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Home Nations 49-Yearly Seasons FROM GROANING TO GLORY: The Book-of-Exodus Journey to New Nigeria

FROM GROANING TO GLORY: The Book-of-Exodus Journey to New Nigeria


Seventy weeks are determined For your people and for your holy city, To finish the transgression, To make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity, To bring in everlasting righteousness, To seal up vision and prophecy, And to anoint the Most Holy” (Daniel 9:24).

Agabus was a notable prophetic voice in the early church. He gave two prophecies in the book of Acts. The first was in Acts 11 where he SHOWED by the Spirit that famine was imminent. The second was in Acts 21 where he SAID by the Spirit that Paul would suffer at Jerusalem. At one time, he showed by the Spirit; and at another time he said by the Spirit. Both prophecies came to pass. That means we can say, by the Spirit, what we have heard from God; and show, by the Spirit, what God has shown us. In this article, I want to show by the Spirit what the Lord has shown me through His Word about Nigeria. As the Lord spoke to Daniel about Israel’s 70 weeks of years, He has spoken concerning the season of Nigeria’s second 49 years. What He has revealed explains what we had been through since 2009, what we are experiencing in this season, and what is laid out in the future for us.

Here are 7 preliminary things the Lord taught me concerning His work in Nigeria and His plans for the near future:


Every journey has a destination and involves progressive movement towards that destination. In the physical journeys of life, there is a way to know how far you have travelled in the journey, where you are, and how long you still need to travel to get to your destination – unless you are lost or don’t know the way. Even if you don’t know the way, there could be someone you can ask who knows where you are; where you are going, and how far or close you are to the destination. Google Map is a great help to travelling in our generation. The Lord has helped me to see that Nigeria’s journey to transformation is not an endless journey; and that Nigeria is making progress – even when it looks like nothing positive is happening. He assured my heart, as He had assured many others, that Nigeria will arrive at her prophetic destiny. So, we need to take our eyes off the fiery serpents and look on the bronze serpent on the pole. We need to look away from all the heartbreaking things happening every day in Nigeria and concentrate on the word of the Lord. That’s how Abraham and Sarah overcame barrenness. “…Without faith, it is impossible to please God”. When we focus on the way things are, we pray as in a circle – going round and round – repenting as if there is no end to repentance and confession of sins. We’ll always need the mercy of God but we must make progress in our quest for divine intervention. If we confess our sins to God and He says we are forgiven – by His Word and His Spirit – we should move on as if we never sinned; instead of being entangled in a web of guilt and consciousness of sin.


“Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105).

There is a divine agenda and a pattern for every prophetic week in Nigeria. A prophetic week is a seven-year season. The Bible book that corresponds to a prophetic week in Nigeria is key to understanding the divine agenda and demands for the season. Everyone that had led Nigeria (including the current President) had a divine mandate and would have done very well if they had known and followed what the Bible revealed about their seasons.


Is there a reliable map for Nigeria’s journey; a map that can show us where we are and the charted path to get to where we are going? Psalm 119: 105 says: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”. God’s Word will not be light to us if it cannot help us to see where we are and where we are going”. The Lord deposited light in His word for His people through the principles, the promises, the prophecies and proclamations, and the patterns”. We are more acquainted with God’s principles. promises, and prophecies, than with the narrative and numeric patterns in His word. The Word has narrative patterns and numeric patterns. Bible stories offer narrative patterns that help us know what to do when circumstances are similar. Numbered Bible chapters offer numeric patterns that help us to know what to expect or what to do at certain times – when numbered seasons and numbered chapters correspond or intersect. We are also more familiar with narrative patterns than we are with the numeric patterns in the word. As God inspired the books snd their narratives, that is how He inspired the order of the books and the chapter-numbers assigned to the narratives”. That is great light to the Body of Christ. So, there are narrative patterns and numeric patterns in the Bible. As we learned how to tell date and time by learning 1-2-3 in the school, God allowed numbers and numeric patterns in His word to help us understand the purpose of times and the timing of purposes. The narratives in the Word teach us the purposes but the numbers in the word teaches us how time relates to purposes”. So, numeric patterns are light to help us understand our dated and numbered seasons through the Bible. The books and chapters of the Bible that have the same number also have similar narratives. For example, the second book of the Bible and the second chapters of the Bible have a common theme; and are in sync with the narrative of the second day of creation. So, the numbered or dated books and passages of the Bible are key to understanding our numbered or dated times and seasons; because time on earth is either numbered or dated.


Every dated or numbered season can be understood from the Bible book or chapter that corresponds to the numbered or dated season. That means the first book of the Bible is pattern for the first year, first seven years, or first 49 years. In the same way, the second book of the Bible is pattern for the second year, second seven years, and second 49 years. The third book of the Bible is pattern for the third year, third seven years, and third 49 years.

Understanding seasons through numeric patterns in the Bible helps us to build procedurally. It gives prophecies a solid scriptural foundation or scale. Working out any dream is a process. The dream and promise of a new Nigeria is not going to materialize in one day. It’s a journey. We need to be holistic, long-term, and procedural in thinking and planning. Often, we are caught thinking too much of this election…the next election…and the next election. We should not be comfortable with having just yearly plans and dreams. We must not think that all our prayers are going to be answered the next day, week, month, or year. When Jesus knew some people were thinking the kingdom will appear immediately, He told them the parable of the talents in Luke 19:11-27 and Matthew 25:14-30. We need to learn how to occupy till the Promise comes.


Nigeria is going through her second 49 years – counting from October 1, 1960. As at the time of this writing, she has 36 years and 8 months of this season still in the furure. The journey of her first 49 years (1960 – 2009) was like a journey through the book of Genesis. Every seven years in that season expressed the corresponding seven or eight chapters of Genesis: 1960-1967 (Genesis 1-8); 1967-1974 (Genesis 9-15); 1974-1981 (Genesis 16-22); 1981-1988 (Genesis 23-29); 1988-1995 (Genesis 30-36); 1995-2002 (Genesis 37-43); 2002-2009 (Genesis 44-50). As Joseph came from prison to the throne in the book of Genesis, that was how Obasanjo emerged from prison to become President of Nigeria. As Genesis 50 ends with death and burial, that is how Nigeria’s 13th leader died in the 50th year of our nation.

Nigeria’s 50th year (October 2009 – October 2010) was the beginning of her journey into the second 49 years. She began the journey on October 1, 2009.

The Second 49 years of Nigeria (2009 – 2058) is like a Book of Exodus season. This means that the book of Exodus provides a pattern for the second 49 years of Nigeria. This explains the degree of oppression going on in the nation, the killings, and the awakened efforts of a section of Nigeria to dominate and suppress other Nigerians. It is like the awakening of Egypt to enslave and oppress Israelites. That also helps us to understand the revived agitations for freedom and self-determination. This is the season of “Let my people go!” in Nigeria. The second 49 years of Nigeria is the season to press for the total liberation of Nigeria from ‘Egyptian’ bondage and begin the formation of a new nation with an altar and tabernacle to Jehovah. The divine agenda is not to divide Nigeria but to liberate Nigeria from oppressors.

Using numeric patterns to decode seasons helps us to align our prayers to seasons. Zechariah 10:1 challenges us to ask the Lord for rain in the time of rain. Prayers should correspond to seasons. What the Lord revealed about Nigeria’s second 49 years is applicable to all nations. Many countries struggle and even fight civil wars in the second 49 years. The second 49 years of nations is a season when some are moved to oppress and enslave others; and a season when the enslaved or oppressed desperately seek freedom. Even at the individual-level, people in the second 49 years of life also battle life threatening health challenges.

Exodus 1:8-14 gives us the spiritual background to the pains of this season: “Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. [9] And he said to his people, “Look, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we; [10] come, let us deal shrewdly with them, lest they multiply, and it happen, in the event of war, that they also join our enemies and fight against us, and so go up out of the land.” [11] Therefore they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh supply cities, Pithom and Raamses. [12] But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were in dread of the children of Israel. [13] So the Egyptians made the children of Israel serve with rigor. [14] And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage-in mortar, in brick, and in all manner of service in the field. All their service in which they made them serve was with rigor”.


I asked the Lord to show me how He intended the 40-chapter Book of Exodus to guide someone or a nation through 49 years. I wanted to know where to find Nigeria’s present prophetic location in the Exodus-map. Since the book of Exodus is a pattern for the second 49 years, it is also possible to know where we are in the book and the path to where we are heading to. The Lord told me to divide the book of Exodus into seven sections. Each of the seven sections will represent a seven year season or a prophetic week. Since Exodus has 40 chapters, it leaves us with five chapters for each seven-year season and a remainder of five chapters. I didn’t know what to do with the remaining 5 chapters. I wanted to give it to the seventh and last season but the Lord guided me to give the remaining 5 chapters to the first five seasons as ‘seniors’. When I did, the result is a 6-6-6-6-6-5-5 distribution plan as follows: 2009-2016 (Exodus 1 – 6); 2016-2023) Exodus 7 – 12); 2023-2030 (Exodus 13 – 18); 2030-2037 (Exodus 19 – 24); 2037-2044 (Exodus 25 – 30); 2044-2051 (Exodus 31 – 35); 2051-2058 (Exodus 36 – 40)


1. He wants to deliver Nigerians from oppression as He delivered Israel from bondage to Egypt and Pharaoh. He wants to drown the oppressor too.

2. He wants to separate Nigeria to Himself beginning with a move to restore morality, righteousness, and holiness in the church and nation.

3. He wants to crush resistant enemies (Amalekites) blocking the way of Nigeria’s journey to transformation.

4. He wants to make Nigeria His Tabernacle on earth. He wants to make Nigeria “the place to meet God”.


It is easy to fall into the temptation of thinking that everything God says He will do is going to happen the next day, week, or year. In Genesis 15, God told Abraham that his descendants would be oppressed by another nation for 400 years before they will begin to inherit the Promised land. Jesus spoke the parable of the talents to those who thought the kingdom of God would appear immediately. In Jeremiah 29, God spoke to Judah that the Babylonian captivity will last 70 years. God also gave Daniel a revelation of the 70 weeks of years needed to accomplish His purposes in the land. Understanding divine timing is very helpful as we wait on the Lord to fulfill His promises. As we pray for Nigeria, we need to learn from the parable of the virgins. We need to think long term and take enough oil with us.

The second book of the Bible indicates that the second 49 years of Nigeria consists of seven phases of experiences and also helps us to understand what God wants to do in and through Nigeria in this season. The seven phases are: Phase 1: Unveiling the Oppression Plan (2009-2016). Phase 2. Battles of Intervention and Deliverance (2016-2023). Phase 3. Survival Strategies In the Wilderness (2023-2030). Phase 4. Restoring Foundations of Morality and Integrity 2030-2037). Phase 5. Envisioning the House of God (2037-2044). Phase 6: Preparing for the House of God (2044-2051). Phase 7: Construction and Inauguration of the Tabernacle (2051-2058)


The Pharaoh That Did Not Know Joseph Rose In Nigeria Between 2009 – 2016; And The Groaning Began

The eighth seven years of our independence (2009-2016) was the first seven years in our second 49 years. There was sudden shift towards insecurity in 2009. This seven-year season was an Exodus 1-6 season in Nigeria. That was when the Pharaoh who did not know Joseph manifested in Nigeria, especially, through the Boko Haram anti-Christian spirit. This season was marked by suicide bombing, raiding of military barracks and police stations, and abduction of students. That was also when the plan of redemption began. Agitations for Biafra State, agitation for Yoruba nation and other such demands are like the initial reactions of Moses to Egyptian bondage. Moses wanted to deliver Israel through physical confrontation. That was not God’s will or way. He found the task impossible and ran for his life. He was like many Nigerians today who have moved from “we can handle it” to “this is impossible; we can’t do anything to stop it”. Goodluck Jonathan and Muhammadu Buhari fought two fierce election-battles in this season (2011 and 2015). It’s all history now. 2009 – 2016 was the beginning of the war and conflict between ‘Israel’ and ‘Egypt’ in Nigeria.

2009 – 2016 was also a book of Ruth season in Nigeria. As the spirit of death attacked Naomi in the book of Ruth, that was how the spirit of death worked in Nigeria in this season. Miscalculations of the past worked out good in this season. This season saw three administrations: Yar’Adua – Jonathan administration; Jonathan – Sambo administration; and Buhari – Osinbajo administration. All three administrations have faces in the book of Ruth. Yar’Adua is like Elimelech and his sons that were stopped by death. Ruth and Naomi seemingly foreshadowed the Jonathan – Sambo administration. Survival was the big thing for Ruth and Naomi. So, also, for the Jonathan – Sambo administration – especially with rising of terrorist forces in the land. The Buhari – Osinbajo ticket is like re-enacting the Boaz – Ruth marriage. That is the foundation for the emergence of David in Nigeria. They made way for ‘David’ – the last word in the book of Ruth. However, it is important to note that Boaz and Ruth did not give birth to David directly. They first had Obed and then Obed had Jesse the father David. Today, we are seeing Obed and Jesse but do not know what to do with them because all we want to see is David. God is at work and we need to follow Him patiently. A rod will come out of Jesse. The David we are looking for is going to come from where we least expect. It’s not just about being a musical shepherd boy in the bush but also about being once a follower of King Saul. Yes, David was part of Saul’s government. The David Nigeria needs is not just a person but also a generation and a company. It is a David-type season.


Often, we are confused about what the church should do or how to respond in changing times. Understanding the time is the key to knowing what we ought to do (First Chronicles 12:32). In the season of our second 49 years, the church is a people at war; a people in conflict as Moses and Israel were in Egypt. Moses was a peace-maker, a physical fighter, a spiritual fighter, and a leader. In this season, the concerned church in Nigeria has and should have the face of Moses. There was first the angry and able-bodied Moses; and then the Spiritually Empowered Moses. This church is angry with, and resistant to, oppression. Some of this church are ready to engage the enemy physically. We must go beyond the Angry Moses to the Spiritually Empowered Moses who can discipline the Pharaoh and Egypt of Nigeria.


2016 – 2023 Is A Season Of Plagues That Will End With The Passover

The 9th seven years (2016-2023) is Exodus 7-12 season where the God of Israel declared war against Pharaoh’s Egypt through the plagues. This is the Buhari season in Nigeria. The Egyptian Pharaoh was not moved by the suffering and pain in the land and didn’t give up until he drowned at the Red Sea. This season ended with the Passover. The plagues are on-going in Nigeria. Economic hardship, banditry, abductions, and killings, are parts of the season of plagues against Egypt. As with Pharaoh and Egyptians, our leaders are confused because things are getting out of hand. As Pharaoh did not want to give up, our leaders are doing their best to hang in there. From the pattern in the book of Exodus, the last plague and Passover, for Nigeria, will happen before the end of the 9th seven years.


When Pharaoh devised the plan of oppressing and suppressing Israel, it led to the killing and drowning of children born to Israelites. It was a plan to maim the future of Israel and perpetually keep her in bondage. I do not know how many children Pharaoh’s government killed but that evil plan missed Moses. The kingdom of darkness is targeting the future of Nigeria. That is the reason children are targets in this season. On the night of Passover, God paid Egypt back. He killed the firstborn of all Egypt – humans and animals. Egypt started the fight; God finished it.


The key to the Passover experience in Nigeria is returning to the family consciousness and strengthening our hold on our righteousness in Christ. The key is returning to brotherly or family love and releasing the power of the cross. The war in the Body of Christ must cease. We must cease from spying for the adversary and from betraying one another. It is our sin against one another that is empowering the adversary against us. The Passover was a statement to Israel that Pharaoh was not the problem of Israel. Rather, Israel was the problem of Israel. At Passover, God emphasized two things: the coming together of families and the blood of the Lamb. The Passover was beyond what Moses and Aaron alone could do. All the families of Israel in Egypt triggered the Passover without anyone going to talk to Pharaoh. The Lord is calling the Church in Nigeria back to the Cross and to One-Body consciousness.

We have done enough of just binding the devil and his demons. Nine terrible plagues Moses released on Egypt could not bend Pharaoh. Our warfare prayers against ‘Egypt’ and ‘Pharaoh’ is doing something but it hasn’t done, and cannot, do the work. The restoration of communal spirit and coming under the blood that washed and saved us is the last straw that will break the camel’s back. The repentance we need mostly is repentance from sin against one another. For Israel, it all started when Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery in Genesis 37 and lied about what they did. Before they sold him, Judah confessed he was their flesh and their bone. You cannot sell a part of your body into slavery and not end up a slave. In Exodus 1, Egyptians confessed that Israelites were more in number and mightier (militarily) than Egyptians. They dealt wisely (craftily) with Israel through propaganda and indoctrination; and by turning Israelites against Israelites. They made Israelites taskmasters over Israelites. They paid Israelites to spy and kill Israelites. They made Israelites distrust Israelites and encouraged Israelites to fight one another. The last fight Moses discouraged in Exodus 2 was between two Israelites. It was by craftiness that the feeble minority ruled the mighty majority in Egypt. “Let us love one another”. We are all Israelites but from different tribes; and even within the tribes, there are different families.

The other thing that saved Israel in Egypt was the blood of the Lamb on the lintel and doorpost of their homes. They didn’t have sufficient righteousness to save themselves. God said. “When I see the blood, I will pass over you”. I am a champion of repentance and righteousness. However, we must realize that we can’t be righteous enough, on our own, to bring about the needed change in Nigeria. We cannot earn our deliverance from the oppressor. We must repent and confess our sins to God but we must be strong in the revelation of the Cross and of the blood of Jesus the Christ. God is not going to deliver Nigerians from the oppressor by their righteousness but by His mercy and power. That is why crying out to Him and following His immediate instructions is about all we can do at this time. The blood has been poured out; and that is our protection from the destruction coming at the close of our ninth seven years.

Remember that the Destroyer on the night of Passover was not the devil but God. He said, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you”. None of the plagues of Egypt came from the devil. All came from God. The enemies of God’s people are about to go down but God’s people must come under proper cover. We have been wearing garments of ‘filthy righteousness’ that cannot protect from judgment. We have been calling and crying out against the wicked as if we are perfect in ourselves. Our purity is in the Blood of Jesus. “Nothing but the blood of Jesus” can save us from our enemies at this time.


God instructed Israel, through Moses, to prepare for the Passover. This involved borrowing all they could borrow from Egyptians, selecting the unblemished year-old lamb on the tenth day, killing it on the 14th day, smearing the doorposts and lintel of their houses with the blood of the lamb, remaining in their houses and eating in readiness to depart. They needed to act like people ready to leave Egypt. We need the same attitude. We need to start acting and talking like our captivity is over. Our adversaries need to start wondering what we are doing. They need to start asking why we are doing what we are doing. Egyptians may have asked: “Why are they borrowing things from us?” “Why are they painting their doorposts and lintel with a red stuff?” “Why is every family killing a lamb; what are they celebrating?” We need a change of attitude as part of the preparation for Passover. Without faith, it is impossible to please God.

Moses had to educate Israelites concerning the Passover. Reenacting the Passover is our deliverance from oppression – just as it worked for Israel in Egypt. We do not need literal lambs for this coming ‘Passover’ experience. Jesus is our Passover Lamb and He had died for us. All we need do, now, is to stand strong in the finished work so that the midnight destruction will pass over us and hit our oppressors. The Lord is calling awakened believers in Nigeria to prepare for the Passover. If the Lord is telling us to prepare for Passover, He is indirectly saying that a wave of destruction is on the way. This is not fairy tale. The enemies are preparing to do their best and worst but the opposite will occur. The Lord wants to show ‘Pharaoh’ and the ‘Egyptians’ that He is the Lord. God is at war with ‘Egypt’ in Nigeria. It is a battle of Spirit against spirit. If we do not prepare for the Passover, we may not be spared. Passover is the turning-point for Nigeria and Nigerians. May the Lord grant it.

The Book of FIRST SAMUEL Pattern

The 9th seven years is also a book of First Samuel season. I covered this season in detail in my book, From Hannah to David. The 9th book of the Bible is about four principal characters: Eli and Samuel; Saul and David. It is about spiritual and political transitions in Israel. The seven-year season 2016 – 2023 is the season of Buhari administration in Nigeria. The Buhari administration has had three faces since emergence. Between May 2015 and September 2016, the administration had the face of Boaz, the redeemer. From the beginning of the 9th seven years, the administration had the face of Eli, the absent and indifferent leader. Later the administration developed the face of Saul. The 9th book of the Bible holds the pattern for each year of this seven-year season as follows:

2016-2017 (First Samuel 1-5);

2017-2018 (First Samuel (6-10);

2018-2019 (First Samuel 11-15);

2019-2020 (First Samuel 16-19);

2020-2021 (First Samuel 20-23);

2021-2022 (First Samuel 24-27); This is the season of hunting for David’s life. It is a season of great trial for David. The Lord will protect and preserve His anointed. Seeds of progress must walk circumspectly in this season.

2022-2023 is the last year in this season and expresses First Samuel 28-31. In the Exodus 7-12 pattern, this season ends with the Passover. In the 9th book of the Bible pattern, this season ends with the fall of Saul.

In this 9th season, God will reveal Himself as ‘the Lord of hosts’ in Nigeria. If you read Judges 9, the 9th book of the Bible (First Samuel) and it’s ninth chapter, the 9th chapters of Second Kings, Esther and Acts, you will discover that ninth seasons do not end the way men think it will or should. As we pray for Nigeria, we should expect a surprise to close the 9th seven years of Nigeria.

Was Israel released peacefully from Egypt? Did Saul hand over peacefully to David? As we come to the close of this season, blind Nigeria will be healed of blindness, the murderer of the innocent Nigerian will pay the ultimate price, the old guard will be set aside and Nigeria will move on.


2023 -2030 Is For Beginning The Journey To The New Nigeria, Crossing The Red Sea, And Moving Into The Necessary Wilderness And Training Ground For Canaan.

The 10th seven years (October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2030) is Exodus 13-18 season. This season is from the 64th to the 70th year of Nigeria That is the season to begin the journey to the Promised Land, cross the Red Sea travel through the wilderness with its challenges, fight with Amalek (nearby enemies of progress in Nigeria). This will be the season to restructure Nigeria towards decentralization and devolution of powers. In this season, Nigeria will be under the government of her 16th or 17th National Leader who is a type of Moses in the second book of the Bible, a type of David in the 10th book of the Bible, a type of Nehemiah in the 16th book of the Bible, and a type of Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States. The Lord himself will preserve this leader.

Nigerian believers need to be acquainted with Exodus 13-18 to help our understanding of the Exodus pattern for this season. Exodus 13 represents the end of oppression and the beginning of separation for the journey to the Nigeria of Prophecy. Exodus 14 is the crossing of the Red Sea. The oppressor will seek to reverse the irreversible. The oppressor will not want to accept defeat. There will be efforts to return Nigeria to what used to be. Pharaoh and his army will resist the irreversible change but they will drown at Nigeria’s political Red Sea. Watch out! Exodus 15-17 is about Israel’s initial wilderness experiences . Manna and Quail and water from the Rock (and even sweetening bitter water) is Jehovah’s economic intervention for the journey to New Nigeria. This season will be marked by economic hardship and ‘miracles’. Many Nigeria’s will be so discouraged at this point of the journey to New Nigeria. There will be war with Amalekites but these Amalekites of Nigeria, who attack Nigeria from the rear, will be defeated and will never be well with them again. Exodus 18 is where Moses received leadership advice from his father in-law, Jethro. Exodus 18 represents decentralization and sharing of power between the federal government, state governments, and local governments. The Moses of Exodus 18 represents the Federal Government of Nigeria. The leaders of 100s and 50s are state and local governments. The Federal Government seems to be controlling too much; and unnecessarily so; and wearing herself and Nigerians out.


Second Samuel is the 10th book of the Bible and is also pattern for the tenth seven years of Nigeria. The book opened with the death of Saul and his three sons and the consequent fall of the house of Saul. As Exodus 13-18 marked a New beginning for liberated Israelites, the tenth book marked another new beginning for Israel with the road cleared for David (the man after God’s heart) to ascend the throne. Before all Israel anointed David, there was war between Saul’s men and David’s men. Ishbosheth was made king in place of his father, Saul. After Saul, Ishbosheth will rule Israel before David will ascend the throne. Ishbosheth means ‘Man of shame’ or ‘husband of shame’.The other name of Ishbosheth is Eshbaal and it means ‘Baal exists’ or ‘fire of Baal’. Before David will ascend the throne in Nigeria, Ishbosheth will rule. The Lord save us from bloody conflicts in this season.

Each year of the 10th seven years of Nigeria has a pattern in the tenth book of the Bible. We can tell where we are in the book each year by dividing the book into seven years as follows:

2023-2024 (Exodus 13-14; 2 Samuel 1-4);

2024-2025 (Exodus 15; 2 Samuel 5-8);

2025-2026 (Exodus 16; 2 Samuel 9-12);

2026-2027 (Exodus 16; 2 Samuel 13-15);

2027-2028 (Exodus 17; 2 Samuel 16-18);

2028-2029 (Exodus 18; 2 Samuel 19-21);

2029-2030 (Exodus 18; 2 Samuel 22-24).


2030 – 2037 Is For Camping At Sinai For An Encounter With The God Of Our Salvation And For The Birthing Of A New Covenanted Nation

The 11th seven years (October 2030 – October 2037) is Exodus is 19-24 season. This is the Bridge-season in our second 49 years. Nigeria will be at Sinai in this season to meet with God for covenant and new foundation. This is the beginning of major constitution-change in Nigeria. This is the beginning of the unfolding of a new Nigeria under God – the God that delivered Nigeria from ‘Egyptian bondage’. This is also a book of First Kings season in Nigeria. The book of second kings will give the pattern for each year of the 11th seven years. At Sinai, Israel covenanted to obey God. In the 11th book of the Bible, the kings of Israel broke God’s covenant and made Israel to sin against God. We must guard against moral relapse and decay in this season. The Lord will smile on Nigeria with Economic abundance in this season. Nigeria will also become a positive influence in the nations. People will be coming to Nigeria to hear and learn the wisdom of God – as with the nation’s and Israel in the days of Solomon. In this season there will be a divine awakening around fulfilling our God-assigned purpose among the nations of the earth. This is a season of Mount Sinai revival in Nigeria. It is the season for the revival of morality in Nigeria. It is a book first Kings season in terms of economic well-being and identity recovery. In this season, we shall see the fulfillment of the scripture “Righteousness exalts a nation”. Each year of the 11th seven years of Nigeria has a pattern in the 11th book of the Bible. We can tell where we are in the book each year by dividing the book into seven years as follows: 2030-2031 (1 Kings 1-4); 2031-2032 (1 Kings 5-7); 2032-2033 (1 Kings 8-10); 2033-2034 (1 Kings 11-13); 2034-2035 (1 Kings 14-16); 2035-2036 (1 Kings 17-19); 2036-2037 (1 Kings 20-22).


2037-2044 Is A Season Of Receiving The Blueprint For The Tabernacle Of God In Nigeria

The 12th seven years (October 2037 – October 2044) is Exodus 25-30 season. This is where God began to talk to Moses about the Tabernacle. God wants a home in Nigeria in this season. This is the beginning of a 21-year season of work in the Church for the manifestion of God’s presence in and through the Church in Nigeria. This is the beginning of the New Testament side of our Second 49 years. Prophetic ministries are going to rise in this season to give the church a push to move from the revival of morality to an awakening towards manifestations of the active divine presence in Nigeria. They will be preaching and casting the vision for a new spiritual season in Nigeria. This is a season of preparation to raise human tabernacles and carriers of God in and from Nigeria. It was around this season in the second 49 years of the United States that the third great awakening broke out. It was interrupted by the Civil War but continued after the war. Dwight L. Moody began to shine in this season in the United States. This is also a Second Kings season in Nigeria. In the 12th book of the Bible, Elisha was a mobile Tabernacle of God. He wasn’t working in the temple but in the homes and streets of Israelites. In this season, many believers in Nigeria will become true tabernacles of God. You meet them and you meet God. Each year of the 12th seven years of Nigeria has a pattern in the 12th book of the Bible. We can tell where we are in the book each year by dividing the book into seven years follows: 2037-2038 (2 Kings 1-4); 2038-2039 (2 Kings 5-8); 2039-2040 (2 Kings 9-12); 2040-2041 (2 Kings 13-16); 2041-2042 (2 Kings 11-19); 2042-2043 (2 Kings 20-22); 2043-2044 (2 Kings 23-25).


2044 – 2051 Is A Season Of Calling And Separating And Commissioning People For The Work Of The Tabernacle Of God In Nigeria

The 13th seven years (October 2044 – October 2051) is Exodus 31-35 season. It is a season to continue the 21-year preparation for the tabernacle of God in Nigeria. God appointed Bezalel and his team for the work of the tabernacle in Exodus 31. They are like apostolic ministries that will be rising in the nation about this time. Aaron made the golden calf in Exodus 32. God separated the Levites here. God tells Israel to move from Sinai in Exodus 33. Moses rewrites the law in new tablets of stone in Exodus 34. In Exodus 35, God gives further guidelines about the tabernacle. The 13th prophetic week of Nigeria is a season of separation and consecration. Bezalel and his team were separated here for the work of the tabernacle. The Levites separated themselves to God when Moses asked, “Who is on the LORD’s side?”. This is a season of divine commissioning for Nigeria to go to the nations, again, for God. This is also a Book of First Chronicles season in Nigeria. In the book of First Chronicles, David was God’s separated man. The Lord will be anointing and separating Nigeria for a global assignment in her 13th seven years.

Each year of the 13th seven years of Nigeria has a pattern in the 13th book of the Bible. We can tell where we are in the book each year by dividing the book into seven years as follows:

2044-2045 (1 Chronicles 1-5);

2045-2046 (1 Chronicles 6+9);

2046-2047 (1 Chronicles 10-13);

2047-2048 (1 Chronicles 14-17); 2

048-2049 (1 Chronicles 18-21);

2049-2050 (1 Chronicles 22-25);

2050-2051 (1 Chronicles 26-29)


2051 – 2058 Is For The Manifestation Of The Tabernacle Of God In Nigeria

The 14th seven years (2051-2058) is Exodus 36-40 season. This is where the tabernacle was made, completed ,and dedicated. In the construction of the tabernaccle, the articles and parts of the sanctuary, and the priestly garments, Moses followed divine specifications strictly. He did everything as God commanded. When the tabernacle was dedicated, the glory of God filled the tabernacle. This is the season of the making of the House of God in Nigeria. A time of ‘making’ is also a time of suffering and pain. The fourteenth prophetic week is a season of fearful things but divine intervention is guaranteed. In John 14:1 Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.” This is the season when Nigeria will begin to fulfill God’s desire for the 21st century as revealed in Revelation 21. Revelation 21:3-4 says, “And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God. [4] And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.” This 14th season is also a Book of Second Chronicles season in Nigeria. The book of Second Chronicles began with the building of the temple, records the destruction of the temple, and the proclamation to rebuild the temple. God will not be homeless visitor in Nigeria in our 14th seven years.

Each year of the 14th seven years of Nigeria has a pattern in the 14th book of the Bible. We can tell where we are in the book each year by dividing the book into seven years as follows:

2051-2052 (2 Chronicles 1-6);

2052-2053 (2 Chronicles 7-11);

2053-2054 (2 Chronicles 12-16);

2054-2055 (2 Chronicles 17-21);

2055-2056 (2 Chronicles 22-26);

2056-2057 (2 Chronicles 27-31);

2057-2058 (2 Chronicles 32-36)

The journey of Nigeria’s second 49 years is a journey FROM GROANING TO GLORY. This journey should not end in tears but in joyful celebration. God has His plan for Nigeria. He wants us to triumph over corruption, wickedness, and unrighteousness in Nigeria. His grace is also available. Our part is to align with God. Let us follow His plan. Let us make corrections where we need to. What God told Moses is what He is telling the Church in Nigeria:

Exodus 25:9: “According to all that I show you, that is, the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its furnishings, just so you shall make it”.

Exodus 25:40:And see to it that you make them according to the pattern which was shown you on the mountain”.

Exodus 26:30:And you shall raise up the tabernacle according to its pattern which you were shown on the mountain”.


1. We need to think holistically, progressively, and procedurally. We need to keep before us the big picture of what God wants to do in Nigeria and, at the same time, go one step at a time. We need to know where we are going but we also need to know where we are each time and what we ought to do at each point. The immediate concern for most Nigerians, I believe, is to be delivered from the adversary. We cannot start the journey to Canaan until we are out of Egypt. For some, this means to break up Nigeria NOW. For others, it means to strategize and work hard to turn the table and tide with electoral votes in 2023. For others, intense and focused prayer is the answer. What should we do?

2. We should continue to pray and even intensify prayers. We need to pray earnestly to be delivered from ‘Pharaoh and Egyptians’ who want to say in power and keep others in perpetual bondage. We must pray like people in danger – as Israel did in Egypt and as Esther and Mordecai did in Persia. As we pray, we must listen to receive instructions concerning any steps we need to take. God guided Moses to release plagues against Egypt to compel Pharaoh to release Israel. We need to be guided to release unbearable spiritual force against the adversary. The oppression of Nigerians will not end except by a mighty hand. We need a re-enact of Passover in Nigeria. There is a clash of kingdoms in Nigeria. Religious kingdoms are only subdued through show of superior power (Daniel 3; 6).

3. We need to streamline voices and instructions. There are many voices speaking and giving instructions and direction to the Church in Nigeria. This can be very confusing. Moses was the channel of divine instruction to Israel in Egypt. We do not have a Moses to tell us what God wants us to do at this time. The Lord is speaking to many people but we need wisdom and humility to distill the various instructions to one clear instruction. The pride of each person or group seeking to be the lone voice is dividing us and weakening us before our enemies.

4. Pray for patience and perseverance as we journey to New Nigeria. There are difficult and trying times ahead as we transition to a New Nigeria. After leaving Egypt, God led Israel through the wilderness. Our economy is not going to change in a twinkling of an eye. As God delivers us from our oppressors, we shall go through a necessary process of recovery. There is no day-dreaming about this.

5. Pray for a revival of righteousness and morality in Nigeria. God may deliver us from the Egyptians by His mercy and mighty hand but He will not take us to the New Nigeria unless and until we covenant to put away unrighteousness from our lives and land. A holy God cannot partner with unrighteous people for long. Our government will make and enforce laws against wickedness and evil in all spheres of society. The church must disciple believers in holiness and godliness.

6. Pray for a revival of the Presence and Power of God in the land. This ought to be a consequence of the revival of righteousness. God’s presence and power will be manifest where His person and pleasure is honored.

7. Pray that God will prepare, anoint, and raise vessels of revival in Nigeria. God has hidden vessels and voices reserved for His revival projects in Nigeria. God raised Bezaleel and his company for the construction of the Tabernacle to house the presence of the Holy God. We need the emergence of vessels that understand how to walk with the Holy God and how to house His presence.

8. Pray for the children and youth of Nigeria and also intentionally mobilize them to understand, embrace, and pursue the divine agenda for Nigeria. We need the younger generation to be active in the relay and be ready to take the baton at the right time and in the right way.

9. Ask the Lord to show you the part you should play and the price you must pay for the journey to the Nigeria of Prophecy.

God bless Nigeria and all good Nigerians!



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