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Home Times & Seasons Day 35: The Mystery of February 4

Day 35: The Mystery of February 4


Welcome to the 35th day of the year. Day 35 is the seventh and last day of the fifth week of the year. This is the first major ’35th’ in the year. The other major ’35th’ is the 35th week. The Bible patterns for understanding the 35th day are 1) the sixth day of creation narrative; 2) the 35th book of the Bible; 3) the 35th chapters of the Bible; 4) the 7th five chapters of Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Bible. 

Day 35 is a seventh-day-of-creation day. The seventh day of creation was a no-work day. God ended His work and rested on that day. He blessed and sanctified the day because He rested in it. How can the 35th day become a day of rest? It is by faith that we enter into rest. To believe is to cease from trying to accomplish by works or effort. The 35th day is a day to enter into rest from toil and trouble – by faith.  

Day 35 is a Deuteronomy 31-34 day. This section of Deuteronomy is about the last days of Moses. From the 31st chapter, Moses began to give his last speeches; and went on to inaugurate Joshua as his successor. In the 32nd chapter, he wrote and placed a copy of the Law in the ark of covenant; and was instructed to go up to Mount Nebo, view the Promised Land and die there. In the 33rd chapter, he gave final blessing to Israel by tribe. In the 34th chapter, Moses died at the age of 120. The recording of the death of Moses in this section of the book signified the end of the old; and the beginning of the new. 

Day 35 is a book of Habakkuk day. Habakkuk is the 35th book of the Bible. In this book, the prophet cried out to God against violence, oppression, and deceit in his nation. The Lord promised to send swift judgment through a wicked and ungodly nation. He cried to God to reconsider His stand. It was too late. He only had to trust God with the future. In the 35th season, the just shall live by faith. 

Day 35 is a 35th-chapters-of-the-Bible day. The 35th chapters also confirm that the 35th season is a end-season. In Genesis 35, God told Jacob to return to Bethel and he told his family members to give up their idols. He announced again the change of his name from Jacob to Israel. Three people died there: Deborah, Rachael, and Isaac. Benjamin was born there as Jacob’s 12th and last son. Reuben defiled his father’s bed there also. In this chapter, idol worship ended. Lives ended. Child-bearing ended.Reuben’s firstborn status ended. In Exodus 35, Moses reminded Israel what God said about keeping the Sabbath. The 35th season is a Sabbath. Moses also took a free will offering from Israel for the construction of the tabernacle. He called Bezalel and Aholiab, by the word of the Lord, to be in charge of the work. In Genesis 35, God spoke about Bethel (the House of God). In Exodus 35, God spoke about Sabbath and Tabernacle. The 35th season is for giving attention to the Tabernacle of God – not for destroying it. In Numbers 35, God gave commandment concerning the cities of the Levites and the six cities of refuge. The Levites are those serving in the Tabernacle. The 35th season is a time to seek the good of the custodians of faith. God also spoke about the cities to keep the land from bloodshed. The 35th season is a season to watch against vengeful bloodshed. In the 35th seven years of America God will a safe land His Levites – those who bear the burden of the House of God. He is also appointing cities of refuge – where the avenger of blood is not permitted to kill. The cities of refuge are part of the land allotted to the Levites. The six cities of refuge (to be appointed three on each side of Jordan) are  1. The Blood of the Lamb (before the Jordan) – repentance, holiness, confession, 2. The name of the Lord (across the Jordan) – prayer, the word, the Spirit.

In First Chronicles 35, Josiah led Israel to keep a landmark Passover following his reforms. That was the last revival before captivity. The 35th season is a time for revival of faith. The Revivalists must also understand their boundaries. Josiah died in a battle he was not supposed to fight. He interfered in a battle between a God-ordained battle between Egypt and Carchemish. Whereas we want revival, we must not stand in the way of God’s judgment. We must not try to save what Heaven wants to destroy. In Job 35, Elihu posited that the goodness or wickedness of men affects men and not God. He also teaches that God’s silence does not mean He does not care about what is happening. When judgment is delayed, both the wicked and the righteous misinterpret God. Elihu was neither for Job nor his friends. He stood for God. The 35th season is a time to speak for God instead of taking sides with camps. In Psalms 35, the psalmist cried to God for vengeance, vindication, and deliverance. It is a prayer calling the Lord to battle. This chapter expresses the heart of God’s remnant in a season of oppression, when evil men thrive. Psalm 35 sounds like what Habakkuk must have prayed in his days. The 35th fifth season is a time to cry out to God for intervention. In Isaiah 35, the prophet spoke of a glorious return to Zion. The 35th season is the time for the ransomed of the Lord to return to Zion. It is a time to witness the glory of the Lord, the excellency of our God, and the vengeance or recompense of God. Verses 5-9 holds a great promise. This chapter is an advance promise restoration. In Jeremiah 35, the Rechabites demonstrated loyalty to their father, Jonadab , the son of Rechab, by refusing to drink wine. God sent Jeremiah to call them into the temple and give them wine. They did not yield to the temptation. God compared Israel to them. He blessed them but determined He would judge Judah for disregarding His word. The 35th season is a time to refuse compromise. Is America still committed to the vales the Founding Fathers wanted passed on from generation to generation. In Ezekiel 35, the prophet spoke about the desolation of Mount Seir because of their ancient hatred for Israel. The 35th season is for the destruction of the enemies of God’s people. Both live in America. The greatest enemies of America are Americans who have turned from God and are undermining the faith of those who still trust in God. The Lord has vowed to destroy those who despise the God of True Americans.

Day 35 is a Hebrews – Revelation day in the 5th week. Every week is like a journey through the Bible. Every week also has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week belong to the Old Testament side and express the 39 books of the Old Testament. The remaining three days of the week constitute the New Testament side and express the 27 books of the New Testament. The seventh day of the week is the third and last day in the New Testament side of the week; and expresses the third nine books of the New Testament. Today is a day of the last battle and ultimate triumph in the week. The third 9 books of the N.T are books of correction, recovery, and restoration.

DECREE AND DECLARE: God made us in His image and likeness to rule, have dominion, and impose His will on seasons; as He did with the seven days of creation. He decreed what He wanted for each day. We are to decree what is revealed concerning each day. Today, decree the downfall of the wicked and the lifting and establishment of the just. Today, prophesy and declare war against the enemies of God. Today, raise a cry against wickedness; trust in the Lord, hope in Him, and take refuge in His grace and mercy. Today, prophesy restoration and blessing on God’s people because of the finished work; and prophesy against ungodliness. This is a day of “IT IS DONE”. Today, you will have pleasure by seeking the pleasure of God. Today, make it priority to honor God. Obey Him. If you missed it anywhere, repent and return to God. This is a day to go back to Bethel. Believe God, today, that the end has come for the trouble, for the old, and for struggles, in your life. Happy 35th day of the year.

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