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Home Times & Seasons The Mystery of the 19th Week (May 7 – 13)

The Mystery of the 19th Week (May 7 – 13)


Welcome to the 19th week of the year. Every week has its unique contribution to the year. The nineteenth week is a fifth-season week. It is the third fifth season week in the year. It is the fifth week in the third-seven weeks (49 days) of the year. As a fifth season week, the nineteenth week is a season of fruitfulness- physically, materially, and spiritually.  It is part of a broad third season of overthrows, deliverances, manifestation, and productivity. The Bible keys to understanding the nineteenth week are the fifth day of creation narrative, the nineteenth book and chapters of the Bible, the fifth four chapters of the third book of the Bible, Leviticus. 

The nineteenth week is a fifth day of creation week. It was on the fifth day that God made and filled the waters with abundance of sea creatures. He made the birds of the air on the same day. The fifth day was the beginning of movement on earth. It was the beginning of flesh and blood, voice-sounds, and also the beginning of blessings. God did not bless His creatures until the fifth day. On that day, He blessed the swimming and flying creatures with fruitfulness and multiplication. The fifth day also marked the beginning of the sound-producing creatures. As a fifth season week, the 19th week is a season of warring, and triumphing over, things that war against the release and expression of life – dryness, poverty, disease, death, barrenness, and wickedness.

The 19th week is a 19th-chapters-of-the-Bible week. The 19th chapters of the Bible reveal the following about the 19th season. 

1. It is a season of loose morality leading to anger and destruction against vileness. The season requires purity and separation from pollution. In Genesis 19, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah after separating Lot’s family from the land. In Judges 19, vile men raped a woman to death. Revelation 19 opens with praise to for the destruction of the evil city by fire.

2. This is a season of separating men from men. In n this season, God calls men to separate themselves to Him. In Genesis 19, God separated Lot from Sodom. In the 19th chapters of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers, God called Israel to separate from pollution and be holy to Him. in Deuteronomy 19, God told Moses to separate six cities for the accidental manslayer. In First Kings 19, God called and separated Elisha for the ministry. In Second Chronicles 19, God rebuked Jehoshaphat for aligning with the house of Ahab. The 19th book of the Bible (Psalms) opens with the blessed man who stands out from the ungodly, the sinners, and the scornful. In Matthew 19, Jesus speaks of those who are willing to leave everything and follow Him. In Luke 19, Zacchaeus separated from the crowd and ran ahead to be able to see Jesus. n Acts 19, Paul separated the disciples for special instruction. Magicians who received the gospel at Ephesus separated from their former ways and gave up their books for burning. Revelation 19 mentions the separated bride and those who are called to the wedding supper of the Lamb. What is the Lord saying to you about standing out in, and from, this 19th week? Two outstanding Nigerian politicians departed the earth in this week of different years. Chief Obafemi Awolowo died May 9,1987. Nine years later, Chief Nnamdi Azikiwe died. May 11, 1996.

3. It is a season when  the wicked and evil men seek to destroy their righteous enemies. The evil one wants to see men dead in this season; especially the righteous. For this reason, God makes a preservation plan for His people. In Deuteronomy 19, He commanded Moses to provide cities of refuge in Canaan for those escaping from the avenger of blood. In First Samuel 19, David escaped being killed by Saul. In First Kings 19, Elijah ran from Jezebel. In Second Kings 19, Sennacherib went up against Judah to destroy it. God intervened and slew 185, 000 of his troops. He withdrew in shame. Enemies multiply in the 19th season. In the book of Psalms, the word ‘enemy’ is used in 26 verses; the word ‘enemies’ is used in 78 verses; and the word ‘wicked’ is used in 104 verses. That is the reason we should be prayerful in this season; but not be afraid. Do not give in to self-pity in this season. In Job 19, Job lamented his loneliness in distress. He feels like no one, not even God or his friends, is on his side. He stressed his faith in his Redeemer (Job 19:25). Your convictions may make you stand alone in the nineteenth season. This is a season to find company in God. Elijah was alone in First Kings 19. 

4. The 19th season is a season of triumphs in battle. The victories of this season come from divine vindication as a result of trusting Him. In 19, six tribes received their inheritance in the Promised Land. In Second Samuel 19, David wins the war with Absalom and is restored to his kingdom. In First Chronicles 19, David defeated the Amorites and the Syrians. In Acts 19, Paul’s ministry at Ephesus triumphed over idols and Idol worshippers. In Revelation 19, the King of kings defeated and captured the beast and the false prophet in the last battle. God overthrows His enemies in the 19th season. In Isaiah 19, the prophet makes proclamation against Egypt. In Jeremiah 19, God announced judgment against Judah. Ezekiel 19 is the Prophet’s lamentation for the degradation of Israel because of her sins.

5. The 19th season is a time to focus on the spiritual side of things. In Matthew 19, Jesus taught about marriage, divorce, and celibacy. He gave counsel to the Rich Young Ruler – to sell everything he has and distribute to the poor. The man went away sorrowful – though he had come to Jesus to enquire about eternal life. Materialism is a problem in the nineteenth season. In Luke 19, a rich man, Zacchaeus, sought to see Jesus and was found. Jesus told the parable of the minas. Jesus wept over Jerusalem, and cleansed the temple. The nineteenth is a season of intense hunger for the spiritual. It is a season of reckoning, and of change. John 19 is about the crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus. The 19th is a season of self-denial. Jesus chose this path of spirituality for the sake of salvation for humanity. The nineteenth season is not a season to gratify flesh. It is a time to deny self for the benefit of self and others.

6. This is a season of intimacy when marriages are attacked and may be disrupted. In Genesis 19, we see a intimacy perverted. Lot lost his wife and fathered his grandchildren in this chapter. Judges 19 is another perversion of intimacy. A levite lost his wife or concubine in this chapter also. In First Samuel 19, David’s wife (Saul’s daughter) saved her husband from death. In Fist Kings 19, Jezebel, fighting for her husband, wanted to kill Elijah. In Matthew 19, answered questions about marriage, divorce, and celibacy. In Revelation 19, John was given a revelation of the Bride and Marriage supper. The ultimate realm of intimacy is between man and God. The 19th book of the Bible illustrates this intimacy. The psalmist lived in communion with God.

The nineteenth week is a Leviticus 17-20 week. The fifth four chapters of the third book of the Bible is applicable to the fifth week in third 49 days of the year. This fifth section of Leviticus is about the sanctity of blood, laws of sexual morality, moral and ceremonial laws, and penalties for breaking the law. It is interesting that this fifth section discusses the sanctity of blood because flesh and blood came into existence on the fifth day.  Men tend to become lawless in nineteenth seasons. The 19th week is for guarding the flesh and holding it in check. It is a season to protect flesh and blood; and eschew sexual morality. The nineteenth chapters of Genesis and judges make references to homosexuality. There is a rampant growth of wickedness and aggression in this season too. Saul wanted to kill David in the 19th chapter of First Samuel; and Jezebel wanted to kill Elijah in the nineteenth chapter of First Kings. The nineteenth chapter of John is about the crucifixion of Jesus. God began to give laws to Israel in the nineteenth chapter of Exodus. Other nineteenth chapters, like Genesis and Revelation, reveal that the nineteenth season is a time to punish law-breakers.

The 19th week is the beginning of the New Testament side of the the third seven weeks. It is a Matthew – Galatians week. Every seven-week season has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four weeks constitute the Old Testament side of the season. The last three weeks belong to the New Testament side of the season. The fifth week is the beginning of the New Testament side; and expresses the first nine books of the New Testament. Those nine books are about Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. They are books of the gracious intervention of God through Jesus Christ. They are books of salvation, deliverance, and restoration. To be on the New Testament side of the week means salvation has come. It means promises and prophecies are going to be fulfilled. It means grace and mercy has come.

This 19th week is a book of Psalms week. Psalms is the nineteenth book of the Bible. From the book of Psalms, we learn that the nineteenth season is a season of meditations, prayers, songs, confessions and declarations of confidence in God, expressions of gratitude, praises, and worship to God, and acknowledgements of the greatness and awesomeness of God. The three major ‘P’ words of this season are pressures, prayers, and praises. The nineteenth season is a season of triumphs, victories, interventions, revivals, deliverances, and testimonies. It is a season to tap into, and experience the sufficiency of God for all needs and desires. It is a season to be preoccupied with God – regardless of circumstances. It is also a season of punitive reactions to man’s rebellion. This is the season of the Word! This is the season of songs.

The nineteenth seven psalms (127-133) is also applicable to the  nineteenth week; because days 127-133 belong to the 19th week of the year.


1. This week, I will not labor in vain. I will not keep awake in vain. My efforts shall not be wasted. I will not go in my own strength but in the strength of the Lord. This is a week of fruitfulness and multiplication. Our children shall live and not die (Psalm 127)

2. This week, our families shall be safe. We shall not lose any parent or child. Our children shall live and grow up to become adults and parents. Our parents shall live to see their children’s children.  I shall eat the fruit of my labors (Psalm 128)

3. I will not be afflicted this week. The Lord shall cut the cords of the wicked in pieces. Those who hate me unjustly shall be put to shame and turned back (Psalm 129). 

4. This week, the Lord will show me His fearful mercy and abundant redemption. The Lord will hear my voice and show me His grace (Psalm 130).

5. This week, my spirit and soul shall be calm and quiet like a weaned child with his mother. My heart shall not be haughty. I shall not set my eyes on lofty things. I shall not concern myself with great matters or with things too profound for me (Psalm 131)..

6. This week, I shall see the  fulfillment of promises. I can never be forgotten or forsaken (Psalm 132). 

7. This week, I shall experience a joy in natural and spiritual family reunion. Disunity, division, and quarreling shall not be my portion. I shall experience both the oil and the dew on my head. I shall not be missing in the gathering of God’s people (Psalm 133)..

Happy 19th week!



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