Welcome to Day 95! The 95th day of the year is also the fourth day of the fourteenth week of the year. It is the 46th day in the second 49 days. It is April 5 in a clear year and April 4 in a leap year. The Bible keys to understanding the 95th day are the fourth day of creation narrative, the 95th psalm, and the fourth five chapters (16-20) of the fourteenth book of the Bible.
Day 95 is a fourth day of creation day. On the fourth day, God made the luminaries – the sun, moon, and stars. All light comes from God. This is a season to turn on the Light against darkness. Light helps us to see things clearly and keeps us from stumbling or making foolish choices. Light delivers from darkness. The way to overcome darkness in the fourth season is to stay with God’s word.
Day 95 is a Second Chronicles 17-21 day. In the seventeenth chapter, Jehoshaphat became king and led reforms in Judah. In the eighteenth chapter, he made the wrong choice of joining Ahab to fight against Syria. He almost died in the battle field. Ahab died there. In the nineteenth chapter, a prophet rebuked Jehoshaphat for partnering with the house of Ahab – enemies of the Lord. He continued the work of reformation. In the 20th chapter, Jehoshaphat sought the Lord’s help against enemies that came up against him and Judah. He defeated them singing to battle. The reign of Jehoshaphat ended in this chapter. In the 21st chapter, his son Jehoram became king and killed his six brothers and other princes of Judah. God judged him by a written word from Elisha and he died of an intestinal disease. Darkness overtook the family of Jehoshaphat because of a wrong succession-decision. Day 95 is a day to walk in the light Day 95 is a day to sing to victory.
Day 95 is Obadiah – Malachi day in the 14th week. Every week is like a journey through the Bible. Every week has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week belong to the Old Testament side and express the 39 books of the Old Testament. The remaining three days of the week constitute the New Testament side and express the 27 books of the New Testament. The fourth day of the week is the day closing the Old Testament side of the week; and expresses the last nine books of the Old Testament. The last nine books of the Old Testament is the bridge to the New Testament. The books are a call to respond to God’s word and light. Day 95 is the end of the Old Testament side of the 14th week.Today is the bridge-day leading to the New Testament side of the week. The books of ‘the minor prophets’ are part of the last 9 books of the O.T. They are about judgment and promises of restoration. Today is a day of the dominion of the Voice of God in the nations. Let His Voice also dominate in your life.
Day 95 is a Book of First Corinthians day in the second 49 days of the year. First Corinthians is the 46th book of the Bible and is applicable to the 46th say in the second 49 days. In the 46th book of the Bible, the Church was seized by darkness expressed through pride, divisions, and immorality. Paul confronted the church and answered question to bring back light to the church. Day 95 is a gate of time to watch against confusion and other expressions of darkness. On this day in 2021, there was a jailbreak in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. Heavily armed gun men freed 1800 inmates from a prison.
Day 95 is a Psalm 95 day. In Psalm 95, we are called to magnify Him. Six times we are summoned to worship God. Psalm 95:1-2,6 says,
[1] Oh come, LET US sing to the LORD!
LET US shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.
[2] LET US come before His presence with thanksgiving;
LET US shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
[6] Oh come, LET US worship and bow down;
LET US kneel before the LORD our Maker.
Psalm 95:3-5, 7 tells us six reasons we are to sing to Him:
1. [3] For the LORD is the great God, And the great King above all gods.
2. [4] In His hand are the deep places of the earth;
3. The heights of the hills are His also.
4. [5] The sea is His, for He made it;
5. And His hands formed the dry land.
6. [7] For He is our God, And we are the people of His pasture, And the sheep of His hand.
Psalm 95:7-11 gives the practical implication of the Lordship of our God.
[7] … Today, if you will hear His voice: [8] “Do not harden your hearts, as in the rebellion, As in the day of trial in the wilderness, [9] When your fathers tested Me; They tried Me, though they saw My work. [10] For forty years I was grieved with that generation, And said, ‘It is a people who go astray in their hearts, And they do not know My ways.’ [11] So I swore in My wrath, ‘They shall not enter My rest.’”
DECREE AND DECLARE: God made us in His image and likeness to rule, have dominion, and impose His will on seasons; as He did with the seven days of creation. He decreed what He wanted for each day. We are to decree what is revealed concerning each day. Today, decree the downfall of the wicked and the lifting and establishment of the just. Today, prophesy an end to something in your life, family, business, community, and nation. Today, raise your voice against wickedness and oppression wherever it is found. Prophesy! Prophesy!! Prophesy!!! Today, also pray to be more sensitive in the spirit; to pick up necessary signals that would help you triumph over the enemy and keep darkness away. Today, pray to be delivered from falling into temptation. Pray to be preoccupied with the person of God; and to be focused on His mandate and His revealed purpose for your life. Be careful to weigh every decision in light of God’s purpose for your life; and God’s purpose for the time. Today, proclaim an end to woes and declare the dawn of a new day. Today, we owe it to our Maker to sing to Him and to obey Him.
Learn more about this day in history: http://timelines.ws/days/04_05.HTML