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The Mystery of Nigeria’s 16th Leader

The timing of the emergence of a leader is key to understanding, from the Bible, the reason the leader came to power, the challenges the leader will face, and the way the leader should operate. The 16th National Leader would be coming to do ’16th season things’ in Nigeria. That leader will also face 16th season challenges. A new season is coming upon us in Nigeria; and we all need to know how to handle it. 

The emergence of a new leader is the arrival of a new season. The Bible reveals that the major reason kings and thrones prosper is alignment with God – even if the kings do not know God. President Muhammadu Buhari is Nigeria’s 15th national leader. He had served as the nation’s seventh national leader (military head of state) in fourth seven years of Nigeria. God raised him first to serve as Nigeria’s 7th national leader; and expected him to work like the judges in the 7th book of the Bible; and deliver Nigeria from her oppressors. In trying to deliver Nigeria from oppression, his regime became oppressive. About 20 months in office, Heaven removed the covering over his administration and he was overthrown. The Lord gave him another  opportunity and made him the 15th national leader; and the fourth president in the fourth republic God expected him to serve like King Cyrus in the 15th book of the Bible by ending ethno-religious oppression in Nigeria – as Cyrus ended Babylonian captivity for the Jews. His administration was to express the 15th book and chapters of the Bible for the good of Nigeria. However, the oppressed in Nigeria seem to have experienced more oppression in his season. Like King Saul, who was assigned to destroy Amalek but spared Agag, the king, of Amalek, Nigerians have accused the administration of being selective and biased in the war against corruption and terrorism. Losing his trusted men is not a blessing to his administration or to Nigeria.

As we think about the leadership change that should happen in 2023, some Nigerians are just waiting for 2023 as if the year is going to perform some magic that will solve Nigeria’s problems. Others are wrongly consumed with anxiety about which political party or geopolitical zone is going to produce the next president. I think we should be more concerned about what Nigerians would be experiencing when the 16th leader shows up. That will help us to make choices – if Heaven permits. First Chronicles 12:32 puts ‘understanding the time’ ahead of ‘knowing what Israel ought to do’. Our choices and decisions must be based on our knowledge of the 16th gate of time. 


Why is it important to write about the season of Nigeria’s 16th National Leader? There are five reasons I am writing about this:

1. Nigeria’s next major step would be embracing the 16th national leader (President Buhari’s successor). What will Nigeria be embracing in that leader – righteousness or wickedness?

2. If only Nigerians knew, before 2015, what the season of the 15th national  leader, would look like, we could have all braced up and prepared for it. Now, God wants us to know what the season of the 16th national leader holds.

3. The 16th National Leader may need this kind of prophetic light to stay focused and safe. It is dangerous to be ignorant of the gate of time you express; or are going through.

4. The 16th NL will be an answer to current prayers. That leader will be ‘a new thing’ coming into governance in Nigerian. Nigerians are heading to a major change and need to prepare.

5. The 16th book and chapters of the Bible indicate that the 16th season is a new beginning. It’s always a break and a leap from the 15th. The SNL (Sixteenth National Leader) is a departure from the 15th.


The Bible and history indicate that new people and things (good and bad) get on board in the 16th season.  It is a season of ‘the great shift’. Since Ecclesiastes 1:9-10 reveals that what had been is what will be, here are few things we can learn from the past about change in the the 16th season: 

In Genesis 16, Hagar became pregnant for Abraham and gave birth to Ishmael. That was a change of narrative in Abraham’s house. In Exodus 16, Israel began to eat Manna and Quail in the wilderness. ‘Manna’ means “what is this?”. In Numbers 16, the rebellion of Korah and his company took place. “A new thing” happened: the ground opened and swallowed 250 strong and healthy rebels. In Judges 16, Delilah showed up in Samson’s life. Samson though it was still business as usual. He thought he could still go out and do as before; but everything had changed. In First Samuel 16, God led Samuel to anoint David as Saul’s successor. David was a game-changer in Israel. In Second Samuel 16, David fled Jerusalem.  Absalom took over and had Ahitophel as chief adviser. Ahab and Jezebel came to throne in the 16th chapter of First Kings. In Second Kings 16, Ahaz became king of Judah; and imported ‘a new altar’ from Damascus. In First Chronicles 16, the Ark of God was brought into the Tabernacle (not tabernacle of Moses but tabernacle of David). In Second Chronicles 16, Asa lost faith in God and declined to death. In the 16th book of the Bible, Nehemiah went to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem “that we no longer be a reproach. In Matthew 16, Peter made the Great Confession about the divinity of Jesus. “From that time Jesus began to show to His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day” (Matthew 16:21). In Acts 16, Paul had a new missionary companion in Silas. He parted ways with Barnabas in Acts 15. He and his new companion saw God move mysteriously at Philippi. In Revelation 16, all seven bowls of judgment were released. The seven seals were not opened in one chapter; and the seven trumpets did not sound in one chapter. 

Does modern history agree what the 16th book and chapters of the Bible indicate? Yes! The church changed in the 16th century with the Protestant Reformation that took place in the 16th century. In America, the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, was the first Presidential candidate of the Republican Party. He was a great change agent in American history. His administration abolished slavery in the United States. The 16th National Leader will be ‘a new thing’ – a departure from what we have seen and known – and is worth writing about.


There are five scriptural patterns that can help us to understand the mystery of the 16th leader. The first is the Genesis 1: 6-8 pattern. The second is the Genesis 1: 20-23 pattern. The third is the Exodus 13-18 pattern. The fourth is the Book of Second Samuel pattern. The fifth is the book Nehemiah pattern. The 16th leader will have the faces of the second and fifth days of creation, the face of Moses, the face of David, and the face of Nehemiah.

1. THE GENESIS 1:6-8 PATTERN: The Sixteenth National Leader will be the second of Nigeria’s third seven leaders. In the Bible, narratives take a new course from the third chapter. The season of Nigeria’s third seven leaders is a game-changing season. The 15th leader (Muhamnadu Buhari) has opened the way. Like what happened on the first day of creation (the day of noiseless actors), Buhari’s season is one of noiseless action – for good or evil. Darkness and light do not make noise but their effects are undeniable. Was Buhari’s season one of light or darkness? The 16th leader will express the second day of creation. God made the firmament on the second day to break or thwart the monopoly of the waters. Nothing else but water would have existed if God did not create the firmament on the second day. The Nigeria of the 15th leader is a country of monopolies. The 16th leader ought to be a monopoly-breaker. The 16th leader ought to be set against space-blockers in Nigeria. The 16th leader should be on a mission to give room and performance-space to all Nigerians. He ought to be a ‘way-maker’. If He is coming to make a way, may Heaven make a way for Him. Pray that the 16th leader is not a space-blocker. May Heaven block a space-blockers from becoming Nigeria’s 16th leader.

2. THE GENESIS 1:20-23 PATTERN: The 16th Leader will be the fifth President in the 4th Republic. His season will be a fifth day creation season. He will be a fifth-season leader. God made abundance of moving creatures on the fifth day. That was also the day He began to bless creation. The fifth season is for full expression of life. Things that hinder full expression of life (scarcity, barrenness, disease, death, bondage, curses) are the challenges that come in the fifth season. This season will favor freedom, fruitfulness, multiplication, and abundance. 

3. THE EXODUS 13-18 PATTERN: The 16th leader will be like a Moses leading Israel out of bondage in Exodus 13-18. The third six chapters of Exodus apply to 2023-2030 (the tenth seven years of Nigeria or the third seven years in our second 49 years). The 16th leader should be in office at this time. Moses led liberated Israel out of Egypt and through initial wilderness challenges. The 16th leader should be leading Nigeria out of the present bondage but may have to lead the nation through the way of the wilderness. See my article, FROM GROANING TO GLORY

4. THE SECOND SAMUEL PATTERN: The 16th leader should be like David in the book of Second Samuel. The book of Second Samuel is the 10th book of the Bible and is also applicable to the 10th seven years of Nigeria. David succeeded Saul, subdued the enemies of Israel, and brought back the Ark of God’s presence to the tabernacle he built. He made preparations for the Temple of God. The season of the 16th leader will prepare grounds for the Tabernacle of God in Nigeria.

5. THE BOOK OF NEHEMIAH PATTERN: The 16th leader will be like Nehemiah. The book of Nehemiah is the 16th book of the Bible and is a pattern for the 16th seven years and the season of the 16th leader. The 16th book of the Bible is named after Nehemiah. He was butler to a Persian king. Upon hearing the ruined state of Jerusalem, he mourned, prayed, fasted, and wept until he received a vision to rebuild the wall. Nehemiah was a patriotic rebuilder. The 16th National leader should be coming to rebuild Nigeria – “that we no longer be a reproach” among the nations. The 16th leader should be coming to rebuild our wall and gates. Nehemiah and the people rebuilt the wall and hung the gates in 52 days amid opposition. The work was, indeed, done by God as Nehemiah testified. The broken walls of Nigeria can be rebuilt. Wall are for separation and security, There are seven gates we must rebuild: Morale Gate, Integrity Gate, Justice Gate, Economy Gate, Security Gate, Unity Gate, Standards Gate, and Reputation Gate.

Rebuilding the wall and gates will take five things: love of country, leaning on God, mobilizing the people, modeling sacrificial leadership, and staying focused – refusing to be distracted by foes. Nehemiah had all five. He was passionate about Jerusalem. He was prayerful. He was a humble communicator that could touch the heart of the people. He was a sacrificial leader – denying himself the governor’s portion. He was a disciplined and focused leader. Nehemiah was a 16th season leader. That is the reason the book of Nehemiah is the 16th in the Bible. Every book of the Bible is where it is because of the season it speaks to. 


This is the big question in the heart of every concerned Nigerian at this time. This is also a very sensitive question that only the Lord and His word can answer for us. I will just attempt the question by highlighting what the Lord revealed to me about how He solves problems in scond seasons. The acts of God are products of the ways of God. Nigeria is going through a core second season. At the time of this writing, we are in the second seven years of our second 49 years. That’s a core second season. God may not always follow His pattern of doing things as in the Virgin Conception; but that is just an exception to the rule. The Lord showed me, through the second book and chapters of the Bible, that He hides second season answers where the problem is. Careful study of the second book and chapters of the Bible will confirm this truth to you. In Genesis 2, the woman was hidden in the man. In the second chapter of the second book of the Bible, Moses was hidden in Pharaoh’s house until he came of age. In the 9th book of the Bible (the second of the second seven books), Samuel was hidden with Eli and David with Saul. At a time, He even hid David among the Philistines. David was a man after God’s heart but He was also a good and faithful servant of Saul, the rejected king. He served Saul and served him well. At the beginning of our second 49 years, God already hid Goodluck Jonathan behind Umar Musa Yar’Adua. God also hid Osinbajo behind In Acts 9, Paul the Apostle was hidden in Saul the persecutor. The Apostle was hidden among the Pharisees! This is the mystery of the season we are in. How about zoning and the other questions? How about the prophecies, promises, and expectations concerning a president from the South-east? Every eye is on the South-east. God also has a solid plan for the South-east and will definitely fulfill it.. Let us continue to pray that He finds the ‘David’, the 16th leader, in the South-east at this time. The important thing is allowing God to have His way. The person Samuel anointed in First Samuel 16 surprised everyone including the prophet himself. Macedonia was not Paul’s first choice in Acts 16. They had desired to preach in other places but the Holy Spirit forbade them. Acts 16: 6-10 says, “Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. [7] After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them. [8] So passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. [9] And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” [10] Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them”.

We must look beneath the surface to get it right in this season. This is a time to look at what God is looking at. It is time to see as God sees.



The 16th season is a time of pressures often leading to wrong decisions. In Genesis 16, Sarah came under the pressure of barrenness and gave her maid, Hagar, to her husband as wife. That’s how Ishmael was conceived for Abraham. When Hagar conceived and became arrogant, Sarah, under pressure again, dealt oppressively with her. When Hagar came under intense pressure from Sarah’s high-handedness, she ran away from the house. The Lord had to send her back with a command to be submissive to Sarah. Acting under the pressure of circumstances in the 16th season never brings pleasure to God.

In Exodus 16, pressure made Israel complain against God, Moses, and Aaron. In Judges 16, Samson yielded to pressure from Delilah and broke his oath of consecration to God – at a costly price. In Second Samuel 16, pressure from Ahitophel made Absalom sleep with his father’s concubine in the sight of all Israel. In 2 Chronicles 16, King Asa gave in to pressure from fear, and bribed an ungodly king to help him against his enemies. He dishonored God through unbelief. That was the beginning of his downfall. In Luke 16, the unfaithful steward, for fear of losing his job, and facing a jobless future, gave away his master’s resources to debtors – to curry favor. That was double error. Rather than yield to pressures, turn the pressures into prayers and praises to God and expect His intervention.


In this season, if you are going to say and do what is right, you are going to step badly on some toes. In the 16th chapter of First Samuel, the prophet knew he would be dead if King Saul found out he went to Bethlehem to anoint a new king. The Lord told him how to go about it. In 2 Chronicles 16, King Asa imprisoned the prophet of God who told him he was wrong to have sought assistance from an ungodly king. 

In Nehemiah, the 16th book of the Bible, when Sanballat and Tobiah heard that someone had risen to seek the well-being of the children of Israel, they were angry and deeply disturbed. In John 16, Jesus told His disciples to expect persecution – to be thrown out of the synagogue, imprisoned, or even killed. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were thrown into prison for casting out a devil from a slave-girl. The 16th century protestant reformers were persecuted. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States faced opposition to death.


Expect doomed-to-fail, in-house, revolutions. In Numbers 16, Korah, Dathan and Abiram, led a revolution against Moses and Aaron. It was unsuccessful though. They paid dearly for it. In the sixteenth chapter of Second Samuel, Absalom’s ill-fated revolution to overthrow King David, his father, reached its peak. David fled Jerusalem to save his life. In the First Kings 16, Zimri rose against his master, Elah, the son of Baasha, and took over the throne. He also killed every member and friend of the house of Baasha. Israel did not support Zimri’s bloody coup. They made Omri, the father of Ahab, king instead. Zimri was king for only seven days! When he saw his revolution had failed, he committed suicide by raising fire over his house. The US Civil War happened in the days of the 16th President, Abraham Lincoln. There will be attempts to overthrow the 16th National Leader.


The 16th season does not support rebels. In Numbers 16, the earth swallowed up the rebellious company of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. In Judges 16, Samson was brought low for allowing his head shaved in rebellion against God. In Second Samuel 16, David bore the painful consequences of the evil he did to Uriah the Hittite. In First Kings 16, both Baasha and Zimri paid the costly price of wickedness. In the sixteenth chapters of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, there were proclamations of judgment against unrighteousness. In Luke 16, the rich man who lived sumptuously, and neglected the poor, ended in a place of torment. In Revelation 16, God prepared and poured out seven bowls of wrath on earth (Disease and Death, Marine Life Disaster, Water Crisis, Confusion and Depravity, Climate Change: Heat, Demonically orchestrated wars, Economic Collapse and the fall of nations) in reaction to extreme ungodliness. In the United States, the Confederate forces lost the war against the Union army. The 16th President of Philippines is very hard on law breakers – especially drug-law breakers.


Samson failed in Judges 16 because the Spirit left him. In the sixteenth chapter of First Samuel, the Spirit came mightily on David. He did not have overt manifestations of prophesying like Saul; but he was a Spirit-guided man. He was taught by God; and the result was deep insights and revelations. He always had the right strategy for battles. In John 16, Jesus said, “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you” (John 16:12-14 NKJV). 

In Acts 16, Paul was guided by the Spirit to go to Macedonia. “Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them. So passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them” (Acts 16:6-10 NKJV). In this season, you would be Spirit-guided!


In the 16th chapter of First Samuel, after Samuel anointed David, the next major call was to play music in King Saul’s palace. Music introduced him to the palace. He had been a secret-worshipper but God raised him to revolutionize the worship of Jehovah by bringing songs and singers into the temple. David was a man of prayer and songs. In the 16th book of the Bible, Nehemiah is shown to be a man of prayer and had great respect for the ministry of singers. There is more mention of ‘singers’ in the book of Nehemiah than in any other book of the Bible. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas experienced the wonders of God by praying and singing. In this season, whatever happens, remember the key of praying and singing praises to God. In the season of the 16th National Leader, the church must engage, fully, the mystery of singing praises to God.


God provides for His people, and sustains them supernaturally, when the ordinary or conventional means of sustenance fails. God began to give Manna and Quails to Israel in the 16th chapter of Exodus. In the morning, Manna came with the dew as breakfast; and in the evening they had Quails as meat for dinner. Israel complained before God gave them Manna and Quails. God gave them Manna and Quail because they lacked conventional food and life was hard. The 16th season is a season of hardship; but the grace of God is always there to make things easier. In the fifth chapter of the 16th book of the Bible, there was an outcry because of hardship. Nehemiah intervened and gave himself as a model if sacrifice. Luke 16 tells two stories bordering on the economy: unjust steward who favored his master’s debtors with debt-reduction to secure his own economic future; and of Lazarus who lacked food to eat and looked to the rich man for help. In John 16, Jesus spoke of tribulations in the world. In Acts 16, a slave girl was making money for her master through fortune-telling. Why fortune-telling? Life was hard and people needed to know about the future. These are prophetic indicators of hardship in the 16th season. The 16th National Leader must have a solid economic relief plan. He must have seasoned economic advisers and technocrats.


The sixteenth season is a season of demons working deception through pressures or pleasures. Evil spirits of deception are deployed to cause havoc in this season. In Genesis 16, Sarah was deceived to give Hagar, her maid, to her husband as wife. That’s how Ishmael was conceived for Abraham. The result is still here with us. In Numbers 16, Korah and company perished through deception. In Judges 16, Delilah deceived Samson to his death. He thought he had found a lover in Delilah. He did not know she was an enemy and a killer though the signs were obvious. In the 16th chapter of First Samuel, while David was bubbling with the Holy Spirit, evil spirits took over Saul’s mind to mislead him further. In Second Samuel 16, Ziba deceived David concerning Mephibosheth. In the same chapter, Absalom went deeper into deception in his bid to unseat his father. Praise-singers led him into foolishness. In Second Chronicles 16, Asa was deceived to seek the help of an ungodly king. He was deceived to trust in human strength. God rebuked him for it; but he never recovered from that loss of faith. Satan spoke through Peter in the 16th chapter of Matthew; to dissuade Jesus from going to the cross. Jesus also said the gates of hades will not prevail against His church in the same chapter Peter was deceived. In Mark 16, Jesus said those who believe in Him would cast out demons. The first sign Jesus said would follow those who believe, in Mark 16, is ability to handle demons. In Acts 16, Paul cast out a spirit of divination from a slave girl making money for his master through fortune-telling. In Revelation 16, three unclean spirits deceived kings and nations and gathered them to the great battle of Armageddon. In the 16th book of the Bible, Shemaiah pretended to be a messenger of God when he told Nehemiah to go and hide in the temple. Nehemiah found out he was hired by his enemies to deceive, distract, and destroy him. There is deception in the air in every 16th season; and individuals, organizations, institutions, ministries, and nations are targets. In the season of the 16th National Leader, both the leader and the people must be ready to overcome deception. 

The 16th National Leader needs to be deception-proof rather than just bullet-proof. The 16th National Leader should be very discerning because of hovering spirits of deception. The 16th National leader should be surrounded by faithful, informed, discerning, and spiritually sensitive people. This leader must have a discerning and spiritually sensitive cabal. The leader should be open to visions and revelations; but be careful to not be misled by them. It was by revelation that Paul went to Macedonia; but he was discerning enough to know when an evil spirit was speaking accurately through a slave girl. Peter received the revelation that Jesus is the Christ and Son of God. Jesus said Peters confession of Him was by divine revelation. Jesus Aldo knew when Peter hot out of line. It was by the spirit of revelation that Samuel did not pour oil on the wrong head in the sixteenth chapter of First Samuel. 


The sixteenth season is a season of great falls. This is revealed in the 16th chapters of the Bible. Samson, the mighty warrior of Israel, fell into the hands of his enemies in the 16th chapter of the book of Judges. He thought he had become so experienced in guerrilla warfare; and became complacent and careless with respect to his consecration to God. It cost him his eyes, his great strength, and eventually, his life. David, the great king of Israel, also suffered great humiliation in the 16th chapter of Second Samuel, as he fled Jerusalem, from Absalom his son. All hell broke loose against him. The Lord’s anointed, before whom no nation or king could stand, fled like a coward, and could not stand before his own son. In the 16th chapter of Luke, the rich man, who fed so sumptuously, died and ended up in a place of torment; where he needed the help of poor Lazarus. He begged for everything but got nothing. In the 16th chapter of Revelation, John shared his vision of ‘the great city’ that divided into three parts by a mighty shaking. The 16th chapters of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, speak of the fall of nations. The 16th season swallows up the deceived and unwary. 

Louis XVI was the last king of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. He died by execution. Spencer Perceval, the 17th person to serve as UK Prime Minister was assassinated May 11, 1812; at the beginning of the 16th seven years of the United Kingdom. The war of 1812 between the United Kingdom and the United States also happened in the opening years of the 16th seven years of the United Kingdom. Napoleon Bonaparte fell in the 16th year of his rise to power. He came to power November 10, 1799 and lost his empire June 22 1815. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States was the first US president to be assassinated. He was assassinated in a movie theater on his very happy day. The Union forces had won the Civil War. The same night, the Vice President, and the Secretary of State were also targeted for assassination. The Secretary of State received wounds he recovered from. The person detailed to kill the Vice President lacked the courage to try. Within the 16th seven years of the United States, the 20th President, James Garfield was assassinated. In 1976 (the 16th year of Nigeria), Murtala Mohammed, the fourth National Leader, was assassinated. In 2016, the 16th year of the 21st century, the Russian Ambassador to Turkey, Andrew Karlovy was assassinated. In the same year, UK Parliamentarian, Joe Cox was assassinated.  Same 2016, Gideon Aremu, former Oyo State legislator,  was murdered July 1. The 16th season does not have to be a season of falls. It can also be a season great recoveries. The Lord will preserve our nation and the 16th National Leader in this season. The 16th national leader must learn to pray Psalm 16:1: “Preserve me, O God, for in You I put my trust”. Psalm 16 should be the 16th leader’s prayer. He should walk in the wisdom reserved in Proverbs 16.


Although there shall be great falls in this season, there shall also be great recoveries. Samson failed and fell woefully in the 16th chapter of Judges, but, he also experienced a brief recovery of strength, by which he dealt a fatal blow to the Philistines in the same chapter. He died with his enemies though. In Nehemiah, the sixteenth book of the Bible, the ruined walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt to end the reproach of the Jews. The Jewish faith was also restored in a mighty revival. Jesus rose from the dead in the sixteenth chapter of Mark, and commanded his disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. In the sixteenth century, via the Protestant Reformation, the church recovered from great loss of truth. Thanks to the reformers. We could not have been where we are today without them. In the season of Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, there was recovery of hope for slaves by the Emancipation Proclamation; and the nation leaped forward. The sixteenth chapters of Jeremiah and Ezekiel also speak of restoration after a fall. What shall we expect in the season of the 16th National Leader? I pray it is great recovery.


May the season of the 16th National Leader be one of great open doors. Hagar had opportunity to become her master’s wife in Genesis 16. Who would have told Hagar she would be part of Abraham’s story; or that she would become the mother of nations? What about David as king of Israel. I can hardly imagine how David felt on the day Samuel anointed him. David was anointed king before his older brothers in the 16th chapter of First Samuel. He was called from the bush where he was taking care of livestock for the family – when none of his brothers could fit into what God had in mind. On a day that seemed like every other day, God picked him, without consulting any man, to be the next king. How would a shepherd become king? God knows how! In the same chapter, Saul, the incumbent ruler, heard of his musical skills and recruited him to be the king’s soothing harpist. Why that? God opened another door that would begin to prepare him for life in the palace. Did Nehemiah ever think he would become the governor of Judah? You may never be able to guess who the 16th National Leader would be. This is a season of ‘wonders-hard-to-believe’. Those who say “it can never happen” would be proved wrong. People who seem to have no chance at all will take over the scene. “These signs shall follow those who believe….” Surprises are on the way.


The sixteenth season is a season of women, The 16th book and chapters of the Bible indicate that women have a strategic place in this season. Genesis 16 opens with a woman calling the shots. The chapter is about Sarah and Hagar. Judges 16 introduces the seductress, Delilah, as the Philistine’s last hope of gaining victory over Samson. They succeeded with her. In Second Samuel 16, Absalom sexually abused his father’s concubine whom he left to keep the house as he fled Jerusalem. In First Kings 16, Jezebel came to power with her husband, Ahab. In the second chapter of the 16th book of the Bible, the king’s wife sat beside him as Nehemiah sought permission to go and rebuild the wall and gates of Jerusalem.  In Mark 16, Mary Magdalena, Mary the mother of James, Salome went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus on the morning of resurrection. They took the good news of Jesus’ resurrection to His disciples. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas started ministry in a women prayer meeting. There they met Lydia, the prominent seller of purple who became a follower of Chris; and in whose house they lodged. They went to prison because they cast out a spirit of divination from a slave girl that made money for her master through fortune-telling. Women are great movers in the 16th season and they will play strategic roles in the season of the 16th National Leader – both for good and evil. In the season of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, women were a force to reckon with.


1. We should engage the force of prayer. The 16th book on the Bible reveals that Nehemiah was a man of prayer.  Paul and Silas prayed in Acts 16. The 16th gate is a supernatural gate. It does not answer to efforts of flesh and blood. It is a season when the work must be done by God.

2. We should engage the weapon of singing praises to God against the demonic hosts in Nigeria. Spirit-filled singers in Nigeria should come together in this season and for this reason. God’s peoole in Nigeria should sing praises to God, on purpose, like never before.

3. We should listen to the Voice of the Spirit. What we do in the 16th season should be by the leading of the Spirit. Paul and Silas had their preferences in Acts 16; but they were very sensitive to the Voice from heaven. What is Heaven saying about Buhari’s successor?

4. We should be discerning and not fall for appearance. We should not call or make the wrong candidates the Lord’s Anointed. We should not choose whom the Lord had not chosen. We must keep our eyes on the LORD’s face and finger. Who is He smiling at? Who is He pointing to?

5. We should unite and rise to build. Families in Nigeria (churches, ethnic groups, professional bodies, etc) should take up portions of the broken walls and fallen gates. All must show a willingness to rebuild Nigeria. Nehemiah did not manipulate or buy the people to follow him. He did not use ‘divide and rule’ system. He spoke to the people and they rose to work.

6. We must not be confused about what we are looking for. We’re not just looking for a leader; but also for a problem – solver. We are looking for a builder and a restorer. We’re looking for a shepherding leader. We’re looking for that one who had fought both lion and bear and prevailed. We are looking for a leader who knows what it means to serve and follow. David served and followed. Nehemiah served and followed.

7. We need a strong network of spiritual intelligence. The 16th book of the Bible mentions ‘gatekeepers’ more than any other book of the Bible. The season needs watchmen and gatekeepers. The 16th gate of leadership in Nigeria must be manned.


1. Pray for the preservation of the SNL. Paralyze evil hands, blind evil eyes, and frustrate evil plans against the SNL.

2. Block the path to the office of the SNL from the reach of Absalom (2 Samuel 16) and Zimri and the House of Omri (1 Kings 16). A Jezebel will not be First Lady in Nigeria.

3. Pray that the SNL will be stirred, convinced and courageous to step forward; and that great favor will mark the path of this leader.

4. Pray against deception, and for spiritual sensitivity, in this season. Pray that evil spirits deployed for this season will be too weak to operate. 

5. Pray against the fall of the anointed in this season. This SNL will not fall like Samson or Saul, or Lincoln. There will be no lack of wisdom.

6. Pray that wise women and men will be in the cabinet in this season. Pray against the rise of an evil Ahitophel-cabal in the team of the SNL.

7. Pray that God’s miraculous power will back the SNL in ways unprecedented in this season.  


The season of the 16th National Leader is a special gate of time. It is one we must handle with great discernment and watchfulness. We need watchmen and gate-keepers for this gate of time – prayer warriors, seers, strategic thinkers, and social technocrats. We need to pray right prayers and do right things the right way. Jesus said, “…If the master of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched and not allowed his house to be broken into” (Matthew 24:43). Now you know!

Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri is a herald of patterns, principles, and seasons, for the restoration of eternal purposes on earth. He has a mandate to bring understanding of times and seasons to the nations using a biblical model. He proclaims that NOW is the time to actualize dreams and expectations leading to the manifestation of The kingdom on earth


  1. Apostle, good evening. I thank The Lord God Almighty, The giver of life and every good and perfect gift, to the world, including giving you to us, in this dispensation.

    The write up on the season of the 16th national leader, is most revealing.

    The onus falls on us, the church, to rise up tore the path that God recommended.

    The errors of 2015 and 2019 must not repeat itself. We have no excuse whatsoever for disobedience, in the magnitude of the above mentioned years (season) of our life, as a nation.

    May Our Heavenly Father continue to guide you, guard you, protect you, your family and ministry, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

    May He grant you deeper insights into the times and season. That through you, the world would be guided and be adequately informed, to tow the path of righteousness. Amen.

    • Dear Apostle John,
      Thank you for reading THE MYSTERY OF NIGERIA’S 16TH LEADER and for your encouraging feedback. I say AMEN to your prayers for me and our nation. Again, thanks for being there. God bless you Sir!

  2. This is awesome and my heart connect completely with you have said in this revelation, we have been praying for the sixteenth president for some time now and I just came back from Lagos for the unveiling of project 16 mandate for the 16th president of Nigeria… the Spirit of God, is one steering heart from different direction but for one and thesame purpose.

    • Thank you for your feedback and confirmation. We give thanks to the Revealer of Truth and continue to pray that His will be done in Nigeria as it is in heaven; even in this matter of Nigeria’s 16th Leader. Thanks, again, for being there.


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