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Home Times & Seasons The Mystery of the 15th Week (April 9 - 15)

The Mystery of the 15th Week (April 9 – 15)

Welcome to the 15th week of the year! Week 15 is the first week in the third 49 days of the year. Week 15 is a first season week and has its pattern in the first day of creation, fifteenth book of the Bible in the fifteenth chapters of the Bible, and in the first ten books of the Bible.

Week 15 is a first day of creation week in the third seven weeks of the year. On the first day of creation, God went to work with His word. God spoke and called light over darkness. The fifteenth week is a week of light triumphing over darkness. It is a week of truth rising above lies. It is a week of good overcoming evil. This week, those who sit in darkness shall see the light. The fifteenth week is the week of the Word. God’s word goes to work and rules in the 15th week.

Week 15 is a book of Genesis week in a 49-day season expressing the book of Leviticus. Genesis is the first book of the Bible and is about beginnings – the beginning of the earth, man, sin, death, languages, nations, and so on. The 15th week is a week of new beginnings. It’s a turning-point week.

Week 15 is a Leviticus 1-4 week in the third 49 days of the year. The first four chapters of Leviticus are about offerings – burnt offering, grain offering, peace offering, and sin offering; when to offer them, why, and how to offer them. The offerings are for gratitude and for reparation of ruined relationship with God. Week 15 is a week of call to duty towards God. It is a week of offerings.

Week 15 is a book of Ezra week. The book of Ezra, the fifteenth book of the Bible, opens with a written proclamation from King Cyrus to go and rebuild the house of God in Jerusalem. It marked the end of Babylonian captivity. He gave the Jews in Persia liberty to go and rebuild the House of God and also released to them the treasures looted from the temple. That was a serious breakthrough for the Jewish captives. They faced opposition in the rebuilding of the temple and the opposition would have prevailed if the king had not put that proclamation in writing. The fifteenth season is the season of the Word of God; especially the written word. This is a week of restoration by the Word of God. This week is for proclaiming the Word concerning the House of God on earth. It is a season to make to make reference to what had been written; and see it implemented.

Week 15 is a 15th chapters of the Bible week. The word comes to men in the fifteenth season. The word of God came to Abraham in Genesis 15. It came to King Saul in First Samuel 15. It came to Cyrus in the fifteenth Book of the Bible. It came to John the Baptist in the fifteenth year of Caesar Tiberius. It came to Josiah, the fifteenth King of Judah from David. The reformation he carried out was based on the written word which was found in the temple. The Bible (the Word of God) was first printed in the fifteenth century. The fifteenth season is a season of encounter with God through His word. In Acts 15, the first Church Council met at Jerusalem and took a decision in favor of the Gentile believers. They made reference to the written word (Amos 9:11) about restoring the tabernacle of David which was broken down. The decision of the Council was communicated to the churches in writing. This is a week to set your heart on the Word of God and the house of God, the Church. In First Samuel 15, Saul was disqualified from being king of Israel because he disobeyed the written word of God concerning Amalekites. In Exodus 17:14, God commanded Moses to put it in writing that Amalek would be destroyed. Samuel commanded Saul to execute that written word but he failed. Those who violate the written word of God cannot prosper in the fifteenth season. This is a season to do the written word.

The 15th week is a Psalm 99 -105 week. The 15th week runs from the 99 day of the year to the 105th day of the year. These seven are mostly celebration Psalms. It opens with “The Lord reigns” in Psalm 99 and ends with “Give thanks to the LORD” in Psalm 105. We go into this week knowing that the Lord is in charge and loving His people.

Week 15 is a Genesis – Second Samuel season in the third 49 days of the year. Every 49-day season has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. Week 15 is the beginning of the Old Testament side of the third 49 days; and has its guiding light in the first ten books of the Bible. The first ten books is like a journey from Adam to David. In the 15th season, God seeks men and women who will do His will by performing His word.

As a first-day-of-creation week, the fifteenth week is for ending and dismantling the oppression of darkness. As a book-of-Genesis week, it is for new beginnings. As a book-of-Ezra week, it is for restoring ruins and rebuilding waste places. As a Leviticus 1-4 week, it is for building and rebuilding fellowship with God through offerings and worship.

Since God intends this week to be a week of rebuilding ruins and making new beginnings, we must watch against the enemy turning it into a week of causing ruins and bringing lives and great purposes to an end. This is a week to run with the written word. Expect the implementation of written policies. Stand on the written word. Happy fifteenth week!


We shall be praying into the 15th week of the year from the 15th book and 15th chapters of the Bible. The 15th week is the beginning of the third seven weeks of the year – the seven weeks that will change the course of the year. How should we pray this week?

Zechariah 10: 1 tells us to ask the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain. The Holy Spirit can guide us to pray in line with seasons through impressions and revelations. He can also guide us through principles and patterns in the Bible. The 15th book and chapters of the Bible reveal five basic things about the 15th season:

  1. 1. This is a week of restoration, recovery, revival, and resurrection.

In the 15th book of the Bible, Ezra, Cyrus proclaimed the release of Jews in captivity. The captivity ended, and some Jews returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple destroyed by Babylonians. This is a week of rebuilding ruins and experiencing fulfillment of prophecies. Unfortunately, the evil one intends to make it a season of losses and desolations. This is the week (April 14, 2014) when 276 high school girls were abducted by Boko Haram in North-east Nigeria. This week in 1912 was when the Titanic sank and 1500 of over 2000 passengers perished. This is not a week of losses

In Exodus 15, Moses and Miriam sang to the Lord after Israel crossed the Red Sea. God healed bitter water for the people and also spoke of healing them of diseases if they obey Him.

In Luke 15, Jesus spoke 3 parables of restoration and recovery – the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son.

In Acts 15, James referred to the prophecy of Amos about restoring and rebuilding the Tabernacle of David.

First Corinthians 15 dwells on resurrection and triumph over death. The 15th season is resurrection season.

The 15th week is a week of singing. There was singing and dancing in Exodus 15, after Israel crossed the Red Sea, in First Chronicles 15, when David brought the Ark into Jerusalem. There was singing in Revelation 15. They sang the song of Moses and of the Lamb. It speaks of those who had victory over the beast and all his company.

The 15th week of the year is a week of Victory Celebration

  1. 2. This is a week of receiving the word about issues in your life.

In Genesis 15, God spoke to Abraham about having multitude of children and about inheriting the land of the Amorites – after He had argued with God about having no child. God also spoke to him about Egyptian bondage without mentioning Egypt. This is a prophetic season – both for declaration and fulfillment.

The Word of the Lord came to John the Baptist in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar. God speaks in the 15th season.

The Bible was printed for the first time in the 15th century. The 15th season is a season of the Word – season of releasing the Word and a season of performing the Word.

  1. 3. This is a week of receiving the fulfillment and manifestation of God’s word. The Lord remembers His word to perform it in the 15th season.

In First Samuel 15, God told Samuel it was time to perform the word He spoke to Moses against Amalek in Exodus 17. Saul was called to be the agent of the fulfillment of that prophecy. He trivialized the calling and was rejected from being king. The Lord is passionate about His word this 15th week of the year.

In the 15th book of the Bible, Ezra, Cyrus proclaimed the release of Jews in captivity – to fulfill the word of God through Jeremiah. This is a week of experiencing fulfillment of prophecies.

  1. 4. This is a week of contending against opposition and resistance to the fulfillment of God’s word. This week, you must stand against resistance and opposition to God’s purposes.

The 15th book of the Bible also indicate that this is a week of contending against resistance and opposition to God’s will for our lives. Sanballat and Tobiah rose against the Jews rebuilding the temple in the 15th book of the Bible. The work stopped, was restarted, and then completed. Don’t let the devil stop you this week!

In Acts 15, the council at Jerusalem dealt with the opposition against admission of gentile believers into the church.

Jesus was crucified in Mark 15. In 2022, April 15 is Good Friday.

Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in the 15th week of 1865 (precisely April 15) – the day before Resurrection Day. The 15th seven years of the United States (from 1776) ended with the assassination of the 20th President, James A. Garfield on July 2, 1881.

  1. 5. This 15th week is the beginning of a new beginning in the year. This week is a terminus for the status quo.

Babylonian captivity of the Jews ended in the 15th book of the Bible; and the Return began.

The Promise of the child born in Genesis 21 began in Genesis 15.

In Exodus 15, Israel was on the other side of the Red Sea where Egyptians were no longer a threat.

In First Samuel 15, God finally rejected Saul and the search for a new king began.

King Asa carried out sweeping reforms in Judah in Second Chronicles 15. That was a new beginning for God’s people.

In Acts 15, Gentiles were formally admitted into the church. It was a new beginning for Gentile believers. Paul and Barnabas parted ways in this chapter too


  1. 1. Pray for sensitivity to receive the Word of the Lord this week. The Lord has a word for us this week.
  2. 2. Pray against resistance and opposition to the fulfillment of God’s word in our lives, families and nations.
  3. 3. Pray for the recovery and restoration of what is lost. Pray for the rebuilding of ruins. Pray for the resurrection God for the week will prevail in the nations.
  4. 4. Pray for the activation of prophecies this week. Pray that what Heaven had declared in the past will find room for performance this week.


Exodus 15:26: “If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.”

Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri is a herald of patterns, principles, and seasons, for the restoration of eternal purposes on earth. He has a mandate to bring understanding of times and seasons to the nations using a biblical model. He proclaims that NOW is the time to actualize dreams and expectations leading to the manifestation of The kingdom on earth


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