It is good to begin this week with thanksgiving for the enduring mercies of God. To be alive this week is a testimony to His goodness. So, give thanks to Him for His faithfulness in the past as we step into this new week.

The Bible indicates that the 18th season is a major gate of time for deliverances on earth. Though the 18th week is a brief 18th season (unlike the 18th year or 18th seven years), it is a critical season for watchmen, gatekeepers and intercessors. This is the anniversary week of Scotland’s union with England and Wales. It is the week of Liberation Day in Netherlands when God turned her captivity around in 1945. This is also the week of the coronation of King Charles III.

Before considering the thoughts and prayers for the week, let us take a look at the patterns in the Bible for the week.


There are five patterns in the Bible for understanding and praying into the 18th week


Week 18 is a fourth day of creation week in the third 7 weeks of the year. It is the fourth week in the third seven weeks of the year. It is the bridge-week or midpoint week in the seven-week season. On the fourth day of creation, God made the luminaries, to give light, divide the darkness and the light, rule the night and the day and be for seasons. The 18th week is a season of triumph over darkness, deception, fear and confusion through light – light from God’s word, the Holy Spirit and wise counsel. It is hard to operate without the light of revelation, truth, knowledge and wisdom in this season.

2. LEVITICUS 13-16:

The 18th week is a Leviticus 13-16 week in the third 7 weeks of the year. The fourth 4 chapters of the third book of the Bible are applicable to the fourth week in the third 7 weeks of the year. The third seven weeks of the year runs from April 9 to May 27 (days 99 to 147) in a Clear Year. The 4th four chapters of Leviticus are about dealing with isolation and restoring relationships. The 13th and 14th chapters are about the leper. The 15th chapter is about people with different kinds of bodily discharges. The 16th chapter is about the day of atonement and restoring men to fellowship with God. The 18th week is a time to move from isolation into fellowship.


The 18th week of the year is a book of Job season in the year. The book of Job is the 18th book of the Bible and is guiding light for the week. This does not mean we are going to experience the things that happened to Job in the 18th book of the Bible. In the book of Job, Satan struck the godly man with boils and skin disease after he had lost his children and business. He also went through emotional turmoil as his friends argued with him about his plea of innocence and charged him with guilt. The friends of Job sought theological answers to a complex existential problem. Job’s condition was a test of his faith. The problem of Job and his friends was that they had no revelation or light concerning what was happening. They simply multiplied words without knowledge. Satan was the trouble maker but God had everything under control. Illumination is important in the 18th season. Without it, people may have more questions than answers. In the 18th season, there is more happening behind the scenes than the eyes can see. It is a season to trust God even when it doesn’t make sense. With God in control, the 18th book of the Bible shows that the season will end joyfully for the one who trusts God. The 18th century was a season of Enlightenment. Philosophers rose to challenge traditional views and argued for freedom, liberty, happiness and individualism. They were like Job who challenged the religious thoughts of his friends that made no sense to him. Job asked questions and sought answers to the things happening in his life. He rejected the religious arguments of his friends that sin is the root of suffering and that righteousness always leads to happiness. His friends condemned him for asking ‘irreligious’ questions. Job wanted happiness and freedom from religion. Job was not satisfied with the religious explanations.


The 18th week is an 18th chapters of the Bible season. The 18th chapters chapters of the Bible are powerful guiding lights for this week. They give us a broader view of what the season should be (or should not be) and how we should go through it.

5. PSALM 120 – 126

The 18th week of the year is a Psalm 120 – 126 season because the 18th week consists of Days 120-126 and correspond to the 18th seven psalms. The 18th seven psalms are psalms of preservation and are applicable to this 18th week. As the 18th book of the Bible ends with God turning the captivity of Job, Psalm 126 is about God ending and turning the captivity of Judah. This is a week to stand strong on the word of divine preservation. This week will end with joy!


Going through the 18th week (Days 120-126) of the year is like taking a prophetic journey through the 18th seven Psalms (120-126) and the 18th book of the Bible (Job). So, Psalms 120-126 and Job 1-42 are great guiding lights for the week.

You may want to read the suggested passages as follows:

April 30: Psalm 120 & Job 1-6
May 1: Psalm 121 & Job 7-12
May 2: Psalm 122 & Job 13-18
May 3: Psalm 123 & Job 19-24
May 4: Psalm 124 & Job 25-30
May 5: Psalm 125 & Job 31-36
May 6: Psalm 126 & Job 37-42

SUMMARY: There are 7 P-words that are associated with the eighteenth season. They are Pressures, Puzzle, Prayers, Power, Perseverance, Partnership, Preservation. The eighteenth season is a season of pressures and puzzles requiring prayers and partnership if we want to experience God’s power and preservation. Preservation of lives and property is a great need in the eighteenth season. Praying according to the Promise of God is the key to preservation in the eighteenth season. Partnership is also key to preservation in the 18th season. Isolation is a killer in the 18th season; so, it’s a season to build or strengthen relationships. Job’s relationships seemed unhelpful in the 18th book of the Bible; but at least they help us to know what relationships should, or shouldn’t, be in the eighteenth season. Whatever pressures you face this week, through God’s promise, prayers and partnership, you will be preserved. This is a week of triumph through relationships, revelation and prayer.


Acts 18:9-10: “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; [10] for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.” 


Here are 7 things to consider (as guide) as you pray into this week.

1. The 18th season is for the public presentation of God’s choice servants. God brags about His people in this season and and allows them to be . He bragged about Abraham in Genesis 18 and bragged about Job in the 18th book of the Bible. The women bragged about David in First Samuel 18 and provoked Saul. Elijah was vindicated at Mount Carmel in First Kings 18. Micaiah was presented as God’s choice servant in Second Chronicles 18.

PRAYER: Pray that the Lord will announce His servants who honor Him with their lives and all they have. Pray that this will be their week of shining brightly as light.

2. The 18th season is judgment time for the wicked and rebellious. God spoke of destroying Sodom in Genesis 18. Absalom was killed in Second Samuel 18. Great Babylon was judged in Revelation 18. Ahab died in Second Chronicles 18. Adolf Hitler died April 30 – at the beginning of the 18th week of 1945.

PRAYER: Pray that the Hand of the Lord will turn against those obstructing and interfering with the execution of His will and purposes in the nations..

3. The 18th season is a special time of preservation for God’s elect. In this season, God watches over His own with special attention. Satan targets the faith of the righteous in this season to destroy it. He asked for Job in the 18th book of the Bible. He asked for Peter in John 18.In the 18th book of the Bible, Job lost business, children, and health to satanic attacks. Saul began attack on David’s life in First Samuel 18 but missed.  Absalom went to war against his father, David, in Second Samuel 18. God saved Jehoshaphat when he partnered with Ahab in a battle in Second Chronicles 18. Great Babylon was destroyed in Revelation 18 but God preserved His own there.   1 Chronicles 18: 6 and 13 says, “… the LORD preserved David wherever he went” .

PRAYER: Pray for the preservation of Christian leaders coming into limelight and standing out in this season. Pray God’s mercy over the nations this week. This week, pray to block evil plots against nations, cities, counties and communities. Pray that this 18th week will end with intervention and mighty deliverance for people in the nations – as with David in the 18th chapters of First Samuel and First Chronicles; as with Job in the 18th book of the Bible; and as with the Psalmist in Psalm 18.


In the name of Jesus, I speak PROTECTION and PRESERVATION over families, communities, cities, and nations this week. O Lord, protect the remote, isolated and defenseless. I decree that the arrow and spear of Saul will miss David again as in First Samuel 18. I decree that the health, family and business of God’s people be protected. I decree that the plans of the enemy to destroy lives, property and, especially, the faith of those who trust in you be aborted. Thank you, Father, for leading your people in triumph. Thank you for turning captivities around. In the name of Jesus, we thank you for recoveries, restoration and resurrection happening for your people this week. Amen.

4. The 18th season is a time to walk in wisdom. Saul made attempts to kill David in First Samuel 18 but God preserved him through wisdom. Four times in that chapter, we are told that David behaved wisely (verses 5, 14, 15, 30). Foolishness gives the destroyer unreserved access in the 18th season. May the Lord keep His people in the nations from acting unwisely anywhere this 18th week.

PRAYER: Pray that the Lord will clothe you and all His people in the nations with wisdom for the tasks and challenges of the week.

5. The 18th season is a time to place high premium on relationships. Do not run alone this week as Elijah did in First Kings 18. Isolation is a killer in the 18th season. Abraham pursued relationship in Genesis 18. It opened the door to revelations and intercession. Relationship with Jethro saved Moses in Exodus 18. The people of Laish lost everything to invaders in Judges 18 because they were isolated and had no close neighbors. They had no ties with anyone. David and Jonathan started a life-saving covenant relationship in First Samuel 18. Absalom died being alone in Second Samuel 18. Jesus taught conflict resolution in Matthew 18. Aquila and Priscilla became Paul’s friends in Acts 18.  Job still had his friends in the 18th book of the Bible though they blamed him wrongly for everything he went through. Relationships preserve people in the 18th season.

PRAYER: Pray that the Lord will help you with supportive relationships this week. Pray that you will be connected to people you need and those who need you. Pray for people the Lord has given you as family, friends and partners. Pray for wisdom to strengthen your relationships.

6. The 18th season is a time of relentless prayer and intercession. Abraham interceded for Lot and and the city of Sodom in Genesis 18. God healed Job after he prayed for his friends in the 18th book of the Bible. The widow in Luke 18 persevered in her quest for justice before the unjust judge. That is an illustration of perseverance in prayer. Luke 18:1 says, “.. Men always ought to pray and not lose heart”. Psalm 18 reveals that calling on God is the way to be saved from enemies in the 18th season. Psalm 18:3 says, “I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies”.

PRAYER: Pray for the grace to pray and intercede this week. Pray that the Lord will strengthen watchmen, gatekeepers and intercessors in the nations this week.

7. The 18th season is a time of revelations. God spoke to Abraham about His plans to destroy Sodom and her people. That gave him room for intercession. Ahab was deceived to go to war and fight a battle that claimed his life. He was not only deceived, but was also proud and stubborn. He did not listen to Micaiah. Job suffered untold distress and pain and did not know where his problem came from. Everything was orchestrated in the spirit realm but Job didn’t know. Without revelation in the 18th season, Satan can take advantage of people, afflict them, blindfold them, confuse them and keep them blaming one another and asking questions that have no answers. Without revelation and intercessory intervention, the 18th season can be a season of destructions.

PRAYER: Pray that the enemy will not take God’s people unawares this 18th week. Pray that darkness will not overtake God’s people this week. Pray to be sensitive and active to receive and understand whatever the Lord may want to show you this week.

Happy 18th week of the year!


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