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HomeDailyDay 263: The Mystery of September 20

Day 263: The Mystery of September 20

Welcome to the 263rd day of the year! Day 263 is the fourth day of the 38th week; the fourth day of the third week in the sixth 49 days; the 18th day in the sixth 49 days. Day 263 is a fourth-season day. It is a fourth season in the 38th week. It is September 20 in a Clear Year; and September 19 in a Leap Year. The Bible patterns for understanding Day 263 are the 4th day of creation narrative, the fourth 2 chapters of the 38th book of the Bible, and the 18th book and chapters of the Bible.

Day 263 is a fourth day of creation day in the 38th week. God made luminaries on the fourth day of creation. The fourth day is a fight-back season for darkness. This Is a day of heavenly vigilance and surveillance against destruction in the 38th week. This is an 18th season in the sixth 49 days. It is a book of Job day in the sixth 49 days. Desire and seek revelation. Pursue and strengthen relationship with God and with men. Request divine protection and preservation. Be watchful and careful in feasting and celebrations. This is a day of illumination against destruction and the destroyer. Men fall in the eighteenth season for lack of revelation. That was how Ahab perished in Second Chronicles 18. He died for despising revelation.

Ezekiel 38 is a great illustration for the fourth day of the 38th week. In Ezekiel 38, God told the prophet to declare to Gog what she would do, and what would happen to her, in the latter days. Gog, with her great company of allies, would decide to go against the people of God. But it would be for her destruction. God would call for a sword against her on that day. If Gog feared God and respected revealed truth, she would trod softly where Israel was concerned. If the Gog of this day does not regard God or His Word, she would drive headlong to her destruction. Revelation is useless if we would not pay due attention to it.

Day 263 is a Zechariah 7-8 day in the 38th week. The fourth two chapters of the 38th book of the Bible is applicable to the fourth day of the 38th week. The fourth season is a season of conflict and controversy. It is a season of questions and arguments.. It is a season of defenses and corrections. In this section of the book, the people went to inquire from the Lord if they should continue with the fasts as they had done previously. The Lord put it to them that they had never fasted properly because they neglected the weightier matters of righteous and justice. He told them that was the reason for captivity they and their fathers suffered. The Lord showed them where they went wrong; and what they should do right. He challenged them to do ‘the works’ and get ready for the blessings. Day 263 is a day of corrections. It is the day of ‘the guiding lights’.

Day 263 is a book of Job day in the sixth 49 days of the year. The book of Job is the 18th book of the Bible; and is applicable to the 18th day in the sixth 49 days of the year. The book of Job opens with a godly man suffering at the hands of Satan for his godliness. He went through a rough non-verbal cross-examination at the hands of the adversary. Not understanding what was happening to him or the reasons for it, he asked questions, his friends blamed him for his troubles, but he defended and justified himself. Neither his friends nor himself could help matters. God stepped in from Job 38, told everyone their wrongs, and moved to change Job’s situation. Day 263 is a day to receive correction. It is not a day to keep doing what you have been doing; or going where you have been going. It is a day to receive correction and take steps in the right direction. 

Day 263 is a day expressing the 18th chapters of the Bible. In Genesis 18, God spoke to Abraham about His plans to destroy Sodom. In Revelation 18, Babylon was destroyed. This is a day of judgment. In Ezekiel 18, God said the Soul that sins shall die. Intercession is needful today.

Day 263 is the twentieth day of the ninth month. This is a day to confront men with light from God’s word. It is a day to come before the Word of God. The book of Ezra has a pattern for this day. Ezra 10:7-9 says, “And they issued a proclamation throughout Judah and Jerusalem to all the descendants of the captivity, that they must gather at Jerusalem, [8] and that whoever would not come within three days, according to the instructions of the leaders and elders, all his property would be confiscated, and he himself would be separated from the assembly of those from the captivity. [9] So all the men of Judah and Benjamin gathered at Jerusalem within three days. It was the ninth month, on the twentieth of the month; and all the people sat in the open square of the house of God, trembling because of this matter and because of heavy rain. This is a day to give time and attention to the Word of God – the Light that guides men away from darkness.

Day 263 is Obadiah – Malachi day in the 38th week. Every week is like a journey through the Bible. Every week has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week belong to the Old Testament side and express the 39 books of the Old Testament. The remaining three days of the week constitute the New Testament side and express the 27 books of the New Testament. The fourth day of the week is the day closing the Old Testament side of the week; and expresses the last nine books of the Old Testament. Day 263 is the bridge-day leading to the New Testament side of the 38th week. The books of ‘the minor prophets’ are part of the last 9 books of the O.T. They are about judgment and promises of restoration. Day 235 is the day of the dominion of the Voice of God in the nations. 

DECREE AND DECLARE: God made us in His image and likeness to rule, have dominion, and impose His will on seasons; as He did with the seven days of creation. He decreed what He wanted for each day. We are to decree what is revealed concerning each day. Today, decree that Light will overtake darkness. the downfall of the wicked and the lifting and establishment of the just. Today, prophesy an end to something in your life, family, business, community, and nation. Today, raise your voice against wickedness and oppression wherever it is found. Prophesy! Prophesy!! Prophesy!!! Today, also pray to be more sensitive in the spirit; to pick up necessary signals that would help you triumph over the enemy and keep darkness away. Today, pray to be delivered from falling into temptation. Pray to be preoccupied with the person of God; and to be focused on His mandate and His revealed purpose for your life. Be careful to weigh every decision in light of God’s purpose for your life; and God’s purpose for the time. Today, proclaim an end to woes and declare the dawn of a new day in the fifth 49 days. Today, reflect and receive correction before the Lord. It is time to change and move in the right direction. The change you want will come from the change you make. Happy Day 263!

BORN ON THIS DAY? You were born on this day because it was your time to be born. Ecclesiastes 3 says there is a time to be born. The time to be born is the time when what you have is needed. You came to be, and bring, an answer to problems associated with this day. This is a day when darkness seeks to overtake people. This is a day of guiding lights made to deliver people from the fear, confusion, deception, error and destruction that come with (mental) darkness. This is a day of releasing wisdom against mental darkness. You were born a luminary. You were born to be a guiding light. How you do this depends on the field of your deployment. The kingdom of darkness will want you to go astray and get lost so that the light in you will be turned to darkness. Jesus came into this world as Light. He was tempted in the fourth chapters of Matthew and Luke so that the Light in Him may be damaged. This is a day of temptations. You came to work against temptations – not to become a tempter or a victim of temptations. You were born to overcome temptations and help others to do the same. To stand in your ordination, you must pursue wisdom and discernment. Today, give thanks to God for your life and pray for grace to fulfill your mission and purpose in life. Happy birthday!

ON THIS DAY, in 2018, there was shooting in a distribution center in Aberdeen, Maryland; and it killed four people – including the perpetrator.

This day in 2020, there was a violence-ridden governorship election in Edo State Nigeria. The APC Governor, Obaseki, had defected to the PDP months earlier. He was expected to lose re-election in Edo – the stronghold and domain of the former APC National Chairman, Adams Oshiomole. He ran for re-election against the ruling party and won. The ruling party lost. This happened in the 30th year of Edo State.

On this day in USA: “An envelope addressed to the White House containing ricin, a lethal substance was intercepted”. The sender of the substance planned to destroy. Discernment blocked the way.

Today, may every secret plan to deceive and destroy be exposed and defeated.

Learn more about events of this day in history:

Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri is a herald of patterns, principles, and seasons, for the restoration of eternal purposes on earth. He has a mandate to bring understanding of times and seasons to the nations using a biblical model. He proclaims that NOW is the time to actualize dreams and expectations leading to the manifestation of The kingdom on earth



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