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Home Times & Seasons Day 33: The Mystery of February 2

Day 33: The Mystery of February 2


Welcome to the 33rd day of the year. Day 33 is also the fifth day of the fifth week of the year. It is the second day of the second month of the year. Day 33 is a core fifth-season day. This is the first major ’33rd’ in the year. The other major ’33rd’ is the 33rd week. The Bible patterns for understanding the 33rd day are 1) the fifth day of creation narrative; 2) the 33rd book of the Bible; 3) the 33rd chapters of the Bible; 4) the 5th five chapters of Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Bible. 

Day 33 is a fifth day of creation day. On the fifth day of creation, God began to make moving creatures to express full life on earth. They were not only moving creatures but were also perceptive, sound-producing, and reproductive creatures. God also blessed the fifth day creatures with fruitfulness and multiplication. In the fifth season, God gives all things that pertain to life and godliness; and he wants us to live a balanced life in the season. If we pursue the spiritual life in this season, we gain everything else with it. If we pursue the material at the expense of the spiritual, we lose everything.

Day 33 is a Deuteronomy 21-25 day; because it is the fifth day of the ‘Deuteronomy week’; and relates to the fifth five chapters of the book of Deuteronomy.  This section of the book is about righteousness, justice, and fairness; and obedience to God’s commandments concerning unresolved murder, the status of the firstborn of a hated wife, handling female captives, and so on.

Day 33 is a book of Micah day. Micah is the 33rd book of the Bible. The book is about God’s decision to judge His people (Samaria and Jerusalem) for their sins. Micah 1:2-7 says, “Hear, all you peoples! Listen, O earth, and all that is in it! Let the Lord GOD be a witness against you, The Lord from His holy temple. [3] For behold, the LORD is coming out of His place; He will come down And tread on the high places of the earth. [4] The mountains will melt under Him, And the valleys will split Like wax before the fire, Like waters poured down a steep place. [5] All this is for the transgression of Jacob And for the sins of the house of Israel. What is the transgression of Jacob? Is it not Samaria? And what are the high places of Judah? Are they not Jerusalem? [6] “Therefore I will make Samaria a heap of ruins in the field, Places for planting a vineyard; I will pour down her stones into the valley, And I will uncover her foundations. [7] All her carved images shall be beaten to pieces, And all her pay as a harlot shall be burned with the fire; All her idols I will lay desolate, For she gathered it from the pay of a harlot, And they shall return to the pay of a harlot.” This is a day of judgments.

Day 33 is a 33rd-chapters-of-the-Bible day. It is a time to meet face-face to with the fearful. In Genesis 33, Jacob came face to face with his brother, Esau and there was no trouble. They embraced. He had a lot of livestock with which he sought the favor of Esau. In Exodus 33, Moses coveted the presence of God and even spoke face to face with God in the Tabernacle of meeting – after God said His presence would not go with Israel because of their rebelliousness. In Numbers 33, Israel’s journey from Egypt to Jordan is summarized – according to starting and stopping points. The death of Aaron at 123 years, on Mount Hur, is recorded in this chapter.  In Deuteronomy 33, Moses blessed the children of Israel before his death. Simeon is not mentioned here. Second Chronicles is about the evil reign of Manasseh. Although he repented, God decreed captivity against Judah because of the sins of Manasseh. In Job 33, Elihu corrects Job for his words against God. He emphasizes the Sovereignty of God. He also spoke of ransom, redemption, and of a mediator. You do not need any of those three unless there is trouble. They are needed in the 33rd season. Psalm 33 is a call to rejoice in the Lord and praise Him (1-3) for His powerful word (4-12) and for His sovereign and saving power (13-22). Isaiah 33 is about the judgment coming to Zion and to the Plunderer that had not been plundered. In Jeremiah 33, God promised to cause the captivity of Judah to return and to restore Jerusalem. In Ezekiel 33, the prophet is a appointed a watchman because to warn the people of impending disaster. News of the fall of Jerusalem came to Ezekiel in this chapter. Ezekiel 33 is about the certainty of the judgment.

Day 33 is a Matthew – Galatians day in the fifth week. It is a day of the compassionate intervention of God. Every week is like a journey through the Bible having an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week belong to the Old Testament side and expresses the 39 books of the Old Testament. The remaining three days of the week constitute the New Testament side and express the 27 books of the New Testament. The fifth day of the week is the beginning of the New Testament side of the week; and expresses the first nine books of the New Testament. The first 9 books of the NT are about Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. The books are about the love and grace of God granting salvation and justification to humanity by faith. This is a day to enter experientially into the New Testament side of the week. It is a day of answers to prayers, fulfillment of prophecies, and delivery of promises. The New Testament side is the spiritual and deeper side. The New Testament side is the side of manifestation. The old has passed away; and the new has begun. Dreams for the week are expected to come to pass and promises should be fulfilled. Expect deliverance and divine intervention.

Day 33 is the second day of the second month. 2 Chronicles 3:2 reveals that Solomon began to build the temple on the second day of the second month. That’s is when he began to lay the foundation. This is a foundation-laying day. It is a day to lay foundation for a new habitation of God in your life. This is a day of new beginnings.

DECREE AND DECLARE: At creation, God spoke His will into each day. He made us in His image and likeness; and expects us to release His will into each day. Decree this day that the flesh will not overtake the spirit in your life, family,, organization, and nation. Decree a change in the week and declare that today is the beginning of the New Testament side of the week. As a Book-of-Matthew day, decree that Emmanuel (God is with us) takes over. As a New Testament type day, decree that the love of God will overtake human error and failure. Today, submit to the spirit against the flesh. Walk in the spirit and make no room for the flesh. The fifth season is a season of giving spiritual interpretations to earthly manifestations. Today, make it your watchword to walk in the spirit and obey God’s Word. Walking in the spirit is the key to gaining all. Birds (representing the spirit) fly above and eat from the land, the sea, and the air. Today, cry out to God against oppression and for the pains in your life. Speak out also. Trust Him to intervene in your affairs and in the affairs of people around you. Determine to make a next-level move. It’s time to shift base in the spirit! Today, put yourself on the side of blessing by choosing obedience instead of curses by choosing disobedience.

The key to success in the 33rd season is obedience to God. The fifth season is averse to rebellion against God because it is a season to respond responsibly to the goodness of God; by obeying Him. It is a season to prioritize God’s Word and obedience to God. May obedience prosper you today. Happy 33rd day!

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