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“Ask the LORD for rain In the time of the latter rain. The LORD will make flashing clouds; He will give them showers of rain, Grass in the field for everyone” (Zechariah 10:1 NKJV).

What is the season of the 12th week about and how should we pray? Here are 8 things the 12th book and chapters of the Bible indicate concerning the season:


God called Abraham to depart his native land for a new place in Genesis 12. Benjamin was the 12th and last son of Jacob. The Passover took place in Exodus 12. Samuel gave his farewell speech to Israel in First Samuel 12. In First Kings 12, ten tribes of Israel left Rehoboam (the house of David) to form a separate kingdom. In First Chronicles 12, mighty men defected to David. Elijah departed the earth by a Chariot of Fire in the 12th book of the Bible. The 12th book of the Bible was a departure from the preceding 11 books. The 12th chapters of the Bible are departure-chapters. In John 12: 23-24, Jesus confirmed that the 12th season is a departure time when He said “…The hour has come that the Son of Man should be glorified. Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain”. The day shifts after the 12th hour and the year shifts after the 12th month. This 12th week is a season of departing to a higher ground and realm.

Does contemporary history bear witness to this? The US Republican Party was founded in the 12th week of 1854 (March 20) – within the 12th seven years of the United States; leading eventually to Abraham Lincoln’s presidency and the Emancipation Proclamation. Queen Elizabeth II was the 12th Monarch of the United Kingdom. She was in many ways a departure from what used to be.

As in the 12th book of the Bible where God used Elijah, Elisha, Jehu and Jehoiada to call Israel to move on to a higher ground and used Isaiah, Hezekiah, Jeremiah and Josiah to call Judah to a higher ground, the Lord is calling us to move up higher this week. Israel rejected the call and was overrun by Assyria (2 Kings 17). Judah rejected the call and fell to the Babylonians (2 Kings 25). Refusing to go up means going down. May our hearts be stirred to advance to a higher ground this week.

PRAYER: Pray that God’s people in the nations will respond to the prophetic call to advance and move up higher – as the Holy Spirit prompts us.


God intervened to rescue Sarah from the hand of the king of Egypt in Genesis 12:17-20. God intervened to save His people in Exodus 12 by the blood of the Passover lamb. God intervened to save the Jews in the book of Esther in the 12th month, Adar. God saved Peter from the hand of Herod in Acts 12 as the Church prayed. God used Elisha to intervene in the lives of many people in 12th book of the Bible.

PRAYER: Pray for God’s intervention in nations against disasters, wars, oppression and hardship. Your intercession is intervention.


The spirit of death and destruction hovers around the 12th season. Egypt experienced mass destruction in Exodus 12. Haman picked the 12th month for killing the Jews by casting lot. Herod beheaded James in Acts 12. The ‘unsinkable’ Titanic sank in 1912 (April 14) and over 1500 lives were lost. The 12th US President died (1850) in the second year of his presidency. ‘Bleeding Kansas’ (1854-1859) happened in the 12th seven years of the United States. Sandy Hook elementary school shooting took place in the 12th month of 2012 (on December 14).

Although the 12th season is associated with all kinds of death, it is also a season of escape from death. Israel escaped death in Exodus 12. Elijah escaped death in the 12th book of the Bible. Elisha raised the son of the Shunemite woman from the dead in the 12th book of the Bible. In the book of Esther, Haman wanted the Jews destroyed in the 12th month but they escaped death. Peter escaped death in Acts 12. The Man-child escaped death in Revelation 12. Proverbs 12:28 says, “In the way of righteousness is life, And in its pathway there is no death”.

PRAYER: Pray against the spirit of death this season but especially that the Lord will grant escapes from death.


The killing of the first born of Egyptians in Exodus 12 was judgment. The first child David had with Bathsheba died in Second Samuel 12. An angel of God killed Herod in Acts 12. The 12th book of the Bible is full of judgmental deaths (2 Kings 1: 1-17; 2: 23-24; 7: 1-3, 17-20; chapters 9-11).

PRAYER: Pray to release judgment against the wicked who run heedlessly against God’s purposes. Release judgment against ‘Pharaoh’ ‘Herod’ and ‘the house of Ahab’ in the nations. Pray also for God’s mercy in a season of judgment.


The miracles Elisha performed in the 12th book of the Bible were done by the Word. He said it and it was done. Whether he cursed or blessed, he did all by the Word of the Lord.

PRAYER: Pray that Elisha-type prophetic mantle will be on the Ekklesia in the nations this week


God’s intention is the raising of sons in the 12th season. That is the reason evil arrows target the younger generation in the 12th season (Exodus 12; 2 Kings 2; Revelation 12). The title ‘the sons of the prophets’ is used 10 times in the 12th book of the Bible. No other book of the Bible has as much mention of this title. Elisha called Elijah “my father, my father” in the 12th book of the Bible (2 Kings 2: 12). The Double Portion’ he received from Elijah was the portion of a firstborn son. Kings called Elisha ‘father’ in the 12th book of the Bible (2 Kings 6:21; 8: 7-9; 13:14). The 12th seven Psalms (78 – 84) are full of history passing from father’s to children (Psalm 78: 1ff).

The 12th season is a season of teaching and learning to empower the next generation. It is for passing on the baton. In the 12th book of the Bible, Elijah had a school of prophets (the sons of the prophet). Elisha continued the same after he had been trained and empowered by Elijah. In the 12th book of the Bible, Elijah passed on the baton to Elisha. Abraham took Lot with him when he moved in Genesis 12. The 12th century was notable for progress in learning. England’s two oldest universities, Oxford and Cambridge, were founded in the 12th century. The 42 children that mocked Elisha in the 12th book of the Bible represent an untaught generation.

PRAYER: Pray that Malachi 4:5-6 will find fulfillment this week: “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet Before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. [6] And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

Pray also for the preservation of fathers (with mothers) and the younger generation this week.


The title, ‘Man of God’ is used 36 times in the 12th book of the Bible. It is not used that much in any other book of the Bible. The other major ‘Man of God’ passage in the Bible is First Kings 13 – where the title is used about 27 times. First Kings 13 is about a man separated from men for God. In the 12th book of the Bible, Elisha was a man sent from God to bring God to men. God used Elisha to move people into new levels by delivering them from afflictions, distresses, destruction and death. God needs Elisha-type men of God and women of God who have received grace to help and have ears for the cry of the needy this season.

PRAYER: Pray that the Lord will multiply ‘Elishas’ this week for the individuals, families, communities and nations needing help. Pray that that the Lord will use you to answer prayers this week. Pray that the Lord will connect you to an ‘Elisha’ if you need one.


In the 12th book of the Bible, Israel (the Northern Kingdom) experienced a great move of God through the ministry of Elisha. In the days of Elisha, God came close to the people and they experienced His power and glory. In the Southern kingdom, Judah experienced revivals through Jehoiada and Joash, Isaiah and Hezekiah and through Jeremiah and Josiah. The 12th book of the Bible speaks of repairs in the temple. This week, we should give attention to the temple we are. D L Moody was converted within the 12th seven years of the United States (1855). He was then a Tabernacle in the making. Within the same 12th seven years (in 1857), Jeremiah Lamphire took a step of faith to start a one hour noon prayer meeting that eventually led to the Businessman’s Revival or Prayer Meeting Revival. The market crash and panic of 1857 made people seek God through this laymen’s revival that saw over 1 million souls saved. Problems drive people to God in the 12th season!

PRAYER: Pray that God will stir the hearts of revival-agents and that people will be driven to God with their troubles and burdens this week. Pray also that the Lord will revive and strengthen our prayer watches this week.


Going through the 12th week (Days 78-84) of the year is like taking a prophetic journey through the 12th seven Psalms (78-84) and the 12th book of the Bible (Second Kings). So, Psalms 78-84 and Second Kings 1-25 are great guiding lights for the week. This is the season of freedom from oppression and limitations. This week is for the execution of the Word of the Lord concerning ‘the house of Ahab’. This is a week of miraculous Interventions. It is a week of repairing the temple we are so that people can meet God in us.

You may want to read the suggested passages as follows:

March 18: Shifting and Positioning for Exploits (Psalm 78 & 2 Kings 1-4).

March 19: Making a way where there is no way (Psalm 79 & 2 Kings 5-8).

March 20: The Judgment of the House of Ahab (Psalm 80 & 2 Kings 9-12).

March 21: Instability in the throne (Psalm 81 & 2 Kings 13-16).

March 22: Judgment and Revival (Psalm 82 & 2 Kings 17-19).

March 23: Recoveries (Psalm 83 & 2 Kings 20-22).

March 24: Revival and Overthrow (Psalm 84 & 2 Kings 23-25).


Psalm 12: 5
“For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, Now I will arise,” says the LORD; “I will set him in the safety for which he yearns.”

Happy 12th week of the year.



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