Welcome to the 354th day of the year! Day 354 is the fourth day of the 51st week; the eleventh day in the last 22/23 days of the year. It is December 20 in a clear year and December 19 in a leap year.
Day 354 is a fourth-season day in the 51st week; like the fourth day of the creation week. On the fourth day of creation, God made the luminaries to hold darkness in check and cause orderliness. God created the luminaries on the fourth day because the fourth season is the fight back season for darkness. Darkness, mental by darkness, seeks to overtake men in the fourth season of life. It seeks to push into confusion, disunity and stumbling. God’s plan for the fourth season is to give clarity, wisdom, guidance, and promote unity, orderliness, and progress.
Day 354 is a book of Numbers day in a book of Colossians week. It is the fourth day of the 51st week. Numbers is the fourth book of the Bible and Colossians is the 51st book of the Bible. In the book of Numbers, Israel suffered untold disasters because they gave room to darkness. They walked in rebellion, fear, and unbelief; and so, many who came out of the land of Egypt, to go into Canaan, perished in the wilderness – in the book of Numbers – for rebelling against the leadership of God and Moses.
Day 354 is a book First Kings day in the last 22/23 days of the year. In the book of First Kings, God gave Solomon wisdom and he made progress and accomplished so much by it. In the same book, Darkness overtook the nation, idolatry came into Israel officially (through Solomon’s wives and concubines); the nation divided under the fourth king, Rehoboam; and evil reached climax in the reign of Arab and Jezebel. Solomon got out of alignment with God in the eleventh book of the Bible. The kings did not submit themselves to the King of kings.
Day 354 is a Colossians chapter 4 day in the 51st week. In this chapter, Paul began by addressing leaders and employers to treat employers and followers justly; remembering that the Master of Masters is in Heaven. God-minded Leadership is light in the fourth season and determines the direction in the fourth season. Error in leadership in the fourth season births confusion. The greatest error of leaders in the fourth season is to forget that power belongs to God; and that He is Preeminent. In this chapter also, Paul called the Church to pray and walk in wisdom; and ended with mentioning people he has relationship with. In Colossians 4:10-15: Paul said, “Aristarchus my fellow prisoner greets you, with Mark the cousin of Barnabas (about whom you received instructions: if he comes to you, welcome him), [11] and Jesus who is called Justus. These are my only fellow workers for the kingdom of God who are of the circumcision; they have proved to be a comfort to me. [12] Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. [13] For I bear him witness that he has a great zeal for you, and those who are in Laodicea, and those in Hierapolis. [14] Luke the beloved physician and Demas greet you. [15] Greet the brethren who are in Laodicea, and Nymphas and the church that is in his house”. Prayer, wisdom, and relationships, are strong helpers in the fourth season. He called Archippus to stay focused and fulfill the ministry he had received. We must fight distractions in the fourth season.
Whatever causes disunity and divisions against the purpose of God must be resisted. Also to be resisted is unity in the camp of the adversary. This is a day to rule from the heavenly places. In the fourth season, the heavens rule.
Day 354 is Obadiah – Malachi day in the 51st week. Every week is like a journey through the Bible. Every week has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week belong to the Old Testament side and express the 39 books of the Old Testament. The remaining three days of the week constitute the New Testament side and express the 27 books of the New Testament. The fourth day of the week is the day closing the Old Testament side of the week; and expresses the last nine books of the Old Testament. Today is the bridge-day leading to the New Testament side of the week. The books of ‘the minor prophets’ are part of the last 9 books of the O.T. They are about judgment and promises of restoration. Today is a day of the dominion of the Voice of God in the nations. Let His Voice dominate in your life.
DECREE AND DECLARE: God made us in His image and likeness to rule, have dominion, and impose His will on seasons; as He did with the seven days of creation. He decreed what He wanted for each day. We are to decree what is revealed concerning each day. Today, decree the downfall of the wicked and the lifting and establishment of the just. Today, prophesy an end to something in your life, family, business, community, and nation. Today, raise your voice against wickedness and oppression wherever it is found. Prophesy! Prophesy!! Prophesy!!! Today, also pray to be more sensitive in the spirit; to pick up necessary signals that would help you triumph over the enemy and keep darkness away. Today, pray to be delivered from falling into temptation. Pray to be preoccupied with the person of God; and to be focused on His mandate and His revealed purpose for your life. Be careful to weigh every decision in light of God’s purpose for your life; and God’s purpose for the time. Today, proclaim an end to woes and declare the dawn of a new day.
Learn more about this day in history: http://timelines.ws/days/12_20.HTML
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