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God made time for purposes. The Bible helps us to understand both the timing of purposes and the purpose of each time. We shall be watching and praying into the second week of the year as a gate of time for purposes.

The basic Biblical patterns for understanding the second week and all second seasons are

  1. The narrative of the second day of creation.
  2. The second book of the Bible
  3. The second chapters of the Bible.

The patterns in the Bible indicate that

1. The second season is for thwarting evil monopolies and breaking controlling power and unleashing opportunities and freedom. Oppressive monopolies are very active in the second season. On the second day of creation, God created the firmament to destroy the monopoly of the waters that made it impossible for other things to exist.

2. The second season is for releasing help and helpers to make a way where there is none. The second chapters of the Bible illustrate this. God made woman to be man’s help in Genesis 2. Women saved and helped Moses in Exodus 2. God used Rahab to help the spies in Joshua 2. Ruth met Boaz in Ruth 2 where God began to make way for her. In First Samuel 2, Hannah sang of God making a way for the poor and the beggar to sit with princes. Bathsheba intervened to make way for her son, Solomon to become king in First Kings 2. Elijah and Elisha found a way across Jordan in Second Kings 2 before the prophet was transported out of this world. God made a way for Nehemiah before the King in Nehemiah 2. God made way for Esther to become queen in Esther 2. Mordecai and Esther helped save the king’s life in Esther 2. Daniel and his friends solved the king’s problem and escaped death in Daniel 2. Baby escaped death in Matthew 2. Jesus turned water into wine in John 2. The Helper (the Holy Spirit) came in Acts 2. Woman are key players in the second chapters of the Bible because they ought to be key players in the second season.

3. The second season is for miraculous Intervention in tough situations. It is a season of exploits through the wisdom and power of God. The Lord intervened for Elijah and Elisha in the crossing of the Jordan in Second Kings 2.

4. The second season is for escapes from death. The spirit of death goes to work in second seasons. God warned man about death in Genesis 2:15-17. That is the first mention of death in the Bible. Many second chapters of the Bible are about escape from death. Moses escaped death in Exodus 2. Elijah escaped death in Second Kings 2. Daniel and his friends escaped death in Daniel 2. King Ahasuerus escaped death in Esther 2. Jesus escaped death in Matthew 2. Epaphroditus escaped death in Philippians 2. The spirit of death attacked Eastern Nigeria in the second 7 years of Nigeria with the Civil War.


1. Pray that evil road-blocks will be dismantled as people return to work in the new year. Pray that the Lord will destroy evil monopolies oppressing people and working against God’s purposes in the nations.

2. Pray that the Lord will position helpers for His people this week. Pray that the Lord will send help to His people in the nations – among the persecuted and oppressed.

3. Pray that the Helper, the Holy Spirit, will help God’s people in their different circumstances this week. Pray that the spirit of revelation will work in us as it did in Daniel 2 and as it did for Joseph and Mary in Matthew 2.

4. Pray that the second week will be a week of escapes from death for God’s people in the nations – as Moses escaped in Exodus 2, as the spies escaped in Joshua 2, as King Ahasuerus escaped in Esther 2, as Daniel and his friends escaped death in Daniel 2, as Jesus escaped in Matthew 2 and as Epaphroditus escaped in Philippians 2.

The second week of the year is a Book of Exodus week. You may read the second book of the Bible as follows or as the Holy Spirit leads you:

January 8: Exodus 1-6
January 9: Exodus 7-12
January 10: Exodus 13-18
January 11: Exodus 19-24
January 12: Exodus 25-30
January 13: Exodus 31-35
January 14: Exodus 36-40

You may also choose to read the (61) second chapters of the Bible. They are Way – Maker chapters and are applicable to the week.


The 15th week is the beginning of the third seven weeks of Nigeria’s year. Going through this third seven weeks is like going through the third 7 books of the Bible (Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalm, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes). It is also like going through the third seven chapters of the books of the Bible like Genesis 15-21, Exodus 15-21, Joshua 15-21, John 15-21 and Acts 15-21, etc.

The fifteenth week is a turning-point. It is the beginning of a game-changing season. The 15th book and 15th chapters of the Bible reveal that the 15th season is when the line is drawn between the old and the new. It is a season of celebration.

2.. It is a season for the fulfillment of the word of God. God sent Saul to fulfill His word concerning Amalek in First Samuel 15. The proclamation fulfilled the prophecy of Jeremiah. The prophecy about the restoration of the tabernacle of David saw fulfillment at the First Jerusalem Council in Acts 15. Even the revolution of Absalom was a fulfilment of Nathan’s prophecy.

Ezra, the 15th book of the Bible, opens with the written proclamation of Cyrus ending Babylonian captivity of the Jews; and initiating the rebuilding of the temple at Jerusalem. It is in Genesis 15 that God began to speak to Abraham about his children and descendants. In Exodus 15, Miriam led Israel to sing to God after crossing the Red Sea. God rejected Saul from being king in First Samuel 15. Absalom’s revolution against his father, David, began in Second Samuel 15. The reforms of Asa began in Second Chronicles 15. Gentile believers were officially recognized and received into the Church in Acts 15.

3. The 15th season is a season of revival – revival of godliness or ungodliness. First Corinthians 15 is about resurrection. The 15th season should be for the revival and resurrection of the Word but the enemy also takes advantage of the season. The Bible was first printed in the 15th century. In 2015, the United Kingdom had the Brexit Referendum. The same year, the United States legalized same-sex marriage. The administration of Yakubu Gowon was toppled in 1975, the 15th year of Nigeria. Islam is in her 15th century and is seeking world dominion. Buhari is Nigeria’s 15th National Leader and the Fulanis and Muslims seem to be having a revival. The 15th National Leader was called to revive good in Nigeria but like Saul, in First Samuel 15, he is sparing Agag and the Amalekites he should destroy.


1. Thank God that we have crossed the Red Sea of our current year in the 14th week.

2. Prophesy and declare that Nigeria has come into a game-changing season in her current year.

3. Pray that evil shall not overtake the good as Absalom overthrew David. Pray against the revival of wickedness. Pray against the overthrow of what is good in this season. This season should be for the overthrow of the enemy. Pray against the enemy having a revival in this week.


Acts 15:16: “After this I will return And will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down; I will rebuild its ruins, And I will set it up”.


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