Day 58: The Mystery of February 27


Welcome to the 58th day of the year. This is the second day of the ninth week of the year; and the ninth day in the second 49 days of the year. Day 58 is a core second-season day. It is the second day of the second week in the second 49 days of the year. The Bible patterns for understanding the 58th day are 1) the second day of creation narrative; 2) the 58th book of the Bible; 3) the 58th chapters of the Bible; 4) the second four chapters of First Samuel, the 9th book of the Bible.

Day 58 is a second-day-of-creation day. On the second day of creation, God created the firmament to divide the waters and break its monopolies. The firmament fought the waters and made room for everything else existing today. This day is a season to war against monopolies. 

Day 58 is a First Samuel 6-10 day. The second 5 chapters (6-10) of the ninth book of the Bible is applicable to the second day of the ninth week of the year. Day 58 is like a book of Exodus day in a First Samuel week. As Israel demanded freedom from Pharaoh and Egypt in the book of Exodus, that was how Israel demanded change from Prophet Samuel in this second section of First Samuel. In this section, while Israel mourned the loss of the Ark of God, the Philistines were compelled, by divine judgment, to return the Ark. They did! Day 58 is for mounting pressure on circumstances for change. In the seventh chapter, as the Philistines came up against Israel, Samuel called Israel to return to God. He prayed to God against the Philistines:and heaven released frightening thunder in the camp of the Philistines. They were defeated and never dared to return to Israel in the active days of Samuel. In the eighth chapter, Samuel made his sons, Joel and Abijah, judges in Israel but Israel rejected them for corruption and asked for a king instead. Samuel was disappointed and wanted Israel to reconsider her request; but the people prevailed and God accepted their request. This was the beginning of political change (from theocracy to monarchy) in Israel. In the ninth chapter, Saul, searching for his father’s lost donkeys without success, came in contact with Samuel the Seer. Samuel, who had been waiting to see Saul (not knowing who he was) told him the donkey’s had been found; and also told him that God had chosen him to be the first king of Israel. Day 58 is the Seeker’s day and the Seer’s day. The seer could be physical, spiritual, or technological. The satellite is a seer! Intelligence Agents are seers. In the tenth chapter, Samuel anointed Saul and sent him away with confirming signs. Day 58 is a day of change! 

Day 58 is a book of Hebrews day. Hebrews, the 58th book of the Bible began with “God, who at various times and in various ways SPOKE in time past to the fathers by the prophets, [2] has in these last days SPOKEN to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds”.

The book of Hebrews addresses the backsliding of those who were turning from Jesus to Moses, from faith to works, from the priesthood of Christ to Levitical priesthood, from the finished work of Christ to the endless sacrificing of rams and bulls, from the new covenant to the old covenant. This 58th day is for addressing backsliding in the affairs of men; and for taking steps to correct what needs to be corrected..


1. It is a season to speak. God who spoke through the prophets has spoken by His Son; and we need to hear.

2. It is a season of change and redefinition. God changed His channel of communication. Pattern of communication changes in the 58th season – from shadow to concrete reality; from temporaries to permanence; from what does not work to what works.

1-2: Jesus versus prophets and angels

3: Jesus versus Moses 

4: Jesus versus Joshua

5-7: Jesus versus Levitical Priesthood 

8: Jesus versus the Old Covenant

9: Jesus versus the Sanctuary 

10: Jesus versus the sacrifices

11-12: Jesus versus the fathers; Faith versus works; Zion versus Sinai

13. Mouth-love versus Active love.

3. It is a season of giving and receiving aid. Jesus is our aid from God and we need to believe Him. It is a season of practical faith.

Day 58 is a 58th-chapters-of-the-Bible day. The 58th chapters of the Bible reveal that the 58th season is for speaking out LOUD. It is not a season to keep silent about things that need to be corrected. It is for addressing the obsolete, the troubles, and the hindrances in our lives. Psalms 58 opens with “Do you indeed speak righteousness, you silent ones? Do you judge uprightly, you sons of men?” This chapter of the Bible is an outcry against wickedness. “Break their teeth in their mouth, O God! Break out the fangs of the young lions, O LORD! [7] Let them flow away as waters which run continually; When he bends his bow, Let his arrows be as if cut in pieces. [8] Let them be like a snail which melts away as it goes, Like a stillborn child of a woman, that they may not see the sun”. Isaiah 58:1 bids us to “Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins”. Isaiah 58 gives the key to receiving answers to prayers. It shows that it isn’t just praying that secures what we desire from God but doing what God wants. Isaiah 58:9-12 says, “…If you take away the yoke from your midst, The pointing of the finger, and speaking wickedness, [10] If you extend your soul to the hungry And satisfy the afflicted soul, Then your light shall dawn in the darkness, And your darkness shall be as the noonday. [11] The LORD will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. [12] Those from among you Shall build the old waste places; You shall raise up the foundations of many generations; And you shall be called the Repairer of the Breach, The Restorer of Streets to Dwell in”. We take delight in approaching God through prayer and fasting but we do not seem to be getting answers that correspond to our prayer efforts. The 58th season is for making corrections and adjustments that open doors for prayers to be answered. It is a season for removing obstacles and roadblocks to answered prayers. This day is for removing hindrances to prayers through repentance. If we want God to undo burdens and destroy yokes in our nation, we must begin by undoing the burdens and yokes of people around us – in our local churches, neighborhood, and families. This day is about ACTION – not preaching or praying. Why do we want God to change things in our nation when we are unwilling to change the little things we have the power and resources to change around us? 


1. Day 58 is not a season to keep silent. It is a season to speak out. It is a season to confront unrighteousness and wickedness and backsliding in your life and around you (Psalm 58:1-2; Isaiah 58:1-5; Hebrews 1:1-3). This 58th day, lift up your voice like a trumpet. In First Samuel 8, Israel spoke out and requested a king from Samuel.

2. Day 58 is not a season to play religion and perform rituals; but a season to engage in practical expressions of faith and a season to enjoy the benefits of authentic faith and godliness. It is a season to fight for, and reach out to the needy (Isaiah 58: 6-12). This 58th day, give attention to charity. Minister to the poor and needy.

3. Day 58 is not a season to watch the wicked but a time to crush them. It is a season to pray for vengeance against wickedness (Psalm 58: 3-9; First Samuel 5-8). The 58th day, you must war against wickedness. Pray fervently against the wicked and the spirit of wickedness. In First Samuel 5-8, God did not watch the Philistines desecrate the Ark. He reacted.

4. Day 58 is a season to pursue divine pleasure and also enjoy the benefits (Isaiah 58: 13-14). This 58th day, you must put God First and pursue His pleasure.

5. Day 58 is a season to show that God judges in the earth; and that there’s a reward for righteousness (Psalm 58: 10-11). This 58th day, you must believe for, and expect, divine intervention and vindication.

Day 58 is First Kings – Proverbs day in the 9th week of the year. It is the second day in the Old Testament side of the week; and has its guiding light in the second 10 books of the Old Testament. They are about exploits and struggle for survival. From building the magnificent temple of God, Israel degenerated into open idolatry, split into two kingdoms, went into captivity, and experienced God’s mercy to return. Day 58 is a season of conflict for change in the spirit. It is a day to fight through barriers to become who and what God wants you to be. The second 10 books of the Bible (ending with Psalms and Proverbs) teach that unreserved faith in God and the pursuit of His will is the key to triumph in the 58th season; and that idolatry (alternatives to faith in God) is a trap in this season.

DECREE AND DECLARE: God made us in His image and likeness to rule, have dominion, and impose His will on seasons; as He did with the seven days of creation. He decreed what He wanted for each day. We are to decree what is revealed concerning each day. Today, declare that your faith will not fail; and that the faithful will triumph. Decree the downfall of those who disregard God and trust in themselves or idols, Today, prophesy against evil controlling powers and overthrow them by the word of the Lord. Mercy makes a way where there is no way. Today is a day of divine intervention and mercy. Today, release the word of the Lord against oppressive mountains in your life and in your world. Raise a cry to God against the proud and wicked in the land. Today, trust God to make a way where there is no way. Proclaim His word, Pray to Him. Praise Him.

Today, there is a cry for change from the womb of the earth; and Heaven is rising with intense pressure against oppressive and dysfunctional monopolies. As there was change on the second day of creation, the second book of the Bible, in the second four chapters of First Samuel, the second 10 books of the Old Testament, and in the 58th book and chapters of the Bible, so let there be change today. Happy 58th day of the year!


1. O Lord, lift your hand against my mockers and adversary. Terrify them with your mighty.

2. O Lord, harass my adversary until they surrender and release everything of mine in their hands.

3. O Lord, let my change come. I do not want to be like anyone. Restore my glory and let me be what you made me to be.

On this day in 2019, Nigeria’s Independent National Electoral Commission declared President Buhari winner of the 2019 Presidential Election held five days earlier. While ‘the winner’ celebrated, the people seemed not excited but mourned silently as though robbed.

Learn more about this day in history:


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