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The 13th book and chapters of the Bible reveal four major things concerning the 13th season:

1. The 13th season is a season of separation. It is a season of divisions when people and things are put where they belong. The division of Bible narratives by chapter numbers took place in early 13th century. The adversary pushes for unholy mixtures and alliances in this season. Lot separated from Abraham in Genesis 13. Abraham returned from Egypt in Genesis 13 but also returned with Hagar – the Egyptian slave girl.Israel moved from Egypt in Exodus 13 and God commanded all firstborn be consecrated to Him. Leviticus 13 is about the separation of the (unclean) leper. The priests (consecrated men) examine the lepers.In Numbers 13, Joshua and Caleb stood out from the rest of the 12 spies.Deuteronomy 13 is about how Israelites should deal with those who will tempt them to step out of their consecration to serve other gods.In Judges 13, Samson’s mother was to consecrated herself to conceive and give birth to a Nazirite.In First Samuel 13, Kings offered a sacrifice he was not consecrated for and was rejected from being king. In First Kings 13, the man of God from Judah violated his consecration and died for it.In First Chronicles 13, the Ark of God was conveyed on a cart instead of being carried by consecrated men. Uzzah died from the error.In Second Chronicles 13, Judah defeated Israel in battle because Israel under Jeroboam had lost consecration before God.In Nehemiah 13, the Jews were called to separate from mixed marriages and unholy alliances.In Revelation 13, the beast marked his own people with 666. The mark of the beast distinguished between men and men.In the 13th seven years of the United States, slaves were separated from their masters by the 13th Amendment and the Emancipation Proclamation.This 13th week, Heaven will separate men from men, from places, and from tasks.

2. The 13th season is a season of love in which the adversary seeks to promote pseudo (counterfeit) love, spread hate, and perpetrate wickedness.The love-chapters of the Bible are the 13th chapters: In Genesis 13, eschewed quarelling with Lot because “we are brethren”.In John 13, Jesus commanded his disciples to love one another. Romans 13 says Love is the fulfilling of the law.First Corinthians 13 says Love is greater than faith and hope.Hebrews 13 says, “let brotherly love continue”.The enemy works wickedness in the 13th season. In Second Samuel 13, one of David’s sons raped David’s daughter, Tamar (Absalom’s sister) in the name of ‘love’. Absalom killed him for it. That was hate in a chapter of love! Psalm 13 is a prayer of deliverance from enemies and troubles. The humble need God’s mercy in the 13th season because of the wickedness of the wicked.

3. The thirteenth season is when Heaven focuses on taking and giving lands. The strife between the Herdsmen of Abraham and and the Herdsmen of Lot was over insufficient land. In Genesis 13, “…The LORD said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: “Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are-northward, southward, eastward, and westward; [15] for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever. [16] And I will make your descendants as the dust of the earth; so that if a man could number the dust of the earth, then your descendants also could be numbered. [17] Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I give it to you.” [18] Then Abram moved his tent, and went and dwelt by the terebinth trees of Mamre, which are in Hebron, and built an altar there to the LORD”. In Numbers 13, Moses sent 12 spies to view the land of Canaan and bring back report.In Joshua 13, God told Joshua to survey land for allocation to the tribes. In this chapter, Israelites began to receive and possess their possessions.Isaiah 13 is about the desolation of Babylon. Their land was given to the Medes.Matthew 13 is about parables concerning land and things done in it. Luke 13 also has land parables.In Acts 13, God released Paul and Barnabas for their missionary work in foreign lands. Saul became Paul in this chapter. Believers were first called Christians here. Paul judged Bar-Jesus (Elymas) in this chapter. The 13th season is a season of taking lands for God.

4. It is a season of judgment against wickedness. The 13th chapters of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Zechariah are about judgments. The 13th chapters of Mark and Luke are also about judgments.Since the 13th season is a season of consecration to God, the god of this world wants it to be a season of committing sacrilege and forming unholy mixtures on earth. Think of 2013 and LGBTQ breakthroughs. Since God wants the 13th season to be a season of love, the enemy wants it to be a season of pseudo love, hate, and wickedness. Judas Iscariot became betrayer ofJesus in John 13. Since, God made the 13th season to be a season of receiving inheritance, the enemy wants it to be a season of strong resistance to entering, possessing, or enjoying, your inheritance. He fights with terrorism and persecutions to scare people from lands.


Going through the 26th week of the year is like living in the 26th book and chapters of the Bible for a week. The 26th book and chapters of the Bible reveal the following about the 26th season:

It is a season to be preoccupied with the glory and majesty of God. This season does not tolerate human arrogance. In the 26th book of the Bible, God calls the prophet “son of man”. In this season, God wants men to know they are men and to acknowledge Him as Lord. King Uzziah suffered and died because of pride in Second Chronicles 26. In Ezekiel 26, the prophet pronounced judgment on Tyre because of pride and haughtiness. Isaiah 26 is about the judgment and punishment of the wicked and rebellious.

It is a time to spare lives but the enemy wants it to be a time of bloodshed. David spared the life of King Saul in First Samuel 26. Jeremiah 26 is about the Prophet’s deliverance from death. Mamman Vatsa and 12 others were executed in the 26th year of our country (March 5, 1986) for alleged treason. In Numbers 26, by the time of the second census, adults who were counted in the first census had died except Moses, Caleb, and Joshua.

It is a season of abundant prosperity which the enemy wants to turn into a time of scarcity. It is a season of fruitfulness which the enemy seeks to make a time of barrenness. It is a season of blessings which the enemy wants to turn into a time of curses. God prospered Isaac in Genesis 26.

It is a season of justice which the evil one pours out injustice. Isaac faced injustice in Genesis 26. Jesus faced trial in Matthew 26. Paul faced trial in Acts 26. Psalm 26 is a cry to God for vindication. The 26th season is a time of blessings, which the enemy wants to make a season of curses (Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 26).


1. O Lord, in this 13th week of the year, separate men from men, from places, and from things they should not be part of. Scatter evil alliances and put men where they belong. Screen out men who are not part of the new Nigeria you have promised.

2. O Lord, deliver our country from wicked and hateful men in this week of AGAPE LOVE. Deliver our land from pseudo-love practitioners.

3. O Lord, in this week of giving lands and inheritance, save your people from enemies scaring them from their lands. Declare war against the enemies of peace in Nigeria.

4. O Lord, keep our land from bloodshed and blood-guiltinesss this 26th week.

5. O Lord, magnify your name in Nigeria this week and let the proud and haight be brought low.


Isaiah 26:4-5 (NKJV)Trust in the LORD forever, For in YAH, the LORD, is everlasting strength. [5] For He brings down those who dwell on high, The lofty city; He lays it low, He lays it low to the ground, He brings it down to the dust.

2 Corinthians 13:14 (NKJV)The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.

Happy 13th week of the year; happy 26th week of Nigeria’s year



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