The Mystery of the Second Week (January 8-14)


Welcome to the second week of the year! The Biblical patterns for understanding the mystery of the second week are the second day of creation narrative, the second book of the Bible (Exodus) and the second chapters of the Bible and the second seven books and second seven chapters of the Bible.

Week 2 is a second day of creation week. On the second day of creation, God created the firmament to divide the waters that filled everywhere and made space impossible. That was the battle to create space. Space represents freedom. When God created the firmament, He called it heaven. God’s Heaven is a monopoly-breaker. The firmament is a space-maker. The space the firmament created is for every other creation – dry ground, vegetation, birds, fish, man, and land animals. Without the firmament, there would be no breathing space for anything. The second season is the Warriors Season. It’s for making room (space) for those who have no room or space. It’s for releasing help to the helpless. 

Week 2 is a book of Exodus week. Exodus is the second book of the Bible and is applicable to the second week of the year. In the book of Exodus, God raised Moses as a human-firmament to thwart Egypt’s monopoly of power and delivered Israel from bondage. He fought Pharaoh and Egypt to create space and make room for Israel to become, or develop as, a nation. In the book of Exodus, Moses and His family received help to escape and survive traps of death. Israel also received help as they prayed to God, to come out of bondage. The book of Exodus is also about what God wanted from Israel after they came out of bondage. The second week of the year is a season of help in the first seven weeks (season of battle against darkness) – for those in need of freedom or space. It is a week to cry to God for help. It is also a week to pledge loyalty to God. This week, the enemy may rear his head to attack or intimidate. Look up to God and call upon Him. You will receive the help you need.

Week 2 is a ‘second-chapters-of-the-Bible’ week. God gave help in the second chapters of the Bible; as a pattern for the help that comes in the second season. In the second chapter of Genesis, God created woman to be a suitable help for man. The woman is a space-maker for the male-man. In the second chapter of Ruth, Naomi and Ruth found help in the field of Boaz. In the second chapter of First Samuel, Hannah spoke of the help of God. In Daniel 2, Daniel received revelation-help concerning King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. In the second chapter of Acts, the Helper came from heaven to help the church and make room for her. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit broke the jail and delivered the church from the fear of the Jews.

Week 2 is a Genesis 8-14 week. In Genesis, God gave Noah and family the entire earth. He destroyed the old humanity in the seventh chapter and gave them space to worship God and reproduce their kind. In Genesis 11, men rejected the earth-space and began to look for space in Heaven. God confused their language and scattered them. In Genesis 12, God began to make space for Abraham by instructing him to leave his father’s house to another land. In Genesis 13, space became too little for Abraham and Lot. Abraham gave Lot space to move on to Sodom; and he also had more space to himself. In Genesis 14, Lot and his family lost their space and became captives. Abraham fought the enemies and delivered Lot from bondage and captivity. He regained his space.

Week 2 is second-seven-books-of-the-Bible week. The second seven books of the Bible are Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles. In these seven books, Israel became a monarchy and David became the model king of Israel. In these books, Israel fought battles of nationhood. She established herself as a nation among nations. The nation prospered under God but suffered when it became unfaithful to God. In these seven books Israel rose to great heights but also declined woefully. She did not manage her freedom well. She ended up in captivity. May the second 49 days of the year be, for you, a season of moving from limitations to permanent liberty.

This second week of the year, may the Lord give you help that gives you space and room for yourself and others. Happy second week!


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