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The 31st season is a time to make or declare an end of one thing and the beginning of another thing. It is Heaven’s season of channge. So, it is a time for watchmen, gatekeepers, and intercessors to draw the line, shut the door to the old narrative and open the gates to the new. It is time to overthrow evil and block any agenda seeking an end of the godly. This is a gate of time for progressive change. So be it this week in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!


1. In Genesis 31, Jacob fled the house of Laban by the word of the Lord and ended his twenty-year sojourn with his uncle. It was the end of one phase of life and the beginning of another phase for Jacob.

2. At the end of receiving the pattern for the Tabernacle, in Exodus 31, God appointed Bezaleel and Aholiab to undertake the construction of the Tabernacle as revealed to Moses. The Written Word also began in Exodus 31, with the two tablets of the law “written with the Finger of God”. In the 31st season, new people and new things move in.

3. In Numbers 31, God commanded Moses to fight against the Midianites and overthrow them. They did and also killed Balaam there.

4. In Deuteronomy 31, Joshua became the new leader of Israel. Moses gave his farewell speech to Israel in that chapter.

5. In First Samuel 31, Saul and his three sons died in the battle field. That made way for David to become the new king of Israel.

6. In Second Chronicles 31, Hezekiah carried out sweeping religious reforms that overthrew idol worship in Judah. It was a positive new season in the history of Judah.

7. In Job 31, the servant of God gave his last long speech. Job 31 ends with “The words of Job are ended”. In the 31st season, certain things end and give way.

8. In Psalms 31, the psalmist prays for deliverance and against coming to an end. He also prays for the end of the wicked.

9. Proverbs, the book of divine wisdom, ends at Chapter 31; and the 31st chapter ends at verse 31. In Proverbs 31, the male teacher stopped and the female teacher took over.

10. Isaiah 31 is a pronouncement of judgment against those who rebel against God.

11. Jeremiah 31 is the promise of return, comfort and the end of sorrow and weeping in Judah. It is in this chapter also (Jeremiah 31:31-34) that God spoke of ending the Old Covenant and introducing the New Covenant.

12. In Ezekiel 31, the prophet spoke of the overthrow and humiliation of Egypt.

13. Obadiah is the 31st book of the Bible and reveals that the 31st season is for deliverance and possessing possessions. The word ‘possess’ (or possession) is used 8 times in this 21-verse book. Deliverance is the end of the ‘old chapter’. ‘Possessing possessions’ is the beginning of a new season.


The months of the year (in the Gregorian calendar) bears witness that the 31st season is an endpoint. The 7 longest months month of the year end on the 31st day.. Each year ends on the 31st day (of December).


Ancient and modern history also bear witnesTs that the 31st is an endpoint. In 2022, the 9th of Av (a day of mourning and fasting, yearly, for atrocities committed against Jews in history – especially the destruction of the first and second temples) is August 5 – the last day of the 31st week of the year.

In the United States, ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ written in 1814 was adopted as the National Anthem in 1931 (March 3).

In Africa, three countries gained independence in the 31st week of 1960: Benin (August 1), Niger (August 3), Burkina Faso (August 5). In Nigeria, the military administration of Yakubu Gowon began in the 31st week of 1966 following the end of Aguiyi-Ironsi-led government. Nine years later, in 1975, the short-lived regime of Murtala Mohammed made a headstart in the 31st week. Twelve of Nigeria’s 36 states began in her 31st year (1991) either by creation or change of name. The same year (1991), Nigeria’s Capital moved effectively from Lagos to Abuja.

The crushing Russia – Ukraine War of 2022 began in the 31st year of the collapse of the Soviet Union.


1. Pray that this 31st week of the year is a time of deliverance and possessing possessions in the nations. Pray that this a week of moving into freedom and peace for many people.

2. Pray that saviors will arise to from every quarter in the nations and judge ‘the house of Esau’ in the nations and that the Lord may possess His possession on earth. This week, declare Obadiah 1:21 – “. . Saviors shall come to Mount Zion to judge the mountains of Esau, and the kingdom shall be the LORD’s”.

3. Pray that this 31st week of the year will be the end of the old narrative of wickedness, oppression and exploitation. Pray it is the beginning of a positive new story in the nations.

4. Pray against destructions and the wasting of lives in the nations this week.

5. This is the 31st year of the Villa in Abuja. Pray for a positive change before December 12.


The 44th book and 44th chapters of the Bible indicate that the 44th week is a season to demonstrate that ultimate power belongs to God. In the 44th book of the Bible, God sent the Helper, the Holy Spirit, to the Church to enable her fulfill her mandate of taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. In this book of Acts also, aggrieved Jewish authorities used every tool at their disposal to fight the Church of Jesus Christ seeking to stop the spread of the gospel. The church submitted to God rather than submitting to the dictates of the human authorities. There were reactions from the authorities (false accusation, physical abuse, imprisonment, and killings) but God always proved Himself greater than the authorities and their schemes. He granted mysterious escapes and deliverances to His persecuted people. God demonstrated that human prisons and security guards are like toys before Him. Through prayer and manifestations of the power of God, the Church remained unstoppable; and even wore out the human authorities. The Lord clothed His Church with power at the beginning of the 44th book of the Bible because the 44th season is for ‘clash of powers’ and ‘show of force’.

As the Early Church was unstoppable in the 44th book of the Bible, that is how God’s peoole in Nigeria should be unstoppable in this 44th week of Nigeria’s year. The 44th week is also a 44th-chapters-of-the-Bible week. In Genesis 44, Benjamin was arrested by the Egyptian authorities for an offense he did not commit. Joseph commanded his servants to hide his silver cup in Benjamin’s sack. As Benjamin and his older brothers journeyed back home, Egyptians went after them, stooped them, searched them, and arrested Benjamin for ‘stealing’ Joseph’s cup. They brought the travelers back to the city. Joseph knew they did no wrong but had his reasons for doing what he did; but his brothers did not know what was going on. He used his power and authority on them. This is a week when those who have done good and those who have done no wrong can be accused, arrested, and called to judgment. This is a week of traps and snares. In this 44th week, the upright may seem to be in big trouble but God will turn things around to favor them.In Psalm 44, God’s people, remembering the ancient works of God, called on God to step into their case with help. This is a week of desperate cry to Heaven for intervention. The enemy is out to stop or frustrate the divine agenda in Nigeria. He must be stopped with prayer-force.In Isaiah 44, God is the Redeemer of Israel – His people whom He formed and chose. In this chapter, God mocked idols and those who worship them; and promised to restore Judah.

The 44th season is a season of power-clashes. It is when the power of God is revealed. God demonstrates He is final authority in the 44th season if He has people crying out to Him. Jeremiah 44 is God’s counsel against unbelievers who heard His Word from Jeremiah but rejected it and went to Egypt. Jeremiah 44:28 says, “and all the remnant of Judah, who have gone to the land of Egypt to dwell there, shall know whose words will stand, Mine or theirs”. God is the Ruler and Lawgiver in the 44th season. In Ezekiel 44, God gave the new rules for the Temple. In this chapter, the Lord is absolute authority. The gate He passed through is to be shut and no one is to pass through it; because the Lord passed through it. The Lord also gave commands concerning the Prince, the Levites, and Priests. They are all subject to God’s commands. This week, receive strength to pray; and expect intervention in your in Nigeria. God will send needed help as He did in the 44th book of the Bible. Mysterious interventions are on the way. Someone is praying for you!

Happy 44th week!!!


1. Give thanks to God for leading us through the 43rd week of Nigeria’s current year; for the mercies we received; for the deliverances He granted us; for the troubles He spared or saved us from.

2. Pray for the supernatural opening of prisons for those held unjustly by cruel forces – as in the book of Acts. Pray for the release of those held for ransom by human abductors. Remember Leah Sharibu. Remember the students abducted from schools in Kaduna. Pray that the Lord will send His angels and earthquakes against the camp of abductors. Pray also for the safety and preservation of the abducted.

3. Pray for unwavering commitment of those holding on to the realization of Nigeria’s prophet’ic mandate and destiny in various ways. Pray for a fresh empowerment of the Holy Spirit in and among them.

4. Pray that God will knock down the wicked in Nigeria this week – as He knocked down Saul of Tarsus, Herod, Bar-Jesus, and Felix, in the book of Acts. Let the plans and efforts of sorcerer’s and wicked people in Nigeria backfire and come to nothing in this week.

5. Pray that this will be a week of healing, deliverances, and material supplies in families across the country – as in the book of Acts. Let this be a week of supernatural help and intervention in Nigeria.

6. Pray that the word of God and the name of God will be magnified in Nigeria this 44th week. Let those who trust in idols or in their own strength be put to shame this week in Nigeria.

7. Pray that prayers will go up without ceasing in Nigeria this week; and that the remnant will not be distracted from prayer and the ministry of the word. Prayer worked wonders in the 44th book of the Bible and will work for Nigeria this 44th week Pray for missionaries laboring in different fields in Nigeria in this Book of Acts week. We must take the innermost and uttermost parts of Nigeria. Pray also for yourself to experience an awakening from the Holy Spirit this week.

8. In 2022, the 31st week is the beginning of a new Islamic year 1444 (the 44th year of her 15th century). Pray that the Holy Spirit will move in the Islamic world in this new year as in the 44th book of the Bible (Acts).


Isaiah 44:24-26: “Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, And He who formed you from the womb: “I am the LORD, who makes all things, Who stretches out the heavens all alone, Who spreads abroad the earth by Myself; [25] Who frustrates the signs of the babblers, And drives diviners mad; Who turns wise men backward, And makes their knowledge foolishness; [26] Who confirms the word of His servant, And performs the counsel of His messengers; Who says to Jerusalem, ‘You shall be inhabited,’ To the cities of Judah, ‘You shall be built,’ And I will raise up her waste places”.


Psalm 44:5: “Through You we will push down our enemies; Through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us”.



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