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Home Times & Seasons Day 7: The Mystery of January 7

Day 7: The Mystery of January 7


Welcome to the Seventh day of the year! Day 7 is the seventh and last day of the first week of the year. It is a seventh-season day. The key to understanding the seventh season is the seventh day of creation, and the seventh book and chapters of the Bible. 

Day 7 is comparable to the seventh day of creation. On the seventh day of creation, God did not create anything. It was a new day without a new creation. No work was done on this day. However, there are certain unique things about this day.

1. The story of the seventh day is recorded in the second chapter of Genesis. The story of the first six days is recorded in the first chapter of Genesis. The seventh season is another-chapter season. It is a unique season. 

2. The seventh day season is an after-work season. God did His work in six days; but the Bible records that God ENDED HIS WORK which HE HAD DONE on the seventh day. How can that be? Was it not on the sixth day He ended His work? No! Finishing work and ending work are two different things. The seventh season is an end-of-work season. 

3. On the seventh day, God rested from ALL HIS WORK WHICH HE HAD DONE. It is the rest of the seventh day that explains the end of work on the seventh day. Work has not ended unless rest has begun. Finishing work is not the same thing as resting. Rest does not begin because work is finished. You can finish work but never enter into rest. Hebrews 4:3 says, “…‘They shall not enter My rest,’” although the works were finished from the foundation of the world”. And until you enter into rest, work has not ended. It is entering into rest that brings an end to work. Hebrews 4:10 says, “For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His”. The seventh season is for entering into rest and ending the finished work. The seventh season of believing instead of laboring; it is a season of faith – not works. Hebrews 4:3 says, “For we who have believed do enter that rest…”

Day 7 is a Sabbath season. The ‘big thing’ about the Sabbath is the intervention and release that accompanied it. Jesus saw the Sabbath as day to heal the sick, bring them into the finished work and give them rest. Day 7 is a day of intervention. 

4. The seventh day is not an evening-morning day like the six days preceding it. The seventh day just began. The others were named after the work was done; and evening and morning had elapsed. The seventh season is a season without time. The reason for time is purpose. When purpose is accomplished, time ceases. The seventh season is an ‘it is done season’. There is no worry, anxiety, or fear, in the seventh season. There is no haste, delay, or lateness, in the seventh season; and there is no difference between now and later, or today and tomorrow in the seventh season. In the seventh season, tomorrow is now; and now is tomorrow.

5. God blessed and sanctified the seventh day BECAUSE IN IT HE RESTED FROM ALL HIS WORK WHICH GOD HAD CREATED AND MADE. The seventh day was the only day God blessed; and He blessed it because He rested in it. So, the rest came before the blessing. It was not the blessing that brought the rest; instead, it was the rest that brought the blessing. The key to the blessing of the seventh season is the rest in the seventh season. Without the rest, it is a cursed season. In the seventh season, you enter into rest through faith; and the rest activates the blessing and sanctification (distinction and separated-ness). It is believing God’s word that turns the seventh season into a restful, blessed, and sanctified season.

6. The seventh day is sanctified, Holy, and hallowed, because God rested in it. The rest came before the hallowing. God did not rest on the seventh day because it is hallowed; He hallowed the day because He rested in it. The Jews of Jesus’ day did not know what made the Sabbath a holy day. They wanted people to rest on and not work on the Sabbath because it is a holy day. Jesus wanted to bring people into rest so the work of God can be perfected in their lives. For, Jesus, it was a day of ushering those ‘who labor and are heavy laden’ into the rest of God. For Him, the rest of the day is weightier than the holiness of the day. On the Sabbath, mercy is greater than law! Habakkuk 3:2 says, “…In wrath, remember mercy”.

Day 7 is a book of Judges day in a book of Genesis week.Judges is the seventh book of the Bible. In this book, Israel disbelieved and disobeyed God. Their neighbors became stronger enemies and oppressed them. In their distress, they cried to God; and He raised Judges from among them to deliver them. The seventh chapters of the Bible show that God gives intervention against destruction in the seventh season; and when He does not deliver, it is a wake-up call.

Day 7 is a Genesis 43-49 day. In these seven chapters, Joseph stood out as the savior of Egypt and of his own family. The seven years of famine hit hard in those seven chapters. It was within those chapters that Jacob’s family migrated to Egypt and were sustained by Joseph. In the 48th and 49th chapters, Jacob blessed his children and grandchildren and died.

Day 7 is a Hebrews – Revelation day in the week. Every week is like a journey through the Bible. Every week also has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week belong to the Old Testament side and express the 39 books of the Old Testament. The remaining three days of the week constitute the New Testament side and express the 27 books of the New Testament. The seventh day of the week is the third and last day in the New Testament side of the week; and expresses the third nine books of the New Testament. Today is a day of the last battle and ultimate triumph in the week. The third 9 books of the N.T are books of correction, recovery, and restoration.

DECREE AND DECLARE: God made us in His image and likeness to rule, have dominion, and impose His will on seasons; as He did with the seven days of creation. He decreed what He wanted for each day. We are to decree what is revealed concerning each day. Today, decree the downfall of the wicked and the lifting and establishment of the just. Today, prophesy and declare war against the enemies of God. Today, raise a cry against wickedness; trust in the Lord, hope in Him, and take refuge in His grace and mercy. Today, prophesy restoration and blessing on God’s people because of the finished work; and prophesy against ungodliness. This is a day of “IT IS DONE”. Today, you will have pleasure by seeking the pleasure of God. Today, make it priority to honor God. Obey Him. If you missed it anywhere, repent and return to God. This is a day to go back to Bethel. It is also a day of intervention. The work is finished but we must believe God’s word to enter into rest; and thereby end the finished work. May today be a day of rest and not a day of disaster. Happy seventh day.

On this day in 2020, former Iranian General, Soleimani, was laid to rest in his home town after three days of mourning. Stampede killed 50 people and injured over 150 people.

Learn more about this day in history:

January 6

January 8



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