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Audio: Praying Into the Week of November 26 – December 2

Watch Video: Praying Into the 48th Week

The 48th book and chapters of the Bible reveal five things concerning the 48th season.

1. This is a week of extravagant and extraordinary grace.

2. This is a week of divine sovereignty.

3. This is a week of judgment against pride.

4. This is a week to marry freedom with responsibility.

5. This is a week of glory by the presence of God.

6. This is a week to focus on the Habitation of God – the City of God.The 48th week of the year is a week of Super Grace.

In Genesis 48, God released grace on Joseph and his sons. Three things happened there:

1. Ephraim, the younger son of Joseph was given the position and right of a firstborn. Joseph protested but his father did not listen to him.

2. The two sons of Joseph became Jacob’s sons and were brought to the status of their uncles and made to share inheritance with them.

3. Joseph was given a double portion in Israel through Ephraim and Manasseh. That was grace speaking loudly.

The 48th season is the gate of God’s City. It is a governmental season. The city of God is the place of His dominion – where He rules from. In Psalm 48, Mount Zion is the City of God – where He resides. God could have chosen other places but He chose Zion. In Ezekiel 48:35 (the last verse of the last chapter) a city is named ‘The Lord is there’. Israel was granted statehood in 1948 (May 14).

In the 48th season, God’s presence is everything; and His City receives attention. This 48th week is the week of God’s City.

Heaven fights sinful pride in the 48th season because grace and arrogance do not go together. In Jeremiah 48, God pronounced judgment on Moab because of her pride. She did not acknowledge the grace of God. This week, be thankful to God for all things. Acknowledge the support of His Mighty Hand on your life. Be gracious to others. Contemplating the grace of God keeps us humble. This is the week of those made and changed by the Grace of God.

The 48th week of the year is a season of responsible freedom. It is a Book of Galatians week. In the 48th book of the Bible, Galatians, Paul declared that his apostleship came directly from God. No man would have chosen him to be an apostle of Jesus Christ. The 4th chapter of Galatians also reveals that by faith we have become sons and heirs of God like the Christ and are given the very Holy Spirit of God. By faith, also, we have become sons of Abraham as Isaac was – and are entitled to the blessings of Abraham. God promotes people by His grace in the 48th season.

This week, step forward into your God-given place without fear or self-condemnation. Do not disqualify yourself from what God has qualified you. In the way, make conscious efforts to give ascendancy to the spirit against the flesh. This is not a week to gratify the flesh and its lust but a week to soar in the spirit. This is a week to marry grace and freedom with responsibility as the 48th book of the Bible teaches


1. Pray for favor and open doors beyond merit and beyond what man can do. Bless all God’s people with Super favor – as you pray.

2. Pray that the Lord will bless and beautify the assemblies and families of His saints in Nigeria with His presence. Let it be said concerning them that the Lord is there.

3. Pray that prideful boasting and arrogance or un-forgiveness will find no place in your heart. Pray for strength to treat others better than they deserve. Ask for grace to be gracious. Pray that those who have received great grace in Nigeria will learn to be gracious.

4. Pray for wisdom and strength to demonstrate responsibility in a season of grace and freedom. Pray that we will not abuse the grace of God in Nigeria.

5. Pray Psalm 48 and Ezekiel 48 over Israel, the natural City of God. Speak blessings over Israel as a people. Pray that Nigeria will become a great supporter of Israel and become a partaker of Abrahamic blessings in Genesis 12.


What is the mystery of the ninth season?


The Bible reveals that the 9th season is a gate of time when new things that change the course of history are birthed. The birth of the Rainbow is recorded in Genesis 9. The Gibeonites became part of Israel in Joshua 9. Monarchy began in Israel in the 9th book of the Bible (at the 9th chapter). Both Samuel and David were manifested in the 9th book of the Bible. The Feast of Purim began in Esther 9. Apostle Paul came into the faith in Acts 9. It is because of the critical nature of the 9th season that the enemy puts up his worst fight – to kill and destroy and frustate- in this season. Noah cursed his son in the same chapter that God blessed him. It all started with getting drunk and losing self control. Joshua was deceived to make a covenant with Gibeonites and couldn’t pull out of it. Abimelech killed the 70 sons of his father in Judges 9 to establish monarchy prematurely in Israel. He did not survive it. . Goliath rose against Israel in the 9th book of the Bible. By the wicked plot of Haman, all Jews were to be destroyed in Esther 9 but the opposite occured. Saul of Tarsus became a follower of Jesus in Acts 9. The Assyrians seized the Northern Kingdom of Israel in the 9th year of her last king, Joshes. Babylon besieged Judah from the 9th year of her last king, Zedekiah.Nigeria was at war in 1969, the ninth year of our country. That was the year of the last straw that broke the Carmel’s back in the Nigeria-Biafra War. Nigeria’ s 9th National Leader, Ernest Shonekan, was overthrown after 84 days in office. The 9th seven years of Nigeria (October 2016 – October 2023) has been a season of calamities in Nigeria. The 9th President of the United States, William Harrison, died in office after 31 days in office. Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States, changed history in the 9th seven years of the United States. He signed the Indian Removal Act that led to the ‘Trail of Tears’ in 1838.


Genesis 9 opens with God blessing Noah and his sons with fruitfulness and multiplication and grace to fill the earth. God also outlawed murder in that passage and said that killers of men will be killed by other men. The 9th season is a time of population explosion. The enemy fights God’s agenda for this season through barrenness, disease, and death. The 9th season is a season of blessings but the enemy wants it to become a season of curses. God blessed Noah in Genesis 9 but he cursed his son in the same chapter.

The 9th book of the Bible opens with Hannah’s barrenness and the birth of Samuel.In the 9th book of the Bible, Eli and his sons died in one day,. God cursed his family with death of males. Eli’s daughter in-law had premature delivery. Many Philistines died for looking into the Ark. Saul made efforts to kill David but failed. The 9th book of the Bible ends with Saul and his three sons dying in the battle field. In Second Kings 9, Jehu began the massacre of the house of Ahab. He killed them because Jezebel killed Naboth. In Jeremiah 9, the prophet summoned wailing women to lament the wasting of lives in the land. The enemy delights in cutting men down in the 9th season. In the 9th week of Nigeria’s year in 1983 (November 28) Nigeria Airways F28-1000 crashed near Enugu, killing 53 on board.

God doesn’t want men to die in this season. So, He stands against barrenness, disease, and death in this season. He is also set against murderers in this season. That should also be our position as spiritual gate-keepers.

In the 15th chapter of the 9th book of the Bible, God wanted Saul to wipe off Amalek but he disobeyed God and was rejected from being king. In Esther 9, those who wanted to kill the Jews in the land of Persia ended being killed. In Matthew 9, Jesus healed the sick and raised a girl from the dead. In Acts 9, Jesus stopped Saul of Tarsus on his murderous journey to Damascus. Peter healed bedridden Aeneas and raised Dorcas (supporter of widows) from the dead. In Revelation 9, God did not permit the locusts to kill men. God always reacts against the wasting of lives in the 9th season.

The other major aspect of the divine agenda for the 9th season is sight. God wants people’s eyes to be opened. Blindness is a malady of the ninth season. Satan uses it to hinder people from perceiving and receiving God’s will for the season. God uses it only to fight those fighting against Him.In the 9th book of the Bible, Eli was blind but Samuel was a Seer. What Saul and his servant searched for three days and did not see, the Seer saw.In Matthew 9, Jesus healed two blind men. In John 9, Jesus healed a man that was born blind. In Acts 9, Saul of Tarsus was blinded by light from heaven until Ananias, a disciple of Christ laid hands on him.


1. Speak and prophesy fruitfulness and multiplication over Nigeria this week. Pray for conceptions (for barren women) and for safe deliveries.

2. Pray against the loss of lives this week. Pray for travelers by air, sea, road, rail , and travelers by foot.

3. Pray against murderers in Nigeria in this week – ritual killers, armed robbers, hired assassins, terrorists, kidnappers and abductors.

4. Pray that God will open the eyes of opinion leaders, traditional leaders, business leaders, and political leaders in Nigeria in this seasons

5. Pray that God will unveil the Seers in Nigeria’s 9th seven years to help us find the things we are looking for in our nation .

6. Pray that the Lord will blind the eyes of the enemies of Nigeria – sponsors of terrorism and the islamization agenda. 7. Pray that God will open the eyes of those whom the God of this world had blinded to the gospel of Jesus Christ


Isaiah 48:11: ‘For My own sake, for My own sake, I will do it; For how should My name be profaned? And I will not give My glory to another”.

Isaiah 9: 6-7: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. [7] Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this”.

Have a happy 48th week of the year and a tremendously blessed 9th week of Nigeria’s year.

Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri is a herald of patterns, principles, and seasons, for the restoration of eternal purposes on earth. He has a mandate to bring understanding of times and seasons to the nations using a biblical model. He proclaims that NOW is the time to actualize dreams and expectations leading to the manifestation of The kingdom on earth


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