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Home Times & Seasons The 31st Birthday/Anniversary & the Mystery of the 32nd Year (Part 2)

The 31st Birthday/Anniversary & the Mystery of the 32nd Year (Part 2)



In the first part of this post, I discussed the Biblical patterns for the 32nd year. I did that to help you gain a broader perspective of the season. In this second par of the post, I am going to discuss how to live through the 32nd year successfully.

Every season has its purpose and principles. If you understand the purpose of the season and follow the principles of the season, you will be successful in the season.

1. Year 32 is the beginning of a new phase of life. Since the 31st is an endpoint, the 32nd year is a new beginning. Job 32 illustrates this. The last verse of Job 31 says “the words of Job are ended”. From the 32nd chapter till the 37th, Elihu spoke. Elihu was not one of Job’s three friends that spoke from Job 4-28 and his name was never mentioned until the 32nd chapter. The 32 year is not like anything you saw in your first 31 years. It is a season you must approach with humility and prayer.

2. Year 32 is a season of instruction from above. Since this 32nd year is the beginning of a new phase of life, it is only proper to seek to hear the voice of God from the beginning and receive his instruction for the new season. In Psalm 32: 8, the Lord made a promise: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye” (NKJV). Jacob was alone with God in Genesis 32 and received a new name for the new season. In Exodus 32, Moses was on the mountain, with God, to receive His commandments to Israel. In the 32nd book of the Bible (Jonah), God commanded the prophet to go and preach to the people of Nineveh. The prophet thought he had options and decided to go to Tarshish instead. He did not know the Lord wanted his ministry to move into new phase by sending him to Nineveh.?

3. Year 32 is a Bridge. It is the midpoint of the fifth seven years (29-35). It is the link between the Old Testament side (first three years) of the seven year season and the New Testament side (last three years) of the season. You must go through the 32nd year like someone crossing a bridge – with watchfulness, carefulness and hope (expectation).

4. Year 32 is a season of examination and temptation. Since the 32nd year is the bridge to the New Testament side of the fifth 7 years, it is an examination and cross-examination. It is a season when hearts are rested. The fourth year in every seven years is a season of tests and temptations. The fourth in every 7 books (Numbers, First Kings, Job, Lamentations, Jonah, Malachi, First Corinthians, Second Thessalonians, First Peter, of the Bible bear witness to this. The fourth in every 7 chapters of the Bible (4, 11, 18, 25, 32, 39, 46, 53, 60, 67, 74, 81, 88, 95….) also bear witness to this. The 32nd year is to handled like an examination. In this season, the enemy tempts us to pull us down if we make wrong decisions but the tests our hearts to strengthen and validate us. Pray to have heightened sensitivity in this season.

5. Year 32 is a season of empowerment for the journey ahead. It is a time to draw power from heaven. In this season, we are empowered through prayer, fasting and spending time in the Word and presence of God. Hezekiah drew power power from God against Sennacherib in Second Chronicles 32.

6. Year 32 is a season of mercy and second chance. God give people opportunity, in the 32nd season, to create a new future. He does this through mercy and forgiveness. That is the reason Psalm 32:1-2,5 says, “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered. [2] Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit. [5] I acknowledged my sin to You, And my iniquity I have not hidden. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the LORD,” And You forgave the iniquity of my sin. Selah.

Moses interceded for Israel before God in Exodus 32. God gave the nation another opportunity. In the 32nd book of the Bible, God gave both Jonah and the people of Nineveh another opportunity when they repented. Forgiveness of sin gives people a second chance. The 32nd season is a time to seek the mercy of God. Those who have done wrong in this season have a window of hope that they can seek God and obtain mercy. No one needs to be trapped by failure in this season.

Happy 32nd year. Congratulations on your 31st birthday/anniversary



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