanites in the sixth book of the Bible. Elisha subdued Syrian troops in Second Kings 6. Paul tells us to “Put on the whole armor of God” and be ready to battle evil spiritual forces in Ephesians 6. Israel’s 76th year is a season of intense spiritual warfare and the Lord is calling those who bear His image to rise and take their places.

#2. First Kings 17-19.

The 11th book of the Bible is the pattern for the 11th seven years of Israel (2018 – 2025) and the sixth section of the book (chapters 17-19 is applicable to the sixth year of her 11th seven years. So, this 76th year is a First Kings 17-19 season. The three chapters in this sixth division are the Elijah chapters in the 11th book of the Bible.

. There are three things to learn from the passages:
1. Divine resistance against rebellion and permissiveness. A spirit of rebellion and permissiveness had taken over the Northern kingdom of Israel by the time Ahab and Jezebel became king and queen before Elijah came on the scene to arrest spiritual disorder. The 76th year of the State of Israel is an Elijah (or Spirit of Elijah) season in Israel. The 76th year of the State of Israel is a season of collision between the spirit of Elijah and the Ahab-Jezebel spirit. In the days of Elijah, although Ahab sat on the throne, Elijah was in charge. He determined when rain will cease and when it would fall. The Lord is calling for a prophetic takeover of nations. God’s people in the nations have looked too much to the politicians for change. We have always thought that change of government will change everything but governments are always changing and dragging people back and forth. There is no perfect government until the Lord returns and takes over

2. The revelation of the True God. Elijah revealed the True God. He first brought judgment by seizing rain for 42 months. He showed that God is a Provider and Restorer of life. He shamed the Baal and it’s worshippers when he prayed to the God of Israel, on Mount Carmel, to manifest Himself by sending fire from heaven. He also received a mandate to raise a new generation – in Jehu, Hazel and Elisha after Jezebel threatened to kill him. The Lord is calling and challenging us to get off controversies and arguments and make His presence real on earth. When people see the true God, many will give up idols. They will the alternatives that idols represent. When the people see the reality of the power of Yeshua, they will say, “Yeshua is Lord”.

3. The challenge of being a lone reformer. Elijah was a great prophet but he was also a lone ranger. God does not want us to run alone like Elijah but to run together with companies of present and next generation leaders. It doesn’t matter how ugly things may seem, we must set our eyes on raising the next prophetic generation for the tasks ahead. The journey is far and we cannot afford to be discouraged by the look of things. We must be ready to see God in unfamiliar ways. The Elijah movement must give birth to Elisha, Jehu and Hazael.

#3. Psalm 76: Going through the 76th year of the State of Israel is like taking a prophetic journey through Psalm 76. The 76th Psalm is a prophetic representation of the 76th year.  Psalm 76:1-12 says, “In Judah God is known; His name is great in Israel. [2] In Salem also is His tabernacle, And His dwelling place in Zion. [3] There He broke the arrows of the bow, The shield and sword of battle. Selah [4] You are more glorious and excellent Than the mountains of prey. [5] The stouthearted were plundered; They have sunk into their sleep; And none of the mighty men have found the use of their hands. [6] At Your rebuke, O God of Jacob, Both the chariot and horse were cast into a dead sleep. [7] You, Yourself, are to be feared; And who may stand in Your presence When once You are angry? [8] You caused judgment to be heard from heaven; The earth feared and was still, [9] When God arose to judgment, To deliver all the oppressed of the earth. Selah [10] Surely the wrath of man shall praise You; With the remainder of wrath You shall gird Yourself. [11] Make vows to the LORD your God, and pay them; Let all who are around Him bring presents to Him who ought to be feared. [12] He shall cut off the spirit of princes; He is awesome to the kings of the earth”.

Let the Lord be magnified  in Israel in her 76th year!

#4. The 27th Book and 27th Chapters of the Bible: The 76th year of Israel is the 27th year in her second 49 years (1997 – 2046) of statehood. The 27th book of Daniel is applicable. Israel is going through her second prophetic week of weeks (49 years) as a reborn nation. This 76th year, for Israel, would be like taking a prophetic journey through the book of Daniel – the 27th book of the Bible. This is a season to magnify God by standing out for Him. As the Lord is stirring the spirit of Elijah in the land, He is also raising a Daniel company from humble places. They are foreigners compelled to be in a land they did not choose. They are blessed with wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The enemy will want to swallow them up and shut their voices (as he sought to do to Daniel and his friends in Babylon) but the Lord will stand by them. This will be a season of unveiling for recognition. Those who trust God with their lives are about to be recognized and honored by men.

#5. Abraham’s Departure from Ur: Abraham was 75 (in his 76th year) when he began the historic journey to the Land of Promise. He took off as a man in the image and likeness of God on a mission to subdue and have dominion. When Elijah rose to speak in Israel, it was like an Abraham journey to subdue and have dominion. When Daniel arrived Babylon, it  was like Abraham arriving the land he would subdue and have dominion. As Israel turned 75, Abraham’s story sounds a loud alarm: “It is time to go from where you want to be to where the Lord wants you to be”. It is time to shift!


Israel has been going through her 11th seven years since 2018 and have also been having 11th season challenges. Israel struggled with leadership in the 11th book of the Bible. Unity was difficult to achieve. The kingdom divided into two in the 11th book of the Bible. The 11th book and chapters of the Bible indicate that division often strikes in the 11th season. The Babel Confusion is recorded in Genesis 11. The Great Schism (East – West Schism) happened in the 11th century (1054). The 11th seven years of a nation is a time to fight for unity. This 11th seven -years of Israel will end in 2025 when Israel celebrates 77.

From the 19th chapter, God began to demand commitment from His people. In the 20th chapter, God gave the Ten Commandments. In the 21st chapter, there are commandments about servants, violence, and animal control. The 22nd to the 24th chapters are still laws covering different subjects. Exodus 19-24 are about recognizing and respecting the rights of God and the rights of men. The 11th seven years is for recognizing the rights of God and the rights of men. Men are tempted, in this season, to disregard the rights of others and overstep boundaries.


The five Biblical patterns for Israel’s 76th year are pointing in the same direction:

1. This is a season of conflict and dominion for the saints. It is a season of battle to establish the will of God in the land.

Pray that the Lord’s people will triumph (as in the sixth book and chapters of the Bible) and that the Lord will possess His possession in Israel this season. 

2. This is a season of unveiling hidden vessels and things.

Pray for peaceful unveiling of agents of God called and raised for this season in Israel.

3. It is a season when the Lord makes Himself known through the battles He fights and wins.

Declare Psalm 76 over Israel and pray that the name of the Lord will be magnified in Israel this season.

#4. It is a season to take a clear stand for God as Elijah and Daniel did in their days.

Decree that the season of standing between two opinions is over in Israel. Pray that Israel will be led to take a clear stand for God in this season. Pray that the God Who answers by fire will show up again in Israel.

5. It is time to shift forward as Abraham did at 75.

Pray that Israel and all God’s people will hear and heed this call to move to a higher ground.

Happy 76th year, Israel!

Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri is a herald of patterns, principles, and seasons, for the restoration of eternal purposes on earth. He has a mandate to bring understanding of times and seasons to the nations using a biblical model. He proclaims that NOW is the time to actualize dreams and expectations leading to the manifestation of The kingdom on earth


  1. Sir, a God moment to you.

    May you continually connect to the live stream of the Holy Spirit of God!

    I am gaining so much knowledge, wisdom and understanding from your prophetic articles.

    My spirit man is being enlightened!

    Glory to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

    Shalom and abundant blessings to you, your family and team🙏🏾


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