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HomeTimes & Seasons2022: Here's What the Bible Reveals

2022: Here’s What the Bible Reveals

Time is a gate. All purposes under heaven pass through this gate. Every year has its thing and everything has its year. In 2020, the world stood still because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Our world is still dealing with what happened (or began to happen) in 2020. That means we cannot afford to underestimate the power of any year. What will the 22nd year of the 21st century bring to the world? Only God knows! He can reveal the year to us. He can also withhold revelations and demand that we just follow, trust, and obey. He is the Lord and He decides what He wants to do. However, we know from the Bible that He takes delight in revealing the future. He revealed the future to Noah, Abraham, Pharaoh, Joseph, Moses, Samuel, David, Elisha, Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel, Agabus, and John the Apostle, Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will show us things to come. The Bible is full of revelations of ‘the future’. The other truth is that God has already left patterns in the Bible for each dated or numbered season. The Bible, as we have it today, is designed to help us understand times and seasons.

So, where can we find the pattern for 2022 in the Bible? In the 22nd book and 22nd chapters of the Bible! Every numbered or dated season has its pattern in the Bible-book and chapters that correspond to it. Although we cannot find 2022 written anywhere in the Bible, the Holy Spirit has left us clues in the Bible about this season. God inspired the arrangement and order of the books in the Bible. He also inspired the assignment of chapter-numbers to Bible narratives in the 13th century to help us understand times and seasons. We know what the 22nd season (the 22nd day, 22nd week, 22nd year, or 22nd century) is about from what the Bible has in its 22nd book and 22nd chapters. Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “That which has been is what will be, That which is done is what will be done, And there is nothing new under the sun”. My hope is that God will speak to you about 2022 as I share the light I have received from considering numeric patterns for the year in the Bible. The Holy Spirit has guided us to understand the mystery of each numbered or dated season with this pattern since the year 2013.

The world is running fast to the place where the only trustworthy light she will have is the Word of God. The systems the world is trusting will fail. The people of the world and their leaders will soon run to the Church to ask or find out if there is a word from God. That is the reason the Lord is training us to understand times and seasons from His Word and to understand His word from a times-seasons perspective. We may not always have revelations (visions and dreams) or access to revelations; but we always have the Bible to read and refer to. It is “a more sure word of prophecy” (2 Peter 1:19).

This article has three major parts: A. What the Bible reveals about 2022. B. How we should live in 2022. C. Prayer-points for 2022.


With the light God gives and a closer look at our world, we will see the details that can guide us to take specific steps. Psalm 119: 105 tells us we can see with God’s Word. It’s our light! As light, God’s Word can help us to see things that lie ahead.

Each year means different things to different people. No year is ever the same for everyone. Here are twelve (12) basic things gleaned from the 22nd book and 22nd chapters of the Bible that are applicable to 2022:


In Genesis 22, the Lord wanted Abraham’s son as a burnt (offering) sacrifice. He got it! In Numbers 22, the king of Moab wanted Balaam to do the king’s bidding and pleasure. In First Samuel 22, Saul killed the priests of the Lord because they did not report David’s movements to him. In the 22nd chapter of First Kings, Ahab wanted prophets who would please him with their prophecies. In the 22nd book of the Bible, the Shulamite wanted to please her beloved, the king. In Jesus’ parable of the wedding guests in Matthew 22, the king’s pleasure to fill the wedding hall with properly dressed guests could not be compromised. The 22nd chapters of Leviticus and Deuteronomy are about ethical (behavioral and physical) standards God set Israel and the sons of Aaron The king must be satisfied. He will take no excuses. In 2022, the rulers and government’s of the world will want their wishes done. They will go to any length to reach their goals. 1. This could make nations collide and go to war. 2. It could drive the State to make demands that would lead to collision with the Church – like the 1922 removal and confiscation of jewelry from churches in Russia. 3. It could make rulers persecute the righteous whose allegiance is to God. 4. It could make Heaven react against arrogant kings. 5. It may result in Heaven being displeased with compromising believers. COVID-19 Vaccines and restrictions could become a trap. 2022 is a year of satisfying the king but we must choose the king we want to satisfy – God or man.


2022 is a door of great opportunity for the Church and true prophets. It will bring opportunity to enjoy pleasures from men seeking light from heaven. Those who want to make men happy with the word of God will lose relevance. Those who seek to please God may make men unhappy, but will remain relevant. Some political leaders will need and seek alliance with prophets of God (the church) to help them solve state problems. Governments will seek the cooperation and collaboration of the church. They will be ready to hire prophets who will do or say anything they want. They will be ready to give money to the church as long as they can use the church machinery to accomplish anything they want. A spirit of error is going to come upon some undiscerning prophets and church leaders. They will be willing to do anything for political leaders as long as money will flow to them. Judas betrayed Jesus for cash in Luke 22. The King of Moab hired Balaam to curse and cast spell on Israel in Numbers 22. In First Samuel 22, Prophet Gad counseled David to move from the stronghold to the land of Judah. David did! In First Kings 22, Ahab and Jehoshaphat needed to hear from a prophet about Israel’s battle against Syria. Ahab had access to over 400 hundred prophets. He wanted prophets who will encourage him with their prophecies. He hated prophets who will tell him the mind of God. In Second Kings 22, when King Josiah received the book of the law and had it read to him, he sent messengers to a Prophetess to hear what she had to say about the contents of the book. The wise will seek out genuine prophets of God in 2022 and pay attention to what they say. The year 2022 will be a year of tough decisions. Prophets and prophecies will be on demand in 2022 but messengers of God must determine to represent God in their prophecies. Some prophets will compromise to have favor with the men; but those who overcome the temptation to compromise will be greatly blessed to influence the world in the fourth seven years of the 21st century and beyond.

The 22nd book of the Bible is Solomon’s Song of songs. The year 2022 is for singing the Song of songs’ (the ultimate song) to the Lord. What is the Song of songs’? It is the demonstration of your allegiance to God. This is the year of identifying those who love God and are loyal to Him. In Genesis 22, God tested Abraham’s loyalty to Him by requiring the sacrifice of Isaac as burnt offering. He demonstrated loyalty to God and was rewarded. That was Abraham’s Song of songs’. In Numbers 22, Balaam’s loyalty to God was tested. The king of Moab wanted him to curse Israel. God said he should not. Balaam did not honor the voice of God because of the rewards he expected from men. In Joshua 22, the Reubenites, Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh erected an altar of loyalty to God – an altar of Witness that the Lord is God – as they returned to their inheritance on the other side of Jordan. In 1 Kings 22, Micaiah stood alone for God amid pressure from his compromised colleagues. 2022 will be a test season for preachers and believers. In 2 Kings 22, King Josiah demonstrated loyalty to God when he heard the reading from the book of the Law and tore his clothes because of violations of the Law going on in the land. In Luke 22, Jesus sang the ultimate song to the Father when He surrendered to the will of God for His life and said, “Not my will but your will be done”. Judah Iscariot betrayed Jesus and Peter denied Jesus in this chapter. Loyalty will be a critical issue in 2022. You will demonstrate your loyalty to God in 2022 by the way you treat His Word. Loyalty to God means commitment to His Word. In John 14: 21, 23, Jesus said, “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him…If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. In 2022, God’s people will face tests and temptations that will reveal the depth of their loyalty to God. The fear of man and lust for material things will be principal issues. In many places, those who stand for the truth in Christ will be persecuted. The world will mock loyalty to the truth and the faith of some will be shaken. This is a Psalm-22 year. However, there will be a strong company of witnesses around the world who will show that “the kingdom is the LORD’s, and He rules over the nations” (Psalm 22:28)This is the year of the ultimate song. David sang to the Lord in 2 Samuel 22.


The 22nd book of the Bible is Solomons Song of songs. The year 2022 is for singing the Song of songs’ (the ultimate song) to the Lord. What is the Song of songs’? It is the demonstration of your allegiance to God. This is the year of identifying those who love God and are loyal to Him. In Genesis 22, God tested Abraham’s loyalty to Him by requiring the sacrifice of Isaac as burnt offering. He demonstrated loyalty to God and was rewarded. That was Abraham’s Song of songs’. In Numbers 22, Balaam’s loyalty to God was tested. The king of Moab wanted him to curse Israel. God said he should not. Balaam did not honor the voice of God because of the rewards he expected from men. In Joshua 22, the Reubenites, Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh erected an altar of loyalty to God – an altar of Witness that the Lord is God – as they returned to their inheritance on the other side of Jordan. In 1 Kings 22, Micaiah stood alone for God amid pressure from his compromised colleagues. 2022 will be a test season for preachers and believers. In 2 Kings 22, King Josiah demonstrated loyalty to God when he heard the reading from the book of the Law and tore his clothes because of violations of the Law going on in the land. In Luke 22, Jesus sang the ultimate song to the Father when He surrendered to the will of God for His life and said, “Not my will but your will be done”. Judah Iscariot betrayed Jesus and Peter denied Jesus in this chapter. Loyalty will be a critical issue in 2022. You will demonstrate your loyalty to God in 2022 by the way you treat His Word. Loyalty to God means commitment to His Word. In John 14: 21, 23, Jesus said, “He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him…If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. In 2022, God’s people will face tests and temptations that will reveal the depth of their loyalty to God. The fear of man and lust for material things will be principal issues. In many places, those who stand for the truth in Christ will be persecuted. The world will mock loyalty to the truth and the faith of some will be shaken. This is a Psalm-22 year. However, there will be a strong company of witnesses around the world who will show that “the kingdom is the LORD’s, and He rules over the nations” (Psalm 22:28). This is the year of the ultimate song. David sang to the Lord in 2 Samuel 22.


Song of Solomon 2:2: “Like a lily among thorns, So is my love among the daughters”.

2022 is a year of spiritual distinction. It is a year of picking believers from believers; and prophet among prophets. The year will reveal what people have on their inside. Men will be sorted and distinguished by what they pursue, who or what they fear, and who they want to please or stand with. In 2022, Heaven will be looking for ONE among THOUSANDS. The Lord will be looking for the lily among thorns. God will be looking for the believer whose loyalty to Him is outstanding. Wisdom is one of the things that distinguishes people in 22nd seasons. In Matthew 22, Jesus answered questions with great wisdom. 2022 is a year of hard questions. It is a year of complexities that require wisdom to deal with. I pray that God’s wisdom will distinguish you this year.


There is a very significant relationship between the 22nd and the Word of God. The word of God is the heart of the 22nd. In Genesis 22, God spoke to Abraham to sacrifice his only son as burnt offering. What did Abraham do with that tough word? He obeyed. In Numbers 22, Balaam told Balak, the King of Moab, that he must receive a word from God; and that he would not do anything outside God’s Word. In First Kings 22:14, “…Micaiah said, “As the LORD lives, whatever the LORD says to me, that I will speak.” In the 22nd season, God’s Word is the Mover. The reformation king Josiah carried out in Second Kings 22 began with finding and reading God’s Word. In Exodus 22, God gave laws and judgments for businesses and families in Israel. Obedience to God is the proof of loyalty to Him. In Leviticus 22, God gave laws and judgments for Aaron’s family (the priesthood). In Deuteronomy 22, God gave Israel laws and judgments for the purity and cleansing of the land. How we relate with the Word of the Lord will matter so much in 2022.


Every prophetic word has a time of fulfillment. Numeric patterns in the Bible indicate that the 22nd season is connected to judgment and fulfillment of the word. In 1 Samuel 22, Saul killed the priests of the Lord; and that fulfilled part of God’s word to Samuel concerning the house of Eli. The word of God reaches fruition in the 22nd season. In 1 Kings 22, Ahab died according to God’s word by His prophet, Elijah. In 2 Chronicles 22, Ahaziah, the son of Ataliah, came to his end; as Jehu executed God’s word concerning the house of Ahab. In Isaiah 22, God pronounced judgment against Jerusalem and Shebna. In Jeremiah 22, God pronounced judgment against Jehoiakim and Coniah. In Ezekiel 22, the prophet of God made pronouncements of judgment against ‘the bloody city’. 2022 is a year of desolations. The year is for executing God’s Word against ‘the powers that be’ – who are impudently set against divine purposes. 2022 is the year of the Word. Leaders of nations and leading nations will get their shares. 2022 is pay-year (Rev. 22: 12). It is harvest season.


Although, we cannot force revival to happen at any time, the 22nd season is a gate of revival; and God’s people can miss this gate of time. Josiah’s revival and reformation began in Second Kings 22 with the repair of the temple and the recovery of the Book of the Law in the temple. The 22nd chapter of the book of Revelation also points to revival in the 22nd season. This chapter speaks of the pure river of water of life, the tree of life, and the book of life. Revelation 22:1-2 says, “And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. [2] In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the troee were for the healing of the nations”. The water of life and tree of life are life-givers. The book of life is the book of the living. History also confirms that the 22nd season is a gate of revival. In 1722, Zinzendorf granted the Moravians use of his estate – a step that led to the Hernhut revival. In 1922, New Zealand experienced a multi-dimensional revival through the ministry of Smith Wigglesworth. The year 2022 is an open door for revival. It will come with a wave of healing and preservation by the power of God. In 2022, the tree of life and water of life will be released through life-giving messages and messengers of the Word of Life. The water of life, tree of life, and Book of life are death-inhibitors. In 2020, death killed through COVID-19. In 2021, it killed through criminal gunmen and COVID19 variants. In 2022, it will kill through hidden spiritual sword and arrows. Spiritual bankruptcy will be the new killer. War and disease will just be channels. 2022 is a year to drink from the pure river of the water of life and eat from the tree of life. It is a year to profit from being registered in the book of life. The river of revival flows from the throne of God. Revival begins in the Lord’s House; not in the State House. When we begin to repair the House of God (which we are), the Lord will open our eyes to His hidden or lost Word. When we give attention to the recovered Word, repentance, correction, and restoration will follow. May the Lord lead us to find His Word in 2022.


The Lord will visit the world in 2022! He will visit with punitive and benevolent judgments. He will come to bless and answer prayers. He will also come to perform His word in judgment. The commandments God gave Israel in Exodus 22 shows that people are to be held accountable for their actions especially in 22nd seasons. In Revelation 22, thrice, the Lord spoke of coming quickly and with rewards. Revelation 22:7: “Behold, I am coming quickly….” Revelation 22:12: “And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work”. Revelation 22:20:…Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!Psalm 22:1-21 is a cry to God for help. The remaining nine verses (22-30) is the answer. In 2022, people will go through pain in different parts of the world but God will show up for His people who cry to Him.


A prophetic cycle is about ‘the beginning’ and ‘the end.’ It begins with proclamation and ends with performance. Counting 1 – 22 is like going from the beginning to the end. The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters; and this means ‘comprehensiveness’, ‘totality’, ‘full cycle ‘, and ‘perfection’; just as we speak of A-Z in our 26-letter alphabet or Alpha – Omega in the Greek alphabet. The 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet (Tav) is the last and signifies the end or perfection. To the Hebrew, the 1st is the beginning; and the 22nd is the end.  When Jesus said He is the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, it is like saying He is the 1st and the 22nd. Psalm 119 is about the Word of God and has 22 sections of 8 verses each. The 22nd is the end of a full cycle. The Bible has 66 books because it is a book of three cycles of revelation. There are 22 books in each cycle. The 1st cycle is Genesis – Song of songs; the 2nd cycle is Isaiah – Acts; and the 3rd cycle is Romans – Revelation. So, 2022 is the end a prophetic cycle that started in 2001. If the year 2001 was an Alpha (Aleph) season, the year 2022 is an Omega (Tav) season. It is the year of the Omega (tav) Word. It is a year for a crowning revelation from God. Love for God is it! The first 22 books of the Bible ends with a love song. The second 22 books of the Bible ends with the Holy Spirit helping and guiding the Bride. The third 22 books of the Bible ends with the Spirit and the Bride calling the Bridegroom to “come”.

The 22nd chapters of the Bible bear witness that the 22nd is the end of a phase or cycle.

In Genesis 22, the tests of obedience ended in Abraham’s life. In Joshua 22, Israel acknowledged the end of the obligation of the Reubenites, Gadites and half the tribe of Manasseh. They were released to go to their possessions on the other side of Jordan. In 2 Samuel 22, David’s troubles ended. The king sang to the Lord. 2 Samuel 22:1 says, “Then David spoke to the LORD the words of this song, on the day when the LORD had delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul”. Ahab reigned 22 years and his death is recorded in 1 Kings 22. In Job 22, Eliphaz gave his third and last speech. Matthew 22 marks the end of religious leaders questioning and testing Jesus (Matthew 22: 46). Luke 22 records the last supper, prayer at the Garden, Judah’s betrayal of his Master, Peter’s denial of his Lord, and Jesus’ lonely journey to the Cross. In Acts 22, Paul was loosed from his bonds. This marked the end of examination, by scourging, for Paul. The last chapter of the Bible is a 22nd chapter! Revelation 22 is the end of the Bible and about the restoration of God’s original intention. That chapter ends at the 21st verse – giving us room to come in and be part of the unwritten 22nd verse. It is also interesting to know there are twenty-two 22nd chapters in the Bible. Both Israel and Judah went to captivity under their 22nd kings.

History also confirms that the 22nd is the end of a cycle. 

The great and long-lasting Ottoman Empire ended officially in 1922 when the Grand National Assembly of Turkey abolished the Ottoman Sultanate and declared the Sultan persona non grata. In the season of the 22nd US President, America lost the Vice President, Thomas A. Hendricks, unexpectedly on November 25, 1885; the same year he was elected. On August 2, 1923,  in the first month of the 22nd seven years of the United State, the 29th US President, Warren G. Harding, died. His death occurred in the 22nd week of his third year in office.


The 22nd is a new beginning because it is the beginning of the fourth-seven (22-28). The year 2022 is the beginning of the fourth seven years of the 21sr century. This year will launch the world into new experiences. There will be remarkable shifts in the Church and in the world. The world is entering a new prophetic week that will run from 2022 – 2028. The 4th book and 4th chapters of the Bible reveal that the 4th season is a season of trials and temptations. There was persecution in the 22nd chapters of First Samuel, First Kings, Psalms, Luke, and Acts. We can expect same in 2022.

The 22nd book and chapters of the Bible bear witness that the 22nd season is a new beginning:

In 2 Kings 22, Josiah became king. That was the end of the spiritual darkness of the reign of Manasseh and Amon and the beginning of reformation. In 1 Chronicles 22, David prepared for the building of the temple and handed over to Solomon as God had promised that his son would sit on the throne. Revelation 22 is about a new beginning. Revelation 22:1-5 says, “And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. [2] In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. [3] And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it, and His servants shall serve Him. [4] They shall see His face, and His name shall be on their foreheads. [5] There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever”.

The Soviet Union was established in 1922; and the year marked the beginning of a season of persecution for Christians in the USSR.


The first year in every seven-year season is called a first-season year. It is also called a first day of creation year or a Book of Genesis year. The year 2022 is a first-season year. The preceding first-season years in the 21st century are 2001, 2008, and 2015. Here are three things about first-season years:

a). First-season years are years of origination. They are for ending the status quo. In 2008, Barak Obama became the first black US President in history.  The Soviet Union was established in 1922. On June 14, 1922, the voice of the 29th President of the United States became the first US Presidential voice to be transmitted by Radio. Radio broadcasting kicked off in the United Kingdom in 1922 with the formation of the British Broadcasting Company. Egypt became independent in 1922. In the year 2022, we shall see the birthing of new things.

b). A first-season year is a season of conflict between light and darkness. In 2001, terrorists struck and wounded America and the world in the suicide-bombing of the World Trade Center towers. In 2015, the United States legalized same-sex marriage. That was darkness overtaking a nation. The year 2022 is a year of intense spiritual conflict. The sons of darkness will seek to prevail but we trust God that light will triumph over darkness in 2022 as always.

c). First-season years are for blessings and  curses. God is first and the first belongs to Him. 2022 is the Lord’s! Honoring God in a first-season year brings blessings. Disregarding Him in this season has grave consequences. 


One of the best gifts you should desire and seek in 2022 is spiritual sight. Pray for the grace to ‘see’ in 2022! Twice in Genesis 22, “Abraham lifted his eyes and saw”. He first saw where he was going afar off. The second time, he lifted his eyes and saw God’s provision – a ram caught in a thicket. Thrice in Numbers 22, Balaam’s donkey saw the Angel of the Lord blocking the way. Balaam was blind to what his donkey was seeing until the Lord opened his eyes to also see the Angel of the Lord. Twice in First Kings 22, Prophet Micaiah “saw”. He saw all Israel scattered on the mountains as sheep having no shepherd. He also saw the Lord sitting on the throne; and all the hosts of heaven standing by on the right and on the left. In Second Kings 22, Hilkiah the High Priest saw (found) the book of Law in the house of the Lord. In Revelation 22, John said, “He showed me a pure river of water of life…” The Lord grant you grace to see the things He wants you to see in 2022.


There are seasons when people struggle with scarcity. 2022 is not one of such seasons. The Holy Spirit indicates that, in 2022, God’s people will have all they need to do his will. As long as we follow His instructions and walk in obedience, He will provide all we need. There shall be no lack of provisions. Abraham did not lack anything in Genesis 22. David did not lack resources for the temple in First Chronicles 22. Nothing was lacking in the wedding party of Matthew 22. There was no scarcity in the 22nd book of the Bible. We only need to pray that we are not distracted by provisions. This is a season of offerings and sacrifice not of self-indulgence. Do not open your mouth to every provision. You must be selective and sacrificial in this season.


1. Prioritize your relationship with God and be confident in Him. Let no man or thing come between you and God. Build a spiritual altar of loyalty to God.

2. Be bold. Obey the law, know your right, and do not fear man. Be wise.

3. Be content and godly. Do not lust for material things. Do not go with those who will kill your faith.

4. Be part of a righteous supportive company. If you are king Jehoshaphat, don’t run with king Ahab.

5. Strengthen your prayer-life. Seek prayer-partnership. You need others. Pray that you do not enter into temptation.

6. Give special attention to the Word of God – written or spoken. Spend quality time daily to attend to God’s Word. Read it. Study it. Meditate on it.

7. Set your heart on pleasing God – not on entertaining men and getting favors from men.

8. Speak the Word and tell God’s people the truth as Micaiah told Ahab the truth. Wishes and desires are not prophecies except when they originate from God. Do not prophesy peace when destruction is at hand. Do not prophesy hardship when God is speaking comfort.

9. Be strong in the Word of Life. God has made a way for His people to stay alive in 2022 by His word. Speak the words of life instead of the words of death. Proverbs 15:4 says “A wholesome tongue is a tree of life, But perverseness in it breaks the spirit”. Proverbs 18:20-21 says, “A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; From the produce of his lips he shall be filled. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit”.

10. Scrutinize opportunities well before jumping in. Some opportunities are nothing but traps. Look well before you leap. Listen and pray before you speak.


1. In Genesis 22, God tested Abraham’s loyalty to Him. O Lord, enable me, by your Spirit, to pass any test of loyalty to Jesus Christ in 2022. O Lord, keep me from faltering in my commitment to you. Keep me from failing any test of loyalty to you in this season. Let me be exactly what your heart desires.

2. O Lord, deliver me, in 2022, from temptations that come from the great and mighty as it happened to Balaam in Numbers 22, and to Micaiah in First Kings 22. O Lord enable me to release the ‘Song of songs’ in this year. Help me to love you more than we ever have.

3. In Luke 22, Judas betrayed Jesus but later committed suicide, and Peter denied Jesus and wept bitterly afterwards. In 2022, deliver me from regrettable actions.

4. In First Kings 22, Micaiah stayed focused on the Lord despite the crowd of performing false prophets. Help me, O Lord, to stay focused on your Word in 2022 despite what others are doing or may choose to do.

5. In Joshua 22, the Reubenites, Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh were released to return to their inheritance on the other side of Jordan. In 2022, let the blessings put on hold for me until obedience is complete be released to me.

6. O Lord, give me wisdom to handle my critics and persecutors in 2022 as Jesus had in Matthew 22 and Luke 22; and as Paul had in Acts 22.

7. In Matthew 22, those who were invited to the wedding party missed out because of excuses. They were displaced. In 2022, let me not miss the call of the kingdom because of my personal concerns. Let me not be too busy for God in this season. May Heaven not put others in my place. O Lord, help me to know the difference between my thing and Your thing.

8. In Matthew 22, a man already admitted into a wedding party was cast out because he was negligent of the rules of the wedding party. O Lord, let me never be disqualified in 2022 from opportunities because of carelessness and negligence. Help me to stay properly positioned for doors opening for me.

9. In First Kings 22 and Second Chronicles 22, God judged Ahab and his house for the blood of Naboth. In Jeremiah 22, the prophet pronounced curses and judgment on the errant successors of king Josiah. In Ezekiel 22, the prophet pronounced judgment on the bloody city. O Lord, judge wickedness in the nations in 2022. O Lord, utter the Voice of your power in this year and bring an end to evil systems and evil men. Bring evil and dysfunctional cycles to an end.

10. In First Kings 22, Jehoshaphat joined and escorted Ahab to battle against Syria and almost lost his life. O Lord, deliver me in 2022 from the company of evil men. Let me not be in the company of people appointed to death. Deliver me from counselors whose counsel only lead to destruction. Hide me from those who want to kill me as you hid Jotham from Athaliah in Second Chronicles 22. O Lord, let your mercy preserve your people from the judgments and curses of the season.

11. In First Kings 22, Ahab went heedlessly to war and died in battle. O Lord, help me in 2022 against forces, within me and without, that could push me to where my life will be wasted. Keep me from wars I should not fight in.

12. In Second Kings 22, King Josiah’s men found the book of the Law in the temple. The reading of that book sparked off revival and reformation. O Lord, lead me to discover the missing thing that will move me and my generation forward in 2022. O Lord, open the gates of this year for new things and new people in the different spheres of life and society. Lead me back to your Word with renewed zeal.

13. In Second Samuel 22, David sang to God for delivering him from all his troubles. Revelation 22:3 says, “And there shall be no more curse….” O Lord , let 2022 be the year of ‘no more trouble’ in my life. Let 2022 be the dawn of a new day and season for me.

14. In Revelation 22, the Lord spoke of the pure river of water of life flowing from God’s throne; and also about the tree of life. O Lord, connect me to the move of life backed by your throne in 2022. As we have seen the outbreak of diseases and deaths in 2020 and 2021, let authentic revival of healing and salvation break out in 2022. Let our world drink from the water of life and eat from the tree of life.

15. The Word of the Lord came to Abraham in Genesis 22, to Balaam in Numbers 22, and to Micaiah in First Kings 22. O Lord, in this season of hearing and obeying your Voice, help me against inhibiting noise and distractions. Grant me the grace and wisdom for a quiet and peaceful atmosphere for your Voice. 

16. O Lord, block enemies from reaching your people in 2022 as you blocked Balaam and Balak the king of Moab from cursing Israel in Numbers 22. O Lord, use those who seek the downfall of your people to bless them instead.

Pray for yourself. Pray for other believers. Pray for your nation and countrymen. Stand in the gap against temptations, trials, and desolation. Be an Ezekiel 22:30-31 intercessor!

Have a greatly blessed 2022!!!

Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri is a herald of patterns, principles, and seasons, for the restoration of eternal purposes on earth. He has a mandate to bring understanding of times and seasons to the nations using a biblical model. He proclaims that NOW is the time to actualize dreams and expectations leading to the manifestation of The kingdom on earth


  1. Apostle, we thank The Lord God Almighty, for His revelation knowledge. Times and seasons are key in knowing the mind of God in contemporary times.
    And God is using you mightily to educate the world, bringing into proper perspectives, His plans and aspirations for man.

    God bless and keep you sir. Amen

  2. I thank God for His grace upon your life sir. Am so delighted to have read through the knowledge of the word of God you have shared. God bless you richly. More of God’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding upon your life sir. God bless you 🙏


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