Welcome to the fifth 49 days of the year! Blessed be God who lead you safely through the wilderness of the fourth 49 days. The fifth 49 days constitutes the fifth prophetic week of weeks in the year. It is a broad (seven-week long) fifth season. This season includes half of the month of July (16 days), the entire month of August, and the first two days in September. It also begins with The Three Weeks of the ‘Dire Straits’ that ends with’ the 9th of Av’ commemorating the destruction of the first and second temple. The Bible patterns for understanding the fifth 49 days are
The fifth day of creation narrative,
The fifth book of the Bible
The fifth chapters of the Bible, and
The fifth seven books of the Bible
The fifth 49 days of the year is a fifth day of creation season, God turned to the waters and away from dry ground because an unmanned (spiritually unprotected) fifth season is a season of drought and dryness. He caused the waters to abound with abundance of living (moving) creatures because an unmanned fifth season is a season of scarcity and stagnation. He blessed His creation with fruitfulness and multiplication because an unmanned fifth season is a season of curses bringing barrenness and decimation. He made the fish to live and move freely in water; and the birds to fly freely above the earth and the waters; because an unmanned fifth season brings bondage and loss of freedom. The birds can fly without falling; and the fish can swim without sinking. That means power for sustainability. An unmanned fifth season is a season of stagnation and immobility. The key to sustainability in the fifth season is balance. He made the birds have wings and fish have fins. This gives them balance when they move. The wings of the birds and the fins of the fish represent righteousness and justice. An unmanned fifth season would be a season of wickedness and injustice. When birds spread their wings to fly, and fish their fins to swim, they are symbolically saying that righteousness and justice are the keys to freedom and prosperity in the fifth season. The creatures of the fifth day are also very sensitive and perceptive. They can sense danger and take precaution by moving to safety. In the fifth season, men become victims through insensitivity and lack of spiritual perception or discernment. The birds of the air, flying above the earth and the waters, represent the spirit; and the fish of the sea, swimming deep and wide in the waters, represent the flesh. In an unmanned fifth season the flesh (fish) rises above the spirit (birds). In this season, as birds fly above the waters and also eat the fish the sea, may your spirit rise above your flesh! It’s time to pray, dwell on the word, and walk in the spirit. In the fifth season, God wants to bless His people with abundance and surplus, fruitfulness, soundness, freedom, and sustainability. He wants you to man your fifth season with spirituality through prayer, confidence, and obedience to the word.
The fifth 49 days is a book of Deuteronomy season. Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Bible. A book of Deuteronomy season is a season to give attention to the voice of God and be blessed; or to disregard the voice of God and be cursed. The book of Deuteronomy reveals that forgetting God or disregarding His word in the fifth season is courting disaster. In Deuteronomy 28, God showed Israel the path to blessings and curses. In the 30th chapter, He laid again before Israel the paths to life and death. The book of Deuteronomy reveals that the fifth season is a time to choose to be up and above like the birds; or to be down and below like the sea creatures. It is all a matter of what you do with the word and voice of God. Why does the Lord emphasize listening to, and obeying, His voice or word in the fifth season? On the fifth day, He created, not only living, moving creatures, but also talking-singing creatures. Birds talk and sing. They have voices. The fifth season is a season of raising and listening to voices.
Since the fifth seven weeks of the year is a book of Deuteronomy season, each week of the season would express five chapters of the fifth book as follows:
Week 29 – Deuteronomy 1-5
Week 29 – Deuteronomy 6-10
Week 29 – Deuteronomy 11-15
Week 29 – Deuteronomy 16-20
Week 29 – Deuteronomy 21-25
Week 29 – Deuteronomy 26-30
The last week would express the last four chapters (31-34). Take advantage of the season and read through the fifth book of the Bible. As God prepared Israel in the fifth book of the Bible before the entered Canaan in the book of Joshua, the fifth 49 days of the year is preparatory for the sixth 49 days of the year.
Since July 1972, the United States have been journeying through the book of Deuteronomy. At the time of this writing, the United States is in the closing years of her fifth 49 years (1972 – 2021); and also in the closing chapters of the book of Deuteronomy. The fifth 49 years of the United States is a book of Deuteronomy season. Every seven years of this season expresses five chapters of the book of Deuteronomy. The last seven years of the season expresses the last four chapters of the book of Deuteronomy.
From July 1972 to July 1979, she lived through Deuteronomy 1-5.
From July 1979 to July 1986, she lived through Deuteronomy 6-10.
From July 1986 to July 1993, she went through Deuteronomy 11-15.
From July 1993 to July 2000, she lived through Deuteronomy 16-20.
From July 2000 to July 2007, she lived through Deuteronomy 21-25.
From July 2007 to July 2014, she lived through Deuteronomy 26-30. That was a serious decision-making moment for the United States. It was the time to choose between life and death; blessing and cursing.
From July 2014 to July 2021, she takes her journey through Deuteronomy 31-34. The last four chapters of Deuteronomy record the last days of Moses – from the appointment of his successor to his death. It was the end of the great prophet. Moses’ successor, Joshua, led Israel in the sixth book of the Bible. In this season, the United States will choose the one to lead her into the critical sixth 49 years beginning July 2021. I hope she gets a Joshua-type leader.
The fifth book of the Bible shows that the key to prosperity in this season is to obey God’s voice.
The fifth 49 days is a fifth chapters of the Bible season.
The fifth chapters of the Bible reveal three things about the fifth 49 days of the year:
1. This is a season to arrest disease and death. In Genesis 5, when men lived and died, Enoch walked with God and God (not death) took him away. In Mark 5, Jesus delivered a demon possessed man from bondage. In the same chapter, He raised a girl from the dead and healed the woman with the issue of blood. In Second Kings 5, Elisha healed Naaman of leprosy. In John 5, Jesus healed the man at the pool of Bethesda. In Acts 5, Peter’s shadow healed the sick.
2. It is also a season to confront rebellious and fleshly living. In Exodus 5, Pharaoh said to Moses, “Who is the Lord that I should obey Him; I do not know the Lord; neither will I let Israel go”. In First Samuel 5, the Philistines put the ark of God, as a captive, in the house of Dagon, their god. In Second Kings 5, while Elisha refused the free-will offerings of Naaman, Gehazi ran after Naaman, in dishonesty, to receive money and materials. He became leprous at the end. In Daniel 5, Belshazzar, king of Babylon, mocked the God of Israel in a sumptuous feast and lost his life and kingdom the same day – after reading the strange hand-writing on the wall. In Matthew 5, Jesus taught His disciple to scorn superficiality and become spiritual instead of just being religious. In Acts 5, Ananias and Sapphira died for giving offerings to the church in dishonesty. They gave in to the flesh. In First Corinthians 5, Paul rebel rebuked the church for condoning a man who was sleeping with his father’s wife. Second Corinthians 5 calls us to focus on the spirit rather on the flesh. The 16th verse says, “therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh….”. Galatians 5 talks about the works of the flesh and the fruit of the spirit; challenging us to walk in the spirit so as not to fulfill the desires of the flesh. In the fifth book of the Bible, God called Israel to obey His voice instead of following their natural or fleshly inclinations. That is also the reason God commanded Joshua to circumcise (cut off the flesh” of) the men of Israel in Joshua 5. In fifth seasons, people have a tendency to live and walk in the flesh, rather than by the word and the spirit. In the fifth season, men are tempted to disregard, and even mock, the spiritual. The fifth book and chapters of the Bible show that the fifth season divides between the carnal and the spiritual. God made both fish (flesh) and birds (the spirit) on the fifth day of creation. To be fleshly minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life.
3. It is a season of war against scarcity through generosity and self-denial. In Luke 5, Peter caught fish, in abundance, by the word of the Master; after giving his boat for a gospel crusade. He also walked away from the fish and fishing industry to follow the Prophet from Nazareth. In Joshua 5, Manna ceased; and Israel ate the fruit of the land after the men had been circumcised.
The fifth 49 days is a fifth seven books of the Bible season. The fifth seven books of the Bible are Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, and Habakkuk. These are prophetic books. They are messages from men who had received or perceived the mind of God. The books are mostly concerned about awakening the people to righteousness and justice. They confront the people to turn to God. Each week of the fifth 49 days will express one of the fifth seven books of the Bible. This 29th week is a book of Joel week. The 30th week is a book of Amos week. The 31st week is a book of Obadiah week. The 32nd week is a book of Jonah week. The 33rd week is a book of a Micah week. The 34th week is a book of Nahum week. The 35th week is a book of Habakkuk week.
The fifth seven books of the Bible reveal that the fifth seven weeks is a season to walk in unalloyed obedience. It is a season to pursue justice and righteousness. In this season, may the Lord keep you far from the disasters in the fifth seven books of the Bible.
Since July 1972, the United States have been journeying through the fifth seven books of the Bible. From July 1972 to July 1979, she lived through the book of Joel. From July 1979 to July 1986, she lived through the book of Amos. From July 1986 to July 1993, she went through the book of Obadiah. From July 1993 to July 2000, she lived through the book of Jonah. From July 2000 to July 2007, she lived through the book of Micah. Her battles against terrorism began in this season. From July 2007 to July 2014, she lived through the book of Nahum. From July 2014 to July 2021, she takes her journey through the book of Habakkuk – the last book of her fifth 49 years.
Use this 49-day season to read the fifth book, and the fifth seven books, of the Bible. The theme of the fifth 49 days season is “Obey My Voice”. Examine your life and make amends in any area you are not walking in obedience. Stay in the path of obedience! Happy fifth 49 days!