Welcome to the 7th week of the year. The seventh week is the week ending the first 49 days (seven weeks) of the year. It is the week of February 12-18. We can gain understanding about this week from the seventh day of creation, the seventh book and seventh chapters of the Bible, the seventh seven books of the Bible, and the last eight chapters of Genesis.
Week 7 is a seventh day of creation week. God did not create anything on the seventh day. He rested on that day. He blessed and sanctified the seventh day because He rested on that day. It was the rest of the day that made it a blessed and holy day. What makes the seventh day (or season) special is the rest in the season. We must not get caught up on ‘holy’ and ‘blessed’ while ignoring the rest. Further, the rest of the season is both physical and spiritual. It is rest in a wholistic sense. Jesus took it to spiritual dimension and the Jews thought He was violating the physical implications of the Sabbath. Whereas the Jews advocated limited activity and movement on the Sabbath, Jesus stood for spirit-soul-body rest from shackles. For Him, it was the best time to heal the sick and set captives free. For Him, it was a day to announce to everyone, “It is done; no more worries; receive your freedom and enjoy it”. This is not a day of work but a day of resting from pain, and joying God’s finished work. The seventh week is a week of rest from distress and unrest.
Week 7 is a seventh chapters of the Bible week. The seventh chapters the Bible reveal that seventh week is a week in which divine intervention is greatly needed. In Genesis 7, Noah’s ark saved him and family from the flood. God used the ark to preserve life. In First Samuel 7, Samuel saved Israel from the hand of the Philistines. In Second Kings 7, Elisha saved Samaria from famine. In Luke 7, Jesus saved an only child of a widow from death. Revelation 7 talks about those who came out of the great tribulation. In Acts 7, Stephen was stoned to death without intervention. The seventh chapters of the Bible reveal that the mouths of death and the grave are wide open in the seventh season. This week, theLord will shut the mouth of death and the grave; and deliver those appointed to death.
Week 7 is a seventh-seven-books-of-the-Bible week. The 7th seventh books of the Bible are John, Acts, Romans, First Corinthians, Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Ephesians. These books are about the application of the finished work. In the 43rd book, John, Jesus declared on the cross, “it is finished”. Those books are about the riches we have in Christ – salvation, eternal life, power, righteousness, freedom, gifts, ministry, position and authority. These seven book show us that, in Christ, we have rest from the Law, by faith; and that the struggle is over.
Week 7 is a Genesis 43-50 week. In this seventh section of the book of Genesis,Joseph stood out as both the savior of his family and race and the savior of Egypt. Through him his family came to live in Egypt and were cared for. Through him, Egyptians were preserved from a seven-year famine. He funded the burial of His father, Jacob, in the promised land. May the Lord bless you with a Joseph or make you one in this seventh week of the year.
Week 7 is a book of Judges week. The book of Judges is the seventh book of the Bible. This book is about three things: Israel’s intermittent sin, suffering, and salvation. The book is called Judges because of the ‘judges’ who rose at different times to deliver Israel from her oppressors. Week seven is a week of salvation from oppression. They were deliverers for their own people. The book of Judges has 21 chapters; and so, each day of this week could express three chapters of Judges: day 1 (Judges 1-3); day 2 (Judges 4-6); day 3 (Judges 7-9); day 4 (Judges 10-12); day 5 (Judges 13-15); day 6 (Judges 16-18); and day 7 (Judges 19-21). In the days of the Judges, there was no king in Israel and everyone did was right in his or her eyes. The seventh is a deadly season without divine intervention. May the Lord intervene this week for the sake of the elect.
O Father, deliver me, this week from the enemy that is too strong for me.
O Father, send me helpers this week to fight the battles that seek to swallow me up.
O Father, use me, in the way you please, to minister rescue to anyone or group of people who might be in need of rescue.
O Father, deliver your own, by your mercy, from any disaster that would be unleashed this week.
1. Let this week be a week of revival and recovery from every kind of declension. Let it be a week turning and returning to God.
2. Let this week be a week of deliverance from diverse kinds of oppression.
3. Let saviors emerge from among your people for the salvation
4. Let not those whom you have raised for your battle in this week, including me, become casualty.
5. Let this week be marked by unity and not disunity; let it marked by true love and not self-centeredness. Let your will be the rallying point.
6. Let this week be a week of rest; let it not be a week of unrest.
7. Let this week be a week of preservation; not of destruction and death. Let the mouth of death and the grave be shut this week.
8. Let not my enemies rejoice over me this week. Deliver me from taking steps, making decisions, saying or doing things, that would give my enemies power over me.