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Home Times & Seasons Day 14: The Mystery of January 14

Day 14: The Mystery of January 14


Welcome to the 14th day of the year! Day 14 is the seventh and last day of the second week of the year; and the 14th day in the first 49 days of the year. Day 14 is the first day of the month. Numbers 28:16 says, ‘On the fourteenth day of the first month is the Passover of the LORD”. Judgment passed over Israel on the 14th day of the first month. Today, you will experience Passover! The Bible keys for understanding the 14th day are the 7th day of creation event, the 7th book of the Bible, the 7th chapters of the Bible, and the 14th book and chapters of the Bible. 

Day 14 is a seventh season day and has its pattern in the seventh day of creation. On the seventh day of creation, God ended His work and rested. He also blessed and hallowed the seventh day. Rest only comes when work ends and there are no more battles. The seventh season is a season of rest from labors and battles. 

Day 14 is a book of Second Chronicles day. Second Chronicles is the fourteenth book of the Bible. This 36-chapter book opens with the reign of Solomon and featured prominently the kings of Judah – especially the reformer-Kings: Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah. These reformer kings were threatened by mega enemies from whom God gave them victories. The book ends with the destruction of Jerusalem and captivity; and the proclamation of King Cyrus ending the captivity. The book vindicates God by highlight that God sent prophets to warn His people but they hardened their hearts until there was no remedy. This book does not highlight the sins of Solomon; but only his wisdom, exploits and greatness – especially his dedication to the construction of the house of God. Why does this 14th book hide the sins of David and his sons? The fourteenth is a season of mercy. It is when sins are covered or atoned for by the blood. Israel escaped death on the fourteenth day of their first month by the Passover. The fourthly is a season of salvation by grace. 

Day 14 is a ’14th chapters of the Bible day’.  The fourteenth chapters reveal that the fourteenth season is a season of judgment and salvation;  season of wars and deliverances. In Genesis 14, enemies attacked Sodom and her allies and took many captives – including Lot and his family. When Abraham heard it, he and his servants and allies went and fought four kings who had defeated five kings; to rescue Lot and others from their captors. In Exodus 14, God delivered Israel from their enemies at the Red Sea. Egyptians perished at the sea. In Numbers 14, God vowed to destroy men of Israel, from twenty years and above, in the wilderness; except Joshua and Caleb. In Joshua 14, Caleb drove out those enemies occupying his inheritance. In Judges 14, Samson began his battles against the Philistines. In First Samuel 14, Jonathan and his armor bearer fought the Philistines and bright great deliverance to Israel. In Second Samuel 14, Absalom returned from Exile; but not with penitence; and still received pardon from David. In First Kings 14, God judged the house of Jeroboam for misleading Israel. The king of Egypt also came against Rehoboam and Judah and took away the treasures of the house of God and treasures of the king’s house. In Second Kings 14, Judah fought Israel but was defeated in battle. In the fourteenth chapter of the fourteenth book of the Bible, Ethiopians fought Asa and Judah but God delivered Ethiopians into the hands of Asa and Judah. Matthew records the story of the beheading of John the Baptist. Jesus fed five thousand here, walked on the sea, and healed many who were sick. In Acts 14, Paul and his team engaged in spiritual warfare in first leg of their missionary journey. Revelation 14 speaks of the harvest of the grape of God’s wrath – in mass destruction. The 14th season  a season of intense warfare – man against man, man against God,  or God against man. That is the reason John 14 opens with Jesus saying, “Let not your heart be troubled”.  

Day 14 is an Exodus 37-40 day. In these last four chapters of the book of Exodus, the tabernacle work was finished. As God ended His work on the seventh day, that is how man’s work ended in this seventh section of the book. The tabernacle was erected the glory o the Lord dedicated and opened it. When the glory of God came into the tabernacle, the cloud filled the tabernacle; and man could not go in because his work had ended. Day 14 is an end-of-work, end-of-battle season. 

Although Day 14 is a Sabbath season, the evil one intends it to be a season of sacrilege, disasters, war, destruction, and unrest. Instead of a season of blessing, he wants it to be a season curses. He does this by setting man against God. The fourteenth century was a century of disasters. The First World War began in 1914 – the fourteenth year of the 20th century. 2014 was a year of disasters around the world. 

Day 15 is a Hebrews – Revelation day in the second week of the year. Every week is like a journey through the Bible. Every week also has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week belong to the Old Testament side and express the 39 books of the Old Testament. The remaining three days of the week constitute the New Testament side and express the 27 books of the New Testament. The seventh day of the week is the third and last day in the New Testament side of the week; and expresses the third nine books of the New Testament. Today is a day of the last battle and ultimate triumph in the week. The third 9 books of the N.T are books of correction, recovery, and restoration.

DECREE AND DECLARE: God made us in His image and likeness to rule, have dominion, and impose His will on seasons; as He did with the seven days of creation. He decreed what He wanted for each day. We are to decree what is revealed concerning each day. Today, decree the downfall of the wicked and the lifting and establishment of the just. Today, prophesy and declare war against the enemies of God. Today, raise a cry against wickedness; trust in the Lord, hope in Him, and take refuge in His grace and mercy. Today, prophesy restoration and blessing on God’s people because of the finished work; and prophesy against ungodliness. This is a day of “IT IS DONE”. Today, you will have pleasure by seeking the pleasure of God. Today, make it priority to honor God. Obey Him. If you missed it anywhere, repent and return to God. This is a day to go back to Bethel. Have. happy 14th day of the year!


2014        Jan 14, In New Mexico a boy (12) drew a shotgun from a band instrument case and shot two classmates at the Berrendo Middle School in Roswell. A boy (11) and a girl (13) were seriously wounded. The shooter was described as a smart and nice kid. (SFC, 1/15/14, p.A4)(SFC, 1/16/14, p.A9)

2014        Jan 14, Lawyers said Britain has granted asylum to an atheist from Afghanistan due to fears he would be prosecuted back home, in what is believed to be the first case of its kind. (AFP, 1/14/14)

2014        Jan 14, Chinese doctor Zhang Shuxia, who abducted and sold newborn babies, was given a suspended death sentence in a case that drew widespread outrage with child trafficking a chronic problem in the country. (AFP, 1/14/14)

2014        Jan 14, In China a fire at the Dadong factory in Wenling, Zhejiang province, killed 16 people. Safety exits were blocked. (SFC, 1/15/14, p.A2)

2014        Jan 14, Egyptians voted on a new constitution in a referendum that will pave the way for a likely presidential run by the nation’s top general months after he ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. 11 people were killed on the 1st day of the vote. (AP, 1/14/14)(AFP, 1/14/14)(AP, 1/15/14)

2014        Jan 14, In India a Danish tourist (51) was gang-raped, robbed and beaten in New Delhi after she got lost and approached a group of men for directions back to her hotel near Connaught Place. Nine attackers took her to a secluded spot, robbed her and raped her repeatedly at knifepoint. On June 10, 2016, five men were sentenced to life in prison for the attack. One of the accused men died during trial in February. Three who were younger than 18 at the time of the attack were handed to the Juvenile Justice Board to remain in custody until they are 18 and reformed. (AP, 1/15/14)(AP, 6/10/16)

2014        Jan 14, In India the body of a woman, killed by a tiger prowling for food, was found Uttar Pradesh state. She was the animal’s 7th victim.    (SFC, 1/16/14, p.A2)

2014        Jan 14, In Iraq at least 12 people were killed in violence across the country, mostly in bombings and shootings in Baghdad. Al-Qaida militants blew up an explosives laden fuel tanker at an army checkpoint, killing 3 soldiers, on a small bridge near Saqlawiya.    (Reuters, 1/14/14)(SFC, 1/16/14, p.A2)

2014        Jan 14, Mexican federal forces launched an offensive to take over security in Michoacan state, seizing a drug cartel’s bastion and clashing with vigilantes who refused to disarm.   (AFP, 1/14/14)

2014        Jan 14, In Myanmar a Buddhist mob reportedly killed at least 48 Muslims, including many women and children, in Du Char Yar Tan, Rakhine state. Security forces had surrounded Du Char Yar Tan after Rohingya Muslim residents allegedly abducted and killed a police sergeant.  (AP, 1/16/14)(AP, 1/23/14)(AP, 1/24/14)

2014        Jan 14, In northeaster Nigeria a car bomb exploded at a military post in a Maiduguri, causing pandemonium with blood-spattered bystanders running away and vehicles colliding as drivers rushed to flee. 19 people were killed. (AP, 1/14/14)(AFP, 1/15/14)

2014        Jan 14, Local and international groups fighting AIDS warned that a new Nigerian law criminalizing same-sex marriage and gay organizations will jeopardize the fight against the deadly disease. Human rights activists reported that dozens of gay men were being arrested in northern Nigeria in an apparent response to the law. (AP, 1/14/14)

2014        Jan 14, In Russia’s Dagestan region a shootout between security forces and militants killed 5 people. (AP, 1/15/14)

2014        Jan 14, In South Africa protester Lerato Theodore Seema (27) was allegedly pushed from a moving police van during violent demonstrations near Pretoria. He was confirmed dead the next day from head wounds. (AFP, 1/15/14)(

2014        Jan 14, In South Sudan some 200 people fleeing warfare died after a boat crossing the Nile River sank, as fighting between rebels and government forces moved closer to Juba, the national capital. (AP, 1/14/14)

2014        Jan 14, The Syrian said it has retaken territory around the northern city of Aleppo, after two weeks of rebel infighting that has weakened the insurgency against President Bashar al-Assad. (Reuters, 1/14/14)

2014        Jan 14, Thailand’s PM Shinawatra insisted she wouldn’t quit as protesters seeking her ouster blocked key roads in the heart of Bangkok for a second day, leaving the country’s political crisis firmly deadlocked.(AP, 1/14/14)

2014        Jan 14, Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he was ready to withdraw a contentious bill aimed at curbing the powers of the judiciary as he battled to contain the worst crisis of his 11 years in office. (AFP, 1/14/14)

2014        Jan 14, Turkish anti-terrorism police carried out raids in six cities, detaining at least five people with alleged links to al-Qaida. (AP, 1/14/14)

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