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Home Times & Seasons Day 10: The Mystery of January 10

Day 10: The Mystery of January 10


Welcome to the tenth day of the year! Day 10 is the third day of the second week; and tenth day in the first 49 days of the year. This the 10th day of the first month. Joshua 4:19 says, “Now the people came up from the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month, and they camped in Gilgal on the east border of Jericho”. Although Joshua 4: 19 refers to the first Hebrew month, it is applicable to any other tenth day of the first month. This is a day to come up from the water. It is a day of completing victory over the waters. As the priests who bore the ark stepped out of Jordan, the waters resumed flowing as before. This is a day of stepping up and forward victoriously from a major victory. Day 10 is a turning point. It was on the 10th day of the first month that God told Israel to select the Passover Lamb. It is the signal day for the last conquest.

Day 10 is a third day of creation day. On the third day of creation, the waters were gathered together in one place and the dry ground appeared, and brought forth vegetation at the command of God. God did not send the earth to displace the waters; as He used light to fight darkness; and the firmament to fight the waters. God is Warrior on the third day. It is a season when things happen by the glory of God. The third day is day of battle for platforms and sustainers. The third season is for overthrowing oppression and raising platforms for good. The battle against the waters that began on the second day was completed on the third day. The third day is a day of SPECIFICITY: “Let the waters…be gathered together in ONE PLACE”. The third day is a day EMERGENCE and MANIFESTATION: “Let the dry ground appear”.  The third day is a day of PRODUCTION – BRINGING FORTH PRODUCERS: “Let the earth bring forth grass…that YIELDS seed…and tree that YIELDS fruit….” 

Day 10 is a book of Second Samuel day. The book of Second Samuel is the tenth book of the Bible. In this book, God completed the overthrow of the house of Saul; and David became king over United Israel. David subdued the surrounding nations, raised mighty men, and established Israel as a force to reckon with. God fights for his own in the tenth season. The tenth book of the Bible opens with David’s song about the fall of the mighty. The mighty fall in the tenth season to make room for new productive platforms.

Day 10 is a ‘tenth chapters of the Bible’ day. The tenth season is Heaven’s last-battle season that makes way for those who seem to have no opportunity. The account of the genealogy of the sons of Noah in Genesis 10 began with the youngest son. The tenth season is the warrior’s season. It’s the season for thwarting controlling powers and breaking the status quo. It is the last battle line and the end of negotiations. In Exodus 10, Moses and Pharaoh drew the last battle line before the Passover plague. The two sons of Aaron perished in Leviticus 10 for offering strange fire. God fought the Canaanites from heaven in Joshua 10. In First Samuel 10, Samuel anointed Saul king of Israel. In Second Samuel 10, David battled Syrians to submission. In Luke 10, Jesus sent out the 70 and they returned with great testimonies. Jesus said He saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning! This chapter also records the story of the Good Samaritan and also the story of Mary and Martha. In Acts 10, God visits Cornelius and his household in a very surprising way. The tenth is the season of the fall of the mighty – especially for crossing the ‘Rubicon’.  The conversion and inclusion of Cornelius was a great blow to, and a serious crack, on the walls of Judaism.

Day 10 is a books of Third John-Jude-Revelation day. What should haven been the tenth seven books of the Bible are just the last three books of the Bible. The book of Revelation is about Heaven’s Final Conquest – giving platform to new people and things. 

Day 10 is an Exodus 13-18 day. The third six chapters of the second book of the Bible are applicable to the third day of the second week. Within these six chapters, Israel marched out of Egypt through the way to the wilderness, crossed the Red Sea, where Pharaoh and his armies were drowned; were sustained by the Lord with water at Marah, with manna, and with water from the rock. The Lord also overthrew Amalek; and Moses received wisdom to administer Israel. Going through the tenth day of the year could be like going through Exodus 13-18. Do not be afraid. Trust in God absolutely. You will overcome the troubles as Israel crossed the Red Sea on dry ground and unhurt. Day 10 is a day of breakthrough, sustenance and manifestation. .

Day 10 is Ecclesiastes – Amos Day in the second week of the year. Going through any week is like taking a journey through the Bible. Every week has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week belong to the Old Testament side and express the 39 books of the Old Testament. The remaining three days of the week constitute the New Testament side and express the 27 books of the New Testament. The third day of the week is the third day in the Old Testament side of the week; and expresses the third 10 books of the Old Testament and the Bible. In the third 10 books of the Bible, God sent His prophets to speak to the people. They confronted the people, warned them against judgment, comforted the faithful, and brought judgment on the arrogant. The third day is for the overthrow of the rebellious and establishment of the humble and just. How you fare in this season depends on your attitude and response to the word of God. This is a day of prophetic confrontation and judgment.

DECREE AND DECLARE: God made us in His image and likeness to rule, have dominion, and impose His will on seasons; as He did with the seven days of creation. He decreed what He wanted for each day. We are to decree what is revealed concerning each day. This is a day of manifestation. Do not be afraid to take a stand for the Lord. It is a season to come out of hiding and obscurity. It is a day to overthrow oppression and the oppressor. It is a day to establish the humble. Today, decree the downfall of the wicked and the lifting and establishment of the just. Today, prophesy an end to something in your life, family, business, community, and nation. Today, be ready to hear His voice and respond by faith. Expect breakthrough. Be willing to sacrifice. Walk by faith! This is a day of breakthrough and pushing through barriers in the week. This is a day of unveiling. It is a day of answers to prayers. Today, pray for the overthrow of dysfunctional systems in the nations and in the church. Pray that God will make a way for the manifestation of hidden platforms and producers. Pray also that the forgotten functional people and things be remembered, recognized, and restored. Today, remember that when God delivers and manifests, it is for service and production. Do not consume His mercy on your lust. On this third day of the week, the oppressor will go down and the humble shall be delivered. Happy third day of the week!

This is a day of the fall of the mighty. It is a day of breakthrough for hidden or suppressed vessels. May the Lord grant you needed breakthroughs today; and also use you as an instrument of breakthrough in the lives of others. Happy 10th day of the year!


1984 – Holy See–United States relations: The United States and Holy See (Vatican City) re-establish full diplomatic relations after almost 117 years, overturning the United States Congress’s 1867 ban on public funding for such a diplomatic envoy.

1990 – Time Warner is formed by the merger of Time Inc. and Warner Communications.

2007 – A general strike begins in Guinea in an attempt to get President Lansana Conté to resign.

2012 – A bombing in Khyber Agency, Pakistan, kills at least 30 people and 78 others injured.

2013 – More than 100 people are killed and 270 injured in several bomb blasts in Pakistan.

2015 – A traffic accident between an oil tanker truck and passenger coach en route to Shikarpur from Karachi on the Pakistan National Highway Link Road near Gulshan-e-Hadeed, Karachi, killing at least 62 people.

2019 – Opposition Candidare, Felix Tshisekedi, defeats incumbent Joseph Kabila to win presidential election in Democratic Republic of  Congo. This is happening in the 59th year of DRC independence; and at the close of the 18th year of Joseph Kabila’s reign.

Learn more about this day in history:

January 9 January 11



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