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Home Times & Seasons Day 74: The Mystery of March 15

Day 74: The Mystery of March 15


Welcome to the 74th day of the year! The 74th day is the fourth day of the eleventh week. The eleventh week is the fourth week of the second 49 days. The 74th day is the 25th of the second 49 days. The 74th is a core (double) fourth season. A core fourth season is a time of intense pressure from the kingdom of darkness. It is a season of temptations and trials. It corresponds to the ‘ides of March’ in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. Day 74 is March 15 in a clear year; and March 14 in a leap year. The Bible-keys to understanding Day 74 are the fourth day of creation narrative, the 74th psalm, and the fourth three chapters of First Kings- the eleventh book of the Bible.

Day 74 is fourth day of creation day in the 11th week. On the fourth day, God made the luminaries to give light to the earth, to divide the day from the night, to rule the day and the night, and to be for signs and seasons. They were to shining lights, ruling lights, dividing lights, and guiding lights. In a fourth season, God gives light to rule over darkness; and keep it from having sway. By implication, darkness would seek to extend its boundaries in the fourth season. Darkness confuses, deceives, and makes men stumble. Darkness covers evil workers and helps them operate. The tempter, adversary, and oppressor, considers the fourth season conducive duty time; because it is an operational season for darkness. Think of what the day and the night looked like before God created the luminaries. Light (guiding light) is the answer in every fourth season. Day 74 is a day when light is needed, from God’s word, the Holy Spirit, and wise counsel, to bring deliverance from darkness and those it helps. 

Day 74 is a First Kings 11-13 day in the 11th week! The fourth-section chapters (11-13) of the eleventh book of the Bible is applicable to the fourth day of the eleventh week. These three chapters of First Kings areaaq the trouble chapters for Israel in the book. In the eleventh chapter of the eleventh book, God expressed His displeasure with Solomon and raised adversaries against him. Solomon’s death is also recorded in this chapter. In the twelfth chapter, the kingdom divided under the fourth king. Whereas two tribes remained loyal to the House of David under Rehoboam, ten tribes went with Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, who legalized idol worship in Israel and “made Israel to sin”. In the 13th chapter, the man of God from Judah is deceived by an old prophet in Bethel. He disobeyed God and died for it. Day 74 is a day of trials and temptations. Do not toy with the word of God, with revelations from authentic channels, or with wise counsel. 

Day 74 is a Psalm 74 day. The 74th psalm is applicable to the 74th day of the year. In Psalm 74, the psalmist is overwhelmed with pressure. Three times he asks God ‘why?’

Psalm 74:1-11: “O God, why have You cast us off forever? Why does Your anger smoke against the sheep of Your pasture? [2] Remember Your congregation, which You have purchased of old, The tribe of Your inheritance, which You have redeemed- This Mount Zion where You have dwelt. [3] Lift up Your feet to the perpetual desolations. The enemy has damaged everything in the sanctuary. [4] Your enemies roar in the midst of Your meeting place; They set up their banners for signs. [5] They seem like men who lift up Axes among the thick trees. [6] And now they break down its carved work, all at once, With axes and hammers. [7] They have set fire to Your sanctuary; They have defiled the dwelling place of Your name to the ground. [8] They said in their hearts, “Let us destroy them altogether.” They have burned up all the meeting places of God in the land. [9] We do not see our signs; There is no longer any prophet; Nor is there any among us who knows how long. [10] O God, how long will the adversary reproach? Will the enemy blaspheme Your name forever? [11] Why do You withdraw Your hand, even Your right hand? Take it out of Your bosom and destroy them”.

When the enemy appears in the fourth season, it always looks like God has forsaken His people and withdrawn from them. Psalm 74 is the lamentation of those who had forsaken God; but remembered Him in their season of distress.

Psalm 74:9: “We do not see our signs; There is no longer any prophet; Nor is there any among us who knows how long”.

B. The Psalmist remembers the days of God’s goodness.

Psalm 74:12-17: “For God is my King from of old, Working salvation in the midst of the earth. [13] You divided the sea by Your strength; You broke the heads of the sea serpents in the waters. [14] You broke the heads of Leviathan in pieces, And gave him as food to the people inhabiting the wilderness. [15] You broke open the fountain and the flood; You dried up mighty rivers. [16] The day is Yours, the night also is Yours; You have prepared the light and the sun. [17] You have set all the borders of the earth; You have made summer and winter”.

C. The psalmist cries out to God for intervention.

Psalm 74:18-23: “Remember this, that the enemy has reproached, O LORD, And that a foolish people has blasphemed Your name. [19] Oh, do not deliver the life of Your turtledove to the wild beast! Do not forget the life of Your poor forever. [20] Have respect to the covenant; For the dark places of the earth are full of the haunts of cruelty. [21] Oh, do not let the oppressed return ashamed! Let the poor and needy praise Your name. [22] Arise, O God, plead Your own cause; Remember how the foolish man reproaches You daily. [23] Do not forget the voice of Your enemies; The tumult of those who rise up against You increases continually”.

Day 74 is a Book of Lamentations day in the Second 49 days of the year. The 25th book of the Bible is called Lamentations. The Bible reveals that the enemy wants every 25th season to be a time of lamentation. Esau lost his birthright in Genesis 25. In Numbers 25, Israel lost 24 thousand souls to plagues because of idolatry and immorality at Peor. The foolish virgins missed the bridegroom in Matthew 25. In the 25th book of the Bible,Jeremiah lamented the fall and captivity of Judah and the destruction of Jerusalem. The United States lost her 12th President about the 25th year of her second 49 years. She lost her 25th president, William McKinley, through assassination. In 1945, the second year of America’s 25th seven years, she lost her 32nd President, Franklin D. Roosevelt. In 1985, the 25th year of Nigeria, the unsuspecting Buhari regime was toppled by Ibrahim Babangida. It was a 25th season phenomenon. Life is better and safer with light. People stumble without light in their 25th seasons. Today, let your decisions and actions be guided by the Word and Spirit of God. Today, may discretion keep you from tears of failure. 

Day 74 is Obadiah – Malachi day in the 11th week. Every week has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week is the Old Testament side. The remaining three days belong to the New Testament side. Day 74 is the fourth and last day in the Old Testament side of the 11th week. The Old Testament side of the 11th week ends today! Day 74 has its guiding-light in the fourth section (the last nine books) of the Old Testament. The last 9 books of the Old Testament are mainly books of failure and correction. Think of Jonah, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, and Malachi. Day 74 is the bridge to the New Testament side of the eleventh week. Pray to cross the bridge successfully. You will not cry today! Happy 74th day!

DECREE AND DECLARE: God made us in His image and likeness to rule, have dominion, and impose His will on seasons; as He did with the seven days of creation. He decreed what He wanted for each day. We are to decree what is revealed concerning each day. Today, decree the downfall of the wicked and the lifting and establishment of the just. Today, prophesy an end to something in your life, family, business, community, and nation. Today, raise your voice against wickedness and oppression wherever it is found. Prophesy! Prophesy!! Prophesy!!! Today, also pray to be more sensitive in the spirit; to pick up necessary signals that would help you triumph over the enemy and keep darkness away. Today, pray to be delivered from falling into temptation. Pray to be preoccupied with the person of God; and to be focused on His mandate and His revealed purpose for your life. Be careful to weigh every decision in light of God’s purpose for your life; and God’s purpose for the time. Today, proclaim an end to woes and declare the dawn of a new good day.

March 15, 2008, Beechcraft 1900D plane marked 5N-JAH, belonging to Wing Aviation crashed in Cross River State, Nigeria. The wreckage was not found until six months after. All three crewmembers died.

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