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The 42nd week of the year is the (7th) week ending the sixth seven weeks of the year. As a 7th season week, it is for bringing people into rest. The 42nd season is a time to turn situations around through prayer, prophetic decrees and the release of the Power of God.

1. It is an end-point to WAITING:


In the 42nd book of the Bible, Zechariah received answers to his prayers. Simeon and Anna, with others who waited for the redemption of Israel, also saw the answer to their prayers in the same book.


In the 42nd book of the Bible, a virgin conceived and gave birth to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy. In Luke 24, Jesus spoke of sending the Holy Spirit – the Promise of the Father. In Luke 4, Jesus said He is the fulfillment of Isaiah 61. The 42nd season is a special time to see Isaiah 61 fulfilled


Joseph’s dreams came to pass in Genesis 42. Joseph remembered his prophetic dreams when he saw his brothers bow to him as they came to buy grain in Egypt. He saw his dreams fulfilled. His brothers fulfilled the dream they sought to destroy. This is a season when impossible dreams and promises become reality.


Job’s troubles ended in the 42nd chapter of Job. In Job 42, God turned the captivity of Job around and gave him double blessings for his losses. In the days of Elijah, the judgmental drought ended in the 42nd month. Revelation 11:2 says the gentiles “will tread the holy city underfoot for forty-two months”. They will not go beyond the 42nd month. Revelation 13:5 says the beast “was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue for forty-two months”. He will not be allowed to go beyond the 42nd month. The 42nd seasons is an endpoint to trials

2. It is a season to test patience and perseverance in prayer. The 42nd season is a time to pray and receive answers. However, the kind of prayer that works in this season is persevering prayer. People are tempted to give up praying in this season because it looks like it’s not producing any result. That is the reason the 42nd book of Bible tells us about those who waited in the place of prayer and about tarrying to receive power from on high. Luke 11 and 18 teaches importunity in prayer. Sweat dropped from Jesus like drops of blood as He prayed in Luke 22. This is time to pant for God’s visitation as the deer pants for the water brooks (Psalm 42). This is a week to battle weariness and resistance to breakthrough as we pray to birth change.This week the kingdom of darkness will battle to resist prayers, fulfillment of prophecies and answers to prayers – and it may seem that heaven is shut against our prayers. This week, as we pray, we shall be shutting the gate of the week against things that will hinder answers to prayer and the delivery of God’s promises in our lives and nations. We should not give access and room to weariness, discouragement, unbelief, prayer-lessness, and sin.

3. It is a time to get results and change situations by the power of the Holy Spirit. The 42nd book of the Bible attests the Holy Spirit is behind all God-results. When Mary wanted to know how she would conceive a child, in Luke 1, the angel told her the Holy Spirit would come upon her. “For with God nothing shall be impossible. In Luke 4, Jesus did exploits in Galilee when He returned from the wilderness in the power of the Spirit. In Luke 24, Jesus commanded His disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they are endued with power from above.


1. The 42nd book of the Bible (Luke), opened with God answering the prayer of Zachariah and Elizabeth, let the 42nd week of the year be a week of answers to prayers in Nigeria. Let it be a week of divine visitation for waiters in Nigeria as He visited Simeon, Anna, and those waiting for the redemption of Israel in the second chapter of the 42nd book of the Bible.

2. As God fulfilled the impossible promise and prophecy of virgin conception in the 42nd book of the Bible, this week, let the unprecedented happen in Nigeria to fulfill the prophecies and promises for the year. Let the impossible become possible for Nigerians this week. Let dreams, promises and prophecies become reality this week

3. In Genesis 42, Joseph saw his dream come to pass as his brothers came to buy food in Egypt. They bowed before him as he had dreamt in Genesis 37. This 42nd week, let the wicked bow before those they sought to destroy in Nigeria. Let forgotten prophetic dreams concerning Nigeria’s prophetic destiny begin to come to pass this week. Let there be confirmations of the Word in Nigeria this week.

4. In the fourth chapter of the 42nd book of the Bible, Jesus read out Isaiah 61 in the synagogue and said He is the fulfillment of the prophecy. It means there is a spiritual connection between Isaiah 61 and this 42nd season. So, pray in this 42nd week of the year, that the prophecy of Isaiah 61 also becomes reality in Nigeria. Let this week bring good news to the poor, freedom to captives, joy and comfort to mourners, sight to the blind, and healing to the broken hearted in Nigeria.

5. In Job 42, God turned the captivity of Job around and restored double to him for his losses. Let this 42nd week be a turn-around week in Nigeria. Let the afflicted in Nigeria be restored. Let the afflicted and pitied of Nigeria rise from the dust and dung-hill in this 42nd week. Let this week be a week of recovery from losses.

6. The 42nd book of the Bible is a book of prayers and and answers to prayers. Prayer opened every ‘new chapter’ or experience in the 42nd book of the Bible. At baptism, Jesus was praying before he received the voice from heaven. He was praying before the transfiguration happened Jesus taught importunity in prayer in Luke 11 and 18. In Luke 22, sweat dropped from Jesus as thick drops of blood as He prayed. Twice in Luke 22, He told His disciples to pray so they will not enter into temptation. In the 42nd season you do not take NO for an answer. So, pray that unquenchable prayer-fire will burn all over Nigeria in this 42nd week. Pray for a mysterious outpour of he spirit of prayer upon the Church in Nigeria in this 42nd week.

7. In 2002, the 42nd year of Nigeria, Lagos experienced the January 27 Armory explosion that wasted lives and property. A week later in February, Lagos experienced a 4-day riot that claimed several lives. On May 4, the EAS Plane Crash that claimed over 140 lives happened in Kano. Pray and shut the gate of this week to disasters. Pray that Nigerians will have a disaster-free 42nd week at home, work, school, church, at sea, on land, or on air.

8. As you take your part in this 42nd week, ask the Lord to visit and touch areas of concern in your life. This is a week of divine visitation in around the world. Nigeria and Nigerians must get their share of the good news in Jesus’ Name.


October 15-21 is the third week of the 10th month and the third week of Nigeria’s year. The third season (third day, third week, third month, third 7 weeks, third year) is a game-changing season. In the Bible, “the third day” is a day of turnarounds. Jesus rose from the dead on the third day. When a messenger of God says a woman will give birth “about this time next year” (as in 2 Kings 4:16), it means the woman will conceive in the third month from the prophecy because it only takes 9 months to grow a baby in the womb. The third king of Israel, Solomon, took Israel to new level in every way – good and bad. Narratives in the books of the Bible take a new course from the third chapter.

The third chapters of the Bible have three special features that are applicable to the third season or third week:

1. God speaks to change direction (Genesis 3; Exodus 3; First Samuel 3; Jonah 3; Matthew 3; Luke 3). The third season is the time to set the direction of the future (Genesis 3; Exodus 3; Joshua 3; First Samuel 3; Second Samuel 3; First Kings 3; Second Kings 3; Esther 3; Daniel 3; Jonah 3; Matthew 3; Luke 3; Acts 3). It is a season to shut the gate against hindrances to hearing God and obstacles to change and progress.

2. Sacrifice opens the door and lays foundation for a new direction (John 3:16; First Kings 3; Second Kings 3: 26-27; Ezra 3:3).

3. The enemy starts a challenge that reveals and magnifies God (the serpent in Genesis 3; Haman in Esther 3; the fiery furnace in Daniel 3). This is the season for the Serpent to go to work. It is the season for Haman to be promoted. It is the season for Nebuchadnezzar to set up his provocative golden image It is a season to stir up anger leading to persecution. Be watchful. Every road the enemy chooses this week will end at God’s destination.


1. Pray against confusing, deceiving, and distracting voices that may rise in our nation this week. Pray that God’s people in Nigeria will hear the voice that will set the course of the current year and respond appropriately

2. Pray for boldness and courage against spirits and agents of intimidation that may be working in Nigeria this week (Pharaoh, Haman, Nebuchadnezzar).

3. Prophesy and declare a positive change of direction in Nigeria beginning from this third week.This is a week of changing situations in Nigeria through prayer (42nd week) and sacrifice (3rd week).


Isaiah 42:14-16: “I have held My peace a long time, I have been still and restrained Myself. Now I will cry like a woman in labor, I will pant and gasp at once. I will lay waste the mountains and hills, And dry up all their vegetation; I will make the rivers coastlands, And I will dry up the pools. I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, And crooked places straight. These things I will do for them, And not forsake them”.

2 Kings 3:16-17: “…Make this valley full of ditches.’ [17] For thus says the LORD: ‘You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle, and your animals may drink.’

Have a triumphant 3rd week in Nigeria’s year and a joy-filled 42nd week of the year!



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