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Home Times & Seasons The 4th Week: The Mystery of January 22 – 28

The 4th Week: The Mystery of January 22 – 28


Welcome to the fourth week of the year (days 22-28). This is the second major ‘fourth’ in the year. The first is the 4th day. The others are the 4th month and the 4th seven weeks (49 days). The fourth week of the year has its pattern in the fourth day of creation narrative; the fourth book and chapters of the Bible, the fourth seven books of the Bible, and the fourth seven chapters of the books of the Bible. The fourth week of the year is a prototype of the fourth seven weeks of the year. 

This week is a Fourth-day-of-creation week. On the fourth day of creation, God made the luminaries: the sun, the moon, and the stars. He set them on them heaven or firmament to influence and maintain order on earth. On this day, He completed the battle against darkness and stopped it from dominating the night. From the fourth day of creation, darkness ceased to be the ruler of the night. Light guides and leads. It was a star that led the wise from the East to Bethlehem. The luminaries are leaders. 

On the fourth day, God gave the luminaries the duty of giving light to the earth. He reinforced the work of the first day on the fourth day.  He gave the sun power to rule the day with light and heat. The fourth season is a season of light and heat against darkness and cold. 

God made the moon and the stars to rule the darkness of the night. God only made day and night on the first day of creation. On the fourth day, He weakened the power of darkness and night by making lights to rule the night also. God perfected the work of the first day on the fourth day. The fourth is a perfection of the first. 

The luminaries were also supposed to regulate and announce seasons. Before the invention of clock, the sun and moon were the clock and calendar. Morning was sunrise; and evening was sunset.

The fourth week is a time to herald and demonstrate that Heaven rules. 

Week 4 is a Book of Numbers week. Numbers is the fourth week of the Bible. The fourth book of the Bible is the examination-test-book of Israel’s journey to Canaan. The failure of Moses, Aaron, and Miriam is recorded in the book of Numbers. The negative ministry of Balaam is recorded in this book. The rebellion of Korah and his company is also recorded here. The attack of the fiery serpents is also recorded here. Israel’s ground-breaking over the great kings of the Amorites is recorded here. Israel’s failure to enter the promised Land on schedule is also recorded in this book. The fourth is season of unprecedented negative and positive happenings. It is a season of exploits and pains. 

The fourth book of the Bible is about leaders. The leaders were the most punished in the book of Numbers. The word ‘leader’ or ‘leaders’ is used in 154 verses in the entire Bible; and 58 of those verses is in the book of Numbers. The word ‘leader’ or ‘leaders’ is also not used anywhere in the Bible before the book of Numbers. The Book of Numbers is about calling out leaders. The book is about leadership. This week is for the manifestation of leadership. The people failed in the book of Numbers because the leaders failed. 

The fourth week of the year is a fourth-chapters-of-the-Bible week. The fourth chapters of the Bible that the fourth season is a season of temptations, pressures, pains, persecution, tension, conflicts, and confusion. It is a season that calls for great sensitivity in the spirit. It is season to guard your inner man with all diligence. The divine agenda for the week is to hold out light against effects of darkness. It is a week to subdue darkness, disorganization and disorderliness. It is a week to overcome temptations and trials. This is a week of organized strategic warfare against darkness – especially mental darkness that produces fear, confusion, deception, and wrongdoing. What you need is light; and God has given you light in His word, in the Holy Spirit, and in the wise mentors and coaches around you.

Week 4 is a Genesis 22-28 week. The fourth seven chapters of the first book of the Bible is applicable to the fourth week in the first seven weeks of the year. Genesis 22-28 are the promotion-test chapters in the life and family of Abraham. The fourth-seven (22-28) is preparatory season. It is the season before ‘the move’ or ‘the explosion’.

Week 4 is a fourth-seven-books-of-the-Bible week. The fourth seven books of the Bible are Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Hosea. The books of the ‘major prophets’ are part of the fourth seven books. They were guiding lights to Judah and Israel in a season of spiritual declension. The fourth seven books open with ideal love relationship of a king and his bride and end with a terrible love relationship between a prophet and his whorish wife. Relationship is a vital issue in the fourth season. With it, men go up; but without it they go down. May this fourth week of the year be, for you, a season of marvelous relationship with God and with men. 

Week 4 is Obadiah – Malachi week. This is the last week on the Old Testament side of the First 49 days. The last 9 books of the Old Testament are among the shortest books of the Old Testament. Obadiah has 1 chapter. Haggai has 2 chapters. Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah have 3 chapters each. Jonah and Malachi have 4 chapters each. Micah has 7 chapters. Zechariah has 14 chapters. Altogether, they are 41 chapters. They are the bridge to the New Testament side of the first 49 days of the year. The atmosphere is changing for good. In the last 9 books of the Old God demonstrated that power belongs to heaven in the fourth season. Jonah learnt the lesson in hard way. Habakkuk could not argue it. Zephaniah is about the day of the Lord. This week, Heaven will resist arrogance on earth and exalt the humble.

On the fourth day of creation, God set power on the firmament of heaven by the creation. By that, He indicated that the fourth week or season is a time to herald and demonstrate that Heaven rules. This is a week of organized strategic warfare against darkness – especially mental darkness that produces fear, confusion, deception, and wrongdoing. This week, Heaven will resist arrogance on earth as exalt the humble. Happy fourth week!



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