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Home Times & Seasons 16 Things to do in a 16th Season

16 Things to do in a 16th Season

It is one thing to know about seasons and another thing to know what to do when each season comes. Knowing what you ought to do, and doing it, secures gain. Here are sixteen things I recommend to you for the sixteenth season.

1. Be a Rebel for God; Not a Rebel Against Him: As with every other season, the way to succeed in the sixteenth season is to pitch your tent with God. Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established” (NKJV). Proverbs 16:7 says, “When a man’s ways please the Lord, He will make even his enemies to be at peace with him”. In the sixteenth season, it is futile to stand against those who are standing for God. Those who resist God’s allies in the sixteenth season end up disgraced. Those who imprisoned Paul and Silas at Philippi, in Acts 16, were put to shame eventually. The adversaries of Judah in the book of Nehemiah lost the battle. Those who resisted Moses and Aaron in the sixteenth chapter of the book of Numbers were destroyed. The prophetic axe of judgment fell on Baasha for rebellion in the sixteenth chapter of First Kings. The sixteenth chapters of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, are prophecies against those who rebelled against God. Revelation 16 also shows there is no hope for those who rebel against God in the sixteenth season. The rebels of Revelation 16 received the seven bowls of the comprehensive wrath of God.

2.. Get Passionate About God’s Heartbeat as You Feel It: What is the heartbeat of God in this generation – as you feel it? The sixteenth season is a time to be concerned with, and pursue, the heartbeat of God. What is the burden the Lord is placing on your heart in this season? For Moses, in the sixteenth chapter of Exodus, it was the sustenance of Israel in the wilderness. For Nehemiah, in the sixteenth book of the Bible, it was the rebuilding of the broken walls of Jerusalem. For Ezra, it was the proper teaching of the Law of Moses. For Samuel, in the sixteenth chapter of First Samuel, it was to have God-fearing leadership over Israel. For David, in the sixteenth chapter of First Chronicles, it was to bring the Ark to Jerusalem, into the Tabernacle he erected, and institute proper worship of Jehovah. For Paul, it was to preach the gospel, and win souls wherever doors opened.

3. Trust the Holy Spirit and Do Not Grieve Him: The Holy Spirit is the trusted Helper of Church. The Lord spoke of Him in the sixteenth chapter of John. He is our Teacher. We need Him to speak through us at every defense. He knows where we should go or should not go. The Holy Spirit directed Paul and his team to Macedonia. When Samuel anointed David, the Spirit began to move him mightily. Samson, Saul, and David, were anointed to fight the Philistine enemies. The first two died, reproachfully, at the hands of the Philistines. Only the third, David, executed the task successfully. We must give room to the Holy Spirit, and yield completely to Him. He knows the heartbeat of God. He is the secret of divine power. He knows everything. If you secure the help and partnership of the Holy Spirit in the sixteenth season, you’ve got everything. Both Samson and Saul lost the ministry of the Holy Spirit in their lives and assignments. We must be careful to not grieve or quench the Spirit in our lives – especially in the sixteenth season. “But they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit; So He turned Himself against them as an enemy, And He fought against them” (Isaiah 63:10 NKJV). The Spirit witnesses that, in this season, there are men and women who had been mightily used of God who would become weak and ordinary like Samson and Saul.

4. Dream Great Dreams: The reason you are to dream great dreams is because a great door opens in the sixteenth season for those who want to do great things for God. Nehemiah had a great dream – to rebuild the ruined walls and gates of Jerusalem. The Lord helped him to realize the dream. The sixteenth century reformation was a great dream. God helped the reformers. He is waiting to help you with His power, with men, and with resources. Moses embraced a great dream when God called him to go and get Israel out of Egypt. God began to feed Israel with Manna and Quails in the sixteenth chapter of Exodus.

5. Preach the Gospel to Every Creature in All the World: This is a great necessity. Jesus commanded us to preach the gospel in the sixteenth chapter of Mark. Paul and Silas went to Macedonia to preach the gospel in the sixteenth chapter of Acts. They made desperate attempts to preach the gospel at Asia and Bithynia but did not get permission from the Holy Spirit. In the sixteenth chapter of Luke, the rich man died and found himself in a place of torment. He needed a just drop of water from Abraham to quench his thirst but got none. He also requested that Lazarus be sent to go and warn his brothers about hell. His request was not granted because there were preachers on earth to reach out to his brothers. The gospel is a great need in the sixteenth season. It will save people from hell. 

6. Do Not Be Afraid of Persecution: Persecution is part of what happens in the sixteenth season. Jesus spoke of his death in the sixteenth chapter of Matthew. He spoke of tribulations in the sixteenth chapter of John. Those who want to save their lives by running from trouble will eventually lose it. The only way to be free from the fear of man is to have God magnified in your heart. Our God is greater than man and everything man can do. If God is magnified in your heart, you will see men as they really are. To magnify God in your heart, you must magnify His word above the laws of me.

7. Preach the Gospel with Power: We must trust God, and also learn, to preach the gospel with power. In the sixteenth chapter of Mark, Jesus said signs and wonders will accompany those who preach the gospel with faith. “…In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17, 18 NKJV). The resurrection of Jesus in Mark 16 is a great sign divine endorsement. Paul cast out an evil spirit from a slave girl at Philippi in the sixteenth chapter of Acts of the Apostles. In the sixteenth chapter of Matthew, the Pharisees and Sadducees asked Jesus to show them a sign from heaven. Moses gave Israel in Exodus 16 when Manna began to fall. They called ‘bread from heaven’. Power-signs are a necessity in the sixteenth season. You will not lack signs in that season.

8. Preach the Gospel with Discernment: 

Deceptive (evil) spirits are rampant, and work very hard, in the sixteenth season. Their goal is to neutralize the power of God in the lives of His servants, and destroy the work in their hands. They sponsor rebellion against God in the sixteenth season. Samson was ruined by evil spirits working through Delilah in Judges 16. King Saul was overtaken by evil and needed a harpist to help soothe him. Satan spoke through Peter in the sixteenth chapter of Matthew; to dissuade Jesus from going to the cross. Jesus also said the gates of hades will not prevail against His church in Matthew 16. In the sixteenth chapter of Mark, the first sign Jesus said would follow those who believe, is ability to cast out demons. Paul had to deal with a spirit of divination in Acts 16. The sixteenth chapter of Revelation speaks of the activities of demon spirits that would accompany the outpour of the sixth bowl of wrath. 

9. Prepare to Teach the Word of Grace with Clarity: Nehemiah made room for Ezra to teach the Law to those living in Jerusalem. Ezra read the Law before the people in the eighth of Nehemiah. People were sent everywhere to give people understanding in the Law. The result was repentance and renewed commitment to serve God. The sixteenth season is for revival and reformation. As Ezra taught the Law, there is a need for teachers of the grace of God in Christ Jesus.

10. Engage the Power of God through Prayer: Courage to face persecution comes through prayer. Jesus prayed earnestly before the cross. Paul and Silas came out of imprisonment in the 16th chapter of Acts by praying to the Lord. It was by going to the place of prayer that they met Lydia. They were even going to pray when they encountered the slave girl possessed by the spirit of divination. In Nehemiah, the sixteenth book of the Bible, Nehemiah prayed several times. Samson fought his last battle against the Philistines by praying to God. The sixteenth chapters of both Psalms and Proverbs show that power belongs to God. To be prayer-less in a sixteenth season is to be a reproach. 

11. Engage the Power of God through Singing unto God:

Paul and Silas overcame imprisonment by singing to God in Acts 16. David was first called to the Palace in First Samuel 16 to serve King Saul because of his ability to play harp and sing. He was the great psalmist of Israel.  He made singing and singers to be part of temple worship. He sang to the Lord in the sixteenth chapter of First Chronicles as he brought the Ark into the tabernacle he erected. He must have won battles by singing unto God. The word ‘singers’ appears in about 37 verses in the entire Bible. About sixteen of those is found in Nehemiah; the sixteenth book of the Bible.

12. Be sensitive to hear God and bold to declare His word: The sixteenth is a time to speak from God. It is a season of prophets and messengers of God. A prophet confronted Baasha in the sixteenth chapter of First Kings. Another prophet confronted King Asa in the sixteenth chapter of Second Chronicles. Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, declared the mind of God against nations in the sixteenth chapters of their books. Be bold to proclaim, or declare, what God has given you to release. 

13. Be open to visions and revelations: It was by revelation that Paul went to Macedonia. Peter received the revelation that Jesus is the Christ and Son of God. Jesus said Peters confession of Him was by divine revelation. It was by the spirit of revelation that Samuel did not pour oil on the wrong head in the sixteenth chapter of First Samuel. 

14. Package wisely and properly: Proper, wise, packaging is a huge factor for success in a sixteenth season. God taught Samuel how to package himself in First Samuel 16. Though he was on a mission to anoint a knew king, the people saw him as coming to sacrifice to the Lord. His mission was successful. David did not go to Saul’s palace as ‘the Lord’s anointed’. He went as a servant. Saul loved him and even made him his armor bearer without any idea that David had been anointed the next king. In the sixteenth book of the Bible, Nehemiah packaged his vision properly and secured the favor of a Persian ruler who became his sponsor. Ezra also package well and was sponsored on his mission by the king.

“Righteous lips are the delight of kings, And they love him who speaks what is right. As messengers of death is the king’s wrath, But a wise man will appease it. In the light of the king’s face is life, And his favor is like a cloud of the latter rain. How much better to get wisdom than gold! And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver” (Proverbs 16:13-16 NKJV).

15. Be part of a supportive company of like-minded believers: Do not be a lone-ranger. Nehemiah did not labor alone. He had a company. Paul and Silas had a company at Philippi (Acts 16:40). The sixteenth chapters of Romans and First Corinthians reveal that Paul was a man of company. Disunity is weakness in a time of persecution. David survived Absalom’s revolution in the sixteenth chapter of Second Samuel because of the company of men who were loyal to him. They weakened the revolution from inside by pretending to be on Absalom’s side.

16. Be willing to serve and learn from those who dominate the scene: Although David was anointed to be king, he was first admitted to the palace to serve king Saul. God’s order is for you to serve, or learn from, people you would replace or succeed. Part of the reason it is so, is to enable you learn from them at no cost. Even if the fathers have erred or are erring, there is still something they know that the children do not know. The children need to humble themselves and learn it. 

The angel of the Lord sent Hagar back to Sarai in the sixteenth chapter of Genesis. Though she had ran away from Sarai, the angel still called her Sarai’s maid. She had conceived for Abram. Sarai had never experienced conception. She had also had the privilege of seeing and speaking with the angel of the Lord. Sarai had never experienced that. Whatever Hagar had more than Sarai did not qualify, or permit, her to break away from Sarai. There are servants who need to return to their masters. There are students and disciples who need to return to their teachers. There are protégés that need to go back to their mentors. There are sons and daughters who need to return to their parents. The Lord will not permit improper separations in this season.

Except in cases where people are thrown out by their masters or leaders (as Jesus prophesied in John 16:2), the sixteenth season is not a time to rebel against legitimate masters because of any advantage. It is rather a time to connect or reconnect to them. Timothy became Paul’s disciple in the sixteenth chapter of Acts. People who dominate the front-lines, today, in your field of interest, know something you need to learn. You can get it from their speeches and, or writings – even if you are not close to them.

Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri is a herald of patterns, principles, and seasons, for the restoration of eternal purposes on earth. He has a mandate to bring understanding of times and seasons to the nations using a biblical model. He proclaims that NOW is the time to actualize dreams and expectations leading to the manifestation of The kingdom on earth


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