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HomeTimes & SeasonsWeek 11: The Mystery of March 12-18

Week 11: The Mystery of March 12-18

Welcome to the eleventh week of the year. Week 11 is the fourth week in the second 49 days of the year. It is days 22-28 in the second 7 weeks of the year. Week 11 is a fourth-season week; and the Bible-keys for understanding the eleventh season are the fourth day of creation, the fourth six chapters of Exodus (the book of the Bible foreshadowing the second 49 days), the eleventh book of the Bible, and the eleventh chapters of the Bible. 

Week 11 is a fourth-day-of-creation week in the Second 49 days. God made luminaries on the fourth day of creation  “… to DIVIDE the day from the night; and let them be for SIGNS AND SEASONS, and for days and years; [15] and let them be for LIGHTS in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; He made the luminaries to “give light on the earth, [18] and to RULE over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness”. The luminaries were made to keep the earth lightened, organized, and running smoothly. The world would be chaotic without the luminaries. Why did God create lights on the fourth day; after He had said “Let there be light” on the first day? The fourth season is a fight-back season for darkness and disorder. The fourth book and chapters of the Bible reveal that the tempter and adversary comes in the fourth season. The eleventh week is a fourth-season week. It is a fight-back season for darkness; but the guiding-light is the answer the season requires.

Week 11 is an eleventh-book-of-the-Bible week. The eleventh book of the Bible is First Kings and is guiding light for 11th seasons. In this book, Solomon prospered through organization. The first part of the book is about Solomon’s wisdom, works, work-force, wealth, women, and weakness. By wisdom, Solomon administered Israel to greatness. Israel became a center of excellence and a tourist attraction. However, Solomon was not wary of the presence of the tempter. He was king in a fight-back-season for darkness. His heart misled him to marry many foreign women; and thereby opened up Israel to idol-worship. He was a man of great wisdom; a great brain; a great mind; but he was overcome by spiritual darkness because he did not use the light from God’s word or from the spiritual leaders around him. Through Solomon, idolatry invaded the land of Israel; and the nation never fully recovered from that scourge. The eleventh season is duty-season for deceiving spirits; and that should make us very watchful. The kingdom divided in two in the season following Solomon’s reign. Ten tribes deserted the house of David, came to be known as ‘Israel’, Samaria, or the northern kingdom, and were sold out to idol worship. The remaining two tribes, loyal to the house of David, came to be known as Judah or the southern kingdom. The eleventh season is a time to watch against disunity and division. In the eleventh season, you must watch against splits. It happened the eleventh century with the Great Schism. It happened in Genesis 11 at the construction site of the Tower of Babel. It happened in the eleventh book of the Bible. Unity is the strength of eleventh; and so, disruption of unity is the target of the adversary in the season. To respond to the idolatry in the eleventh book of the Bible, especially in the northern kingdom, God raised prophets to confront the erring kings and their people. Elijah was one of them. He confronted Israel, with great demonstrations of spiritual power, in the days of Ahab and Jezebel. Ahab, deceived by his false prophets, died in battle in the last chapter of this book. The 22-chapter book of First Kings is spread through the week as follows: first day (1 Kings 1-4); second day 1 Kings 5-7); third day (1 Kings 8-10); fourth day (1 Kings 11-13); fifth day (1 Kings 14-16); sixth day (1 Kings 17-19; seventh day (1 Kings 20-22). The eleventh season is a season of great blessing and great testing. It is a season of blessing that can be marred through spiritual blindness and insensitivity. In this season, the kingdom of darkness fights back with deception leading to materialism, moral decadence, seeking alternatives to faith in God, splits, wickedness, and economic hardship. In the same season, God gives helpful light through the law, wise counsel, and prophetic ministry.

Week 11 is an eleventh-chapters-of-the-Bible week. The eleventh chapters of the Bible reveal that in the eleventh season, men advance greatly but suffer through mental darkness. It is a season of experiencing either the divine master-stroke or satanic master-stroke. Without spiritual light, the eleventh season is a season of gross darkness and great deception. The Tower of Babel was started and abandoned in Genesis 11. The master-stroke plague against Pharaoh and Egypt was introduced in Exodus 11. Joshua’s victories against the Canaanite kings and nations is recorded in Joshua 11. The chapter ends with “Then the land rested from war”. In First Samuel 11, the heart of Nahash, king of Ammon, was lifted to his own hurt and defeat. David’s affair with Bathsheba happened in Second Samuel 11. God’s displeasure with Solomon is recorded in First Kings 11. The imprisonment and weariness of John the Baptist is recorded in Matthew 11. Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead in John 11. Hebrews 11 is Faith’s master-stroke chapter.  God’s two witnesses appeared in Revelation 11; and in the chapter also, it is announced that the kingdoms of this earth have become the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ. The eleventh season is the season of ‘the last straw that breaks the camel’s back – for good or for bad’. It is the season of the best and the worst, the greatest and the least, the highest and the lowest, the first and the last. The eleventh season is a season of unprecedented exploits in material and spiritual realms. It is a season of fame-spreading-abroad. It can also be a season of great declension. Elijah fled from Jezebel in the 11th book of the Bible. Both Muammar Ghadaffi and Osama bib Laden were killed in 2011. The 13th U.S Vice-President, William R.D King, died April 18, 1853; after 44 days in office; and less than 3 months to the end of America’s 11th seven years. The 14th president, Franklin Pierce, had lost his 11 years old only surviving child to train accident shortly before his inauguration.

The Bible also reveals that human flesh is so vulnerable, and human arrogance reaches the peak, in the eleventh season. Consider the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11, the failure of David in Second Samuel 11,  the failures of Solomon, Rehoboam, Jeroboam, the young prophet, and the fall of kings – down to Ahab – in the eleventh book of the Bible, the weariness of John the Baptist in Matthew 11, the 11th century Great Schism in the Church that has lasted 1000 years, or the the fall of Bin Laden and Gaddafi in 2011. Though the fleshly man is weak in the eleventh season, those who know their God are strong to do exploits in the same season. Daniel 11:32 says, “Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits”. The Spirit came on seventy elders in Numbers 11. Jephthah defeated his enemies in Judges 11, Saul defeated the Ammonites in First Samuel 11, Elijah the Tishbite rose and did exploits in the 11th book of the Bible. The first incidence of raising someone from the dead is recorded in the 11th book of the Bible. Jesus cleansed the temple and cursed the fruitless fig tree in Mark 11, taught importunity in Prayer in Luke 11, and raised Lazarus from the dead in John 11. Agabus prophesied in Acts 11, exploits of faith are recorded in Hebrews 11, John’s vision of the two dynamic witness is recorded in Revelation 11. The eleventh season is a time to pray great prayers and be heard. Solomon and Elijah prayed in the eleventh book of the Bible and were heard. Jesus wept and prayed in John 11 and was heard.

Week 11 is an Exodus 19-24 week in the second 49 days of the year. Within these six chapters, Israel received the Law at Sinai – light to guide her in a world of darkness. In the book of Exodus, God made room for His people and demonstrated His power and love towards them. The first 18 chapters of Exodus communicates the love of God to Israel. From the 19th chapter, God began to demand commitment from His people. In the 20th chapter, God gave the Ten Commandments. In the 21st chapter, there are commandments about servants, violence, and animal control. The 22nd to the 24th chapters are still laws. Exodus 19-24 are about recognizing and respecting the rights of God and the rights of men. The 11th week is a bridge-week. Men are tempted, in the eleventh season, to disregard the rights of others and overstep boundaries. Men are tempted, in the eleventh season, to take what does not belong them. The eleventh season is a season of guiding-lights. The Law was light to Israel. Proverbs 6:23 says,  “For the commandment is a lamp, and the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life”. The key to success in the eleventh season is unreserved commitment to God’s principles. It is a season of ‘God First’. Those who do not give God first place in the eleventh season suffer great losses. God’s word must be your only Light in the 11th season.

The 11th week is Obadiah – Malachi week in the second 49 days of the year. Every seven-week (49-day) season has an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four weeks (or 28 days) is the Old Testament side of the seven-week season. The remaining three weeks (or 21 days) is the New Testament side of the seven-week (49-day) season. Week 11 is the fourth and last week in the Old Testament side of the season; and has its guiding light in the last nine books of the Old Testament. The eleventh week is the bridge-week in the second 49 days of the year. It is the bridge-week connecting the Old Testament side and the New Testament side of the season. The last 9 books of the Old Testament (Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi) are lights for the season. They are books of tests and trials. They are books of failure, correction, and recovery. May the week be, for you, a season of triumphs and recovery from failure.

Week 11 is a Psalm 71-77 week. The 11th week consists of Days 71-77 and have guiding lights in the 11th seven Psalms. Men are tempted to act independently in the 11th season. We see in the tower builders of Genesis 11; in David’s affair with Bathsheba in Second Samuel 11. The 11th book of the Bible is full of stories of people acting independently – Adonijah, Solomon, Rehoboam, the man of God from Judah, the kings of Israel from Jeroboam to Ahab and Jezebel, and Hiel of Bethel who rebuilt Jericho. In the 11th seven Psalms (71-77), the psalmist expresses dependence on God; and warns those who act independently. Psalm 73:27 says, “For indeed, those who are far from You shall perish; You have destroyed all those who desert You for harlotry.”

Week 11 is a season of tests. In the eleventh book of the Bible, God gave Solomon a blank check to see what he would fill in. He told him to ask whatever he wanted. He asked for Wisdom and passed the test. He was tested for loyalty to God with prosperity and he failed the test. Rehoboam, Jeroboam, Ahab and Jezebel were tested with power. They all failed the test. The faith of the widow of Zarephat was tested. She passed. Elijah also passed the tests of loyalty and commitment to God. Elisha passed the test of faith in God. He forsook everything and followed Elijah. The result of passing a test is blessing or promotion. In the eleventh season, you must not fall into the temptation of doing everything you have the power to do. Give honor to God because He is watching you. The Bible reveals that men are not as wise as they ought to be in eleventh seasons. That is the reason the mighty fall in eleventh seasons. Do not take what is not yours in the eleventh; so that what is yours will not be taken from you. The 11th book and chapters of the Bible give this warning. Those who take what is not theirs, always have what is theirs taken from them.

This eleventh week of the year, you will not give in to the flesh or stumble in this week. It is your week of exploits by the Spirit of God. This week, sensitize your heart and mind, with God’s word, and be on your guard against the tempter and his schemes. This week, nobody will take what belongs to you; and you will not overstep your own bounds. This week, you will not lose unity and harmony to quarrels, disputes, and division. Happy eleventh week!

Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri is a herald of patterns, principles, and seasons, for the restoration of eternal purposes on earth. He has a mandate to bring understanding of times and seasons to the nations using a biblical model. He proclaims that NOW is the time to actualize dreams and expectations leading to the manifestation of The kingdom on earth


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