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Home Times & Seasons Day 26: The Mystery of January 26

Day 26: The Mystery of January 26


Welcome to the 26th day of the year! Day 26 is the fifth day of the fourth week. It is the first 26th in the year. The next would be the 26th week. Day 26 is a fifth season day. The Bible patterns for understanding the 26th day are 1) the fifth day of creation narrative; 2) the 26th book of the Bible; 3) the 26th chapters of the Bible; 4) the fifth five chapters (21-25) of the fourth book of the Bible. 

Day 26 is a fifth day of creation day.  On the fifth day of creation, God made highly sensitive, intelligent, and mobile flesh and blood creatures. The fifth day creatures can see, hear, feel, taste, and smell and move about. They are sensitive and highly perceptive fleshly creatures. Their ability to sense things in their environment and respond appropriately contributes greatly to their safety and survival. 

Although we have physical senses, our success in the fifth season would be largely due to spiritual sensitivity and walking in the spirit.  The wings of the birds and the fins of the fish are for balanced movement; but indicate that men prosper in the fifth season through balance (righteousness, equity, and justice). The fifth season is for doing what is right before God and men. The fifth season is a season of God’s justice. Justice balances the goodness and righteousness of God. “Righteousness and Truth are the foundation of your throne”. In the fifth season, the obedient attract blessings but the disobedient attract curses. 

Day 26 is a book of Deuteronomy day in a book of Numbers week. Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Bible. Deuteronomy stresses obedience to God; and warns against forgetting God and rebelling against Him.

Day 26 is a Numbers 21-25 day in the fourth week. The fifth chapters of the fourth book of the Bible are applicable to the fifth day of the fourth week. In Numbers 21, Israel murmured and were punished with fiery serpents. In this chapter also, Israel defeated three kings: King of Arad, King Sihon, and King Og. In Numbers 22-24, Balak the king of Moab hired Balaam to curse Israel. Balaam, driven by gain, attempted to curse Israel but the Lord would not allow him to curse Israel. Instead of cursing them, he blessed them. In Numbers 25, Israel committed idolatry and adultery with the Midianites. God was angry and commanded the offenders to be killed. A plague also broke out among the people. A total of 124,000 Israelites died that day. God blessed Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron, for expressing God’s mind in the crisis. He killed an Israelite and a Midianite woman caught in an affair. The 26th season is for blessings and curses – blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience. Alignment with God will keep curses away.

It is a book of Ezekiel day in the First 49 days of the year. Ezekiel is the 26th book of the Bible; and expresses the heart of God for man in the 26th season. In the 26th book of the Bible, Ezekiel was driven by the Word and the Spirit instead of his flesh and senses. Everything the prophet did in the book was by the word and the Spirit. The key to success in the 26th season is to be submissive to the Word and the Spirit. Ezekiel is also full of visions. The fifth season is a season of visions and revelation. See Second Kings 5 and Acts 5. As the sense of sight began on the fifth day of creation, the fifth day of the week is a time to see with the spiritual eyes.

Day 26 is a 26th-chapters-of-the-Bible day. The 26th chapters of the Bible reveal that the 26th season is a season of choices and decisions. In Genesis 26, Isaac prospered in famine by divine direction. After God had spoken to him, Isaac took responsibility to sow in the land God appointed for Him. God prospered him, greatly, in that land until the people of the land envied him. He obeyed God instead of considering the famine situation. He and his servants also took responsibility for water. They dug wells. Isaac took responsibility for his food and his water. In this chapter, also, Esau took responsibility for the women he married when he turned forty. Genesis 26 is about prosperity in the life of Isaac. In Exodus 26, God gave Moses instructions for the hangings of the tabernacle. Moses took responsibility for the work of the tabernacle.

In Leviticus 26, God tells Israel how to receive blessings or curses. Blessing would come through obedience while curses would come through disobedience. Deuteronomy 26 is about instructions concerning bringing first-fruits and tithes to the Lord. Second Chronicles 26 is about the reign, prosperity , and fall of Uzziah. He got out of line through pride. In

Jeremiah 26, the prophet is delivered from death after prophesying against Judah.

Ezekiel 26 is prophecy against Tyre for destruction. In Acts 26, Paul stood trial, and nswered for himself, before Agrippa. This was the last defense before journeying to Rome. He said he was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. Agrippa wanted to release if not that he had appealed to Caesar.

Where God is obeyed and honored, the 26th season is a season of blessings, healing, restoration, answers to prayers, escape from death, fruitfulness, and multiplication. Where there is rebellion and falsehood, the fifth season is a season of plagues, diseases, death, disasters, famine, judgment, and curses.

Day 26 is a Matthew – Galatians day in the 4th week. It is a day of the compassionate intervention of God. Every week is like a journey through the Bible having an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week belong to the Old Testament side and expresses the 39 books of the Old Testament. The remaining three days of the week constitute the New Testament side and express the 27 books of the New Testament. The fifth day of the week is the beginning of the New Testament side of the week; and expresses the first nine books of the New Testament. The first 9 books of the NT are about Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. The books are about the love and grace of God granting salvation and justification to humanity by faith. This is a day to enter experientially into the New Testament side of the week. It is a day of answers to prayers, fulfillment of prophecies, and delivery of promises. The New Testament side is the spiritual and deeper side. The New Testament side is the side of manifestation. The old has passed away; and the new has begun. Dreams for the week are expected to come to pass and promises should be fulfilled. Expect deliverance and divine intervention.


1. Spiritual sensitivity is necessity in our lives. Fasting trains us in spiritual sensitivity. 

2. God guides His people by the Spirit and through His word. 

3. Obedience may be tough but brings protection and blessings; disobedience brings curses.

DECREE AND DECLARE: At creation, God spoke His will into each day. He made us in His image and likeness; and expects us to release His will into each day. Decree this day that the flesh will not overtake the spirit in your life, family,, organization, and nation. Decree a change in the week and declare that today is the beginning of the New Testament side of the fourth week. As a Book-of-Matthew day, decree that Emmanuel (God is with us) takes over. As a New Testament type day, decree that the love of God will overtake human error and failure. Today, submit to the spirit against the flesh. Walk in the spirit and make no room for the flesh. The fifth season is a season of giving spiritual interpretations to earthly manifestations. Today, make it your watchword to walk in the spirit and obey God’s Word. Walking in the spirit is the key to gaining all. Birds (representing the spirit) fly above and eat from the land, the sea, and the air. Today, cry out to God against oppression and for the pains in your life. Speak out also. Trust Him to intervene in your affairs and in the affairs of people around you. Determine to make a next-level move. It’s time to shift base in the spirit! Today, put yourself on the side of blessing by choosing obedience instead of curses by choosing disobedience. Today, set your heart to walk with God. Walk in the Spirit. Be driven by the Word of the Lord. Pursue justice and righteousness. Be guided by the Spirit and the Word; not by your physical senses. Happy 26th day!


Pray for sensitivity to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh. 

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