Day 214: The Mystery of August 1/2


Welcome to a new day!

Let us begin with the FIVE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE DAY: These will help you to view the day from its different angles.

Today Is

  1. 1. August 2 (in a Clear year) but August 1 (in a Leap year).

2. The fourth day of the 31st Week (July 30 – August 5 in a Clear year/ July 29 – August 4 in a Leap year).

3. The 18th day in the fifth 7 Weeks of the year. (July 16 – September 2 in a clear year/ July 15 – September 1 in a leap year).

4. The 214th day of the year (from January 1). In this article, this day will be called Day 213.

5. it is a fourth-season day because it is the fourth day of the 31st week of the year.


The Bible patterns for understanding this 214th day are

1. The fourth day of creation narrative.(Genesis 1: 14-19)

2. The 18th book of the Bible (Job)

3. The 18th chapters of the books of the Bible.

4. The last 9 books of the Old Testament (Obadiah – Malachi).

Day 214 is a fourth day of creation day. God made the luminaries on the fourth day to give light, rule the day and night, divide the darkness from the light, and regulate seasons. God made the luminaries on the fourth day, after He had created light on the first day, because the fourth season is a fight-back season for darkness. Temptations, trials, and tribulations come in the fourth season; but God always gives light for the season by His Word, His Spirit, or wise counsel. Those who reject the light He gives, end up with disaster.

Day 214 is a book of Job season in the fifth 49 days of the year. It is also an 18th chapters of the Bible day. Job is the 18th book of the Bible; and is applicable to any 18th season like the 214th day. In the book of Job, the servant of God suffered great losses to satanic attacks. He lost his children, his business, and his health and friends. His friends blamed him for the things he suffered. That was painful to Job and he defended himself from their verbal attacks. After a season of intense suffering, God turned things around for him and blessed him beyond his former blessings. Why did he go through all that? God had boasted of Job’s loyalty to Him; so Satan sought permission and opportunity to test Job with troubles. Job didn’t know what happened behind the scenes; so he couldn’t make sense of his sufferings. However, Job did not fail God. The 18th book of the Bible shows that without revelation, people can suffer or even die blindly. Day 214 is a day to walk in light of divine revelation. The key to preservation in this season is taking advantage of divine revelation. Ahab died in Second Chronicles for despising revelation from Prophet Micaiah. He was set up to go to war and die there but he did not know it.

The eighteenth chapters of the Bible also reveal the power of prayer and intercession. In Genesis 18, Abraham delayed God’s judgment on Sodom through intercession. In First Kings 18, Elijah prayed down fire from heaven and disgraced the prophets of Baal. Psalm 18 teaches that calling upon the Lord in the time of trouble is the key to victory and triumph. In Luke 18, Jesus taught His disciples that men ought to pray always and not faint. Day 214 is a day of prayer intervention and breakthroughs.

The 18th chapters of the Bible also reveal the power of relationships and wisdom. The strangers Abraham entertained in Genesis 18 helped him. In Genesis 18, Moses’ father in-law gave him counsel that saved his life and ministry. In Judges 18, the people of Laish lost their land and possessions to invaders because they were isolated. Proverbs 18 opens with a word against isolation. Judas Iscariot committed his greatest sin against relationship by betraying Jesus. In Matthew 18, Jesus taught His disciples about forgiveness and reconciliation. In Acts 18, Paul and Apollos met Aquila and Priscilla: and profited greatly from them. It was in Corinth that the Lord told Paul, “I have many people in this city”. Day 214 is a day of relationships. Today, be open to divine revelation, stand strong in the place of prayer and intercession, and open the door of your heart to relationships.

Day 214 is Obadiah – Malachi day in the 31st week. Every week is like a journey through the Bible. Every week has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week belong to the Old Testament side and express the 39 books of the Old Testament. The remaining three days of the week constitute the New Testament side and express the 27 books of the New Testament. The fourth day of the week is the day closing the Old Testament side of the week; and expresses the last nine books of the Old Testament. Day 214 is the bridge-day leading to the New Testament side of the 31st week. The books of ‘the minor prophets’ are part of the last 9 books of the O.T. They are about judgment and promises of restoration. Day 214 is the day of the dominion of the Voice of God in the nations. 

DECREE AND DECLARE: God made man in His image and likeness to rule, have dominion, and impose His will on seasons; as He did with the seven days of creation. He decreed what He wanted for each day. We are to decree what is revealed concerning each day. Today, decree the downfall of the wicked and the lifting and establishment of the just. Today, prophesy an end to something in your life, family, business, community, and nation. Today, raise your voice against wickedness and oppression wherever it is found. Prophesy! Prophesy!! Prophesy!!! Today, also pray to be more sensitive in the spirit; to pick up necessary signals that would help you triumph over the enemy and keep darkness away. Happy Day 214!

ON THIS DAY IN 2022, the United States killed Al Qaeda leader, Ayman Al Zawahiri, in a drone strike at Afghanistan. He was Osama bin Laden’s successor and a key player in masterminding 9/11 bombing of the WTC..

BORN ON THIS DAY! There is a reason you were born the day you came into this world. You were in your season and that day is coded with your identity and purpose. You were born to be light in a season darkness. You arrived on the fourth day of the 31st week, on the 18th day in the fifth seven weeks of the year, because you are a luminary. Your presence anywhere means the people there will (should) not be in the dark or be victims of evil happenstance. You were born to see and hear before it happens. You were born to do the works of darkness. You were born to see and know what is in the dark. You will do well if you are in close relationship or fellowship with the One who knows all things. He will share secrets with you and you can help, or intercede for, people at risk. You are light. Do not let your light go off. Enjoy your day.

Learn more about this day in history:


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