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Home Times & Seasons PRAYING INTO THE 11TH WEEK OF THE YEAR (MARCH 12 - 18)


The 11th book and 11th chapters of the Bible indicate the following concerning the 11th season:

1. The 11th season is a season of foundations. It is building-season. Psalm 11:3 says, “If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?” Things that happen in this season have long-lasting effect. The origin of multiple languages is recorded in Genesis 11. The Passover idea came in Exodus 11. The foundation of Solomon is in David-Bathsheba affair recorded in Second Samuel 11. Solomon built the temple in the 11th book of the Bible. Idol worship infiltrated Israel in the 11th book of Bible. The ministry of Elijah began in the 11th book of the Bible.

PRAYER: Pray that the steps, decisions and actions you take this 11th week of the year will lay a great foundation for the future. Pray that the Lord would keep you from building anything He had not authorized.

2. The 11th season is a season of temptations. In this season, people face two major temptations:

a). Men are tempted to act independently in the 11th season. The construction of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11 was a declaration of independence from God. Heaven frustrated the move. In the 11th book of the Bible, Solomon went his own way in his marriage to idolatrous foreign women. He condoned the worship of foreign gods in Israel. Jeroboam made Israel to sin by legalizing idolatry in the Northern Kingdom. The man of God from Judah stepped out of alignment with God. Hiel of Bethel rebuilt Jericho though Joshua placed a curse on the one that would rebuild Jericho.

PRAYER: Pray that plans and purposes that are against the counsel of God, this week, will end in confusion – like the building of the tower of Babel and Adonijah’s political agenda. and Company.

b). Men are tempted to take what does not belong to them. In Judges 11, Ammonites wanted Israel’s land. Jephthah went to war consequently. In First Samuel 11, Nahash, king of the Ammonites, went against the people of Jabesh Gilead. In Second Samuel 11, David took Uriah’s wife while Israel was at war to defend her territory. In the 11th book of the Bible, a harlot took the child of another harlot. In the same book, Ahab and Jezebel killed Naboth and took over his vineyard. Ahab went to war in First Kings 22 to reclaim Ramoth Gilead. This is a time to fight to defend or protect what belongs to you. The Mexican – American War of 1846-1848 was fought in the 11th seven years of the United States and in the season of the 11th President – James K. Polk.

PRAYER: Pray against inheritance -robbers. Pray against those who set their eyes on the things that belong to others in the nations – to take it from them. Make decrees against the wicked spirit of Jezebel in the land. Pray that no one takes what belongs to you by force or trick. Pray that those who trust in God will be kept losses this week.

3. It is a season to watch your alliances. It is a season to watch and pray against unholy mixtures. In the 11th book of the Bible, Solomon polluted his holy calling with his marriage to, and friendship with, ungodly women. Jezebel was a terrible influence in Ahab’s life. Ahab’s case was made worse flattering prophets that surrounded him. The man of God from Judah (1 Kings 13) lost his life for believing a lying old prophet.

PRAYER: Pray for spiritual sensitivity in handling the people that come around you and those you attract. Pray the same for God’s people everywhere.

4. It is a season to seek grace to finish well: For many, including the strong and mighty, the 11th season does not end well. They start with joy and peace but end with confusion and sorrow. In the 11th book of the Bible, Solomon, Rehoboam, and the man of God from Judah, did not end well. David ended a murderer in Second Samuel 11. John the Baptist was in prison in Matthew 11. The strong man of Libya, Muamnar Ghadaffi, and leader of Al-Qaeda network, Osama Bin Laden, were both killed in 2011 (the 11th year of the 21st century).

PRAYER: Pray that this 11th week will have peaceful ending – especially for God’s people. Pray that judgment will come on the wicked this week. Proverbs 11:21 says, “Though they join forces, the wicked will not go unpunished….”

5. The 11th season is a season of triumph over death and the grave: For the first time, in the Bible, Elijah raised the dead in the 11th book of the Bible. Jesus raised Lazarus in John 11. The two witnesses were raised and caught up to heaven in Revelation 11. The association of the 11th season with raising the dead means it is also a season of revival. It is a season when things that are dead or dying can be revived and resurrected.

PRAYER: Pray and raise your voice against the spirit of death this week. Pray for revival among God’s people – revival of faith, health and joy.

6. It is a season of anointing and grace for exploits. Daniel 11:32 says, “…But the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits”. It is a season of releasing supernatural power by the Spirit of God. In Numbers 11, God gave the spirit of Moses to 70 elders and they prophesied. Jephthah was empowered by the Spirit to do exploits in Judges 11. The Spirit came upon king Saul in First Samuel 11. Prophets of confrontation, including Ahijah the Shilonite and Elijah the Tishbite, emerged in the 11th book of the Bible. Solomon did exploits in the 11th book of the Bible by the Spirit of Wisdom Agabus prophesied in Acts 11. The exploits of the two witnesses of the Book of Revelation are revealed in the 11th chapter of the book. The 11th week is a window of opportunity for strong prophetic anointing.

PRAYER: Pray to be anointed specially for the tasks and challenges of this week.

7. This is a week of supernatural supplies. God gave Israel Quails in Numbers 11. God sustained Elijah supernaturally (through Ravens) in the 11th book of the Bible. In the same book and chapter, God provided for the poor widow and her son through the ministry of Elijah. In Acts 11, the Church at Antioch sent relief to the brethren at Jerusalem because of a prophetic word concerning an impending famine.

PRAYER: Pray that the door of aid and supplies be opened to people in need – in poor countries, refugee camps and war torn regions. Pray also for supernatural supplies to missionaries in different places.

8. This is a season of prayer that avails much. Elijah prayed fervently in the 11th book of the Bible. James 5:17-18 says, “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. [18] And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit”. Jesus taught importunity in prayer in Luke 11. The Spirit calls us to pray fervently this week.

PRAYER: Pray that the spirit of prayer and intercession be released upon God’s people in all lands. Pray for strength to pray as you ought to.


Going through the 11th week (Days 71-77) of the year is like taking a prophetic journey through the 11th book of the Bible (First Kings) and the 11th seven Psalms (71-77). So, First Kings and Psalms 71-77 will make a good read for the week. This is the season of the King and kings. The Lord is King and the kings must submit to Him. You may want to read the suggested passages as follows:

March 12: The throne and the one sitting on it (Psalm 71 & 1 Kings 1-4). The Lord is King over the outgoing king, the aspiring king and the anointed king.

March 13: The Assignment: to lay foundation for righteousness and justice for the protection of the poor and needy. The temple is a house of prayer where needs are met (Psalm 72 & 1 Kings 5-7).

March 14: The Priority of God’s Presence (Psalm 73 & 1 Kings 8-10). Solomon prospered though he was out of alignment with God.

March 15: Darkness Overtakes the People (Psalm 74 & 1 Kings 11-13).

March 16: Death and Decimation in the Land (Psalm 75 & 1 Kings 14-16).

March 17: The Emergence of the Man of God and the war (of ascendancy) for the restoration of true worship (Psalm 76 & 1 Kings 17-19).

March 18: The Judgment of the Wicked (Psalm 77 & 1 Kings 20-22).

SUMMARY: Evil and wickedness will not have the last word this week! The oppressor is to be broken in pieces. The Lord reigns and His name will be magnified.


Luke 11:21-22: When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own palace, his goods are in peace. [22] But when a stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all his armor in which he trusted, and divides his spoils.

The Stronger One is in you and with you!

Happy 11th week of the year!

Nkem Okemiri
Nkem Okemiri is a herald of patterns, principles, and seasons, for the restoration of eternal purposes on earth. He has a mandate to bring understanding of times and seasons to the nations using a biblical model. He proclaims that NOW is the time to actualize dreams and expectations leading to the manifestation of The kingdom on earth


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