In John 14:1, Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me”. In John 14:27, He said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”.

As we step into, and go through, the 14th week of the year, we should garrison our hearts with those words of Jesus. God’s Word is Lamp and Light (Psalm 119: 105) and helps us to see things around and ahead. The Holy Spirit has left us patterns in the 14th book and 14th chapters of the Bible – indicating what to expect and how to live in the 14th season  We’ll go over the patterns and then take the prayer points and promises applicable to the week.

The fourteenth book and chapters of the Bible reveal 3 major things about the 14th season (of day, week, year, seven years, century, or leadership):

1. It is a season when fearful things that trouble the heart happen. It is a season when the strong and mighty throw their strength against the weak, the feeble, and vulnerable.

In Genesis 14, enemies invaded attacked Sodom and her allies (in a fourteenth year) and took many captives – including Lot and his family.

In Exodus 14, Pharaoh pursued Israel to the Red Sea hoping to arrest them there. 

A messenger of destruction passed through Egypt to kill all firstborn on the 14th day of the first month of the first Hebrew year.

In Judges 14, a lion roared against Samson but he went after the lion and tore it like a young goat.

In First Samuel 14, the Philistines went up against Israel but God gave Israel victory through Jonathan, the King’s son.

In Second Samuel 14, Absalom set Joab’s field on fire to get attention.

Sennacherib invaded Judah in the 14th year of Hezekiah. That was also the year Isaiah told him to prepare to die.

Babylon invaded Judah in the 14th book of the Bible. The last chapter of the book is about the destruction of Jerusalem and the captivity of Judah.

Job 14 is about the hopelessness that surrounds death.

Matthew 14 opens with the gruesome murder of John the Baptist.

Mark 14 is about the plot to kill Jesus, His betrayal and arrest.

The 14th century was a century of disasters including the Bubonic plague (Black Death).

The 14th President of the United States, Franklin Pierce, lost his only surviving 11-year old son to train accident weeks before his inauguration. He also lost VP James Sherman in office.

The KKK terrorised African Americans, especially, in the 14th seven years of the United States.

The First World War broke out in 1914. 

The year 2014 was a year disasters around the world: Russia annexation of Crimea, suicide bombings and abduction of 276 school girls in Nigeria by Boko Haram, the Malaysian airplane 370, etc.

2. It is a season of uncommon divine intervention and deliverance for those who fear God and hope in Him.

Abraham intervened and rescued Lot in Genesis 14. 
God saved Israel on the night of Passover (the 14th day of the first Hebrew month). The destroyer did not visit homes marked with the blood of the Lamb.
God made a way for Israel across the Red Sea in Exodus 14. 

God delivered Israel from the hand of the Philistines in First Samuel 14.

God delivered Asa and Judah from the Ethiopians in Second Chronicles 14.

God intervened with revivals in Judah in the 14th book of the Bible (Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah).

The 14th book of the Bible ends with the Proclamation of Cyrus to end captivity for Jews and rebuild Jerusalem.

God answered Hezekiah’s prayer and delivered him from death in the 14th year of his reign.

Jesus fed the multitudes, healed many sick folks, walked on water, rescued Peter from drowning in Matthew 14

Jesus celebrated and instituted the Passover in Mark 14

Paul healed a crippled man at Lustra in Acts 14.

3. It is a season of judgment for the proud and arrogant who trust in their own strength.

God judged Egypt on the Passover night (the 14th day of the first Hebrew month) to deliver Israel.

God judged Pharaoh and his company at the Red Sea in Exodus 14.

God judged the rebels among Israel who despised the Promised Land in Numbers 14. A generation of fighting men was condemned to death. Only Caleb and Joshua were saved.
Samson began to war against Philistines in Judges 14.

God judged the house of Jeroboam in First Kings 14,  the Philistines in First Chronicles 14, the Ethiopians in Second Chronicles 14, Sennacherib in the 14th year of Hezekiah, Lucifer 

Jeremiah 14 is a prophecy of judgment against Judah.

Revelation 14 is the judgmental harvest of the earth.

1. Pray against the spirit destruction and death that hovers over nations in the 14th season.
2. Pray against terrorist attacks in nations in this 14th week.
3. Pray against unjust military invasions in this 14th week. The 14th season is the evil one’s season of invasions.
4. Declare this 14th week a week of divine intervention, Passover and deliverance. Pray for God’s people who are at risk in the different parts of nation and the earth.
5. Pray, this week, that God will deliver His people from the hand of the Strong Oppressor. Pray that God will make a way for people who are fleeing war zones in this season.
6. Pray that the fire of revival will be kindled in nations this week.
7. This week, pray and release judgment against the wicked who will not repent from their evil works and ways.
9. Pray in the spirit, declare war and invade the camp of the wicked in this 14th week. Decree the downfall and overthrow of the wicked in this 14th week. This is a week of war!
10. Pray mercy over nations where the wicked are in authority; so that the righteous will not partake in the judgment of the wicked.
11. Pray this week and war against the spirit of fear and despondency attacking the hearts of God’s people. Release the Caleb-kind of faith in Joshua over believers in the nations.
12. Give thanks to God for His moves in the week ahead; for the hungry He will feed, the sick He will heal, the oppressed and distressed He will deliver, and the unsaved He will save.

Exodus 14:13-14:“…Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever. [14] The LORD will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace”.

Noah ran ahead of the flood. Joseph and Egypt ran ahead of the famine. Elisha and Israel were ahead of the Syrian king and his army. The Shunemite woman ran ahead of the famine. Agabus and the Church at Antioch ran ahead of famine. Jesus said we can be ahead of the thief through revelation. Let’s run ahead this week. Happy 14th week.


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