The 22nd Week of the Year (May 27 – June 2)


Seasons don’t mean much until we see and understand them through the Bible. God’s word is key to understanding days, weeks, months, years and dates. From the beginning of the year (January 1), we have come to the 22nd week. Is there light from God’s Word for this week?There is and it is specific!

The 22nd week of the year is the week opening the fourth seven weeks of the year (Days 148 – 196). Give thanks to God that we are now in the fourth 7 weeks of the year. It’s His love and faithfulness that brought us this far and we can trust Him to lead us through the week before us.

Before I share thoughts and prayer points for the week, let us turn to the word for light. What can we learn from the Bible about this week?


There are six passages in the Bible that give us patterns for the 22nd week:

1. Week 22 is a first-day-of-creation season. It is the first week in the fourth seven weeks of the year and has guiding light in the first day of creation narrative +Genesis 1:1-5). God created light on the first day of creation. God is Light and there is no darkness in Him. Light came first because God is First. God is first and the first is God’s. Week 22 is God’s because it is the first week of the fourth seven weeks of the year. It is for honoring God. It is for seeking His pleasure. It is for hearing His Word. It is for doing His will and bidding. Week 22 is preparation season for the fourth 7 weeks. The 22nd week is for conquering darkness with light.

2. Week 22 is a Numbers 1-6 season. Numbers has 36 chapters. Let us give up five chapters for each week of the fourth seven weeks; except the first week that would have six chapters. The first section (six chapters) of the fourth book of the Bible is applicable to the first week of the fourth 7 weeks of the year. In the first four chapters, God focused attention on the leaders of His people. Firstly, God commanded Moses to conduct a census of Israel excluding the tribe of Levi. After numbering Israel, he numbered the heads of the tribes and the fighting men. Then, in the third chapter, He focused on the House of Aaron. The fourth chapter is about the duties of the three families of the tribe of Levi – Kohathites, Gershomites, and the Merarites. The fifth chapter is about isolating ceremonially unclean people. The sixth chapter is about the Nazirite. Week 22 is for marking out God’s vessels and agents for the 7-week season (fourth 49 days of the year). This is a season of census and selection in the spirit. It is also for isolating unworthy contaminated vessels. Week 22 is the season of people avowed to God. Week 22 is selection-day for blessing or cursing.

3. Week 22 is a Psalm 119:169-176 season. Psalm 119 has 22 divisions of 8 verses each. So Psalm 119 is applicable to the first 22 weeks of the year The 22nd section of this psalm is titled ‘tav’ after the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Week 22 is a ‘tav’ season. It is a prophetic endpoint in the year. ‘Tav’ connotes ‘truth’, ‘sign’, ‘life’ or ‘death’. This 22nd (tav) season points us to the end, to the truth, and to life or death. This is when the truth prevails over falsehood. This is when the sign is given for hope. This is when life swallows death. This is when wickedness ends in death. It is a week of fulfillment!

The 22nd section of Psalm 119 contains the 8 last prayers of the psalmist in this chapter. Psalm 119:169-176 says, “Let my cry come before You, O LORD; Give me understanding according to Your word. [170] Let my supplication come before You; Deliver me according to Your word. [171] My lips shall utter praise, For You teach me Your statutes. [172] My tongue shall speak of Your word, For all Your commandments are righteousness. [173] Let Your hand become my help, For I have chosen Your precepts. [174] I long for Your salvation, O LORD, And Your law is my delight. [175] Let my soul live, and it shall praise You; And let Your judgments help me. [176] I have gone astray like a lost sheep; Seek Your servant, For I do not forget Your commandments”. 

This is a season you must handle with prayer. You can personalize the prayers of the psalmist in this section of Psalm 119.

4. Week 22 is a Psalm 148-150 season. The three Psalms following the 21st seven Psalms are applicable to the first three days in the 22nd Week of the year. Those three psalms belong to what should have been the 22nd seven psalms; but the section has only three psalms. The three psalms ending the book of psalms are psalms of praise to God. The end comes and meets us half-way in the 22nd season. In this season, ‘it ends before the end; and begins where it ends’. God is the End in the 22nd season; and He has no end. So, in the 22nd season, there is both an ending and a new beginning.

I pray that this week will be the beginning of a pleasant ‘new day’ in your journey through this year and season.

There are no prayers in the the 22nd section of Psalms (148-150). It is all about praising God – man commanding all things and beings to praise God. In the previous psalms, man speaks to himself and other men to praise God. In the 22nd section of psalms, the authoritative word ‘let’ is used. That is the same word God used in creation: “Let there be…Let us make”. Psalm 148 is a call to praise the Lord from the heaven (1-6) and from the earth (7-14). Psalm 149 calls Israel (the children of Zion) and the saints to praise the Lord and release judgments on the earth. Psalm 150 is a call to praise God in His sanctuary, with musical instruments, for His mighty acts and according to His excellent greatness. The last three Psalms invite us to open the 22nd week with praises to God.

5. Week 22 is a book of Song of Songs week. Song of Songs is the 22nd book of the Bible. The book is about a romantic relationship between two lovers – a bridegroom and his bride. This book reveals that the 22nd day is for romance between God (Christ) and the believer. The 22nd book of the Bible, Song of songs, is about love. This book is a love-book. The word ‘love’ is used 38 times in 34 verses of this 8-chapter, 117-verse book. Love for God must be foundation of the fourth 7 weeks; and that foundation is to be laid on the 22nd week. Make the 22nd week a week of demonstrating your love and commitment to God. The 22nd season is a season of love to the Lord. Love is tested in the 22nd season. Self gives way in the 22nd season. Abraham was tasted in the 22nd season. He gave up his only son to satisfy the Lord’s heart. The 22nd season is a time of praising God. Praising God is a demonstration of love for Him.

6. Week 22 is a 22nd-chapters-of-the-Bible week. The 22nd chapters reveal that the 22nd season is for demonstrating how much God and His Word mean to you. In Genesis 22, Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac, his son, as God demanded. In Luke 22, Jesus prayed to the Father and said, “…Not my will but yours be done”. In Acts 22, Paul began to stand trial for the gospel. He believed in Christ enough to suffer for Him. The 22nd chapter of Revelation ends with the love cry of the Spirit and the Bride: “Come, Lord Jesus”.

The 22nd chapters of the Bible also reveal that the 22nd season is an end; and a new beginning. Two books of the Bible end at the 22nd chapter (First Kings and Revelation). First Kings ends with the death of Ahab; the book of Revelation ends with John’s vision of the restoration of all things. The 22nd is the end! The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters. The 22nd letter is the last. The 22nd set of psalms has the Last Word! The last word is “Praise the Lord!” The Lord is “the First and the Last; the Beginning and the End”; the first and the 22nd! He is the Triumphant Lord Who alone is to be praised.


Going through the 22nd week (Days 148-154) of the year is like taking a prophetic journey through the 22nd book of the Bible (Song of Solomon). So, Song of Solomon and the 22nd chapters of the Bible are a great guiding light for the week. There are twenty-two 22nd chapters in the Bible. If you read four of those chapters on the first day of the week and three chapters each of the remaining six days, that would be all. This is the season to test devotion to God.

You may want to read the suggested passages as follows:

May 27: Psalm 148 & Song of Solomon 1-2 plus 22nd chapters of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers.

May 28: Psalm 149 & Song of Solomon 3 plus 22nd chapters of Deuteronomy, Joshua and First Samuel.

May 29: Psalm 150 & Song of Solomon 4 plus 22nd chapters of Second Samuel, First Kings and Second Kings.

May 30: Song of Solomon 5 plus 22nd chapters of First Chronicles, Second Chronicles and Job

May 31: Song of Solomon 6 plus 22nd chapters of Psalms, Proverbs and Isaiah.

June 1: Song of Solomon 7 plus 22nd chapters of Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Matthew.

June 2: Song of Solomon 8 plus 22nd chapters of Luke, Acts and Revelation.

SUMMARY: This is a season to demonstrate love for God


Psalm 22:27-28: All the ends of the world Shall remember and turn to the LORD, And all the families of the nations Shall worship before You. [28] For the kingdom is the LORD’s, And He rules over the nations”.


The 22nd book and chapters of the Bible indicate the following 7 things concerning the 22nd week:

1. It is a week of praises to God. David sang praises to God in Second Samuel 22. The 22nd book of the Bible is about a bride and bridegroom praising each other. If you split the book of psalms into sections of seven chapters each, you will have 21 sections and a remainder of three chapters for the 22nd section. The last three psalms (148-150) are psalms of praises to God. They belong to the 22nd section of the book. The first three days of this week (Days 148, 149 and 150 should be dedicated to praising God to conform to Psalm 148-150.

Why should the 22nd week be a season of praises? It is the end of a prophetic cycle and the end of certain experiences. The last letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the 22nd. So, this week, we praise God by faith and with understanding that a prophetic cycle in the year is ending this week.

Something is ending this 22nd week. Abraham’s loyalty to God was confirmed in Genesis 22; and his tests ended. In Second Samuel 22, David sang to God for delivering him from ALL his enemies. After Jesus answered his critics in Matthew 22, no one dared ask him more questions. Jesus and His disciples ate the last supper in Luke 22. Acts 22 was the end of scourging and humiliation for Paul. Revelation 22 says “there shall be no more night. Another prophetic endpoint in the year that is related to ’22’ is the 44th week.

PRAYER/PRAISE: Praise Him for His word that will be fulfilled this week. Praise Him for negative circumstances coming to an end this week. Praise Him for the new beginning that will follow this week in the nation.

2. It is a week of war. Since, this is a week of prophetic endpoint, it is season when men go to war. The king of Moab sought the help of Balaam to be able to defeat Israel. Ahab went to war in First Kings 22. The Brazilian war of independence took place in 1822. Since this is a season of war, it is a time to seek alliances and company. It is a season when men need and seek company. Both Russia and Ukraine need allies in 2022. The Soviet Union was formed in 1922. The righteous are often alone in this season as men gather together against them. It is not easy to be alone in this season. That’s the reason the psalmist cried out in. Psalm 22: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? ” In the 22nd book of the Bible, the bride and bridegroom had companions. Abraham was alone with Isaac on Mount Moriah. In First Samuel 22, David’s company of distressed people came to him. He also needed help from the king of Moab. Saul lamented that people were aligning with David against him. Ahab needed a company to go with him against Ramoth Gilead. In Second Chronicles 22, Ahaziah king of Judah allied with Jehoram king of Israel against Jehu. They all came to an end. Jehoshabeath rescued Joash from Athaliah. In Matthew 22, Jesus told a parable about a king who invited guests to a wedding party for his son. When those he invited did not come, he gathered guests from the streets. In Luke 22, a company rose against Jesus; and He needed His company to pray with. In Acts 22, Paul defended himself against a company.

PRAYER: Pray for wisdom and victory in the battles that rise this week. Ask the Lord for a supportive righteous company this week. Pray against evil companies that may surround God’s people this week. Pray that great companies will rise for the just in different lands this week.

3. It is a week of trials and tests. There is a test at every prophetic endpoint. Jesus faced trial in the 22nd chapters of Matthew and Luke. Paul faced trial in Acts 22. Psalm 22 (a Messianic Psalm) records the words of a man going through trials. Since it is a week of trials, it is a time to demonstrate loyalty to God and commitment to God and His word. Abraham gave Isaac to God in Genesis 22. It is a week of tests to prove our commitment to God. Balaam faced temptations in Numbers 22. Micaiah was tempted in First Kings 22. It is a week of tests of wisdom. In Matthew 22, Jesus answered tricky questions from religious leaders concerning tributes to Caesar, resurrection, the greatest commandment. He also asked them questions they could not answer.

PRAYER: Pray for those who are oppressed and persecuted and are facing trials for their faith this week. Pray for strength to make God-honouring decisions and choices this week. Pray that God’s people in the nations will stand for the Lord without wavering. Pray also for wisdom to answer the hard questions life may throw this week. Pray that those who seek the downfall of the godly and righteous will be put to shame.

4. It is a week of divine visitation for recompense and rewards. God judged Ahab and his house in the 22nd chapters of First Kings and Second Chronicles. God judged the ungodly sons of King Josiah in Jeremiah 22. He used Ezekiel to judge the ‘bloody city’ in Ezekiel 22. In Revelation 22, Jesus said, “I am coming quickly and my reward is in my hands. In Joshua 22, the tribes of Reuben, Gad and half of Manasseh we’re released to their inheritance after they had obeyed the words of Moses.

PRAYER: Pray for visitations of the Lord this week to bless the faithful and hopeful; and to judge the wicked.

5. It is a week of recovering the missing thing. In Second Kings 22, the book of the law was found in the temple. King Josiah had the book of the law read to him and that was the beginning of his reformation. In Revelation 22, a pure river of the water of life flowed from the throne of God and caused the tree of life to spring forth. Isaac was appointed to die in Genesis 22 but God gave him back to Abraham. A ram was sacrificed instead. No doubt, Abraham’s joy overflowed. This week, what you thought was lost and gone will come back to you.

PRAYER: Pray that this will be a week of recovering the missing thing in families, churches, and in the nation. Pray that the Lord will move the efforts of His people to a least expected glorious new level.

6. It is a season of appointment with the great and mighty and this requires setting priorities right. Balaam had appointment with the King of Moab in Numbers 22. Micaiah was invited to meet the King in First Kings 22. The Shulamite was engaged to king Solomon in the 22nd book of the Bible. In Matthew 22, people were invited to be a king’s guest. Proverbs 22:29 says a man diligent in his works will appear before kings rather than before mean men.

PRAYER: Pray that this is a week of encounter with the king of kings. Pray also for those who are called to serve in high places. Pray that they remain faithful to God and that their influence will make a difference. Pray that you and others will not miss appointments with the King this week.

7. It is a season to pray and call upon God. A time of tests and war is a time to pray. Jesus told His disciples to pray in Luke 22 to escape temptation. Psalm 22 was a Messianic prayer to God from a Servant in pains. The 22nd section of Psalm 119 was heartfelt prayer to God: Psalm 119:169-170,173,175 says, “Let my cry come before You, O LORD; Give me understanding according to Your word. [170] Let my supplication come before You; Deliver me according to Your word. [173] Let Your hand become my help, For I have chosen Your precepts. [175] Let my soul live, and it shall praise You; And let Your judgments help me”.

PRAYER: Pray that you will be strengthened to pray this week. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

1. Genesis 22, God tested Abraham’s loyalty to Him. O Lord, enable me this week, by your Spirit, to pass any test of loyalty to Jesus Christ. O Lord, keep me from faltering in my commitment to you. Keep me from failing any test of loyalty to you in this season. Let me be exactly what your heart desires.

2. O Lord, deliver me, this week, from temptations that come from the great and mighty as it happened to Balaam in Numbers 22, and to Micaiah in First Kings 22.

3. In Luke 22, Judas betrayed Jesus but later committed suicide, and Peter denied Jesus and wept bitterly afterwards. This week, deliver me from regrettable actions.

4. In First Kings 22, Micaiah stayed focused on the Lord despite the crowd of performing false prophets. O Lord, help me this week to stay focused on your Word despite what others are doing or may choose to do.

5. In Joshua 22, the Reubenites, Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh were released to return to their inheritance on the other side of Jordan. This week, let the blessings put on hold for me until obedience is complete be released to me.

6. O Lord, give me wisdom to handle my critics and persecutors, this week, as Jesus had in Matthew 22 and Luke 22; and as Paul had in Acts 22.

7. In Matthew 22, those who were invited to the wedding party missed out because of excuses. They were displaced. This week, let me not miss the call of the kingdom because of my personal concerns. Let me not be too busy for You in this season. May Heaven not put others in my place. O Lord, help me, this week, to know the difference between my thing and Your thing.

8. In Matthew 22, a man already admitted into a wedding party was cast out because he was negligent of the rules of the wedding party. O Lord, let me never be disqualified in this week from opportunities because of carelessness and negligence. Help me to stay properly positioned for doors opening for me.

9. In First Kings 22 and Second Chronicles 22, God judged Ahab and his house for the blood of Naboth. In Jeremiah 22, the prophet pronounced curses and judgment on the errant successors of king Josiah.

10. In Ezekiel 22, the prophet pronounced judgment on the bloody city. O Lord, judge wickedness in the nations this week. O Lord, utter the Voice of your power this week and bring an end to evil systems and evil men. Bring evil and dysfunctional cycles to an end.

11. In First Kings 22, Jehoshaphat joined and escorted Ahab to battle against Syria and almost lost his life. O Lord, deliver me this week from the company of evil men. Let me not be in the company of people appointed to death. Deliver me from counselors whose counsel only lead to destruction. Hide me from those who want to kill me as you hid Jotham from Athaliah in Second Chronicles 22. Destroy the evil plans of the Athaliahs of this week. O Lord, let your mercy preserve your people from the judgments and curses of the week.

12. In First Kings 22, Ahab went heedlessly to war and died in battle. O Lord, help me this week against forces, within me and without, that could push me to where my life will be wasted. This week, keep me from wars I should not fight in.

13. In Second Kings 22, King Josiah’s men found the book of the Law in the temple. The reading of that book sparked off revival and reformation. O Lord, lead us this week to discover the missing thing that will move us forward as a nation. O Lord, open the gates of this week for new things and new people in the different spheres of life and society. This week, lead me back to your Word with renewed zeal.

14. In Second Samuel 22, David sang to God for delivering him from all his troubles. Revelation 22:3 says, “And there shall be no more curse….” O Lord , let this 22nd week be a week of ‘no more trouble’.

15. In Revelation 22, the Lord spoke of the pure river of water of life flowing from God’s throne; and also about the tree of life. This week, O Lord, connect me to the move of life backed by your throne. Let nations drink from the water of life and eat from the tree of life this week.

16. The Word of the Lord came to Abraham in Genesis 22, to Balaam in Numbers 22, and to Micaiah in First Kings 22. O Lord, in this week of hearing and obeying your Voice, help me against inhibiting noise and distractions. Grant me the grace and wisdom for a quiet and peaceful atmosphere for your Voice. 

17. O Lord, block the enemies from reaching your people in this week as you blocked Balaam and Balak the king of Moab from cursing Israel in Numbers 22. O Lord, use those who seek the downfall of your people to bless them instead.


May 28:

May 29:

May 30:

May 31:

June 1:

June 2:

June 3:

Happy 22nd week of the year.



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