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Home Times & Seasons Day 44: The Mystery of February 13

Day 44: The Mystery of February 13


Welcome to the 44th day of the year! Day 44 is the first day of the seventh week of the year. This is the first major ’44th’ in the year. The other major ’44th’ is the 44th week. The Bible patterns for understanding the 44th day are 1) the second day of creation narrative; 2) the 44th book of the Bible; 3) the 44th chapters of the Bible; 4) the second three chapters (4-6) of Judges, the seventh book of the Bible. 

Day 44 is a second-day-of-creation day. On the second day of creation, God used the intangible firmament to divide and drive the waters apart. The firmament is called “the firmament of his power” in Psalm 150:1 (KJV) or “His mighty firmament” (NKJV). The power behind the firmament is God’s. Day 44 is the day of God’s mighty ‘firmamental’ power. It is the day of the Horizontal Water Divider. Day 44 is a day to release power against hindering forces and barriers. This is a day of releasing power to make a way where there’s none. Today, the power of God will work for you as the firmament of God triumphed over the waters on the second day of creation.

Day 44 is Acts-of-the-Apostles day in the first 49 days of the year. In Acts, the 44th book of the Bible, the Holy Spirit came upon the Church. Those who knew God honored Him above Man; and so, were honored; but those who despised Him were put to shame. In this book, God mocked the prison walls, gates, and chains, of ungodly rulers. He made a mess of idols, the devil, and demons. In the book of Acts, great things happened by the power of God; through His Spirit. The Holy Spirit was the firmament in the book of Acts and worked through the prayers of God’s people. He worked through angels and the word-ministry of the Apostles. The people rested and God worked! When the lame man at the Beautiful Gate was healed, Peter quickly pointed out that it was not by their power or holiness that the man was healed; but through faith in the name of Jesus Christ. In Acts 3:16, he said, “And His name, through faith in His name, has made this man strong, whom you see and know. Yes, the faith which comes through Him has given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all”. Day 44 is a day of God’s Mighty Delivering Power. It is a day to stand as God’s witness and demonstrate that the power and authority belongs to Him.

Day 44 is a 44th-chapters-of-the-Bible day. On this 44th day of the year, may the Lord subdue and humiliate every power that contends with Him in your life. This is a day of experiencing authority – good and evil – the power of darkness and the Power of Light. In the 44th season, the arrogance of the natural man touches the heavens as he seeks the place of Final Authority. This brings Him into collision with God; and the rest is history. The 44th season is not a season of hearing what God  can do but a season of seeing the power and glory of God – to judge and to vindicate. 

Psalm 44:1 says “We have heard with our ears, O God, Our fathers have told us, The deeds You did in their days, In days of old”. In Genesis 44, Jacob’s sons got into ‘trouble’ with the Egyptian authority; and needed the intervention of the God of their fathers. In Isaiah 44, the Lord is the Incomparable Helper. Isaiah 44:23 says, “Sing, O heavens, for the LORD has done it! Shout, you lower parts of the earth; Break forth into singing, you mountains, O forest, and every tree in it! For the LORD has redeemed Jacob, And glorified Himself in Israel”. Jeremiah 44 shows that in the 44th season, faith in God is greatly rewarded; but rebellion against God has grave consequences. Jews who sought refuge in Egypt in defiance of God’s word would be punished.  In Ezekiel 44, God ruled against those who meddle with abominations. God is Lord and is to be honored as Final Authority in the 44th season. Day 44 is the day of “the arm of the Lord”.

Day 44 is a Judges 4-6 day in the seventh week of the year. The book of Judges is the seventh book of the Bible. The second three chapters of the seventh book of the Bible is applicable to Day 44 – the second day of the seventh week of the year. In the second three chapters of Judges, Deborah, Barak, and Gideon were God’s instruments against the enemies of Israel. Deborah and Barak fought against Jabin king of Hazor and his captain Sisera; and defeated them. Gideon was raised to take on battle against the Midianites. The judges fought battles by the Spirit of God – not their own strength. Day 44 is like the day a woman’s tent peg pierced the head of Sisera. It is like the day of Deborah’s song of victory. It is like the day God called Gideon a “mighty man of valor”; and told him to “go in this your might”. In the 44th season, God uses the weak things of this world to show that power belongs to Him alone.

1944 was the year of Operation Overlord in World War 2. It was the year that laid the foundation for the victory of the Allied Forces against the German Axis Alliance. June 6, 1944 was D-Day – when “more than 156,000 American, British, and Canadian troops stormed 50 miles of Normandy’s fiercely defended beaches in northern France in an operation that proved to be a critical turning point in World War II”. The 44th season is a time to show power! The motto of the godly in the 44th season should be ‘God Reigns’; and the power of our Reigning God is released through prayer, proclamation, and praise. Today, believe God that no power can stop you or keep you in prison or bondage.

Day 44 is a First Kings – to – Proverbs Day in the seventh week. Going through any week is like taking a journey through the Bible. Every week has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week belong to the Old Testament side and express the 39 books of the Old Testament. The remaining three days of the week constitute the New Testament side and express the 27 books of the New Testament. The second day of the week is the second day in the Old Testament side of the week; and expresses the second 10 books of the Old Testament and the Bible. In the second 10 books of the Bible, God wanted the kings of Israel to trust Him and lead the nation in the same direction. Beginning with Solomon, the kings of Israel began to patronize Idols. Idol worship became official in the northern kingdom following the split. Judah followed. Prophets rose in this season to call the nation back to God. Eventually, the two kingdoms went into captivity – the north fell to Assyria; and the south to the Babylonians. The Jews did return from captivity after 70 years. The last two books in this section of the Bible (Psalms and Proverbs) show that loss of faith in God is prelude to the loss of all things in the second season; but faith in God is the secret of power and strength. The faithful will triumph in the second season by the power and wisdom of God no matter what happens.

DECREE AND DECLARE: God made us in His image and likeness to rule, have dominion, and impose His will on seasons; as He did with the seven days of creation. He decreed what He wanted for each day. We are to decree what is revealed concerning each day. Today, declare that your faith will not fail; and that the faithful will triumph. Decree the downfall of those who disregard God and trust in themselves or idols, Today, prophesy against evil controlling powers and overthrow them by the word of the Lord. Mercy makes a way where there is no way. Today is a day of divine intervention and mercy. Today, release the word of the Lord against oppressive mountains in your life and in your world. Raise a cry to God against the proud and wicked in the land. Today, trust God to make a way where there is no way. Proclaim His word, Pray to Him. Praise Him.! Happy 44th day!

ON THIS DAY in 2021, Donald Trump was acquitted by the Senate in the second impeachment. The Senate voted 57 -43. He became the first US President to be impeached twice and acquitted twice.

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