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Home Times & Seasons Day 117: The Mystery of April 27

Day 117: The Mystery of April 27


Day 117 is the fifth day of the seventeenth week. It is also the 19th day in the third 49 days – the fifth day of the third week in the third 49 days of the year. Day 117 is a fifth-season day. It is April 27 in a clear year; and April 26 in a leap year. The Bible keys to understanding the 117th day of the year are the fifth day of creation day narrative, Psalm 117, and the 8th chapter of the 17th book of the Bible. 

Day 117 is fifth day of creation day in the 17th week. On the fifth day of creation, God created seas creatures and birds of the air. It was a day of new beginnings – flesh and blood, free movement, voice sounds, blessings, and other things. God blessed blessed creation for the first time on the fifth day. The fifth season is a season of divine generosity. Day 117 is a day of smiles for the humble that trust in God.

Day 117 is a book of Psalms day in the third seven weeks of the year. It is the 19th day in the third 49 days of the year. Psalms is the 19th book of the Bible; and is so much about praising God. The 19th is a season of triumphing in battles and offering praises to God.

Day 117 is particularly a Psalm 117 day. This psalm is a call to praise God. It calls Gentiles and all peoples to praise God. It is a call from the psalmist to gentile nations to praise God. It is also prophetic of Gentiles praising God someday. It is a call to Gentiles to step up in faith, give up their idols and turn to the God of Israel. It is a call to Gentiles to join Israel and praise the God of Jacob. Day 117 is a day of new things. It is a season when things that had not been in existence come into existence. It is a day of ‘first time’ happenings. It is a day of freedom and dismantling boundaries. Psalm 117 is the shortest psalm and chapter of the Bible. It has only two verses. This two-verse psalm is the same group with the longest psalm and chapter of the Bible – the 176-verse Psalm 119. W

Psalm 117:1 says, “Praise the LORD, all you Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peoples!”. 

The psalmist gives two reasons for praising God: His merciful kindness that is great towards us and His truth that endures forever. 

Psalm 117:2 says, “For His merciful kindness is great toward us, And the truth of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD!”

Every century has seven divisions of 14 years each. This fifth-season psalm could be applied to the fifth fourteen years of the seventeenth century (1657-1670). Among other things, this was the season of the printing of the first Native American Bible. “John Eliot translated the Bible from an unwritten American Indian language into a written alphabet that the Algonquian Indians could read and understand. He was the only missionary to make a new alphabet from an unwritten language for purposes of teaching scriptures, in over a thousand years since Ulfilas constructed the Gothic alphabet”. Following about fourteen years of work, the Algonquin Bible was printed in 1663. The production of the Eliot Bible was victory for the native people. So, the psalm declares “Praise the LORD, all you Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peoples! For His merciful kindness is great toward us, And the truth of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD!”

Today, let us praise God for these two: His great merciful kindness towards us and His truth that endures forever. 

Day 117 is an Esther-chapter-8 day in the 17th week. The 8th chapter (fifth section) of the seventeenth book of the Bible is applicable to the fifth day of the seventeenth week of the year. In the eighth chapter of the 17th book, the handed over the house of Haman to Queen Esther. Esther also introduced Mordecai to the king. The king also authorized Esther and Mordecai to issue a new decree in his name empowering the Jews to defend themselves and Persians who may want to harm them. Every story has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The Old Testament side is the side of troubles, struggles, and hopelessness. The New Testament side is the side of salvation and hope. The eighth chapter of the 17th book of the Bible is the beginning of the New Testament side of the book of Esther. The Jews in the land were elevated to the status of Persians. Oppression came to an end. This Day 117 is for a change of narrative. It is a day to go from obscurity to limelight, from sickness to health, from scarcity to plenty, from oppression to freedom, and from weakness to power.

On this day in 1992, Betty Boothroyd became the first woman to be elected Speaker of the British House of Commons in its 700-year history. On this day in 1994, South Africa held her first democratic general election in which black citizens could vote. The old constitution gave way to the new ‘Interim Constitution’.Heaven is rewriting stories today.

Day 117 is a Matthew – Galatians day in the 17th week. Every week has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week is the Old Testament side. The last three days is the New Testament side. Day 117 is the beginning of the New Testament side of the 17th week; and has its guiding light in the first nine books of the New Testament. The first 9 books of the New Testament (the 5th division of the Bible) ts about the gospel of Jesus Christ and the interpretation of the finished work. Day 117 is a day of good news. It is a day of freedom. It is a day of victory.

Day 117 is a book of Psalms Day in the third 49 days of the year. The 19th book of the Bible is applicable to the 19th day in the third 49 days. The 19th book of the Bible is book interventions and testimonies. The psalmist believed in the power and sufficiency of God. He trusted in God and confessed his faith in Him. He prayed to Him, sang praises and gave thanks to Him. God was all in all to the psalmist. This is a day to give thanks to God the Doer of all things. This is a day to be preoccupied with Him.

Today, may the Lord favor you as He favored Esther in the fifth chapter of the seventeenth book; and as He favored Psalm 117 by making it part of the great 17th seven psalms.

DECREE AND DECLARE: At creation, God spoke His will into each day. He made us in His image and likeness; and expects us to release His will into each day. Decree this day that the flesh will not overtake the spirit in your life, family,, organization, and nation. Decree a change in the week and declare that today is the beginning of the New Testament side of the week. As a Book-of-Matthew day, decree that Emmanuel (God is with us) takes over. As a New Testament type day, decree that the love of God will overtake human error and failure. Today, submit to the spirit against the flesh. Walk in the spirit and make no room for the flesh. The fifth season is a season of giving spiritual interpretations to earthly manifestations. Today, make it your watchword to walk in the spirit and obey God’s Word. Walking in the spirit is the key to gaining all. Birds (representing the spirit) fly above and eat from the land, the sea, and the air. Today, cry out to God against oppression and for the pains in your life. Speak out also. Trust Him to intervene in your affairs and in the affairs of people around you. Determine to make a next-level move. It’s time to shift base in the spirit! Today, put yourself on the side of blessing by choosing obedience instead of curses by choosing disobedience. Have a happy 117th day!

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