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Home Times & Seasons The Mystery of the 43rd Day

The Mystery of the 43rd Day


Welcome to the 43rd day of the year! Day 43 is the first day of the seventh week of the year. This is the first major ’43rd’ in the year. The other major ’43td’ is the 43rd week. The Bible patterns for understanding the 43rd day are 1) the first day of creation narrative; 2) the 43rd book of the Bible; 3) the 43rd chapters of the Bible; 4) the first three chapters (1-3) of Judges, the seventh book of the Bible. 

Day 43 is a first day of creation day in the seventh week. This is a day of action. The Creator stepped into action on the first. This is a day of releasing light to act against darkness. It is a day of the Word against the forces of darkness. On the first day of creation, when God said, “Let there be light”, darkness could not withstand light. It just gave way. On the same day, God divided the light from the darkness. He called the light day and called the darkness night. The first day of creation was the beginning of identity. This is a day of taking action to change situations. It is a day of manifesting as light over and against darkness. It is a day to put light and darkness apart. Day 43 is a day of bringing the light so that men can see. It is a day to see things as they are; and call them by their names

Day 43 is a book-of-John day in the first 49 days of the year, John’s Gospel is the 43rd book of the Bible and is applicable to the 43rd day of the year. It is about giving proof to convince doubters and draw them to faith – whether it is Nathaniel, the woman of Samaria, or Thomas. That is the reason the Word became flesh in this book. It is about the light of the world that keeps darkness away manifesting as man. In John, the light, life, truth, way, Bread, sacrifice, temple, is the man, Jesus. John is an identity-book. Jesus spoke of His identity in this book more than He did in any other gospel account. Day 43 is about knowing who you are and standing on your identity. Day 43 is identity day. Stand as the Word, and as light. Stand as an agent of God and Life. John 1:1-5 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. [2] He was in the beginning with God. [3] All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. [4] In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. [5] And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it”. The 43rd is Light’s day of war against darkness. In the 43rd book of the Bible, Jesus is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. He came to take the burden of sin and death from humanity. He Himself also enjoyed rest in this book. He did not need to speak for Himself. John and others spoke of Him. Jesus never called any disciple in the book of John. Those who followed him in this book were convinced by the testimony of others. Day 43 is a day of believing, believing, and believing. It is a day of finding reason to believe. John was written to convince doubters and unbelievers. On this 43rd day, may the truth stand out clearly; that those who doubt in error may believe.

There are times when God acts to neutralize doubts and unbelief by giving raw signs. He does that especially in 43rd seasons. It happens on a day like this 43rd day of the year. That is why the Gospel according to John is placed #43 in the Bible. The 43rd book of the Bible is about seeing and believing. In that book, the Word became flesh and lived among men. In the 43rd nook of the Bible, Jesus said, “unless you see signs and wonders, you will not believe”. In the same book, Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father. He wanted something more than words and stories. In the book of John, Thomas said he would not believe Jesus rose from the dead without personal verification. He touched him and was convinced. The word ‘see’ (including ‘seen’, ‘sees’, or ‘seeing’) is used in 1457 verses of the Bible; but it is used in 91 verses in John alone. That’s more than 14%. The 43rd book of the Bible was written to convince men that Jesus is the son of God. In Genesis 43, Joseph’s brothers took Benjamin to Egypt for Joseph to see and believe. This is a day of signs. Today, you will see, experience, and believe. Today, may those who doubt you turn to believe you because of what they will see

Day 43 is a 43rd-chapters-of-the-Bible day. The 43rd chapters of the Bible reveal that the 43rd season is a season to receive the word and believe it. In Genesis 43, Jacob needed to believe Judah’s words concerning Benjamin’s safety. Judah took responsibility for Benjamin’s safety and pledged his own life. When they got to Egypt and returned the money found in their sacks, but were told their goods were fully paid for, they just needed to believe what they were told; and stop wondering or worrying. Psalm 43 reveals that the 43rd season is a season of vindication; in which someone else takes over your case while you rest. The psalmist asks himself “Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God…” (Psalm 43:5). In Isaiah 43, God is the Redeemer of Israel and takes full responsibility for their restoration. The word of God in this chapter is both heart-warming and heart-calming. In Jeremiah 43, the leaders of the Jews disbelieved Jeremiah and took responsibility for their lives and safety by going to Egypt – against the Word of God. The word of the Lord came against them and told them Egypt had been given to, and would be destroyed by, the Babylonians they were running from. They rejected rest in a season of rest! The 43rd season is a time to trust, and hide, in the word of God. In Ezekiel 43, the Prophet is given a vision of the glory of God as he had it at the beginning of his encounters. He heard God speak to him and give instructions about the temple and sacrifices. The burden of cleansing the altar and the people was laid on the sacrificial animals.

Day 43 is a Judges 1-3 day in the seventh week of the year. Judges has 21 chapters and each day of the seventh week has three chapters of Judges speaking to it. The first three chapters of the seventh book of the Bible speaks to the first day of the seventh week of the year. In Judges 1, Judah fought for her inheritance and took it. In Judges 2, an angel of God confronted the people for disobeying God and they repented. Joshua’s death is recorded here. Following the death of Joshua, Israel sinned often against God. Then, God handed them over to their enemies; but when they cried out to God, He sent Judges to save them. In Judges 3, we begin to read about the earliest judges that guided and fought for Israel: Othniel, Ehud, and Shamgar. They took decisive action to help their nation against her enemies. Day 43 is a day of action – not stories.

Day 43 is a Genesis – Second Samuel day in the seventh week. Going through any week is like taking a journey through the Bible. Every week has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week belong to the Old Testament side and express the 39 books of the Old Testament. The remaining three days of the week constitute the New Testament side and express the 27 books of the New Testament. The first day of the week is the beginning of the Old Testament side of the week; and expresses the first 10 books of the Old Testament and the Bible. In the first 10 books of the Bible, God revealed Himself as Creator and Caretaker. He chose those who aligned with His purpose for blessings; and reserved judgment for those who disregard Him. The first 10 books began with the creation and fall of the man in the image and likeness of God; and ended with the emergence of the man after God’s heart sitting on the throne of God’s choice nation. David was absolutely loyal to God. He gave himself for whatever God wanted. This is a day of aligning with God and becoming a man (woman) after His heart.DECREE AND DECLARE: God made us in His image and likeness to rule, have dominion, and impose His will on seasons; as He did with the seven days of creation. He decreed what He wanted for each day. We are to decree what is revealed concerning each day. Today, decree the collapse and end of expressions and manifestations of darkness in your life and world. Decree that expressions of light will triumph in this first day of the week. Today, make a quality decision to receive the word of the Lord and act on it without fear or doubts. Make a quality decision to walk in unconditional love. This is a day of sacrificial (tough) love. Today, take time to hear from God. Do not act without His direction. Follow what He says or shows. Today, seek the Lord against disasters in the week as you come into alignment. Call upon Him for mercy.! Happy 43rd day!

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