This week, mercy will flow like a river. Some who deserve to die will receive the gift of life. The totally undeserving will have favour.

This week, the Sovereign Lord will cause truth to be revealed, lies to be exposed and liars put to shame.

This week, tears will be wiped away. What you lost but thought was dead and buried will come back to you.

This week is a new beginning in the year. An end has come to going back and forth. Stability is replacing instability.

This 45th week, the Lord is saying, “I will give you the treasures of DARKNESS and HIDDEN riches of SECRET places, that you may know that I, the LORD, who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel” (Isaiah 45:3 NKJV).


1. The third day of creation (Genesis 1: 9-14). Week 45 is the third week in the seventh 7 weeks of the year. This week, the third in the seventh 7 weeks of the year (October 22 – December 9), is like the third day of creation when God overthrew the waters under Heaven that stood between heaven and earth and revealed the dry ground to ‘receive’ directly from Heaven and also release its hidden potential.

This is a unique season of accord and communion between heaven and earth and there should be no obstruction. The 45th Book of the Bible is huge on how God moved the barrier between Heaven and earth by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

2. he 45th book of the Bible (Romans)

3. The 45th chapters of the Bible (Genesis 45, Psalm 45, Isaiah 45, Jeremiah 45 and Ezekiel 45).

4. Judges 7-9. The third three chapters of the 7th book of the Bible is applicable to the third week in the 7th seven weeks of the year. This is a week of ‘The Lord’s Battle’.


Going through the 45th week of the year is like taking a journey through the 45th book of the Bible (Romans). It is also like walking through the five 45th chapters of the Bible. So, the Book of Romans and the 45th chapters of the Bible are great guiding lights for the week.

You may want to read the suggested passages as follows or as led by the Spirit of God:

November 5: Romans 1-3. Genesis 45.

November 6: Romans 4-6. Psalm 45.

November 7: Romans 7-8. Isaiah 45.

November 8: Romans 9-10. Jeremiah 45.

November 9: Romans 11-12. Ezekiel 45;

November 10: Romans 13-14

November 11: Romans 15-16


The 45th book and chapters of the Bible reveal 5 things concerning the 45th season:

1. The 45th week is a game-changing season. It is the third week in the 7th seven weeks of the year (October 22 – December 9). This week is for resetting systems and platforms as God did on the third day of creation. This is a week of ‘reset’.

The story of Jacob’s family changed from Genesis 45. Joseph secured resident permit for his family so they could move from Canaan and settle in Egypt.

The 45th book of the Bible is the beginning of epistles in the Bible and that is how the Bible ended – with letters and epistles.

1945 (the 45th year of the 20th century) was the year that changed the world and set a new course for the remaining part of the 20th century and beyond. The 32nd and longest serving President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt died in 1945. Italian Fascist leader, Benito Mussolini and German dictator, Adolf Hitler, also died in 1945. The Atomic bomb was used for the first time in 1945 – against Japan. The 6-year Second World War ended in 1945. Brexit happened within the 45th seven years of the United Kingdom (from 1707). The 45th President of the United States was a game-changer

.2. The 45th season is a season of revelations. Iet is a book of Romans week. It is a week of the revelation of righteousness, wrath, and grace. Paul began his unveiling of mysteries in this book. Although, the book of Romans was not the first epistle Paul wrote, it is placed before the others in the Bible. I believe this is because of the season it speaks to. Books and narratives of the Bible are where they are because of the season they speak to. The 45th season is also a time to uncover hidden lies and truth. Joseph revealed himself to his brothers in Genesis 45 and dismantled the lies they had told for more than 13 years. The #MeToo Movement flourished in the season of the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. This is a week of opening up secrets. As we pray this week, things we would never have known will be brought to light. It is also a season to reveal positions, people, potential and possibilities.

3. The 45th season is a season of mercy and comfort. Joseph forgave and comforted his brothers in Genesis 45. He treated them better than they deserved. The 45th book of Bible tells us about God’s gift of eternal life in the place of the wages of sin. This is a week of great favors that can make you cry. This is a week of “Jacob I love”. It is a week of Isaiah 45:4:
“I have named you, though you have not known Me”.

4 The 45th season is a time to show off and magnify and celebrate the sovereignty of God. Isaiah 45 bears witness to this. The 45th book of the Bible also bears witness to this truth. Seven times in Isaiah 45, the Lord states He has no rival (verses 5, 6, 14, 18, 21 and 22).

5. The 45th is a season of the recovery or discovery of what was thought lost. Jacob discovered Joseph was alive in Genesis 45. This is a season to recover and restore lost people, places, possessions and positions.


1. O Lord , this week, throw your light over situations in the nations. Expose liars and their lies. Let hidden truth and hidden strongholds of the enemy, in the nations, be hidden no more.

2. O Lord, as in the book of Romans where you set aside the old way of righteousness, this week, put an end to the old and dysfunctional systems in our land and raise new platforms for good in the nations.

3. O Lord, as you named Cyrus in Isaiah 45, in this 45th week of the year, appoint your Cyrus for the defeat of enemies and the rebuilding of ruins in the nations. This week, let the gates of bronze and the bars of iron and steel be broken in pieces.

4. O Lord, let this 45th week be a season of visitations of mercy. Let mercy triumph over judgment. Let it be a week of loving kindness that produces repentance. O Lord, let your people shine by your grace and mercy this week. Let hearts be broken by demonstrations of your goodness to your people in the nations.

5. O Lord, let the hearts of your people in the nations pour out forgiveness for offences this 45th week – as Joseph forgave his brothers in Genesis 45.

6. O Sovereign Lord, show your Mighty Strenth on behalf of your people. As in Psalm 45, let those who love righteousness and hate wickedness – those who call upon you, in truth, rejoice this week and never be ashamed. Make this week their season of distinction.

7. O Lord, guide your people, this week, to find “the treasures of DARKNESS and HIDDEN riches of SECRET places” as You promised in Isaiah 45.

8. O Lord, cause a positive reset this week. Let this 45th week of the year be a game- changing week in the year – for good.

9. O Lord, this week, cause a discovery and recovery of the lost – people, places, possessions and positions. Let lost grounds be recovered.

10. In this week of the Lord’s battle, O Lord, do it again as you did for Gideon and Israel in Judges 7-8. Let the head of murderous ‘Abimelech’ be fatally wounded as in Judges 9.


Isaiah 45:2-3: “I will go before you And make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze And cut the bars of iron. [3] I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden riches of secret places, That you may know that I, the LORD, Who call you by your name, Am the God of Israel”.

Happy 45th week!


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