Day 306: The Mystery of November 1


Welcome to the 306th day of the year! Day 306 is the fifth day of the 44th week; the fifth day of the second week in the seventh seven weeks of the year; the 12th day in the seventh 49 days.  It is November 2 in a clear year and November 1 in a leap year.

The Bible patterns for understanding the 306th day are 

The fifth day of creation narrative

The fifth book and chapters of the Bible

The fifth 4 chapters of the 44th book of the Bible

The 12th book and chapters of the Bible.

Day 306 is a fifth day of creation day in the 44th week. On the fifth day of creation, God began to make flesh and blood creatures. On that day, He also began to bless His creation. He also made two kinds of creatures – one to swim and the other to fly. Flying in the air and swimming in deep waters are wonders of creation. The fifth day of creation was a day of departure from stillness and silence to voice sounds; from stagnancy to movement; from abandonment to blessings.

Day 306 is a book-of-Second Kings day in the seventh seven weeks. It is a day of miraculous prophetic interventions. In the book of Second Kings, Elisha was God’s agent intervening in the lives of men to save life, make provisions, heal the sick, recover lost property, reverse natural disaster, and so on. The 12th book of the Bible is full of miracles and signs and wonders. Day 306 is a day of miraculous interventions.

Day 306 is a book-of- Deuteronomy-and-Acts-5 day in the 44th week.The book of Deuteronomy is a call to obey God and serve Him – in response to His blessings. The book speaks about the blessings that would accompany Israel’s obedience to God and the curses that would follow disobedience and rebellion.

The fifth chapter of Acts is filled with wonders. The chapter opens with Ananias and and his wife Sapphira lying about their offering. They died for it. To be carnally minded in the fifth season is death. God gives material blessing in the fifth season but it must be handled with deep spirituality. Remember that in the fifth chapter of the 12th book of the Bible, Second Kings, Gehazi, the servant of Elisha became leprous for pursuing material things and lying to Elisha about it. Both in Second Kings 5 and in Acts 5, the secrets were revealed. There is no hiding place in the fifth season – if you are dealing with very spiritual people. Both fishes and birds have great vision. Matthew 5:16 tells us that a city set on a hill cannot be hidden. You must resist the temptation to walk in the flesh in the fifth season. Galatians 5:16-23 tells us that the fifth season is a time to walk in the spirit and not in the flesh. It is a season to see material things and walk away from them; as Peter did in Luke 5 after a great catch of fish. 

The other things that happened in this chapter relates to multitudes being drawn to the truth and receiving healing as Peter’s shadow healed the sick. The fifth season is a season of Multitudes and miraculous healings. God made abundance of living creatures on the fifth day of creations. The apostles were also mysteriously delivered from prison and sent back to go and continue preaching in the temple. An Angel got them out of prison but the prison doors remained locked with security guards alert and standing in their positions. The fifth season is a season of freedom of movement. God did not put the birds in cages or the fish in artificial ponds when He made them on the fifth day of creation. In the fifth season, God delivers those who are bound by circumstances. God also used Gamaliel’s speech to deliver the apostles from the anger of the Jewish rulers.

Day 306 is Acts 17-20 day! The fifth 4 chapters of the 44th book of the Bible is applicable to the fifth day of the 44th week. The fifth 4 chapters shows Paul reaching out to the middle and upper class societies. In Chapter 17, Paul was at Thessalonica, Berea, and Athens. In the 18th chapter, he was at Corinth – where He met Aquila and Priscilla, and Apollos. In the 19th chapter, Paul was at Ephesus where he confronted spiritual beasts and saw God perform unusual miracle through his hands. 

Day 306 is a Matthew – Galatians day in the 44th week. It is a day of the compassionate intervention of God. Every week is like a journey through the Bible having an Old Testament side and a New Testament side. The first four days of the week belong to the Old Testament side and expresses the 39 books of the Old Testament. The remaining three days of the week constitute the New Testament side and express the 27 books of the New Testament. The fifth day of the week is the beginning of the New Testament side of the week; and expresses the first nine books of the New Testament. The first 9 books of the NT are about Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. The books are about the love and grace of God granting salvation and justification to humanity by faith. This is a day to enter experientially into the New Testament side of the week. It is a day of answers to prayers, fulfillment of prophecies, and delivery of promises. The New Testament side is the spiritual and deeper side. The New Testament side is the side of manifestation. The old has passed away; and the new has begun. Dreams for the week are expected to come to pass and promises should be fulfilled. Expect deliverance and divine intervention.

DECREE AND DECLARE: At creation, God spoke His will into each day. He made us in His image and likeness; and expects us to release His will into each day.  Decree this day that the flesh will not overtake the spirit in your life, family,, organization, and nation. Decree a change in the week and declare that today is the beginning of the New Testament side of the 33rd week. As a Book-of-Matthew day, decree that Emmanuel (God is with us) takes over. As a New Testament type day, decree that the love of God will overtake human error and failure. Today, submit to the spirit against the flesh. Walk in the spirit and make no room for the flesh. The fifth season is a season of giving spiritual interpretations to earthly manifestations. Today, make it your watchword to walk in the spirit and obey God’s Word. Walking in the spirit is the key to gaining all. Birds (representing the spirit) fly above and eat from the land, the sea, and the air. Today, cry out to God against oppression and for the pains in your life. Speak out also. Trust Him to intervene in your affairs and in the affairs of people around you. Determine to make a next-level move. It’s time to shift base in the spirit! Today, put yourself on the side of blessing by choosing obedience instead of curses by choosing disobedience. Have happy day!

Today, expect miracles to happen for you and through your hands.

BORN ON THIS DAY? You were born on this day for a reason. It didn’t just happen. You were born on this day because of your spiritual identity and purpose. You were born on this day because you are part of the Creator’s solution to problems associated with this day. What problems are associated with this day? This is a to expressing life to the full. God made free-moving creatures of enjoyment on the fifth day of creation. You were born on this day to deal with forces that hinder full expression of life. Such forces include disease, death, poverty, curses, oppression, disasters and rebellion against God. You were born to free men from afflictions and limitations. You were born to help people live and enjoy their lives. How you fulfill this mandate depends on your passion and occupation – policy maker, entertainer, health worker, social worker, religious worker, and so on. This also reveals the kind of battles you will face in life. The evil one will want to make you a victim and keep you from enjoying your own life. That way, you will not be able to help others. The evil one will also work hard to deceive you into becoming an agent of suffering in life. The kingdom of darkness will want to use you to destroy people you were born to save or help. If you pursue alignment with God, you will win those two battles. King Edward V who was deposed and killed by his successor, Richard III, was born on this day. Two former Presidents of the United States, James Knox Polk (the 11th) and Warren G. Harding (the 29th), who died in office, were born on this day. Today, give thanks to God for your life and pray and determine to be in alignment with your Creator and ordination. Happy birthday!

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