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Home Times & Seasons The Mystery of the 46th Week (November 12-18)

The Mystery of the 46th Week (November 12-18)


Welcome to the 46th week of the year! This is the week of November 12-18 in a Clear Year and November 13-19 in a Leap Year. The 46th week is the fourth week in the seventh seven weeks of the year. It is the middle of the seventh seven weeks for the year. It is the bridge-week in the seventh 49 days of the year. Week 46 is a fourth-season week. Bible patterns for decoding the mystery of the 46th week are 1) The fourth day of creation narrative. 2) The 46th book of the Bible. 3) The 46th chapters of the Bible. 4) The fourth three chapters (10-12) of the seventh book of the Bible, Judges.

Week 46 is a fourth-day-of-creation week. God made the luminaries on the fourth day of creation to be for light, to divide light from darkness, to rule the day and the night, and to be for signs, seasons, days, and years. Although God released light against darkness on the first day of creation, He made lights on the fourth day of creation. Why did He focus on light again on the fourth day of creation? Every fourth season is a fight-back season for darkness – working through fear, deception, delusion, and self-destruction. Men are tempted to shoot themselves in the foot in the fourth season because of mental or spiritual darkness. The fourth season is a season of divine reaction against darkness. In the fourth season, Heaven consolidates against darkness. Light is Heaven’s answer to the darkness of the fourth season. Heaven’s luminaries prevail over darkness through the Word, prayer, wise counsel, faith-obedience, revelations, divine presence, and prophetic decrees. The enemy attacks people with mental darkness in the fourth season; making them to do foolish things.. The fourth season is the time when men commit their greatest sins against relationships – relationship with God or with men – because of the work of darkness. The fourth book of the Bible, the fourth seven books of the Bible, the fourth chapters of the Bible, and the fourth seven chapters of the Bible, bear witness to this. Relationship-trials are recorded in, or associated with, the ‘fourths’  the Bible. Week 46 is a “Let’s Get Together” week. May the word of God keep darkness, confusion, and stumbling, away from you in this week.

Here are three things from fourth day of creation that are applicable to the 46th week: 

It is a week of war against disunity and disorderliness.. God made lights (plural) on the fourth day. This week, surround yourself with your people. Do not walk alone. Set yourself against divisions and disunity.

It is a week of the dominion of Heaven. The luminaries were created to impact the earth. Do not be afraid. God is in control.

It is a week of war against darkness. The Spirit of God is invading strongholds of darkness and chambers of secret places to reveal hidden things. Get ready for revelations.

Week 46 is a book-of-First-Corinthians week. First Corinthians is the 46th book of the Bible. The book is Paul’s letter to the Corinthian believers, reacting to carnality in the church, answering questions about the mature of the believer’s position on certain controversial issues. Paul answered questions about controversial issues in the 46th book of the Bible – foods sacrificed to idols, head covering for women, gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit, to marry or not to marry, and so on. The 46th season is a season of controversies and seeming contradictions that make divine guidance imperative. You should not be in a hurry to judge in a 46th season. Paul also dealt with issues of Christian character – especially love; about the ministry of the Holy Spirit; Who is both Revealer of truth and Giver of spiritual or supernatural gifts; and about faith in the resurrection of the dead and the final triumph of God’s people over death. 

The 46th book of the Bible is about wholeness and togetherness in the many-member Body of Christ. It is a ‘unity-of-the-Body’ week. First Corinthians 1:10 says, “Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment”.

The 46th book of the Bible is a call to love and unity; as against divisions and self-centered living. It is a call to submit our preferences to the principle of love and our oneness in Christ. It is a call to submit to the rule of God and live to the glory of God. It is a call to submit to the Holy Spirit and embrace the supernatural operations of God. 

The year 1946 was a 46th season. WW2 had ended and the nations saw the need to come together. The first United Nations meeting was held in 1946 (from January 10). The League of Nations disbanded and joined the United Nations. Unity was in the air in 1946. The 46th week is a time unity; not a time of division. In the 46th week of 2019, the Intelligence Committee of the US Congress began its Public Hearing into Donald Trump’s impeachment inquiry. It was a fight between Democrats and Republicans in the United States. It was division in a season that called for unity. That was a violation of the demand of season. In 2020, there’s still war between Democrats and Republicans over results of the November 3 Presidential election.

This week, endeavor to pursue the glory of God in all you do; embrace love, and be open to the supernatural. Seek the presence of God in the atmosphere of love and unity. Love is the best answer to ‘questions’ of the 46th season. This week, do not exalt your head above your heart; or knowledge above love.

Week 46 is a Judges 10-12 week. The fourth three chapters of the seventh book of the Bible is applicable to the fourth week in the seventh 49 days of the year. This is the Jephthah-story section. Jephthah’s brothers had driven him away because he was the son of their father’s concubine. They had to look for him when the Ammonites oppressed Israel. In the 46th season, you cannot say to another, “I have no need of you”. After Jephthah had gained victory for his people against the Ammonites, the tribe of Ephraim rose against him. They said he did not invite them to the battle against Ammon. A civil war, which shouldn’t have been, broke out; Ephraim against Gilead. The 46th week is a time to come together; not a time to fight with one another. In this section of the book, also, Jephthah’s rash vow cost him his only daughter and child. This week, be sure to look before you leap. The Bible reveals that impulsive decisions and actions can be very costly in this season.

Week 46 is a 46th-chapters-of-the-Bible week. This 46th week of the year, the Lord is pointing to, and addressing, wholeness and togetherness in the lives of individuals, families, ministries, and even nations. The Lord is also offering His presence to those moving in this direction according His will; and they need not fear ANYTHING. In Genesis 46, Jacob’s family came together to move to Egypt to REUNITE with Joseph. God told Jacob to not be afraid; and promised to be with him. The word of the Lord to Jacob was light in darkness to him. Jacob needed that reassurance because he was relocating from ‘the Promised Land’ to settle in Egypt. It is a powerful thing to have God’s word (and to walk by it) in the fourth season. Twice in Psalm 46 (verses 7 and 11), we read “The LORD of hosts is with US; The God of Jacob is OUR refuge. Selah”. Isaiah 46:3-4 says, “Listen to Me, O HOUSE OF JACOB, And all the remnant of the HOUSE OF ISRAEL, Who have been upheld by Me from birth, Who have been carried from the womb: Even to your old age, I am He, And even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you”. 

Jeremiah 46:27-28 says, “But do not fear, O My servant JACOB, And do not be dismayed, O ISRAEL! For behold, I will save you from afar, And your offspring from the land of their captivity; Jacob shall return, have rest and be at ease; No one shall make him afraid. Do not fear, O Jacob My servant,” says the LORD, “For I am with you; For I will make a complete end of all the nations To which I have driven you, But I will not make a complete end of you. I will rightly correct you, For I will not leave you wholly unpunished.” Those words from Prophet Jeremiah must have been reassuring to the Jews who had gone into captivity in a foreign land. God may lead in unfamiliar ways in the 46th season but you just have to trust Him. Ezekiel 46 is about the prince, the priests, and the people – with their ‘territories and boundaries’. This shows that the place and privilege of everyone should be maintained and guarded in the 46th season. The 46th week is not a ‘one-man’ week; it is an all-people week. It’s an all-inclusive, non-exclusive week.

Week 46 is a fourth-seven books of the Bible week in the 7th seven weeks of the year. Living in the 46th week of the year is like walking through the fourth seven books of the Bible (Song of songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Hosea). In these seven books, the prophets ruled by the word of the Lord. They spoke what they saw and heard; and their words came to pass. They had dominion and ruled because they were in alignment with God. Most of the things the prophets said or did, didn’t make sense; but they expressed the mind of God. You cannot connect to God with your head in the 46th season. It didn’t make sense to many Jews that Jeremiah said Nebuchadnezzar was God’s servant and would be taking over nations including Judah. It didn’t make sense to them that it was God’s will for the seed of Jacob to become captives of Babylon; and serve an ungodly king. The kind of unity God will bless this week is, first, unity with Himself – the Lord. Hosea married a harlot because God said so.

The 46th week is a season of contention between the kingdom of God and the kingdoms of men. This week, God will scatter those who are uniting against Him and His purposes. This is a week to exalt the Word and Counsel of God above the wishes and words of men. In a 46th season, God does not stand with those pay allegiance to idols. Isaiah 46:5-10 says, “To whom will you liken Me, and make Me equal And compare Me, that we should be alike? [6] They lavish gold out of the bag, And weigh silver on the scales; They hire a goldsmith, and he makes it a god; They prostrate themselves, yes, they worship. [7] They bear it on the shoulder, they carry it And set it in its place, and it stands; From its place it shall not move. Though one cries out to it, yet it cannot answer Nor save him out of his trouble. [8] “Remember this, and show yourselves men; Recall to mind, O you transgressors. [9] Remember the former things of old, For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, [10] Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure.” God may seem to ignore idol worship in this season; but it is only for a while. He wants all eyes to be on Him. His will, in this season, is that all knees will bow to Him and every mouth will confess Him. This week, God’s Ekklesia and prophetic people must take their place in the heavenly places and rule and decree God’s Counsel over those who regard idols but disregard the God of all flesh – the Creator of heaven and earth.

Week 46 is the end of the Old Testament side of seventh 7 weeks of the year. Every seven-week season is like a journey through the Bible and has both the Old Testament and New Testament sides. The first 28 days is the Old Testament side and the remaining 21 days is the New Testament side. This week is the fourth in the seven-week season and expresses the last nine books of the Old Testament (Obadiah – Malachi). They are the bridge to the New Testament. Week 46 is the bridge to the New Testament side of the current seven-week season.

This 46th week, may you and all yours experience togetherness – as Jacob and his entire FAMILY came together to move to Egypt; and reunite with Joseph in Genesis 46. May true love override differences and preferences as Paul taught in the 46th book of the Bible. May everyone (the prince, the priest, and the people) have a recognized and respected place as Ezekiel 46 prescribed. Although the Lord is speaking togetherness and wholeness this week, the enemy will want to unite his own and scatter God’s people. Pray and insist that unity will be impossible for those coming together outside, and against, God’s purpose. They will gather to scatter! This week, I speak wholeness and togetherness into your life in the name of Jesus Christ. Pull yourself together. Reach out to parts of YOU that are disconnected. There is REUNION in the air. Rise and speak wholeness and togetherness to your FAMILY and NATION. As you do that, may the things that no eye had seen, nor ear heard, nor heart conceived be revealed and brought to light this week – as in the 46th book of the Bible. May the presence of God ACTIVELY go with you throughput this week as you line up with Him and the brethren. As Jacob and his family moved from Canaan to Egypt in Genesis 46, may the Lord lead you to cross over to a higher and better realm life in this 46th week. Happy 46th week!!!



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