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Home Times & Seasons The Mystery of the 56th Birthday or Anniversary

The Mystery of the 56th Birthday or Anniversary

The 56th birthday or anniversary is the time to mark the end or closing of the 56th year – not the beginning of it. One day after the 56th birthday, you’re in the 57th year. So, the 57th year is the 12-month season following the 56th birthday or anniversary. So, if you have marked the 56th year, you are welcome to the 57th year. You have graduated from the 8th seven years of life and have begun the journey into the ninth seven years of life. Year 57 is the first year of the ninth seven years and the eighth year in the second 49 years of life. It is a new beginning in the second 49 years.

The Bible patterns for understanding the 57th year are 1) the first day of creation narrative; 2) the 57th book of the Bible; 3) the 57th chapters of the Bible; 4) the first five chapters of First Samuel, the 9th book of the Bible.

The 57th year is a first day of creation year in the ninth 7 years. It is the first year in the 9th seven years of life. As God raised light against darkness on the first day of creation, the 57th year is a season of conflict between light and darkness. It is a year of triumphing over darkness with light; and of separating light from darkness. It is a year to initiate change; not a day to sit and watch the status quo. Although the beginning of the first day of creation was full of darkness, the end was full of light. This is the year to begin to take steps and mount pressure for change in the ninth 7 years..

The 57th year is a book of Philemon year. Philemon is the 57th book of the Bible; and is applicable to the 57th year of life. The book is like a drama of divine intervention. Onesimus defrauded his master and ran away. That was intended to give his master pain and losses. Somehow, the plan of the evil one was overturned. Onesimus went Paul’s way and was won to the Lord. What Satan intended against Philemon for deceiving Onesimus turned against the kingdom of darkness. Satan lost Onesimus forever while Philemon gained him forever. Darkness does not triumph in the 57th season. This year is for disrupting the reign of darkness in matters affecting you – by releasing light through prayer, prophetic decrees, and corresponding action.

The 57th year is a First Samuel 1-5 season in the 9th seven years. The ninth book of the Bible is a prophetic pattern for the 9th 7 years of life and the first 5 chapters of the 9th book of the Bible is applicable to the first year in the season At the beginning of this section, Hannah was in the darkness through barrenness. Her husband’s other wife mocked her and made her life miserable. She prayed to God and the Lord changed her story by giving her a son, Samuel. This is a year to pray like Hannah for a change of story. The nation was also under the darkness of sin and the corrupt priestly leadership of the house of Eli. The nation was oppressed by the Philistines. In this season, the Word of the Lord came to Samuel about the judgment of the house of Eli. That judgment, leading to the defeat of Israel in battle, the capturing of the ark, and the death of Eli’s sons, Eli, and Eli’s daughter in-law, is recorded in the fourth chapter of First Samuel. In the fifth chapter, the Philistines placed the Ark of God in the temple of dagon, their god. God began to afflict the image of dagon. As you call upon God in this year, the Spirit of judgment will be stirred against opposing and hindering forces around you, your family, and various concerns.

The 57th year is the beginning of recovery as in the first 5 chapters of the ninth book of the Bible. May this day bring change against darkness in your life and circumstances. In the first four chapters of First Samuel, the Lord recovered the Nazirite Israel lost in Samson; and the priesthood Israel could not have in the house of Eli.

The 57th year is a 57th-chapters-of-the-Bible year. The 57th is a season is when wickedness and the wicked rise to great power but are brought down through prayer and the intervention of God. It is a season of a major victory against the wicked and wickedness that are an obstruction to God’s plan of recovery in the season. Psalm 57 is a confessional about crying out to God against the wicked enemies. Psalm 57:2-6 says, “I will cry out to God Most High, To God who performs all things for me. [3] He shall send from heaven and save me; He reproaches the one who would swallow me up. Selah God shall send forth His mercy and His truth. [4] My soul is among lions; I lie among the sons of men Who are set on fire, Whose teeth are spears and arrows, And their tongue a sharp sword. [5] Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; Let Your glory be above all the earth. [6] They have prepared a net for my steps; My soul is bowed down; They have dug a pit before me; Into the midst of it they themselves have fallen. Selah.

Isaiah 57 derides those who trust in idols. Isaiah 57:3-13 says, “But come here, You sons of the sorceress, You offspring of the adulterer and the harlot! [4] Whom do you ridicule? Against whom do you make a wide mouth And stick out the tongue? Are you not children of transgression, Offspring of falsehood, [5] Inflaming yourselves with gods under every green tree, Slaying the children in the valleys, Under the clefts of the rocks? [6] Among the smooth stones of the stream Is your portion; They, they, are your lot! Even to them you have poured a drink offering, You have offered a grain offering. Should I receive comfort in these? [7] “On a lofty and high mountain You have set your bed; Even there you went up To offer sacrifice. [8] Also behind the doors and their posts You have set up your remembrance; For you have uncovered yourself to those other than Me, And have gone up to them; You have enlarged your bed And made a covenant with them; You have loved their bed, Where you saw their nudity. [9] You went to the king with ointment, And increased your perfumes; You sent your messengers far off, And even descended to Sheol. [10] You are wearied in the length of your way; Yet you did not say, ‘There is no hope.’ You have found the life of your hand; Therefore you were not grieved. [11] “And of whom have you been afraid, or feared, That you have lied And not remembered Me, Nor taken it to your heart? Is it not because I have held My peace from of old That you do not fear Me? [12] I will declare your righteousness And your works, For they will not profit you. [13] When you cry out, Let your collection of idols deliver you. But the wind will carry them all away, A breath will take them. But he who puts his trust in Me shall possess the land, And shall inherit My holy mountain.”

Isaiah 57 is also a revelation of the heart of God towards those who seek Him. Isaiah 57:14-21 says, “And one shall say, “Heap it up! Heap it up! Prepare the way, Take the stumbling block out of the way of My people.” [15] For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones. [16] For I will not contend forever, Nor will I always be angry; For the spirit would fail before Me, And the souls which I have made. [17] For the iniquity of his covetousness I was angry and struck him; I hid and was angry, And he went on backsliding in the way of his heart. [18] I have seen his ways, and will heal him; I will also lead him, And restore comforts to him And to his mourners. [19] “I create the fruit of the lips: Peace, peace to him who is far off and to him who is near,” Says the LORD, “And I will heal him.” [20] But the wicked are like the troubled sea, When it cannot rest, Whose waters cast up mire and dirt. [21] “There is no peace,” Says my God, “for the wicked.”

The 57th year is a Genesis to Second Samuel year in the 9th seven years. Every seven-year season has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four years of the season constitute the Old Testament side. The last three years of the seven belong to the New Testament side. The 57th year is the year beginning of the O.T side of the 9th seven years. The guiding light for the season is the first 10 books of the Bible. In this section of the Bible, God is looking for a man – one after His heart; one that expresses His thoughts. He saw Abel, Seth, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Samuel; and they were all pleasing to Him; but He found His desire in David. May the Lord see His desire in you in this year.

DECREE AND DECLARE: God made us in His image and likeness to rule, have dominion, and impose His will on seasons; as He did with the seven days of creation. He decreed what He wanted for each day. We are to decree what is revealed concerning each season. In this season, decree the collapse and end of expressions and manifestations of darkness in your life and world. Decree that expressions of light will triumph in this ‘f’irst day’ of the 9th prophetic week. Make a quality decision to receive the word of the Lord and act on it without fear or doubts. Determine to walk in unconditional love. This is a season of sacrificial (tough) love. In all you do, take time to hear from God. Do not act without His direction. Follow what He says or shows. Alignment with His purposes is key to triumph in this season. Decree that this is a season of recovery and not a season of loses. Declare that the Philistines will not win the war of this season because of your alignment with God. Decree that the Philistines will not take away the Ark from you. Decree that the Lord will begin to afflict the Philistines for touching the Holy Vessel as He did in First Samuel 5. Decree that the Philistines will not be able to keep what is yours. Decree that your Onesimus must return to you.

Happy 57th year! May the Lord lead you to fulfill His purpose for this year of your life.

Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri is a herald of patterns, principles, and seasons, for the restoration of eternal purposes on earth. He has a mandate to bring understanding of times and seasons to the nations using a biblical model. He proclaims that NOW is the time to actualize dreams and expectations leading to the manifestation of The kingdom on earth


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