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HomeTimes & SeasonsTHE 41ST WEEK OF THE YEAR (OCTOBER 8-14).


Do you know?: The Wilderness Season of the Year Is Over We’ve gone 40 weeks in the year and we ought to give thanks to God for that. ‘Forty’ (40) is a very significant number in the Bible.

The flood of Noah’s day came from rain that lasted 40 days and nights. Isaac was 40 years when he married Rebekah. Moses spent his first 40 years in the Egyptian palace, returned to Egypt after 40 years and led Israel for 40 years. Twice, he spent 40 days on the mountain before God. The 12 spies spent 40 days spying the land of promise. Israel journeyed 40 years in the wilderness to enter the Promised Land. Saul, David and Solomon, each, ruled Israel for 40 years. Jesus fasted 40 days in the wilderness before his public ministry began.

A season is ending in the year and a new one is beginning. The Wilderness Season of the Year Is Over. It’s time to begin to enter the Promised Land of the year. Ready, Set, Go!

The 41st week is the sixth week in the sixth 7 weeks of the year. It is the sixth of the sixh! Every week of the year is a gate of time for some purpose – good or evil. Certain divine purposes are ordained for this week but there are also evil purposes waiting to crash into the gate of this week. That is the reason God’s Watchmen must be informed and vigilant. Let us take a stand for God’s will to prevail in the nations this week.


There are five Biblical patterns for understanding the 41st week:

1. The sixth day of creation. This is because the 41st week is the 6th week in the 7-week season that began September 3. This is a sixth-day-of-creation week.

2. The Book of Mark – the 41st book of the Bible. This is a Book-of-Mark week.

3. The 41st chapters of the Bible (Genesis 41, Job 41, Psalm 41, Isaiah 41, Jeremiah 41 and Ezekiel 41).

4. The 6th section chapters (19-21) of the sixth book of the Bible (Joshua). This is a Joshua 19-21 week – time to be up in the spirit.

5. The second 9 books of the New Year (Ephesians – Philemon)


Going through the 41st week of the year is like taking a journey through the 41st book of the Bible (Mark). It is also like walking through the six 41st chapters of the Bible. So, the Book of Mark and the 41st chapters of the Bible are great guiding lights for the week.

You may want to read the suggested passages as follows but also be free to follow the leading of the Spirit of God:

October 8: Mark 1-3.

October 9: Genesis 41; Mark 4-6.

October 10: Job 41; Mark 7-8.

October 11: Psalm 41; Mark 9-10.

October 12: Isaiah 41; Mark 11-12

October 13: Jeremiah 41; Mark 13-14.

October 14: Ezekiel 41; Mark 15-16.


Isaiah 41:18-20: “I will open rivers in desolate heights, And fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, And the dry land springs of water. [19] I will plant in the wilderness the cedar and the acacia tree, The myrtle and the oil tree; I will set in the desert the cypress tree and the pine And the box tree together, [20] That they may see and know, And consider and understand together, That the hand of the LORD has done this, And the Holy One of Israel has created it”.


What does the Bible reveal about the 41st season?


This is a week of exposing and neutralizing demonic plots and traps. In Genesis 41, God exposed the evil plot to deceive the world with abundance and later destroy her with scarcity. This is a week of triumphing over demons and agents of demons. The first miracle Jesus performed in the 41st book of the Bible was casting out a demon; and in the closing chapter, He said those who believe in Him will cast out demons. The 41st book says more about casting out demons than any other book of the New Testament. Demons should tremble and have no room around sensitive children of God. This is a bad week for those, like the enchanters of Egypt, who get their power through demons.

PRAYER: Pray for sensitivity of spirit and discernment to block possible satanic attacks this week.


This is a week to manifest hidden and obscure people with answers. This is the week of those who CAN make it happen. The 41st season is a season of tough challenges that promote those who deliver answers. It is a season of “Can you do it?” In Genesis 41, Joseph was taken in to interpret Pharaoh’s dream which the astrologers could not. Joseph solved the problem of Pharaoh by the wisdom of God; and was promoted. Failure in the world causes the manifestation of God’s hidden people.

Job 41 reveals that leviathan-size challenges, that require the wisdom and power of God to tackle, show up in 41st seasons. In Job 41, God asked Job if he can handle the leviathan.

In the 41st book of the Bible, Jesus took on the challenge of the hour; operated as one having authority; doing what the Pharisees and scribes could not do – teaching, casting out demons and healing the sick. Mark’s gospel is a book of ‘can’ and ‘cannot’. In the first chapter, a leper said to Jesus, “You can make me clean”. In the fifth chapter, the woman with the issue of blood said, “If I can touch…I shall be made whole”. In the same chapter, Jesus delivered a demon-possessed man that could not be bound or tamed with fetters. In the ninth chapter, a man whose son was demon-possessed said to Jesus, “If you can do something, please, help me”. In the same chapter, Jesus said, “If you can believe, all things are possible….” The 41st season is a time to stand up to great challenges.

PRAYER: Pray that as the magicians, astrologers, and wisemen of Egypt could not interpret the dream of Pharaoh in Genesis 41, let the mouths of the ‘political magicians’ in the nations be shamed and sealed. Pray that the weakness of fake political machinery in the nations be exposed this week.

Pray that the Lord will unveil humble problem-solvers whose voices had been silenced and sidelined by wicked and evil He unveiled Joseph in the Genesis 41.

Pray that as Joseph came out of the prison in Genesis 41, and as Johanan delivered the captives of Ishmael in Jeremiah 41, as Jesus delivered those possessed by demons in 41st book of the Bible, let this 41st week be a week of opening prison doors and releasing captives in the nations physically and spiritually. Pray for the release of nations from globalist abductors. Pray for the release of God’s people who are held unjustly for their faith in prisons around the world.


To be in the 41st week of the year means you have crossed the wilderness of the year. It is time to enter and possess the Promised Land of the year. The major things that needs to happen for other things to happen has happened! The seeds had been planted and nurtured. It’s harvest time. God used the previous weeks of the year to prepare you for this week and the others ahead. The trials of Joseph ended in Genesis 40. In Genesis 41, Joseph left the prison, appeared before Pharaoh, interpreted his dream, was promoted, given a wife, had two sons, and had all Egypt come to him for food. That’s so much happening ‘in one place’. This week may begin with a challenge but it’s loaded with good news. Isaiah 41:27 says, “…And I will give to Jerusalem one who brings good tidings”. The 41st book of the Bible opens with “the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God”. This 41st week is a week of good news. The results will come in rapid succession. The 41st book of the Bible is a book of rapid results and ‘immediate effect’. In the entire New Testament, the word ‘immediately’ is used in 101 verses; but in Mark alone, it is used in 36 verses. That is about than 36%.

PRAYER: Pray that as the 41st book of the Bible opened with “the beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ”, this 41st week will be another beginning of good news in this year. Pray also that good news will speedily, in rapid succession and with immediate effect.


The 41st season is a time of needs and supplies. In Genesis 41, Joseph met a need. Egypt needed a consultant and guide. Joseph met the need of Pharaoh and his people. Psalm 41:1-3 says, “Blessed is he who considers the poor; The LORD will deliver him in time of trouble. [2] The LORD will preserve him and keep him alive, And he will be blessed on the earth; You will not deliver him to the will of his enemies. [3] The LORD will strengthen him on his bed of illness; You will sustain him on his sickbed”. In Isaiah 41:17-20, the Lord says, “The poor and needy seek water, but there is none, Their tongues fail for thirst. I, the LORD, will hear them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. [18] I will open rivers in desolate heights, And fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, And the dry land springs of water. [19] I will plant in the wilderness the cedar and the acacia tree, The myrtle and the oil tree; I will set in the desert the cypress tree and the pine And the box tree together, [20] That they may see and know, And consider and understand together, That the hand of the LORD has done this, And the Holy One of Israel has created it”. Jesus met needs in the book of Mark – the 41st book of the Bible. This week, God is looking for compassionate and humble problem – solvers.

PRAYER: Pray that chalkenges and problems in the nations will meet answers and solutions this week. Pray for grace and wisdom to successfully tackle challenges and problems that will come your way this week. Pray that God will pass through you to meet needs.


The 41st season is a time of war and food crisis. In 1941, Germany attacked the Balkans and Russia. The same year was when the United States entered the Second World War following Japanese bombing of Peal Harbor. The 41st President of the United States, George H. W. Bush ordered the 1990-1991 Gulf War against Iraq for invading oil-rich Kuwait. In 2001, the 41st year of Nigeria, a two-week riot broke out in Jos over the appointment of a Muslim as local Coordinator of a Poverty Alleviation Program. Riots killed people that poverty couldn’t kill.

PRAYER: Pray that the Lord will equip His people in the nations for the battles of this week. Pray that governments in the nations be set free from evil spirits and their human hosts causing problems. Pray and war against unnecessary provocations this week.


It was the instruction of wisdom from Joseph that saved Egypt and other nations from wastefulness against a severe 7-year famine. Trust God for exceptional wisdom this week. The 41st season is a time to exalt faith in God above reasoning. It is a season of operating with divine wisdom. It is a week to wage war with divine counsel.

PRAYER: Ask the Lord to release His wisdom and strategy for the battles of this week. Pray for wisdom and counsel for yourself, your family, church, business, nation and for the nations.

God will move ‘impossible mountains’ this week! Happy 41st week of the year!

Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri is a herald of patterns, principles, and seasons, for the restoration of eternal purposes on earth. He has a mandate to bring understanding of times and seasons to the nations using a biblical model. He proclaims that NOW is the time to actualize dreams and expectations leading to the manifestation of The kingdom on earth


  1. Prophet Nkem Okemiri I would like to take this time out to say thank you for sharing your knowledge of the break-down of the bible. I appreciate the teachings; this helps me to be able to further your teachings here in America. This Westernlize Culture has the people out of sync in God’s timing and with this knowledge i can further assist in getting ones on track that are hungry and thirsty for the movement of God and will enhance their relationship with our Lord Elohim. I thank and praise our Lord, my dear brother for the divine knowledge and divine wisdom that He has bestowed upon your life. Many blessings fill you barns that blows your mind. Apostle Jaushlin Nash


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