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This is the middle of the seventh 7 weeks of the year. This is bridge and Cross-over week within the seventh 7 weeks. This week connects the first three weeks of battles to the last three weeks of blessings within the 7-week season.

What’s the mind of God concerning the 46th week and how should we oray?

The will of God is that the 46th season be driven by unity (love), unwavering faith in God and the presence of God accompanied with signs. In this season, the adversary fights hard to rob people of God presence and the accompanying signs, through disunity, lack of faith and idolatry. This is the testimony of the 46th book and chapters of the Bible.

The 46th book of the Bible is a call to love and unity. In this book, Paul rebuked the Corinthian church for allowing divisions in the church and for exalting personal preferences above people, purpose and principles. He rebuked their preference of knowledge above love. He rebuked their quest for power above their love for people. He rebuked their preference of certain leaders above the unity of the Body. He wanted them to be a church that prioritized edification of one another instead of projecting individual/personal gifts.

In the 46th chapter of Genesis, Jacob’s family in the land of Canaan joined Jacob’s family in Egypt. The family came together and had joyful REUNION in this chapter.

Psalm 46 is a corporate confession of faith in God. It is not about ‘me’,’my’, and ‘mine’. It is about ‘our’,’us’, and’we’. The year 1946, after the end of the Second World War, the nations of the world saw the need to come together. The first session of the United Nations General Assembly began January 10, 1946. Unity was in the air in 1946 to fulfill Psalm 46:8-9: “Come, behold the works of the LORD, Who has made desolations in the earth. He makes wars cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariot in the fire”. In 2006, the 46th year of Nigeria, the President (Obasanjo) and the Vice President (Atiku) were in a cold war. The Legislature and the Presidency were divided over the ‘third term’ agenda. The 46th week is a time unity; not a time of division or strife or war

This 46th week of the year, the Lord is pointing to, and addressing, wholeness and togetherness in the lives of individuals, families, ministries, and nations. This week, God wants to see divided people come together for good purposes. Disunity is costly in this season

The Lord is also offering His presence to those moving in the direction of love and unity according His will; and they need not fear ANYTHING.

In Genesis 46, when Jacob’s family came together to move to Egypt to REUNITE with Joseph, God told Jacob to not be afraid; and promised to be with him. The word of the Lord to Jacob was light in darkness to him. Jacob needed that reassurance because he was relocating from ‘the Promised Land’ to settle in Egypt. It is a powerful thing to have God’s word (and walk by it) in a fourth season like the. 46th week. Twice in Psalm 46 (verses 7 and 11), we read “The LORD of hosts is with US; The God of Jacob is OUR refuge. Selah”. Isaiah 46:3-4 says, “Listen to Me, O House of Jacob, And all the remnant of the House of Israel, Who have been upheld by Me from birth, Who have been carried from the womb: Even to your old age, I am He, And even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you”. 

The 46th season is a season of experiencing the supernatural. God grants supernatural manifestations in this season to show He is superior to idols. This is a season of peace and strength through unity and the presence of God. It is a season for a united people to move in, and experience, the supernatural works of God. In this season, people MUST stand on the pillars of unity, faith, and divine presence to be strong and safe. It is a season to walk in the love and power of God. It is a season of spectacular manifestations of power through unity and having God in our midst. To have one without the other is standing on one leg and that means powerlessness. In the 46th book of the Bible, the Corinthian church enjoyed manifestations of God’s presence but lacked unity. There was envy, strife, competition, division, and disunity, among them. Paul said they just noise makers like tinkling cymbals.

The other thing the devil does in the 46th season is to drive people to seek alternatives to faith in God. That is why God mocks idols in Isaiah 46; and Paul said in the 46th book book of the Bible that “an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God but one” (1 Corinthians 8:4). This is a week to boast in God and deride idolatry in all forms.

This 46th week, may you and all yours experience togetherness – as Jacob and his entire FAMILY came together to move to Egypt; and reunite with Joseph in Genesis 46. May true love override differences and preferences as Paul taught in the 46th book of the Bible. May everyone (the prince, the priest, and the people) have a recognized and respected place as Ezekiel 46 prescribed. As you do that, may the things that no eye had seen, nor ear heard, nor heart conceived be revealed and brought to light this week – as in the 46th book of the Bible. May the presence of God ACTIVELY go with you throughput this week as you line up with Him and the brethren. As Jacob and his family moved from Canaan to Egypt in Genesis 46, may the Lord lead you to cross over to a higher and better realm of life in this 46th week.

Although the Lord is speaking togetherness and wholeness this week, the enemy will want to unite his own and scatter God’s people. Pray and insist that unity will be impossible for those coming together outside, and against, God’s purpose. This week, God will scatter those who are uniting against Him and His purposes. They will gather to scatter!

This week, endeavor to pursue the glory of God in all you do; embrace love, and be open to the supernatural. Seek the presence of God in the atmosphere of love and unity. Love is the best answer to ‘questions’ of the 46th season. This week, do not exalt your head above your heart; or knowledge above love.


  1. Pray and prophesy the coming together of people who should be together. Speak and release love and unity into the atmosphere to influence the course of things this week.
  2. O Lord, raise war against division and disunity in the church and in the land. Cure our self-centeredness and turn the hearts of your people to one another. Cause wars to cease in the Body of Christ. Let war cease in the nations too.
  3. O Lord, let this week be a time to witness the mighty works of God rather than the destructive works of the enemy. Let your people witness spectacular manifestations of divine presence in their midsts.
  4. Pray that nothing will compete with God in your life this week. Pray Isaiah 46 over the land and the nations – that the hearts of men will shift from their idols to the Living God.


Welcome to the 7th week of Nigeria’s year. This seventh week is the week ending the first 49 days (seven weeks) of the year.

What is the agenda for the week; and how should we pray?

God intends the seventh season to be a season of rest – an end-time for yokes, burdens, struggles, and troubles. God created in six days and rested on the seventh. The seventh day was the only day God blessed at creation. He blessed creation on the fifth and sixth days but blessed the day on the seventh. So, the seventh gate is the Bus-stop for afflictions, distresses, barriers and limitations. The thick walls of Jericho fell down flat after Israel marched around it seven days and seven times on the seventh day. Naaman was cured of leprosy after washing seven times in River Jordan. Jesus healed people on the seventh day (Sabbath) to give them rest from distress. Let us proclaim rest to Nigeria and Nigerians this week of November 12-18.

As God wants people to have rest in their seventh seasons, that is how the adversary wants to afflict people with burdens and troubles. He wants them to have pain, sorrow, and weeping in the seventh season. He pushes them to do things that would bring problems into their lives. He cuts them off from the rest of the season by tempting them to rebel against God and violate His will and principles. That is the reason for the sad stories in the 7th book and some 7th chapters of the Bible. That is the reason we must fight for rest in the seventh season. This is a week to fight for rest in Nigeria.

God also makes a way for the deceived and distressed and penitent to return to Him and find rest. In 2 Chronicles 7:13-14, God said, “When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, [14] if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land”. He positions helpers to bring intervention in the seventh season by His power and wisdom. In Genesis 7, Noah’s ark saved him and his family from the flood. God used the ark to preserve life. In First Samuel 7, Samuel saved Israel from the hand of the Philistines. In Second Kings 7, Elisha saved Samaria from famine. In Luke 7, Jesus saved an only child of a widow from death. Revelation 7 talks about those who came out of the great tribulation. In Acts 7, Stephen was stoned to death without intervention. May Nigerians not lack intervention this week.


  1. We should avoid the sinful snares of distress and unrest in the week.
  2. We should turn to God in repentance for things we had done wrongly.
  3. We should declare rest from the yokes and burdens of the first 49 days (7 weeks) of our year.
  4. We must labor to enter into the rest of this week by faith. Unbelief keeps people in distress.


1. Father, forgive and cleanse Nigeria and Nigerians from violations of your principles. Forgive us and our fathers and leaders. Save us, by the blood of Jesus, from things that offend your Holy presence in our land. Show us your mercy in this seventh week.

2. Father, deliver us, this week from the enemy that is too strong for us. Send us helpers this week to fight the battles that will seek to swallow us up. Deliver your own from any disaster that may be unleashed this week.

3. O Lord, anoint your people for warfare in this week as s you anointed the Judges in the seventh book if the Bible. This is a week to fight for rest.

4. Father, use me, in the way you please, to minister rescue and intervention to anyone or group of people who might be in need of rescue or Intervention.

5. O Lord, do not allow those whom you have raised for your battle in this week to become casualty like Samson in the seventh book of the Bible; and Stephen in the seventh chapter of Acts.

6. O Lord, let this week be a week of preservation; not of destruction and death. Let the mouth of death and the grave be shut this week in Nigeria.

7. O Father, do not allow our enemies rejoice over us this week. Deliver us from taking steps, making decisions, saying or doing things, that would give our enemies power over us.

O Lord show us your mercy and forgive and cleanse us from the things in us that offend your Holy Presence.


2 Chronicles 7:14: “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

Jeremiah 46:27: “But do not fear, O My servant Jacob, And do not be dismayed, O Israel! For behold, I will save you from afar, And your offspring from the land of their captivity; Jacob shall return, have rest and be at ease; No one shall make him afraid.

Have a happy 46th week of the year and a blessed 7th week in Nigeria’s year!

Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri is a herald of patterns, principles, and seasons, for the restoration of eternal purposes on earth. He has a mandate to bring understanding of times and seasons to the nations using a biblical model. He proclaims that NOW is the time to actualize dreams and expectations leading to the manifestation of The kingdom on earth


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